Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?

avatar for Draper
Only saw one dollar parade post from a couple years back so hope it's ok to make another.

So I would personally never decline tipping a girl on her first parade pass by when she gets off stage to make her rounds. But I start debating on the second and even third pass if I need to tip her again, especially if I didn't watch her when she was actually on stage or if I'm just not interested in that particular dancer.

Any suggestions on polite ways to decline, or am I just at the mercy of the parade?

Link to other Dollar Parade Post in case anyone not from NJ area isn't familiar:


last comment
I've never seen the "Dollar Parade" but something just as annoying is at some clubs the dancers dance on the bar top and they will stand in front of every customer expecting a tip. I have taken the stand of just ignoring them if I don't want to tip them. Especially on the 2nd or 3rd pass.
avatar for Draper
New Jersey
11 years ago
I've ignored on a few occasions, but damn it if it's not awkward every time. 15 seconds of ignoring feels like 15 minutes when you feel her glaring at you...
Fortunately, Seattle clubs don't do a "dollar parade." It's interesting that this is the first time I've heard that there's a term for it. When I lived in L.A., some Orange County clubs did that. And, I recall it's common in San Diego. I hated that, and didn't even go back to clubs a second time, that conduct themselves that way.
Some clubs down here in Miami are insidious w.r.t. the tip parade.

On busy nights (Fr/Sat) you can sometimes get hit with 3 dancers approaching you for a tip within the time of just one song (I guess the dancers took different routes during the tip parade when they got off stage and thus got to me close to each other?).

It is not rare for me to spend 3 and sometimes 4 hours in a SC – so the tip parade shit can become frustrating.

I will usually tip the 1st hour I’m there and by then I’ve tipped most if not all the dancers – but often will stop after the 1st hour.

Some dancers will at least grind their ass on you or let you get a feel when they ask for a tip – but some dancer will stand a foot away from you – just pull on the side of the G-string for you to put the $$$ in – and barely make eye contact w/ you.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
When I tip it is at the stage and for the purpose of a visit at my table when the dancer is free. NO parade tipping.
I do not tip girls just because they happen to be walking past my table. I don't care how "awkward" it gets.
I only tip during her performance on stage. Most of the time it is $2 - $5 depending on the energy displayed in her routine. A real innovative dance or pole act could get her $10. I am an old school guy and think it is rude of any dancer if she doesn't take the time to pass by later and say "thank you". I don't care if some big spender is one her mind. She could at least be polite.

I would not ever see myself participating in a "walk by parade for $". I am not a penny pincher, but very rarely do VIPs either.
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
I'm NOT criticizing any of the previous posters so no one PM me with death threats. As a dancer I HATE the tip parade. I've only been at a few clubs that do it, thankfully. Dancers don't do the tip parade b/c they think its fun. They do it b/c management makes them. At least this is true where I've seen it. So, the dancer is already annoyed, walking around and begging for 1 dollar bills while tying to finish the whole, dumb "parade" as quickly as possible so she can get back to work and sell dances. She's not in the mood for guys who are going to give her a hard time. I can deal with an occasional "I'm sorry, not now." But most parade stiffers watch the girl on stage, with their jaw on the floor, then when she walks by they become so fascinated with their phones, they can't look look up. Or they have to run to the bathroom between every single girl. That is annoying. At least acknowledge the girl when she comes by, holding out her g-string for you. If your gonna be cheap don't be rude!!!! And be aware that the girls share notes about the cheapies on the tip walk. At most clubs there are only 4-5 girls on stage, per hour. $5 per hour at the club shouldn't be the end of the world, though I know the "trick or treat" tipping approach is lame. If you skip on the tip parade, you are likely to be labeled either broke or stupid and won't be treated as well, by the girls. If I see a guy who isn't tipping when the other girls go around, he'll be the last guy I'll approach. If someone tips on the first couple rounds then stops, I assume he's out of cash and will generally avoid him, too. I know assuming makes an ass out of you and me, but there are lots of fish in the sea and I chase the ones who can cough up a dollar for the girls after their stages. Whatever you do, don't keep a big pile of ones on your table, then refuse to tip. Not cool. Not impressing anyone.
I don't give dancers a tip. I give them the whole thing.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
NO you shouldn't assume things KK.
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
No one likes just the tip, Jack.
avatar for Draper
New Jersey
11 years ago
Appreciate all the insight thanks guys.

kittykate thanks for jumping in. In my area during day shifts you may get the 4-5 girls per hour and no that doesn't break the bank, and again if it was one round of tips per dancer that'd be fine. But when it's repeat rounds for a girl just sleepwalking by you that you didn't watch on stage then it gets frustrating, because that can quickly add up to bigger tips or a dance for a girl that's putting forth the effort and deserves it.
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
I hear ya, Draper. Tip walks are annoying for customers and for dancers.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Since we've come to an agreement that both the dancers and patrons don't enjoy the tip parade, how can we convey to management our distaste and/if anything can or will be done about it?
avatar for Draper
New Jersey
11 years ago
I'll just settle for a nice way as a patron to say "Thanks but no thanks, I'm gonna pass on the 3rd tip round within 10 min for now" and not get a dirty look afterwards...possible?
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
Probably gonna get some dirty looks, Draper, but you'll defiantly get less by being polite and tipping occasionally. If your at your regular club and you in good with your fav girls, then maybe the icy glares from the others don't matter.

