Confessions of Dougster (formerly known as davids)
This has all happened before and will probably happen again. The names change, but the game remains the same.
Below is a posting from one of Dougster's old aliases, davids, during a rare moment of honesty and clarity. Don't expect to see something like this today as our senior resident troll has matured a lot in the last 7 1/2 years since this was posted, but it tells you that participants back then were leveling many of the same accusations at Dougster that they are today (and I swear that I never knew about his previously aliases when I characterized him the way that I did):
Posted February 16, 2006 (Last Comment: February 27, 2006)
Gentlemen, my conscience is troubling me greatly these days. I must get these off my chest, so I can sleep tonight:
I am unemployed
I am a communist
I am a geek (and it is a bad thing: no social skills)
I realize all posters here are smarter than me and am really jealous of them: even parody is smarter
I never intended to fight AN: I am scared spitless of him (especially after I learned how much he weighs)
I am jealous of shadowcat and all the cheap lap dances he gets
I am jealous of all the strippers T-Bone and Yoda and even AN have slept with
If I go into the clubs and don't spend money strippers just ignore me
RomanticLover and I are really the same person
I am a homosexual
My education is really bad as you could probably tell by my bad use of english
I got burned really bad (badly?) by a stripper once and really pissed off about it
I realize I'll never amount to anything as parody says
I'm really a jerk which is why strippers hate me
I'm broke
I spend all day posting on TUSCL b/c I have no life
I am scared of approaching women in night clubs
I couldn't get a date or get laid to save my life: I have no idea how women, or normal people think
I have multiple personality disorder
I am manic depressive
I have low self-esteem
I'm the alcoholic not AN
I am clueless
I am a complete pussy
I realize that you guys are to be admired, but unfortunately you are leagues above me so I can never hope to acheive it
That's all I can think of at the moment, but feel free to add in...
No doubt that Dougster is quite proud of himself for outlasting the critics from the previous era on this board. Wow, this dude really DOES have nowhere else to go if he took all that abuse, yet kept posting face first. He has since becoem a smarter troll and doesn't post anything about himself that can be used against him anymore, but his earlier stuff is gold. LOL.
Good job digging this shit up Defense, but keep digging! I have the suspicion that it gets even worse and that he is actually an offshoot of another senior member, but I will leave it to Defense to ferret it out.
last comment"- I am a homosexual"
This I suspected due to his Homophobia rantings.
Not me e.g. he talks about "multiple personality disorder" when there is no such condition. He is probably thinking of "dissociative identity disorder" which is not a personality disorder at all (kind of obvious since there is such a sharp break with reality than is present in personality disorders.)
Got a link to the thread? Seems like satire to me.
These ones struck me immediately:
I am unemployed
I spend all day posting on TUSCL b/c I have no life
But I and/or others have also accused him of variations of these over time:
I am jealous of shadowcat and all the cheap lap dances he gets
I am jealous of all the strippers T-Bone and Yoda and even AN have slept with
I am a homosexual
I got burned really bad (badly?) by a stripper once and really pissed off about it
I'm really a jerk which is why strippers hate me
I'm broke
I couldn't get a date or get laid to save my life: I have no idea how women, or normal people think
I have multiple personality disorder
I am manic depressive
I have low self-esteem
I am clueless
I am a complete pussy
I realize that you guys are to be admired, but unfortunately you are leagues above me so I can never hope to acheive it
And of course yet another confirmation of his multiple screen name practices, which were a problem even back then:
Confirmation that he was flaming even back then:
And of course confirmation that his fixation with other posters who he believes drink too much is a long standing issue for him:
Wow, just wow. Deja vu. But it gets even better once you browse through his old posts. ;)
Later on in the thread -
"I also anti-American, pro-Iranian, and a huge fan of OBL."
where OBL = Osama Bin Laden.
Yep, I'm a Jew who is pro Al Qaeda! Nice theory, Rick!
Good try to deflect by pulling up one of your later tongue-in-cheek sarcastic posts in that same thread, but it's not working. ;)
I have to get back to work now as I have a company to run. I know where you will be - the same place where you have spent your days for the last 9 years now (that we know of). I guess I'll have to log in later to see just how much additional nonsense you manufacture between now and then. LOL.
Gee, Rick, I don't know... I'll look at the guy's posts, but whole thing seems "tongue-in-cheek sarcastic" to me.
Thanks rick - I now know that TDHQ & AN are the same person.
RickyBoy: "And of course confirmation that his fixation with other posters who he believes drink too much is a long standing issue for him"
Still trying to equivocate between "drinking" and "drinking and driving", RickyBoy. Dude, I don't care how much you drink. Hell, more power to you on that one. The problem is driving home afterward. But keep pretending to "misunderstand".
