
How to avoid your loyalty from being taken for granted...

Off again on again PL
So as I am a guy who tends to stick to one dancer at a time and come to the club once a week. With my CF it seems that my reliability and loyalty is starting to be taken for granted. She is definitely not at all worried about losing me as a customer and is acting as such.

Obviously not all dancers do this, some are fiercely defensive of their regulars. But it does seem like there have been a lot of similar gripes on here from other PLs.

First off for my current situation I need to not be a little bitch and just make it clear what I want from my CF. And with future favs probably make it clear that I value and expect priority whenever possible.

I have also considered tipping extra for it, bad idea?



  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Your mistake is being loyal in the first place.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Valid point, in the future my plan is to not stick to one dancer exclusively unless I really both connect with her and she shows a lot of loyalty back to me.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    Mixing in other dancers during your visits will likely help if she's taking you for granted or sees a potentially unhealthy fixation forming.

    Kicking up your spending level some could help, but she may have sensed a plateau that she can't break out of and figured out that you're not going to be spending at whale levels on her. An extra $20 or so here or there is probably not going to help if that's the case.

    When it gets stale like this w/ a CF or club, often switching to a different club for a while can reset it. When you visit again in a month or two, you can potentially get the best of both the new guy glow and trusted old regular thing going on resulting in more approaches by a variety of dancers / better treatment by the ones who remember you from before.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Agree, loyalty is the wrong concept, although just out of laziness, it's easier to type than "regular consistent customer". I'm a longtime ATFer, but I do it that way because I get a better experience -- and enjoy it more -- with an ATF. Once that runs its course, I don't want any misplaced loyalty to keep me from recognizing it and moving on.

    Unless you're already unfairly underpaying her, tipping extra is a really bad idea. If anything, with my ATFs, I tend to get better service for less $ than other customers pay... the fact that I see her regularly and consistently, treat her well, etc., is an advantage to her in and of itself. That said, I've heard some prices mentioned by guys where they're paying her $100 for hours and wondering why she's getting progressively less satisfied. I pay fairly, I don't overpay, and expect significantly better treatment than a random customer who pays the same amount.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I think its a bad idea from a customer's standpoint. When it comes to her regulars, her temporary loyalty is going to be to whoever pays the most.

    I think you'd be better off getting a side bitch or paying a neighborhood ho. Being a regular is one of the worst things you can be to a stripper.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    Depending on how much you spend on her, getting dances with others might send a message. Just tell her you are going to dance with other dancers one night and see how she reacts. If there are no other dancers you are interested in, go to another club for a month. When you come back you can let her know you were trying a new club. If she thinks she's kidding a revenue stream, she'll pick up her game. If she doesn't care, time to move on anyway.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    You reward good behavior. If she starts to taper off her service you simply tip less or nothing at all. If she gives you stellar service and attention then to tell her thanks for the wonderful experience that night and tip her well. If she starts really taking you for granted, the next time she is with someone else ahead of you, go get dances and spend your money and the entire night with another dancer. If she calls you out on it then you calmly discuss with her that the reason you see her regularly is because she gives you extra time and attention.

    And I'm with Subraman on this. You don't need to over tip and over time you can actually tip a bare minimum of "fair" and she won't mind because you are steady income for her.

    I have had brief "talks" with my ATF DS and her backup CF both in order to establish that they should consider me a priority as soon as I arrive. And to come over and tell me exactly when we can spend time together so I know where we stand. And also I make it clear that at most I will wait 30 min and any longer I will leave or see another stripper for that visit. I don't demand too many rules or expectations because that makes the relationship too robotic. Also I do remind them that the reason I'm their regular is because they put priority on me and give me a little more time and attention than other customers. That's their reward for good behavior. And if they don't like it I will move on. I have a ton of other Portland clubs that I can visit and be a regular to another stripper. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    What times are the deadest? She would probably pay better attention to you then. If she’s smart she would even offer to come in early just for you.

    I used to have a regular who would only pay between 100-140 each time showing, but he would come in at the quietest times to monopolize my attention. If there was someone better paying at that time I would go elsewhere but he took it nicely when that happened.
  • dirtysecrets
    6 years ago
    It's happened a couple of times and my response was to switch to another club for a few weeks. Still, there's no guarantee that, when you return to the first place, you won't find your original dancer still feeling very possessive. Recently, I have a favorite dancer at a favorite club, but she actively encourages me to try out the other girls, which is the best of both worlds.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    "I used to have a regular who would only pay between 100-140 each time showing, but he would come in at the quietest times to monopolize my attention." --nicespice

    Hmmmm I get the sense someone here is grinning ear to ear... (hint: his name rhymes with subratan) :P
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    I admit I'm pretty pussy whipped by my ATF. Last time she had me get her and drink and bring it to her while she was on stage (it's a big club too, I was upstairs on the other side... oh yeah I like be lazy too :), so pretty good walk). To be fair I had spent a good chunk of time prior just chatting, and the whole situation gave me a chance to have some more fun with it.

    Now I think some guys are too worried about having the upper hand, me, as long as I'm having a good time and paying what I think is fair, I don't worry about it. YMMV

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @stripfighter lol why? Was I undercutting myself or something?

