
Comments by Draper (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Would you defend your fave?
    Just about any woman in threat of physical harm from a dude is prob going to warrant some intervention...that's not being a white knight in my book. Especially if I'm in closer proximity than security is. I wouldn't get involved in a heated verbal exchange between patron and dancer though.
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    10 years ago
    Two Girl Lap Dances
    I did this once when approached simultaneously by two dancers, I threw it out there jokingly but they were both into it so I said what the hell. I was not familiar with either one prior to the dance. It was cool, they were pretty creative with each other...minimal contact with me though as it was tough to coordinate on the spot. Not sure if I'd do it again. If you know the two girls you have in mind and are comfortable enough with them to set a general gameplan before the dance I bet it could be outstanding. Keep us posted!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    Just to clarify, during the parade the dancers are on one side of the bar and you are on the other, they dance for 5-10 seconds and then invite the tip, either with their garments, cleavage, or hand (yes many lean forward and put their hand under their sternum for the exchange). Many times 10 seconds is more than enough to impress and justify a nice tip. But the only light contact you may get is during the tip.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    Esafador- good call on standing next to someone sitting. When with fiends I've done this and it gives you the option to be in striking distance of the bar/stage to tip the girls of your choosing, rather than them choosing you. This means your sitting pal is the fall guy for the group, but I guess he can turn his back from the stage momentarily to talk to the boys when a break is needed. The solo trips are a tougher gig, and playing musical chairs just because I don't want to tip a girl for the third time in 5-10 minutes isn't fun for the customer or dancer. I think the occasional "I'm sorry, not now" suggestion from kittykate may be the way to go...I don't think I should feel in the wrong and hopefully the dancer isn't totally offended if I previously tipped her that night.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    I'll just settle for a nice way as a patron to say "Thanks but no thanks, I'm gonna pass on the 3rd tip round within 10 min for now" and not get a dirty look afterwards...possible?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    Appreciate all the insight thanks guys. kittykate thanks for jumping in. In my area during day shifts you may get the 4-5 girls per hour and no that doesn't break the bank, and again if it was one round of tips per dancer that'd be fine. But when it's repeat rounds for a girl just sleepwalking by you that you didn't watch on stage then it gets frustrating, because that can quickly add up to bigger tips or a dance for a girl that's putting forth the effort and deserves it.
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    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    I've ignored on a few occasions, but damn it if it's not awkward every time. 15 seconds of ignoring feels like 15 minutes when you feel her glaring at you...
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    I'd compare Shakers to a Titilations...
    Good descriptions and covered all basic areas; appreciated references to other clubs.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Should our Wives be Glad we Go to Strip Clubs
    My wife went from being very cool with me having an occasional SC trip to being almost repulsed by the idea of me going once we had a kid. The first time it came up post-baby I was actually shocked by how drastically her POV changed. She softened her stance on it a bit since, but it's still a work in progress. Reality is there's more to lose now than there was before, so I get why some insecurities have arisen where there weren't any previously. @ReadyPayerOne- spot on, well said. I don't solicit P4P, the clubs I visit aren't known to be spots for extras, and I am pretty composed during an average LD...but I'd be lying if I said my guard doesn't drop a little bit in the comfort of my ATF.
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    10 years ago
    Never forget. It is all about the MONEY
    Just need the occassional self-reminder that these girls are in fact at work and this is business for them first and foremost... even if the lines between business and pleasure get blurred sometimes. We all make business decisions, so do they. Best not to take it personal when they choose another deal, and enjoy the times when you're the deal.
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    10 years ago
    The Reality of Being a Regular
    I went from 2-3 SC visits per year to probably a dozen last year due to meeting my ATF. The obvious downside is more visits=more $ spent, but no buyer's remorse here...I go home smiling every time. After the first few visits she stopped counting songs/watching the clock during our dances, so I'm getting more for my money than I would with a new dancer. Another thing I find as a positive with my ATF is that she works at two clubs, so I get a bit more variety regarding eye candy and scenery to some extent when I see her (I can see how some patrons wouldn't like this arrangement though). As the author stated, I realize she'll move on eventually...but while she's here and working I will happily be a regular. It's been a wonderful experience so far.
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    11 years ago
    Staying One Step Ahead
    Gawker- Hundreds of thousands of dollars? That's a hell of a bucket list!