Slick--Maybe we can start a organize a protest to put an end to ridiculous, awkward and often humiliating tip walks.
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
I really wish I could edit my post here. Lots of typos tonight.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
Fortunately I've never experienced the dollar parade. I. tip girls on stage, waitresses, and get dances. There are occassional random dancer's from time to time in one club who will ask for a tip if they asked for a dance and you said no. I usually hate that. If I said no, I wasn't interested in them to start with. I never saw them on stage. Usually I see no good reason to tip them except to get them. to leave without ticking me off. I didn't tip the last girl who did this. She was a repeat offender whom I had no I interest in. The last time I was in the club, she didn't bother me.

One time was approached by two dancers double teaming trying to sweet talk me into getting a dance. After saying no thanks, they asked for a tip. I'd rather not but decided to anyway with a dollar to each. Then one dancer acted insulted I was only giving her a dollar saying I needed it more with an attitude and gave it back. Then she made the other dancer give her dollar back which I could tell she did not want to do. Then in a huff, she walked off. I never asked them to sit with me. I moved and sat elsewhere hoping to avoid hustlers like that. Less than 15 minutes later they tried the same thing not even recognizing one of the guys they just irritated. I got rid of them lightnng quick, no tip the second time.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
If a dancer flashes her tits, I think I always tip but most do not do that nor ask for tips when just walking around off stage. The real money is made doing dances and asking for a dollar tip just seems cheap when the girl's never danced on stage. I think bums on the street in some cities do the same thing.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Alucard you just made THE most useless post today. You proud of yourself? Anyway what I've come to learn about the dolkar parade is two things. If your caught by a girl you have ZERO interest in, you give them the amount YOU want, not them. They aren't worth more than that. And if you don't mind getting up for a period of time, step some inches away from the bar, they won't request a tip then. Works better if your standing next to someone sitting too. Always worked for me. Otherwise, whip out the phone and pretend to be preoccupied because you deny one, you run the risk of becoming burn noticed. ..at least until you tip again or do something else.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
KittyKate you never been to NY clubs have you? And I don't just mean the big city either. There are more like 5 every 15-20 minutes. And that gets costly quick. Within the hour you sit there you just paid for a lsp dance minutes the lap dance. And the girls don't all rotate dance shifts at once either. Its all at random intervals. Could have bought a meal instead.
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
I've danced at 3 clubs, all in Manhattan, but it was a few years ago. The NYC clubs I worked didn't do the tip parade (Thank God.) I can see that if they had, it would have been totally ridiculous. Like I said, I've only worked a few clubs that did the begging for $1 bills bit, after each stage. Just 3, that I can think of.... Sucked every time.
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
Oh, I did dance at a total dive in Brooklyn, too. Never danced in NY, outside the city though.
avatar for Draper
New Jersey
11 years ago
Esafador- good call on standing next to someone sitting. When with fiends I've done this and it gives you the option to be in striking distance of the bar/stage to tip the girls of your choosing, rather than them choosing you. This means your sitting pal is the fall guy for the group, but I guess he can turn his back from the stage momentarily to talk to the boys when a break is needed.

The solo trips are a tougher gig, and playing musical chairs just because I don't want to tip a girl for the third time in 5-10 minutes isn't fun for the customer or dancer. I think the occasional "I'm sorry, not now" suggestion from kittykate may be the way to go...I don't think I should feel in the wrong and hopefully the dancer isn't totally offended if I previously tipped her that night.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
No you must pay it is a requirement
My local clubs don't do a tip parade as such but I had that experience at DejaVu in Lansing MI. The one good thing is that most of the girls stopped to rub their boobies in my face. For that, I can justify paying a dollar to each lady. At Kenny May's in Hammond IN a girl walks around a couple times an hour collecting cash in a pitcher "for the jukebox". I usually paid up as it saved us from hearing a smarmy DJ.
All the Mordor clubs do a dollar parade. It is frickin' EVIL!!
avatar for Draper
New Jersey
11 years ago
Just to clarify, during the parade the dancers are on one side of the bar and you are on the other, they dance for 5-10 seconds and then invite the tip, either with their garments, cleavage, or hand (yes many lean forward and put their hand under their sternum for the exchange). Many times 10 seconds is more than enough to impress and justify a nice tip. But the only light contact you may get is during the tip.
There are a couple of clubs around here where the "tip parade" is practiced, and it's not because the club management makes them. In fact, once club manager one time told me that he thought the practice of actually *asking* for tips was actually illegal here, though I've never actually seen the statute.