AN = AbbieNormal
Member since 2003
Last seen August 2013
But does not seem to post any longer
it's been said that davids was ClifBar
so if davids is Dougster, then
Dougster = ClifBar
And I'm pretty sure ClifBar was banned by founder. So Shadowcat, you're not the only one
Rick sorry to say but the amount of sarcasm by the second post "davids" (which we can at least confirm is actually dougster) wrote kind of deflects the sincerity of the op, thus I find it hard to believe that thread had an inch of sincerity and was nothing more than a troll post at worst. Still doug, what's with the name changes?
motorhead - the name Clifbar has been deleted but there is no way to know if founder did this on his own or was asked to do it by Clifbar to avoid legal problems or as part of a name change. I doubt that Founder would delete a person unless that person pissed him off like I did. I don't recall Clifbar ever getting into it with Founder. That is why I also doubt that juicebox69 is banned.
Don't think AN = TDHQ flies on the face of it (from skimming some AN threads)
a) AbbieNormal seemed to think parodyman--> and davids were the same person
But if you look at my posts, like the one Nukey bumped yesterday, you'll see parody and I hated each other right from the start. So that would AN would have to think I am a guy who flames myself. Actually, wait, TDHQ's conspiracy theories are way out there, so maybe he does... Can't comment on AN's paranoia level/conspiracy theory attachment.
b) BobbyI and AbbieNormal seemed to be on quite friendly terms. Maybe common hatred of parodyman--> was part of the bond?
So why would AN be back hating me now and saying I'm BobbyI when they got along quite well?
@Esta: no name changes. Don't believe every conspiracy theory you read on TUSCL. (I will point out, though, that RickDugan has admitted to being on this board for about 15 years himself, but having used different alias in the past. I think his accusations may be a case of projection.
If you look at where the clubs they review, I won't be surprised if he also posts as "HungryGiraffe". Also, I see BobbyI got into some great flame wars with "njcsfan" which also seems like a possible RickyBoy alias.)
Dougster = ClifBar
Let him get banned again! LOL
Link to njcsfan's profile if anyone wants to chime in on whether this was a previous RickyBoy alias:
My first feeling was that TDHQ was staxwell. But then staxwell spazzed out at me after we called him down on his mistakes regarding ASPD, and I've never seen stax lose his cool, so I'll have to dismiss that theory. I'm pretty sure that TDHQ is BigBadJohn returned, but beyond, no clue as to who it is.
One thing I will note about TDHQ is how he seems to mock the military. Comparing his trolling here to a military operation. I don't think a real military person would take their job that lightly, so one thing I am sure of is that he is definitely not military. A big insult to the military actually is what he is.
Lol !
Dougster is davids. Same geographic location; same clubs reviewed; same high density posting habits; same behaviors and practices, including flame wars; same accusations leveled against him during both eras by other members; etc. He has matured and become more cagey since then but the patters are clear. It was obvious to members at the time when bobbyl hit the scene. Most of those members are inactive now, but the few remaining surely know.
His revisionist history and diversionary posts are this long lived troll's attempt to hide from his past. Understandable since davids really crashed and burned amid scorn and ridicule. Young Dougster went face first into that board and gave others too much to use against him. His reason for being so evasive now are much clearer. He does not want to repeat the mistakes of his younger troll years, especially with how he behaves around here.
Nine years of kicking up shit and fixating on members who he dislikes. Fascinating that a troll has become one of the most senior active members of this discussion forum. If I was a conspiracy buff I might actually think that he is a state sanctioned troll. ;)
Recon continues. This is really gettin fun now.
Seems more likely to me davids was a RomanticLover alias. I remember RomanticLover making posts about peep shows and a local reviewer named "StripperFriend" or some such reviewing clubs in Seattle.
davids and RomanticLover seemed to post topics with similar themes (mid-2000s PUA culture as applied to strippers), although RomanticLover was more a hit and run kind of guy.
From the OP RickyBoy posted looks like davids was accused of being RomanticLover at the time, although he seems to want to distance from it. (Don't understand why. I think RomanticLover was brilliant and wish we still had him!)
"Fascinating that a troll has become one of the most senior active members of this discussion forum"
I WOULDN'T call a thing that has ONLY been around here for 5 yrs under the present name as Most Senior.
Sorry, local reviewer "Stripper Friend" reviewed lusty lady which was a Seattle peep show that closed a few years back. Very similar philosophy to RomanticLover making me think they were the same person.
As for BobbyI, I can actually see why people might be inclined to link me with him. Some great material - especially how he trashed parodyman--> and his flame wars with njscfan (prior incarnation of RickyBoy) and MisterGay?
Overall though, BobbyI rates as a bit more cynical about the overall home condition than I am. Still I did still the great "MISTERGAY LOSES AGAIN!" line from him.
