
Comments by WhatsMyNameAgain

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    12 years ago
    Porn chicks have high self-esteem
    Unfortunately, to many people want to have a serious influence on the lives of others. A lot of people are selfish and seek out means of control over others for their own benefit, but get angry when someone does anything that threatens that strangle hold they have on others.
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    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Why are people embarrassed to go to a strip club?
    I don't know, it's not true of a lot of people. A lot just go and get a dance, hang about, then move on to hang out at another place. of a handful of people I know that have mentioned stripclubs, the furthest anyone has suggested has happened is FIV and one chick grabbing the guy's sack. Other then that, nothin. Maybe its the clubs here, maybe it's that no one has asked, maybe the milage isn't there, or none have been regular enough to be considered for such extras. SCLVR, you can bristle, but both sides have those on a crusade against the 'evils of stripclubs'! I'm a conservative, more in the sense of the government being properly run, not run into massive debt. As for religion, its there, but not hardcore. Nor do I care for the government getting overly involved in our lives.
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    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    actually, with the one dancer I mentioned, it was more of a hug then just her trying to make sure that I got a nice feel. I say that because she wrapped herself in my arms,crossing them over from left to right, and right to left. The reason that I mentioned the relationship thing is because it was nothing like what I have experienced with any other dancer at any other club. It reminded me of when I had someone in my life more then anything else. She had also pointed out a few things about some of the girls that were on the stage instead of hitting me up for a dance, but in a very nice, no pressure sort of way. I guess I actually felt welcome instead of someone that was just a potential sucker.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Ibbaicnl, loving the comments and as you can tell I'm new here, but enjoying the read:). I have to agree, my paychecks in the past have been rather small for the amount of effort I put into earning it. I have friends that sat on their butts in front of computers doing stuff that amounts to clerical work, heck the clerical workers out of high school earned 50% more then me. My check sucked, but I knew that I defintely earned every dollar of it. I also appear to the walking Google for people that I know. Also their arbitrator, the counselor, their computer tech, among other unpaid stuff. I used to spend 45 or so hours per week constantly running around moving boxes that were 35-50 pounds on average nonstop. If i had time to stop and take a deep breath, the boss might noticed andnot think I was working. I am all for treating the talent like a human being. Just because i stepped through the doors of a particular type of establishment does not mean that my approach to other people has changed. I will try to play it cool and not stick out like a sore thumb because I'm not someone that has spent a lot of time in a SC before, but when dealing with anyone there its the same courtesy I would give to someone outside of that establishment. When I have been out to a club it has been with the intent to try and stay under $100. $18 to get through the doors and a ticket that gets me either a bottle of water or a coke, would have been most of 2 hours of work! The bottle of water? Nice, thats maybe $1, or virtually free if it was tap water as I am not picky. As a customer, I want something for the cover charge/drink charge, because I worked for that cash. I don't like the idea that if I sat around for a bit to relax and take it in that I am being considered cheap. I also wouldn't feel at ease if I felt that a $100 limit is also making me cheap, or looked down upon since that money could buy several DVDs, 2 games, about 5 books, dinner for a small group of friends +change, or any other number of things. A guy could find a chick and go out on a date for that much money and actually have a hope that he is paving the way to something where he gets some action at some point. I am not there to impress anyone. I would probably have been embarrassed to mention how much I was earning, or maybe not, but would not expect it to impress anyone at all. I am there to have a good time, and unless someone is going to be in my bed, there really is no right to criticize how much I spend as long as I paid to get in, especially if it was 2 of 45 hours that was just not enough money to get anywhere in life. If I heard a dancer speak negatively about anyone's spending who paid to get into the club I probably would not want anything to do with her. it would also degrade my view of the club as