No, here it's generally because few or no people came to tip her on stage. The reasons for this are myriad, including the dancer being ugly, or severely overweight, or there being on a few customers and they're all talking to girls in whom they're actually *interested*.

As for me, if I want to tip, I go to the stage and do it, or I specifically offer to tip in exchange for a little boob groping. If someone I'm not interested in tipping asks, a simple "no, thank you" generally suffices, even if it does result in a dirty look.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
11 years ago
I hated the tip parade in San Diego. What an awkward way to do business.
“… At most clubs there are only 4-5 girls on stage, per hour. $5 per hour at the club shouldn't be the end of the world …”

We all have different views and specifically dancers’ and custies’ views will often differ since we have different motivations.

At the clubs I visit w/ the tip parade; there is at least one dancer doing the tip-parade thoughout the whole club on a per song basis. This is b/c although the dancers do multiple song sets on stage; there are usually multiple dancers on stage and they are staggered so a dancer is getting off stage after each song and thus doing the tip-parade. At 3 minutes per song let’s say; that means you can have 20 dancers come by you per hour – and if you are there multiple hours; it can add up taking into account all the other costs (cover; parking; drinks; bathroom troll; waitress tips; etc.)

“… If I see a guy who isn't tipping when the other girls go around, he'll be the last guy I'll approach … If someone tips on the first couple rounds then stops, I assume he's out of cash and will generally avoid him, too …

Well KK said it herself about making assumptions. There was a pretty well-known financial book written a couple of years ago titled “The Millionare Next Door”. The crux of the book is about how many people that are actually wealthy millionares one would never know b/c they live below their means and do not flaunt their wealth with over the top homes and cars.

I often spend b/w $400 and $500 per SC visit – yet I could be “assumed” to be cheap b/c I hate the tip-parade and will only tip during my 1st hour at the SC and never buy drinks for girls that ask me out of the blue or ask after 1 minute of talking w/ me (if we are having a nice extended convo – then I don’t mind buying them a drink).

We all choose how to spend our $$$. Dancers often say they choose the customers they want to dance for or spend time with – in that vain – customers should choose whom they want to tip and spend $$$ on.

Tipping shouldn’t be made to feel mandatory (by getting dirty looks from dancers or dancers telling other dancers the custie is cheap). In many of the tip-parade clubs – if the club is large enough; you may not even be looking at or be able to see the stage – yet you are expected to tip when the girl you didn’t see on stage comes by.

If you are sitting stage-side; then yes – one should tip b/c that is the reason of stage-side sitting.
It depends...

There are places with strippers behind the bar that do a parade around the bar. IMO, saying no if you're sitting at the bar is rude. That's not to say there isn't call for it sometimes, but when you do it it should be done knowing that. If you don't want to tip find another seat.

Then there are places with what I consider true tip parades where dancers shuffle about and hit every customer in the club. As far as I'm concerned, saying no thanks there is perfectly acceptable. Some of these places the dancers will come around asking for tips even if you got out of your seat and tipped on stage. They'll also do it if you've got another dancer in your lap trying to sell a dance. IMO, its okay to say no to these - but you're gonna get nasty responses. As long as you don't say no to all of them, you'll unlikely get snubbed though.

Like GMD said, I don't think there are any places here where its mandated by management. Management gets a cut of dances/rooms/drinks, not stage tips. Here I get the impression they do it because for some of them that's the only money they'll make and $20-$30 an hour is more than they can make elsewhere. As a bonus they can be fucked up all day and no one hassles them about it. I can think of two clubs locally that used to do it constantly, then management frowned on it and they'd do it only when they thought they could get away with it. Now its pretty much cut out completely. I can recall a number of incidents with the tip parade, with strippers berating customers for not tipping and with customers expecting unrealistic ROI on those tips prompting heels in faces. I can't see how the value is there for management.

avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
Ummm... A actually management does take a cut of stage tips at nearly every club I've ever worked at. The club I work at now doesn't enforce a tip parade, but after I get off stage I have to bring all my tips straight to the house mom so she can count them in front of me and take 20%. Not uncommon, at all. Even in clubs that are not as structures, the house fee generally depends on what time you are working because management knows that stage $ is better at different times. My club charges the night girls triple the day girls, even though lap dances and VIPs, etc sell
at pretty much the same rate, all day. (There are only so many rooms. They are always full, from open till close.) the house fee goes up b/c of stage $. And that's on top of the 20% they are already taking directly off each stage. Anyway, I know this is kinda irrelevant b/c my current club doesn't to the tip walk thing, but clubs are very invested in the $ from the stage.
Wow kittykate. Are all the clubs in your area like that? I've never heard any of the girls here locally mention anything like that. I guess I'll have to inquire.
avatar for kittykate
11 years ago
I've worked on all 4 corners of the country. (Skipped the middle, for the most part.). There are A LOT of clubs that do this. It's getting more and more common as strip club profits have declined, it many places. Although, I know some of my regular clubs have been doing it since the dawn of time.
If that's so, it sounds like one more argument against the "independent contractor" baloney clubs are trying to defend.
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