I've been on the board for the last 10 most fsmouse years was juicebix69
Anyway, I guess the bottom line is that TDHQ has absolutely nothing to use against me, is enraged about it so is desperately trying to grasp at some straw that I was someone he didn't like back in his "glory days". Hope you got better for Round IV, Troll!
If I had a $1 for each time I've been used of being a multiple alias I'm not. txttittyfag, AfricanLovePimp, iniquitous, dalex, ...
Interesting stuff
13 posts just in this thread and several in a few other threads. He's desperately trying to bury this, but it's too late. Defense really pulled this together nicely.
Dougster, ssshhhh, hush now son. We already know. Fighting just makes it worse. It will all be over soon. ;)
Lol. I never thought AfricanLovePimp was Dougster.
That's funny!
I wish I could take credit for AfricanLovePimp and iniquitous, but wasn't me. Great stuff though!
For the mathematically inclined...
This was an interesting thread...
Geez – this feels like a soap opera – As the TUSCL World Turns
"He's desperately trying to bury this, but it's too late"
Indeed! LOL
Now I feel like we may be causing him health issues by fucking with him this much. He posted all day yesterday, stopped briefly from around 10:00 pm to 2:00 am PT, and then resumed posting regularly until about 2 hours ago (it is now 2:00 PM PT). And this is not the first time I've seen him do this. Wtf?
I have to agree with what Chili Palmer said to Dougster in another thread about the need to take a step back for a while. This guy really needs to consider whether it is healthy to obsess so much and focus so much mental energy on a strip club discussion board.
I'm not in the pacific time zone right now, genius!
^ It doesn't matter what time zone you are in now manic man. The point is that you were posting for all but 4 hours during a 24 hour stretch. That's unhealthy dude and you've done this multiple times before. That is unhealthy dud. CP gave you some sound advice about stepping back and getting your head on straight - you may want to listen to him.
Let him go, maybe he'll go nuts & end up in an Asylum. LOL
Sorry Rick, why is it unhealthy? Doing something four hours post for 15 minutes. Where's the problem?
Rick, I'm traveling genius. Log in here when I get bored at restaurant or something. You still don't understand the concept of mobile devices do you? Or maybe your crappy Blackberry isn't up to the task? Shall I post a link to help you out?
4 hours or less of sleep, no wonder the bullshit excuses are coming out.
Wow! Another genius. Know the difference between 4 hours total and 4 continuous hours? You can get up on the middle and then go back you know? This is really something you can't figure out without me explaining?
(Also, genius, plenty of people in this world can function on four hours sleep a night. Six is about what I need.)
Alucard posted: "Let him go, maybe he'll go nuts & end up in an Asylum. LOL"
You might be right. He's been posting continuously for the last 24 hours, taking just four hours to sleep, but now is trying to convince us that this is just a casual stop during downtime in his travels. LOL.
*** Ssshhh, remember folks, the trick in keeping the delusional psyche patient calm is by playing along with his delusion. ***
Ah, sure Dougster, whatever you say. Ah, travels, posting when bored, absolutely - got it.
RickyBoy a little mad after I blew apart his latest netball theory? I take you didn't do so well on those spatial reasoning tests, huh, RickyBoy? Why best you could do was a sales job? :-)
Help you of a bit more Rick. No I never claimed I only posted from restaurants. I generally spend a few hours checking out the markets and watching CNBC before and after I sleep and goof on here in the background.
See you should try to look for benign explanations o things rather than just jump right into "splitting". But because of your condition that's all you can do. I understand, little RickyBoy :-)
Let me know if you need me to post you some more links to help with your analytical reasoning, k? I'm hear to help! :-)
*** Gotta keep playing into that delusion now... ***
Ah, sure you did david, sure you did. ;)
All one had to do is look at how I aced the call on stock ticker RICK while you and "financial experts" tittyfan bombed it, RickyBoy. Did you figure out yet how was I able to go against you with such confidence and be right yet? :-) I ain't putting in thise hours for nothing!
Like I say keep "splitting"' though, RickyBoy. (Learn that one and maybe I'll teach you some
Market lessons if you ask nicely!)
Lol. Wakes up middle of restful 6 hours to post multiple times on here?
Yeah, clearly that's healthy, really shut the door on that.
If I actually believed Dugly was a heavy business traveler before this I sure wouldn't now.
Yeah, I often wake up to check on foreign markets if there is a big event it liquidity conditions are hanging in a big way as they are this weak after holidays.
As my father told me "that's the choice you make when you trade. Eat well or sleep well."
You keep doing your own splitting though jestie. I didn't read that passive agreessives are as prone to it as narcs like the RickyBoy. Maybe there is a research paper here!
I think Dougster is having delusions about being a Basketball player and doing dunks. If he could SLAM DUNK a basketball, I might change my mind about him. LMFAO
Hey, alutard, you actually something funny! Maybe I'll change my mind about you! Laughing MY fucking ass off!
