
Comments by kittykate (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Creepy Customers
    Eh... A few people here could use a little reality. Plus, while trying to hustle shows, I often explain to my customers that the mini dances are a rip off, but they don't want to commit to a real dance, so they do them anyway. I could wear a neon sign that says, "I will not fuck, suck, or perform sex acts of any kind. I will take your money and send you home frustrated and broke, without taxi fare," and guys would still hound me for dances and extras. Like I said, men can only use one head at a time.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Creepy Customers
    Aww, really? I'm super bummed.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    how cheap is to cheap
    I admit--dumb question.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is it just me?
    Thank Slick!! They play UFC stuff at my club all the time. Our DJ is into it. Glad I know the rules, now!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Creepy Customers
    The trick to the "accidentally" part is to give a so-so dance for 70 seconds, then grind like your life depends on it for the last 20, at which you point you moan something like "you feel so good, baby. Please... I want more. Let me keep going... Oh god. Mmmm." When you get that head nod, you go back to the so-so style of lapdancing. Rinse and repeat. Most of the girls I work with are better than this than I am. I've never gotten past 25 dances. Some girls can keep fools back there for hours. (A sexy Latina girl once kept a guy going for 5 straight hours. We were all very impressed and our house mom gave her free hair for a week.) I prefer to just sell the expensive shows. Then I don't have to hustle while I'm dancing. I get the $ in one chunk and I'm done.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is it just me?
    I tried to watch one of the Lord of the Rings movies, but I passed out. Being ignorant on the topic of Harry Potter doesn't bother me too much-young guys aren't usually big spenders anyway. I did google what an Orc is, but I have to say the definition doesn't carry much significance for me. I think I lack the background to appreciate Orc-culture. I have asked many people why baseball is so long. No one can give me a straight answer. Guys have tried to explain football to me. I'm not retarded. I know the basic rules of pretty much every other sport. Just don't get football. There's throwing and tackling... Some running... A lot of starting and stopping... Time works differently. The clock will say there are 11 minutes left, but really there are 3 hours left.... I guess I could watch all 11 Star Wars movies and 9,000 Star Trek episodes. I think I'll do that right after I learn to write in hieroglyphics. ; )
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hounding Around
    Exactly, Lopaw!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Creepy Customers
    I always think customers staring at each other is weird. I wouldn't go to the Olive Garden and stare down some guy, sitting at the next table. Anyway, to answer the question about the 90 sec lapdance, they are basically a scam (designed by management--NOT me). The dances are 1/4 the price of a booth dance, so customers think they are a good deal. The dancers will keep dancing until the are asked to stop. It's very easy to get a guy to "accidentally" rack up 14 dances at once. When you look at the math, the booths are way better b/c you get 10 minutes, plus 2 way contact. The 90 sec songs are only 1 way contact. But, the 90 sec dances are super easy to sell because of the price. A lot of guys do get really mad when they realize they owe for 15 songs. But, there's a camera in there that can prove how many songs you got and there's a big, scary dude who will make you pay for them, so...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    Ummm... A actually management does take a cut of stage tips at nearly every club I've ever worked at. The club I work at now doesn't enforce a tip parade, but after I get off stage I have to bring all my tips straight to the house mom so she can count them in front of me and take 20%. Not uncommon, at all. Even in clubs that are not as structures, the house fee generally depends on what time you are working because management knows that stage $ is better at different times. My club charges the night girls triple the day girls, even though lap dances and VIPs, etc sell at pretty much the same rate, all day. (There are only so many rooms. They are always full, from open till close.) the house fee goes up b/c of stage $. And that's on top of the 20% they are already taking directly off each stage. Anyway, I know this is kinda irrelevant b/c my current club doesn't to the tip walk thing, but clubs are very invested in the $ from the stage.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is it just me?
    That Orc is my most loyal regular. Is there a page that will tell me all the abbreviations? Or give me a cliff notes summery on Star Wars/Trek, Orcs, Harry Potter (for the younger guys), why baseball is SO long, The Lord of the Rings, how the fuck football works, and various other sci-fi things I should know about... Guy stuff. You'd think I would have figured some of these things out by now, but all of these subjects go over my head.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Creepy Customers
    Please don't fight creepy with gas. Remember the innocent bystanders. At my current club there's a room that sells cheap, 90 second dances. We also have booths, VIP rooms and suites. Anyway, the cheap dances are not private, at all. The room is just kind of an offshoot from the main part of the club (with different music that plays the worlds shortest songs). Anyway, for whatever creepy reason, guys who are too cheap for the 90 sec dances will stand just outside the room and stare. Sometimes I try to shoo them away. Or tell them to f off. But they don't really care and our bouncer is freaking lazy. I find them really annoying and imagine that the customers do, as well. But whatever. All the more reason for custies to spring for a room.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hounding Around
    Do it. ; )
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hounding Around
    Slick--Last time I was in NYC, my fuck buddy took me to a Salsa club. It was my first time. Loved it!! I was so bad at that kind of dance. My hips just grind when the music comes on. It's involuntary. But, I still had a great time! I shoulda kept fucking that guy. Good dancer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hounding Around
    So yeah-- I dislike interacting with men at regular clubs, when I'm out with my friends. When I'm in a regular club and some random guy tries to hit on my (buys me a drink, asks me to dance, grinds up behind me) that reminds me of being at work. I don't go to the regular club with my girls to be feel like I'm at work. I don't enjoy unsolicited attention from men, generally. Def not in the club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hounding Around
    Thanks Jack. I <3 you!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hounding Around
    "@KittyKate You get bought drinks at a regular club and is irritated because your there to work? Are you a stripper or a off the bar bartender?" Umm. I don't know if I understand what your asking... It's not about the drinks. I can buy my own drinks. I'd rather by my own drinks. I get annoyed when guys hit on me at regular clubs because I don't go to the club to deal with men. That feels like work and I don't want to work on my night off. I want to enjoy my time with my friends. But, when your friends are crazy strippers who have no idea what the appropriate length is, for a skirt, men tend to swarm. And I have to fight them off!!! When it's my night off, I'm just me. Not a stripper. Not trying to work anyone over...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    Oh, I did dance at a total dive in Brooklyn, too. Never danced in NY, outside the city though.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ok to declline repeat offender during Dollar Parade?
    I've danced at 3 clubs, all in Manhattan, but it was a few years ago. The NYC clubs I worked didn't do the tip parade (Thank God.) I can see that if they had, it would have been totally ridiculous. Like I said, I've only worked a few clubs that did the begging for $1 bills bit, after each stage. Just 3, that I can think of.... Sucked every time.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Taking the first pitch
    Rules are made to be broken. And hot girls tend to get very busy as the night goes on. Also, you don't know what the deal was with her and the dude on the patio. He was probably a regular of hers--just cuz he wasn't getting dances doesn't mean he wasn't giving her $. I had a customer get mad once because I spend the last couple hours of the night just sitting at a table with a guy who doesn't do dances. He thought I was being lazy and dumb. He was one of those dudes who likes to save his dance until right b4 he leaves, but I was never available then. He actually complained to my boss (who obviously didn't give a fuck). He didn't realize that my regular paid me $500 per hour, just to chat. (This was b4 the recession. Poor guy is broke now, I think.) Anyway.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Hounding Around
    I like to dance with my girls!! I love to go to the club with my stripper friends! Then I get to dance like a dirty hoe. Plus, my stripper friends are like me--they are not there to meet guys. God help the men who approach us when we are out together. They do not last long. At work we have to act sweet to men that we don't really want to talk to. I think that builds up a lot of internal angst which is fun to release on the poor saps that try hang out with my stripper crew, when were are out.