Clubbing around the holidays

avatar for rickdugan
A few years back, I very narrowly avoided a DUI checkpoint on the night before Labor Day and that was only because the door manager warned me about it. That was the best damned $40 I ever spent. The police had established checkpoints at the two most popular routes from the club back to downtown, one of which I was going to take until I was warned. And wouldn't you know it that, at 11:30 pm, the club mysteriously lost power and everyone was filing out around the same time. I was, no surprise, the only one heading back to town using the long route through a business district that was shut down for the night - I'm guessing that the police got quite a haul that night.

Ever since then I have avoided clubbing on any night before Labor Day, Memorial Day, and July 4th, as well as on any weekend leading into those holidays. As much as I hate to miss the last two days before rent is due, there is always the next one.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Geez, RickyBoy, why not just hire a taxi instead of drinking and driving? Too difficult for your puny brain to figure out? Or maybe you can't afford it give you poor abilities when it comes to financial matters (as demonstrated by your pathetic analysis if stock ticker RICK).
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Dicky Doo just call your drug dealers with scanners.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Dicky Doo just call your drug dealers with scanners.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"A few years back, I very narrowly avoided a DUI checkpoint on the night before Labor Day and that was only because the door manager warned me about it. That was the best damned $40 I ever spent. The police had established checkpoints at the two most popular routes from the club back to downtown, one of which I was going to take until I was warned. And wouldn't you know it that, at 11:30 pm, the club mysteriously lost power and everyone was filing out around the same time. I was, no surprise, the only one heading back to town using the long route through a business district that was shut down for the night - I'm guessing that the police got quite a haul that night.

Ever since then I have avoided clubbing on any night before Labor Day, Memorial Day, and July 4th, as well as on any weekend leading into those holidays. As much as I hate to miss the last two days before rent is due, there is always the next one."

You AVOID trouble with the cops by NOT consuming alcohol, PARTICULARLY when driving.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
^^^ Holy shit. You know it's time for me to go to bed when I have to agree completely with Payer11 in on thread, and partially (last part of his statement) with alutard in another.

(I'll check the window tonight and see if there is something funky up with the moon...)
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
If it weren't for alcohol Alucard would never have been born.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Is it considered clubbing on a holiday during Yom Kippur?
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Though I must agree with dougster, you could be responsible and call a cab (or a buddy)
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
There was a time when I'd avoid clubbing during holiday weekends only because the dancer count seemed low at the clubs I went to at the time. Now, my clubbing is different. I go when I know my faves will be working. If I'm unsure, I just text them to ask.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Married guys cannot just come and go in cabs without a damned good explanation. Also, using cabs becomes cumbersome and time consuming when one is on a clock and has a multi-stop trip that includes an OTC nightcap. Net-net, cabs are impractical for me (and I'm assuming many other married guys) when visiting my home town clubs. I use them often when I am on the road and can absorb the inconveniences and delays, but not in my home town, which is where I would obviously be during a holiday weekend.

Oh well, there is always next week.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoy: "Married guys cannot just come and go in cabs without a damned good explanation."

So put others at risk by drinking and driving? Fuck you're a narcissistic piece of shit. Come on RickyBoy. Your genius mind invented The System. I'm sure you could figure out something this easy if you even cared.

(And don't worry. Even though you are clearly in the wrong here, I'm sure your standard lapdogs line txtittyfan and upissedonthepot will come to your rescue so you don't have to admit it.)

How about this? Be "the man" "in control" like you say you are and tell your wife your going out drinking and that's the way it is. Too pussy for such a direct approach, RickyBoy?
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
There is a wide stretch of roadway between legal intoxication and actual impairment. It does not take too much in order for one's BAC to be at .08, especially if one enjoys cocktails over beer.

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Two things RickyBoy -

a) I'm sure your judgement (guided by the conclusion you want to reach) is better than those who have actually studied the matter

b) I'm sure you've never crossed over into >.08 either

(serious sarcasm on both points)
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@"Married guys cannot just come and go in cabs without a damned good explanation."

"I was too drunk to drive," seems like a "damned good explanation" to me. Bet things would be a whole lot harder to explain from a jail cell, though.

It's a testament to the power of alcohol to delude that one can say with a straight face things like "[t]here is a wide stretch of roadway between legal intoxication and actual impairment."

My alcoholic uncle used to say things like that.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I like Cabs. Especially Cab Calloway. Have you ever met that funny Reefer Man?
avatar for 59
12 years ago
Why not just ratchet down the drinking?

Oh well, just leaves more fun for those of us that do go. Many of the clubs in my area will be closed Sunday and Labor Day. Slow holiday weekend as it is, have a feeling there will be extra fun to be had tonight at competitive pricing. ;-)
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Hmmm Rick you have some va lid points there chum, but dougster and my extreme distaste of drinking and driving is now conflicted. But your an able adult who is currently more successful than me. I cannot tell you what to do. You know more thsn I do so.. Yeah
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I do not drink in clubs but since when has that got anything to do with avoiding the cops. There are many cops that will bust in your head and throw you in jail for breathing. Especially if you are from out of town figuring you will just pay the fine and leave not making a big deal of the abuse. I had a friend that was riding with a sober driver but the cop breathalized both driver and passenger and when he found the passenger was drunk he arrested both: charged the passenger with public intoxication and the driver with wreckless endangerment because the drunk guy was in the front instead of the back. They were from out of town headed back to their hotel and the cop figured they would not come back to fight the charges. They had to come back and show up in court and when the cop did not show the judge dismissed the charges. They tried to sue for the cost of the false arrest but the cop was indemnified by state law so he could not be sued no matter what his actions were.
Moral of the story: Avoid ALL interaction the gestapo/police when ever possible.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"Moral of the story: Avoid ALL interaction the gestapo/police when ever possible."

