So I had nothing going on this morning and decided to get a massage. I walked into a place known for having a fairly attractive worker that offers a little extra. I had called ahead asked for her,when I got there asked again, got in the room, undressed and laid down. This grandma walks in and I tell her I want the other girl, she decides to try to pin me down and force the massage on me, at one point trying to grab my dick. After 10-15 second wrestling match I got up, but she continued to try to get me to lay back down while I am getting dressed. It was one of the strangest AMP experiences in my life
I tried AMPs a couple of times in Dallas early-on in my Pl-career in the early-2000s - either it was a low selection of girls, or a poor selection of girls, or girls that either didn't wanna be there or had bad attitudes - I didn't do any PL-research back-then so perhaps why I got subpar results but per the ones I visited (I think I just visited 2 different ones) I just didn't dig the M.O.
I used to like them, there were a couple really friendly girls here. Hadnt been in a year or so, the other girl here is actually really friendly and cute, once I she came in she just grabbed my dick and said want a massage or just play
last commentso did the place give back your money - price of admission? also did you tip grandma for trying?