a whole. Unless the club is packed 24/7 with whales, I would hope that as a customer of the establishment that I would be given at least a blank slate and be judged on how I behave as opposed to how much cash I can throw at a dancer. I am a complete newbie and tipped my last dancer $5 at the end on top of the $20 I paid for the dance. I did make a few trips to the tip bar because everyone was just sitting at the booths watching. I noticed that not every girl was getting requests for dances right away, and I knew how much I had of my budget remaining,so I decided to plop down to drop around $5 a pass. When I did that the girls would come up, flash a smile, give me a few seconds time, and go down the row.After I had gone up there a few other guys saw that I got a bit of time there and started to drop some cash of their own. they were pretty, and worth it, but to me it paid off when the one girl that I talked to that was sweet about it was up on stage and spent more time on my side then the rest even though the row was now 80% full. When she came around, off the stage, she danced a bit in front of me and as I was going to give her a tip she grabbed my arm turned her back towards me and hopped onto the counter, grabbing my other arm. She ran her hands down my arms to my hands and brought them to rest cupping he breasts for about five seconds making sure I got a good feel as she rested her head against my chest. I had avoided relationships due to money issues due to a relationship, but for a brief moment the loneliness I feel inside melted away. I know technically it was just a few seconds, but it felt longer. I know I was just a customer, but whatever she did made me feel like someone for a while. As she slowly slid her self down off the counter she turned and said "thank you" with a smile that was really soft and sweet, a smile that she didn't give to the rest. When she continued down the row I saw a few guys staring at me, not at her as they had a confused look. With everyone else she gave a stage smile, a quick spin and picked up their tips, never touching them, never letting them touch her. I looked at the glossary a few minutes ago, and saw what a PL is, but maybe I am. All I know is that she got my attention in a way that ..I don't know, but the girl I got the dance from was nothing at all in that sense, though she was um...bustier and that is more my type. I would deffinitely go back to that club and would love to get a dance from that one girl. My financial situation has not changed, maybe in a few months as I complete my degree, so it is not as though I can drop half a grand like some of the guys seem to mention they can spend easily. I don't like the idea of being a PL, nor a rock, nor a free loader. I just want to be entertained, relax, and hopefully be a customer that the ladies can at least see as being better then some annoying cholo, or drunk fool. I'm no big spender. I'm a heavier guy right now, so I'm not going to be turning them on. I would hope that they could at least say that I'm better then an empty chair at the tip bar, and nicer then some of their customers, and that they get treated like a person at least since I can't spend a ton of cash. Its not about disrespecting the girls by not spending money, or a ton of money, its about trying to fit everything within the restrictions and context of my life at this point. sorry if I sound like a lameass. :/
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Prepaying Dances
    Ibbaicnl, I don't know if I would technically want to do that. There is one dancer that I never got a lapdance from, that makes me want to go back to a particular club because I felt relaxed around her. That just would not have happened if I bought tickets and used them based on what I saw in a book. It is because she spent a few minutes talking and was really cool about it that she made the impression she did. Not exactly my type, the one that I would have wanted to buy the tickets for if I saw a binder of pics of the dancers. What I will say is that I like the idea of a shy stripper. Kinda cute, and I would love to go to a place and have the shy one pointed out. I think I would be her ideal customer instead of some of the guys that probably annoy everyone. I would actually like the shyness of it all, well, appreciate it more then some that might feel they are not getting the wild one they were hoping she was.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    "Free Admission" doesn't mean it's completely free to enter a strip club
    Pabloantonio: you said, "Of course, they receive free food, drinks, dances, and occasionally sex with dancers for coming up with ideas to make money for the club, but hey, business is business. Exactly what's your problem with this business model?" Want to know what is wrong with this business model? Do you really? Whats wrong with it is that I'm not getting in on that! How do I get free food, drinks, dances, and ocassionally sex with the dancers for my ideas? :D I want in on this racket....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Are Schoolgirl Outfits REALLY a Universal Turnoff?? Please Tell Me (I'd Also App
