Staying One Step Ahead
I went to a highly rated strip club in a major city last week, and met a girl there with the face of an angel, the attitude of a tigress and a body that mere words would only disservice. She would be my girl for the night, regardless of cost - that much I knew. It was my best friend's Bachelor party, but the Best Man has to have some fun too right?
She played the game better than almost any other stripper I've encountered. It went well beyond the usual, "You're hot," "You're awesome," "I'm happy to be hear with you" nonsense. No, it almost seemed genuine. She didn't tell me she graduated from NYU or Columbia. I find it amazing that every Eastern European stripper in the city has a Master's from an Ivy or near Ivy school. Where were these chicks when I was a lowly grad student at Columbia? Anyhow, she told me about her past relationships, her interests, her SAT scores. She bullshitted with me, told me off if she thought I was wrong about something, and didn't always say what you would think I would want to hear.
Me being me, I told her it was all an act and that she genuinely had no interest in me. Of course she disagreed, and out of nowhere I'm like "prove it." Well, she proved it by doing something (after some initial resistance) I know she wouldn't normally do. I won't say what it was (not sex) because again, I don't want to reveal anything, but it caught me off guard. It was already after hours, she had already paid half of my time upfront (cash only at that point), and yelled at me several times for not having enough cash on me (like I knew they would close out my card). When we finally were done - I think I paid for an hour and got close to two - the club was empty. Things continued in the bathroom for a little bit and I was on my way. I was supposed to get her digits but forgot to ask. And of course there is no waiting for the girls outside, so I didn't bother.
I realize that despite all the signs that it wasn't all an act, it almost 100% was, and I have to say I admire her for always staying one step ahead. I might go back just for another fun challenge. Well, it doesn't hurt that she's nearly perfect looking.
Maybe I'm a cynic, maybe I read people really well, or maybe I'm an idiot for even letting the thought momentarily slip into my head that it wasn't all a well-conceived act catered to my personality - but what a pro. She ruined all other girls at strip clubs for me.
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I think you are confused – a strip club is not a singles bar or the place one goes to find a nice girl that will be “truthful†with you – it’s more like a car dealership where one is dealing with sharp/cunning salespeople. They are there to make the sale and make as much “commission†as possible just as any other salesperson. Dancers are not there hoping to find Mr. Right – they are just there to make as much $$$ as they can and say anything to make the sale (again like any other salesperson). If fact; many if not most dancers look at strip club goers as losers or pervs whom they would never consider dating.
“… Me being me, I told her it was all an act and that she genuinely had no interest in me …â€
Did you also tell her the sky is blue.
As is stated above strip clubs are not dating bars. It's fantasy world. I've fulfilled many of the items on my sexual bucket list with strippers and have literally spent hundreds of thousands of dollars doing so and don't regret it one bit. It's Disneyworld for adult men. (And some women).
I ask you to re-examine your bias that "nothing the girls say to you is remotely true". How many times do you exaggerate your attributes? There is one line though, that every self respecting stripper will utter which is pure BS: "Oh, what a big cock you have" by the way, without violating confidences, what did she do (non-sexual) to convince you that she was genuine?
I love to play "the game," I just want to know I'm playing it.
But despite my cynicism (although most would call it realism) dancers are still real people with real genuine emotions who are probably looking for the same things we all are, albeit in slightly different ways. Guess it's just not as black and white as I thought it was.
Late for me now, but in my youth, and with more money, I could have easily pulled a few of these honey's. I don't think its as impossible as is portrayed on SW and TUSCL.
I've met several dancers OTC for dinner etc... Almost all have been great times. When a dancer starts saying she wants to meet for dinner or something I'm inclined to believe her now days and not SS.
Assuming she actually did kiss you, and this post is not some college psychology project for you - how is that kiss genuine proof of anything? What are you going to do if she meets you in a hotel room - assume she doesn't normally do that either?
In my experience, most strippers like money. They do and say whatever they need to do in order to keep the money coming in. If you met her as a customer, you represent money. Of course she'll do and say whatever she needs to, in order to keep her money - you - coming in.