
Comments by ime (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Preggers (not me)
    Not as retarded as you.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Preggers (not me)
    Ilbbaicnl always comes in with the dumbest takes. What a fucking moron. Go back to simping and sewing while the OTC girls sleep while you pay them holy shit that guy is retarded.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Ahmaud Arbery Murder Trial
    Icee supports a terrorist who committed a hate crime killing old women and maiming children. Why do you guys engage with human detritus like her? Never answers a straight question and tries unsuccesfully to win arguments with strawmen , false equivalencies, hypothetical ridicilous situation and word games. It's a Waste of time interacting with dishonest leftists.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (3rd)
    The fear Leftists now feel because they have to think about the consequences of attacking people in the street and them fighting back is absolutely amazing to watch.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    New Drink To Order
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Maniac crashes Christmas parade.
    Democrats are truly the scum of the earth. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/illinois-democratic-staffer-mocks-waukesha-suv-tragedy-that-killed-5/ar-AAR00oy An Illinois Democratic staffer brazenly mocked the Waukesha SUV tragedy that killed five and injured dozens in Wisconsin on Sunday, sarcastically equating the incident to Kyle Rittenhouse's highly-publicized acquittal last week. 'It was probably just self-defense,' Mary Lemanski, 46, reportedly the social media director for the Democratic Party in DuPage County, wrote on Twitter Sunday night in the wake of the Wisconsin attack, in the first of a string of since-deleted, scornful posts. 'Living in Wisconsin, he probably felt threatened,' Lemanski continued in her late-night tirade, referring to the SUV driver in the Waukesha case. 'I'm sure he didn't want to hurt anyone,' she added. 'He came to help people.' The posts seemed to make light of the successful self-defense argument that 18-year-old Rittenhouse and his defense team made during the teen's recent trial over two shooting deaths in Kenosha last year - which saw a Wisconsin jury find the defendant not guilty Friday. 'The blood of Kyle Rittenhouse's victims is on the hands of Wisconsin citizens,' the Democratic staffer sniped in another scornful post. 'Even the children,' she further declared. Mary Lemanski, 46, has worked for the Democratic Party in DuPage County since 2018 as the association's social media director © Provided by Daily Mail Mary Lemanski, 46, has worked for the Democratic Party in DuPage County since 2018 as the association's social media director The DuPage Democrat then offered onlookers her own perspective on the Sunday attack. 'I'm sad,' Lemanski shared later that night. 'I'm sad anytime anyone dies.' 'I just believe in Karma and this came around quick on the citizens of Wisconsin.' Then, in another, more judgmental, message directed to the citizens of the state that saw both of the contentious attacks, the staffer proclaimed, 'You reap what you sow, Wisconsin.' She added: 'It's sad people died, but when you open the door to vigilante justice, everyone seems threatening.' The Democratic Party of DuPage county's website lists Lemanski as a current staffer and 'DuPage Dems' Difference Maker.' According to a biography found on the site, the 46-year-old manages the party's Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and is a single mom of two kids. Her LinkedIn profile shows that she currently still holds the position, and has since 2018. According to a biography found on the site, the 46-year-old manages the party's Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and is a single mom of two kids © Provided by Daily Mail According to a biography found on the site, the 46-year-old manages the party's Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, and is a single mom of two kids On her personal Facebook page, Lemanski posted November 15 that a 'white wing group' was trying to prevent her from speaking at a school board meeting. She accused the group of being 'fascists' who shut down 'all opposing viewpoints.' Lemanski did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com's request for comment on the since-deleted posts Monday, nor did the Democratic Party of DuPage County, when asked for confirmation if Lemanski was still employed by their organization. She has since posted a further slew of tweets, writing: 'Nobody cared about me like my whole life. My mom used to leave me for hours at a time alone in my play pen. Darrell Brooks Jr, 39, from Milwaukee, was detained shortly after a red SUV ploughed into the annual Christmas parade in the town of Waukesha, leaving at least five people dead and 40 injured - including at least 12 children on Sunday night. He is shown in a previous mugshot © Provided by Daily Mail Darrell Brooks Jr, 39, from Milwaukee, was detained shortly after a red SUV ploughed into the annual Christmas parade in the town of Waukesha, leaving at least five people dead and 40 injured - including at least 12 children on Sunday night. He is shown in a previous mugshot 'I've put out music for 20 years nobody gave a sh*t. Why do people all of a sudden care about a stupid remark? I can't believe my 15 minutes of fame is for this sh*t.' At least five people were killed and 40 injured - including 12 children - during Sunday's tragedy in Waukesha, when a speeding SUV plowed into a Christmas parade in the suburban town near Milwaukee. Darrell Brooks, 39, has been arrested and named by police as a 'person of interest' in the mass-killing event. On November 5, Brooks was charged with felony bail jumping, recklessly endangering safety, battery, disorderly conduct and resisting an officer, three days earlier on November 2. The circumstances around that incident remain unclear but he posted a $1,000 cash bond on November 19, according to court records. His motive for Sunday's attack remains unclear; police will not confirm whether it was a deliberate act of terror or if Brooks accidentally ran into the crowds after losing control of his car while fleeing a knife crime. Social media profiles reveal Brooks was an amateur rapper who went by the name MathBoi Fly, and claimed to have 'turned to the streets at a very young age' while growing up in a 'dangerous West Side neighborhood of Washington Park'. He described himself as 'the best underground artist in his city'.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: The Left's attack on the rest of America