    A guy that does not like school girl uniforms? Someone check his card, theres something suspicious about that. I will be upfront and say that I have not been to many clubs, but that has to do with friends being lame asses about it, being a student, and also before that having lost a few jobs due to a problem with my back years ago. The uniform is a turn on. The idea that it does not work for everyone is possible, but if you are dancing and at a club that covers the niche you fall within, unless you are the typical body type then it should work. No tats? Okay, you are the squeeky clean one. Got tats? you are the bad ass little rebel that got put into a strict school for what you did with all the boys at your previous school. If you are chubby, you are working that angle and looking for the guys that like a bit of fluff, nothing wrong with whatever angle you are pushing. Not everyone is turned on by the same kind of women. Someone mentioned they like the idea of a really short skirt with nothing underneath and getting peaks. Not me. I would prefer a longer skirt, hell even a knee length one would still be hot. But I like women like I like presents, wrapped. Its because I am all about the unwrapping. I hate porn that goes straight to the sex. I want to be able to watch things develop, to enjoy seeing each piece of clothing come off. To much too soon and I am left wondering why not just start nude to begin with? Knee high socks, school girl uniform would get my cash. Not the britney spears look, that's a little tramp, I want the "innocent" ones. No strong scents, no glitter. I don't want to have any evidence on me when I leave. I remember one place I ended up with a piece of glitter working its way into my eye an hour after I had left. Not the kind of reminder that I want to walk away with. I would say that a major turn off if having the same dancer come by within 20 minutes asking if I want a dance. I had one dancer hit me up every 5 minutes or so and she was rather crass about it. I would like some courtesy and the ability to sit down, relax for a bit and get into it before being hit up for cash. When I am rushed like that it goes from being asked if I want a dance to just feeling hit up for cash. it has nothing to do with you. You might be very attractive and to my tastes and I might be willing to spend some money to spend some time with you, but I would like to feel it is less a transaction, though I know it is. Its not about having a 30 minute conversation or anything, just let me settle in. if you ask and I say that I just got here, come back a bit later, but not every 5 minutes. I might just be saying it to be nice because you are not my type, or I might just want to settle in and if I want a dance I'll show interest as you pass by again. I don't want to go into a club and be rude. I go in and see the dancers as being people, so I want to be courteous, I want to be nice. I want to relax, and I want to make sure that you are relaxed with me around. I know its a transaction, I know its a job for the ladies there, but I want it to be as relaxed as possible. I don't want to come off as a jerk by turning down dances. I also don't want to feel pressured because it makes me feel as though I am not getting the same courtesy. I might also be trying to have fun on a bit of a budget, so I might want to see who is there first before burning through my available cash. It might just be that I want to make it stretch so I am not sitting there feeling like I am out of options while others who might have more cash are having all the fun. I don't care if you are wearing a potato sack, if you can figure that out and make me feel comfortable, that is going to be a turn on more then any costume you can think of.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tips for strippers!
    How about everyone just agree to keep their hands out of the other person's hair because we never know where their hands have been. Guys, you can't complain about the smell of another dancer's hair when you just had your fingers in another dancer a few minutes ago and then proceed to stick them in the 2nd dancer's hair. Ladies, please wash your hair between dances. Why? Because do you really want all the other girls rubbing themselves on your hair? Guys are going to get grabby and run their hands in your hair. You might start out smelling nice, same with your hair, but after a few hours you might smell a lot like the thong of the hot chick to your left that you work alongside. Oh, and guys, please just shut up and abide by the hair rules the ladies want to throw out there. Why? Because she might just do the same thing back to you, and you don't know where her hands might have been, so unless you are into some kind of some kind of used jockstrap on the head fetish, give the ladies a bit of courtesy. :)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Porn chicks have high self-esteem