Actually you're right, jestie. I'll fess up. My odd sleeping patterns are actually do to my meth addiction. Dropping bread crumb seeing if the little rodent goes for it
I guess you can't SLAM DUNK then. Only imaginary stuff with perceived opponents.
I won't change my mind then. You're still a pathetic slime covered thing.
Geez, aluard, coming from a guy with your (at least) four simultaneous mental conditions (masochism, narcissism, mania, a******r <- coded the last one just the way you like it) that really hurts!
Ok, back on topic. You guys seriously thought you were the center of my universe and TUSCL wasn't just a background task for me? Tsk... tsk.. tsk.. Talk about egos! I mean I know you guys love me and want me to love you back and I mean I kinda do, but you really got to show me a little more grounding in reality before we could step it up to something serious...
^^^ you can't even spell the insult name you use for me correctly. BUT of course, you dislike me correcting your spelling - remember.
"You might be right. He's been posting continuously for the last 24 hours, taking just four hours to sleep, but now is trying to convince us that this is just a casual stop during downtime in his travels. LOL.
*** Ssshhh, remember folks, the trick in keeping the delusional psyche patient calm is by playing along with his delusion. ***
Ah, sure Dougster, whatever you say. Ah, travels, posting when bored, absolutely - got it."
I agree. :)
Hey, alutard. What happened to all that supposed "superior" morality of yours? RickyBoy confesses to cheating on his wife and drinking and driving, and yet you are showing him more love than me. You think, maybe, just maybe, everyone's take that all that supposed "morality" of yours is just a farce for show could possibly right? Why else would you be trying to climb into bed with someone you ought to so thoroughly despise if your "code" is legit. Stew on that one for a while...
Keep dancing david, keep dancing! LMAO.
Your manic obsession with the board is clear through your endless overnight posts. I think that Defense really fucked you up. LOL.
Not that any of this makes a difference. david/bobby/dougster has done this more times than we can imagine over 9 years. It is simply a perseverance game for you. You have weathered the scorn of countless former participants, many of whom would be great contributors if they were still here, and are still standing while they have long since given up on enjoying this board. History has taught you that if you just make enough noise and cause enough disruption that the targets of your posts will eventually leave. Isn't that right david? ;)
I think that Defense really needs to keep up the work. Dig Defense dig! I suspect that this goes even deeper and I'll bet that there are bread crumb trails somewhere. I don't have Dougster's ample leisure time, but another troll with too much time on his hands might just do the trick. ;)
@Papi_Chulo “Geez – this feels like a soap opera – As the TUSCL World Turnsâ€
as it has always been and will forever be.
Geez, Rick, do you believe everything you read on TUSCL as long as it's from a guy who seems to dislike me? I guarantee you that not a single member has left because of me. That's just some histrionics on Trolls part to make seem like a bigger badder guy than I am. And you just lap it up don't you, because it's what you want to hear.
Now, let's discuss something serious. You keep refusing to tell me what you think stock ticker RICK will do this month. Care to stick your puny little neck out again or have you learned your listen to remain ethereal?
@rick, No gainfully employed adult has Dugly's ample leisure time.
^or his overactive imagination.
Your right, jestie. My meth addiction caused me to lose my job. Busted again.
Wow! Look at RickyBoy and jestie sucking each other dick in a big ol' 69! They sure are good at reinforcing each others delusions ain't they? I wonder if they'll marry?
davids is single-handedly responsible for 33 of the 73 posts in this thread. He stinks of desperation. ;)
When I have the time I'm going to peruse some of his old posts in more detail. Should be some entertaining reading. A portrait of a baby troll. :)
“Let him go, maybe he'll go nuts & end up in an Asylum. LOLâ€
looking for a roomie alucard? ROTFLMFAOYSSAH
Sounds good, RickyBoy, I'll be re-reading The System for finer points I missed.
LMFAO I'm in tears, you guys are hilarious!
"My first feeling was that TDHQ was staxwell. But then staxwell spazzed out at me after we called him down on his mistakes regarding ASPD, and I've never seen stax lose his cool, so I'll have to dismiss that theory. I'm pretty sure that TDHQ is BigBadJohn returned, but beyond, no clue as to who it is."
BigBadJohn is the guy with the dog in his pic, right? If so, he's definitely TDHQ. I got that feeling from seeing his first post.
"if you just make enough noise and cause enough disruption that the targets of your posts will eventually leave."
NOT I. I'm here to stay. I'll outlast Dougster/david/bobby. LOL
I'm too young for your old people problems
I can't keep up with you guys tonight. But as soon as I can locate a meth dealer in this town, I'm back in here! And the guys better look-the-fuck-out!
“NOT I. I'm here to stay.â€
well if you would take your meds maybe they would let you out of the asylum someday alucard.