I believe the Moral of your story is to find somewhere else to live that suits your needs personally & politically.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
If you club at night during a holiday it's pretty hard to get a cab, they are super busy.
avatar for Troll_Defense_HQ
12 years ago
Don't feed the trolls Ricky-boy. It just makes them harder to harass and kill. That goes for the rest of you fucknuts who actually treat these pathetic fucking trolls like their opinions matter.

I'm gonna have a good fucking time bringing this shit in line. YEE HAW! TDHQ reporting for motha fuckin duty!
avatar for duomaxwell
12 years ago
^ um, dare I ask what exactly you're doing to keep trolls in line?

Just get a cab! God forbid I should ever be in a relationship that involves that much subterfuge.
avatar for BigTuna1
12 years ago
Omg ! Another wasjuice sock puppet...shit and i yhought Dougsta was a bad one
avatar for tusclpolice911
12 years ago
Glade to see they brought in the air force...let's bring the Lau and crush these trolls
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I dropped by the local club on the way home from a work trip last night. Dancers and other patrons usually look at me weird when I drink coke during the day, but it was especially bad at night. But I don't drink and drive. Even so, it still scared me to drive through the sobriety check on the way home.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Troll defense is a contradiction. He's a troll who mind fucks others and kills trolls. Like starburst. Did you die yet troll defense
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
avatar for juiicebox69
12 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@"I believe the Moral of your story is to find somewhere else to live that suits your needs personally & politically."

Yeah, if you don't like the way you're being oppressed in *my* country, go somewhere else!

/s - because *someone* will miss it.
avatar for BigTuna1
12 years ago
Lol rick slick little dick
avatar for 59
12 years ago
So I hit up two clubs yesterday. Spaced out my drinks. No sobriety checks. Fun time, some warm-ups followed by a couple of happy endings, reasonable cost.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
The RickyBoy spaketh thus -

"I'm not too drunk to drive! The legal limits are too low."

Anyone still think he is anything other than a total faggot?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
RickyBoy too chicken shit to even try and defend his actions.

Slam dunked!
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Link to another thread in which RickyBoy seriously says there is no need to defend his drinking and driving but it all okay since he likes to "live it up"…

Busted for all if TUSCL to see what you really are RickyBoy!
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
You're my little bitch and you know it. ;)

Following me around thread to thread, obsessing over old posts even when I'm not around, endless girly squeals over everything from cocktails at the club to my various fucking and sucking activities. Heck, I'll bet that over 2,500 of your over 6,000 posts reference me. Even your profile description is devoted to me.

Here Dougie Dougie. Bad girl! LMAO

Is this a homo-erotic fixation or some kind of weird need for a Daddy figure? You know you want to be like me even as you cringe at some of the things that you think that I do. ;)

Who knew that a strip club board would become stuffed full of posts from a troll with such delicate sensitivities. Cowboy up girly man and show a male toughness.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
You're right RickyBoy. I should know better.

Drinking and driving shows you're a real man.

I'm fine to drive! The legal limit is too low!

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I'll also show some manly tough like you did when you stayed at home for months on nights when both your favorites were working. After if you talked to one it would offend the other. Not exactly a situation a manly tough guy like you can with, no?

avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Grow a sack Fraudster - a man knows his limits and manages them accordingly. And you got me there, I fucked two hot girls for months on end, what a pussy I am. ;)
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Wow! You fucked two hookers for months on end?

Definitely proves you're not a pussy. Because someone who pays to fuck a hooker cannot also be a pussy right?

Amazing that you seriously believe these things!


avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Hey, RickyBoy, when you "know your limits" does the feat of having to tell your wife factor into things as you have aaid above it does? Make you skip the taxi and drive anyway because you are too afraid to confront her? pussy!

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
In years past; I would have thought that holiday weekends would be good for clubbing b/c the clubs would be packed and thus a lot of dancers.

But IME; holiday clubbing has not been any better and often times worse b/c of the sausage accumulation in the clubs; and the dancers that are there being in a $$$ frenzy and often giving very poor QoS.

I thus tend to avoid the holiday clubbing and often times weekend clubbing in clubs that get too packed.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
I normally club between 7 and 10 PM. At least around here I've never seen a sobriety check during those hours.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
This thread was a true RickyBoy classic.
avatar for DirtBoy313
11 years ago
avatar for DirtBoy313
11 years ago
I can just see RickyBoy sipping on a glass of wine at the club, checking out all the guys (we all know you're just using the SC as a beard RickyBoy) Acting like hes all tipsy so people will think hes a cool guy and not the dick loving man he really is.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
Do you you really want to be imitating Dougster?
avatar for DirtBoy313
11 years ago
I sure as fuck don't want to be imitating a bitch like Rickboy.

Alucard, I have no problem if you want to kiss Nina ass, just don't fuck with me doing it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
Rick, Rick, think of all the dancers who depend on your kind and supportive attitude to keep their morale up. You should risk your life by driving inebriated, those girls are counting on you!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
This thread is another RickyBoy classic.
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
Bumping this classic for all to see RickyBoy's attitude that drinking and driving is no big deal because the legal limits are way too low!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
More of the real RickyBoy on display here. Great stuff!
avatar for Dougster
11 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Yeah, he drinks and drives and risks killing people, but, hey, at least he doesn't bump threads on TUSCL with "lol!" because that is really bad!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
More of the true RickyBoy. Does his suit fool you? Is it that easy?
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Another classic from RickyBoy!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
tl;dr for this thread:

RickyBoy: "The problem isn't my drinking and driving! The problem is that the legal limits are too low!"

What a complete homo.
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