    ^oh no what will they do without you're approval. You're party supports pedophiles and criminals and hates the country. You're lower than whale shit on the bottom of the ocean to Americans.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    They could try to take control, but no way they could keep it. I hope it cools off but they show no sign of easing off on their totalitarian tendencies, and frankly Americans aren't going to put up with that.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    Papi that is why there will be no poltical solution. Things are going to get wild.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    Goodyman you have no idea what you are talking about. You leftists are truly brainwashed. Protests aren't arson and looting, except to you dumb shit stains.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    Yes, but they will just double or triple down. Whatever damages them and country most you can count on them doing.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    Cocaine Mitch needs to retire but thank god he kept that lying perjuring Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court. It amazes me how the Bidem Junta will turn the law on citizens then totally disregard when courts judge against his unlawful orders and then disregards them. Remain in Mexico was to be re-enacted but he just says fuck it keeps funneling money to leftist orgs moving illegals into the country as fast as they can without vetting, and approving bullshit asylum claims. As well flying migrants around in the dead of night. He sucks so bad even polls that are overweighted with dems can't get his approval above 40.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    Biden's highlight is shitting his pants when visiting the Pope. He should be jailed for his handling of the border and Afghanistan impeachment isn't nearly enough. He has proven to be utter garbage and the corruption of the DOJ and alphabet agencies under him is a disgrace
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    OT: Rittenhouse
    If you see Willett Rye pick up a bottle or two, can be a little pricey but worth it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    OT: Rittenhouse
    Templeton Rye is pretty good and not super expensive.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Not in Kansas anymore
    OT: Rittenhouse
    Holyshit, might be your first post worth reading ever. Maybe there is some hope.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    Jackslash has gone full leftist retard. Hopefully when he riots next he gets what he is looking for.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (3rd)
    Icee missing desert missing their homies. https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=9324
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Rittenhouse Acquitted
    https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=9328 Icey in picrel
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (3rd)
    Good result https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=9319
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (3rd)
    MSNBC got kicked out of the courthouse for having someone follow the bus trying to dox the jurors today. The left openly supports domestic terrorism and political violence through their brown shirts in Antifa/BLM amd jurors are scared about what happens when they make the right call and acquit him. They want to intimidate people into the result they want, they want you to think you can't protect yourself from them, and just give up. Thing is that shit will only work why they are protected by crooked politicians and DA's telling the cops to stand down. Once people have had enough and that day is rapidly approaching, the leftist foot soldiers are going to have major regrets because once the violence really starts and these cowards are going to realize they are fucked it isn't going to just stop and they won't just be able to go hide in mommy's basement anymore.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    OT: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial (NEW)
    Haha Now lefties care about state lines but not a peep after the last year without one on the southern border. Assault Rifle, tell us you know nothing about guns without telling us you know nothing about guns.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    COVID race-based health care
    https://www.wbrc.com/2021/09/10/feds-suddenly-rationing-monoclonal-antibodies-alabama-theres-no-shortage/ The interesting twist is that there is no shortage of monoclonal antibodies of any kind nationwide.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    COVID race-based health care
    As usual you should avoid your top of head thoughts because per usual you are wrong. "Just off the top of my head, (1) Monoclonal antibodies are in short supply and the infusions must be rationed." Regeneron repeatedly said there is no shortage. Except for when Biden Admin decided to limit where they could send them, basedon some made up reason and to punish states like Florida who handled treating people because he is incapable. Everything Biden does is fuck things up and try to make people's live worse.