    Why does it seem surprising? People like to fuck. People like money almost as much as they like to get laid. People want to be recognized almost as much as they like to fuck. People place value upon physical beauty. People also place value on sexual prowess. People also place value on sexual competency. So superficial chicks with the body that guys pay to jerk off to is not going to be an ego booster for a porn star? Getting paid to have sex is not going to be a great fuckin job? Imagine if every time you got off you were handed a bag of cash, would you be happy? I know I would! Getting paid to fuck some of the most physically desirable people you want would make it even better! On top of that they are going to get recognized, and be in demand to show up at strip clubs and adult oriented events? Having the money to do whatever you want and the ability to easily replenish what you spend sounds great to me. Doing it because I am getting off because I am fucking a string of hot chicks? Where do I sign up? I am sure there are a lot of women that would sign up for the opposite, if it were far more socially acceptable. The problem is that we want to maintain this idea that many women are as prudish as they want us to believe. If you have the right looks, or amount of money; or cock size, that holier then fucking though broad is going to be acting like a little slut. We want to maintain it because there are a lot of girls out there that we want. We want to find one that is not going to jump into another guy's bed when we aren't looking. Women want to maintain this image as well. They want to do so because they get off on the idea that even though the human population is basically even when it comes to male to female ratios, their privates hold a higher value. Not all women are going to see an average penis and have to get some of it, but far more men are going to see even a used up looking chick and get a hard on, if not just want to fuck her just to add a +1 to their count. The world goes to shit if there are women that are as open about their sexuality, and what they want in someone they fuck, at least according to what many women want. Imagine that, all the nice guys that do all sorts of favors for guys would realize they aren't getting any from that chick they are helping left and right. They will know because the chick might end up being as honest as a guy is with a chick that they are not attracted to. But then again, if the social norm were to change they might get some at least once because the chick might just want to add a +1 to her count as well. But if this happens then a lot more guys will have a lot easier time getting laid and if that happens men are not going to try half as hard to get with a chick. The value of the pussy drops, same as if we were to legalize prostitution. "fuck you, this is to much effort to get noticed, I'm taking my hard earned $50-100+ to someone that is going to give me what I want without the bullshit! Later!" Add in a lot more women looking get laid when they want to and society goes to hell, at least its how women would see it when men are not going to make fools of themselves in the pursuit of pussy. So, we start suggesting that any women that are out there fucking guys left and right are of zero value. In a sense it is true, for anyone trying to hang onto them at least. If you are getting laid tonight because of one then they have some value. But if we could, we would sleep with a string of girls, if we could cut any responsibilities off, don't you think? the only way to maintain this system, where supply is artificially reduced so that the demand goes up and people pay as much as possible, is to make sure that society condemns the women that would not make you jump through hoops in the false hope of maybe getting some. Maybe there are women in the porn industry that were put through some horrible shit when they were little, but I doubt that the popular belief holds true. Imagine if we could withhold sex to make women do what we want? What if we knew because we have a penis that women are going to throw themselves at us, make a complete ass of themselves, buy us anything they can afford to try and increase their chances of us giving them a slight chance of getting some? I don't know about you, but that sounds like a pretty damn sweet system. Don't like certain kinds of chicks? Just hold out until you find those that do, but have all the ones that are okay do everything for you in the mean time. Treat them like shit, break things off with them without a care because you got 10 broads lined up and ready to go at the drop of a hat. I would be willing to slander any guy that gave it up for free and risked disturbing the system. Not everyone wants the same kind of life. Not at the same time either. What is a great life for you is boring to me, or vice versa.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Why are people embarrassed to go to a strip club?