    But yeah, unless you’re being overly demanding or something, her behavior seems to be pretty odd at this time. Summers everywhere are the “slow season”
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"Hmmmm I get the sense someone here is grinning ear to ear... (hint: his name rhymes with subratan) :P"

    LOL I resemble that remark. On the other hand, I would not put up with this: "If there was someone better paying at that time I would go elsewhere but he took it nicely when that happened." On the OTHER other hand, I pay more than $140
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"@stripfighter lol why? Was I undercutting myself or something? "

    That's basically what i do -- pick an ATF who gives me awesome service, make appointments with her to see her during her slowest time so I can monopolize her. Only way to fly!
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    @nicespice No, not undercutting yourself. Just from a customer side, a great strategy. Not gonna name names, but just something someone, routinely takes full advantage of.

    Let's just call him Subra M, wait too obvious, how about S. Man. :P
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Not uncommon for regular/fave "relationships" to run their course - sometimes the PL wants to spread his wings and try other dancers; sometimes the dancer gets tired of the PL.

    I've seen dancers comment about some regulars being too-needy/clingy/demanding to where he's not worth the effort - i.e. it *does* take two to tango in that it's not always necessarily the dancer's fault.

    Sometimes it seems some dancers may recent that they feel they are going the extra-mile to consistently please a regular and they may feel it is the PL that takes her for granted for not being more generou$ considering the extra-effort she puts in - i.e. if she feels she's leaving $$$ on the table by trying to keep just an "ok spending" regular, she may start resenting this over time and may feel she's getting short-changed taking into account what she puts in.

    As others have mentioned, one has to sorta work w/ her - e.g. pick a slower time where her other income is not being as affected; making an appt, etc - and as in any "relationship", communication is important and you and her may need to try and work out something that will work for the both of you.

    Some dancers *do* get lazy and start taking the regular for granted; often times spending time w/ other dancers will "get her back in shape"; and sometimes she's just ready to move-on.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Great summary from Papi, this lines up exactly with my experience. It is definitely true that increasing customer entitlement can be just as often at fault as creeping dancer complacency. For me, it's less about figuring out who is at fault, than just recognizing "ok, she used to knock my drawers off, and now this is a source of angst and drama for me; might be my fault, might be hers, doesn't matter, time to move on to the next girl who will knock my drawers off".

    I have mixed feelings about going to other clubs and the like. If it's done to help YOU get your head straight, or give her some time to figure out if she values you as a regular, go for it (I've definitely known strippers who hop-to when they see you with another girl). If you're dreaming up schemes to "make her jealous", that's a bad sign that you're way over-invested. If you're looking to branch out to other girls and scared/intimidated to do so in front of her, you're way over-invested. I know these things because I've done them all :)

  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    Lots to consider in this situation, but I would have to agree that increasing tips is a very bad idea. You're just rewarding her for bad behavior and she can keep playing that card over and over. On a couple occasions I've had regular dancers challenge me to do more/spend more and I've told them simply that I'm the customer and I choose what I'll do and how much I'll spend. None have been favorites, however. Seems like a good favorite relationship is a mutually recognizing the benefits we each get from seeing each other and not doing anything to tip the scales one way or the other. My ATF from many years ago worked this out well with me when I'd visit her on day shifts. If I was willing to wait for her to clear the deck of all of her other regulars, she would stay late to be with me for as long as we liked for a regular fixed price on my weekly visits.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Both my ATF DS and backup CF have never raised prices on me. Because of our mutual "loyalty" they have kept dance prices to $25 ea with me but my ATF DS charges others $30 because I hear her quote that all the time. And my backup CF's club just changed their rate to $40 ea or 3 for $100. And I very rarely tip either one of them more than $10 regardless of how many dances I get. And on top of this both will freely spend 15-45 min with me hanging out and flirting before dances. I buy them any drinks they want but they rarely take me up on it.

    I would never be a regular to a stripper that kept price creeping on me.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    paul drake and some of you other guys that hang with one girl... i don’t get it. you might as well be married to her.
    hang a little bit with her and then enjoy other ladies on your visit. variety is the spice of life.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    ^ it's because she's the only one left at the club who doesn't have butt implants
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Paul posted: "She is definitely not at all worried about losing me as a customer and is acting as such."

    The moment that happens, it's time to give her the ol' "heave ho." ;)

    Seriously, you can't rehabilitate them once this starts, at least not for long. I don't run into this too often anymore as I vary clubs and nights more than I used to, but in my early days on this site I remember telling stories about girls who took advantage of perceived ownership - so much so that other girls were afraid to even approach me.

    Good luck!
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @MisterWonderful I am very happy only seeing my ATF DS and backup CF for the foreseeable future. And to your point about every six months I do try other strippers but quite honestly they are often not as good or as hot as my faves. As soon as it is not as fun or pleasurable to me I definitely will move on, but again I have no reason to at the moment. Both my faves are really hot and provide me as much mileage as I want and I easily LDK with both. I understand variety is fun too but that is why I have a backup fave and also I have a line up of potential future faves. I never see a stripper relationship is permanent but I have no issue stretching out the fun for as long as possible. Also it is nothing like marriage.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @MisterWonderful - I do think in the future I need to not stick to one dancer exclusively. But as an LDK guy it can be frustrating trying variety as not all dancers know how to do it well. I also don't want to be at the club for a long time. So with a fav they know that and also want the same thing and can set it up to be mutually beneficial.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Loyalty sadly seems to be an overrated trait these days in or outside clubs so it shouldn't be a surprise when it happens in our little corner of the world.

    I'd avoid the club if there is another one nearby for a bit and see if that gets you a text or communication of some sort......not for long and not if there isn't some other place nearby of equal quality......and if not I'd go back and simply pay attention to any other dancers that might interest you. ( which is what I did when it happened to me some time back)
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