    Gatorfan, I think you are mistaken. Progressives/liberals, what have you also try to go for moral high ground. I live in california and remember seeing on the news, when I was young, protests by individuals, groups, and politicians, all whom could not have been Conservatives. I know democrats that try to walk a fine line between morals and physical reality. As for the puritan beliefs the second poster brought up, that reinforces it, but there is more in play then that as someone suggested that it may point towards being a cheater. What it comes down to is the social norm. Sure, religions and political beliefs have played a role in it's development, but it is primarily rooted between how women perceive men that go to stripclubs. if you are single and go, then you must be a disgusting male that has been rejected by every female out there and that they should avoid you for good reason. They also start to think you have a loving relationship with prostitutes. If you are in a relationship then they start to think you are going because you want to be with someone else, or that you are. You also don't really love the one you are with because you want someone else and are willing to pay to see it. It is how the idea of going online to check some porn can be seen as a reason to get a divorce for some. It is one thing if the guy just wants to check out some chicks, its another if he is online 12 hours a day looking at porn. One is actually normal, the other is a sign of a problem and most likely with the relationship, not the porn viewing individual's mind. The reason I point out that this has nothing to do with puritan views is that not all cultures are influenced by them. Sure, you could attempt to say so here in America, but how many other nations can you name where people tend to have relationships consisting of 1 man and 1 woman, verus 1 male and many women, or 1 woman and many men in a relationship. I am not talking about cheaters, but living together in a relationship that the others of the same gender know and acknowledge each other. It is based upon this system of pairing of one of each gender together, no more. The biggest problem is that people talk about getting a BJ from a stripper. Rumors of sleeping with the strippers and so on. This all adds up to a bad reputation, which leads women to see strip clubs as being nothing more then a brothel, therefore if you go you are a loser and a cheat. Now if people know you can go in, have a drink, have a bit of a conversation, get a lapdance that is not you trying to bang the stripper, people might start to change their minds. In a sense if we can get the non-strippy women to stop feeling that their monopoly on men having sex is being threatened by women that will be upfront and honest by asking for the cash, then stripclubs would be easier for them to accept. They want to use sex as a means of controlling a man. If that control is threatened then they will react negatively because what is going to make a guy keep her around if he can go spend his money to get some? Her strength in a relationship is balanced out if the male can use one of his to gain what he wants.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    Strippers are people too, so if she is putting effort into the dance, why shouldn't she enjoy it as well? If so, FIV, hopefully will get her going and serve as a reward, but also motivator for putting effort into her art. The girls that dance as though they were robotic don't deserve it, but then again maybe no one cared enough to try pleasing her while she pleases the customer?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    FIV and BJ
    No, the purpose of sex is primarily to reproduce. However, the secondary reasons people, and yes animals, engage in sex are the reasons they choose to do so. The physical pleasure is the main attraction for most. However, there is the emotional bond that is created, as well the potential for boosting one's feeling of being powerful. FIV is not about procreation. It is not about the physical pleasure of the person doing the FIV, though it may be for the dancer. Instead it is about the ego of the individual that is doing the fingering. They are in a very intimate position, with their fingers in a very intimate spot of a very desirable woman. That is an ego booster, therefore it makes that individual feel just that much more influential and powerful in this world. If you are truly getting the stripper off then that is going to intensify those feelings. As for the BJ, even if its not the best BJ, it is still a BJ and that's still pretty damn good. Compare a BJ to your right hand, or a BJ to not getting off and you SHOULD already understand why the individual would want a BJ whenever possible over nothing at all. Even if it is in a dark room you are still getting the physical sensations of even an average BJ, which again I repeat is far better then nothing. Not only that but the person hand picked who they are going to get one from, and it is something that they find hot. There is no rejection as it is just a transaction. But again it is an intimate act, it is now also a pleasurable act for the guy, and to top it off it is an ego booster because of the act but also by who the act is from. Your comparison between a BJ and a fleshlight is a joke. A fleshlight is a step up from your right hand, but it is not the same as all of the physical and mental sensations one would experience while getting a BJ, or anything from another person. In the end, it is all about a sense of belonging with another person. Sounds lame, but chances are some of your favorite strippers were not the ones with the best ass, or biggest rack, but the one that made you feel like a person she knew, a person that she wanted around, and did not treat you like a customer. The last place I went to I encountered a stripper that was more then chill, she felt like a friend at the least. Her approach, her tone of voice, the manner in which she talked and behaved, it all made me feel very relaxed. Considering I was relaxed already and she did that within 2 minutes into a conversation, that says a lot. Meanwhile some other broad kept hitting me up for a dance and saying some nasty shit to try and turn me on, then ended up insulting me at the end(musta gotten into the coke bowl). The one that I felt really relaxed with could have easily talked me out of my money, not because she completely fit into my ideal woman concept, but because of how she acted. Instead she tried to point out the other girls, telling me how hot they were and why. A dance with another girl was great, but I had to roll and I kept thinking about the one girl that I was talking to. The girl I got the dance from was extremely hot and I would have loved a BJ from her for sure, but one from the other girl would have been amazing, even if she was not the most skilled out there as it would have hit on more of the reasons people have sex. Its a good thing that didn't happen because I would have likely shelled out whatever I had on me and in my account.