
Comments by MilkMan2484

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nice and Hot Experience
    pretty general review of what typically everyone already knows what goes on there. Would have at least like to known the Dancers name, or Letter that her dance names starts with or some mention of the Tats she has to help steer us interested in her services in her direction. since there are many girls that fit that general description it don't help us all that much in finding her.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Here for the gangbang
    Thu Afternoon Visit at The Strip
    Does Dana have a wing Tat on her back? Kinda tall like 5'8/9"
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Masks and guns
    I was there a few weeks ago and there was a big flare up out in the Valet area also. Mangers and bouncers out there going at it with a customer that was in the Valet rummaging thru keys looking for his and Arguing with them the whole time. The customer got into his car and threatened everyone standing in the general area that he would shoot everyone that he had a gun in the car. Finally he just pulled away after about a 15/20 minute rant. That seems to be getting a little out of hand.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Landing Strip Visit
    Thank You Looks like i won't be getting to see till i get some vacation time then. Thanks for the info
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    College Football Playoff Predictions???
    If they all can win out i think it will be. Bama ND Clemson and Oklahoma But they all still have hurdles to get over.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who of you would go to a place like this?
    Don't know but it sure looks interesting. I agree the comment above about the straps being there as support for the legs only and not for confinement as like he stated that there was none in the rest of the booth where they had back support from the padded area that were laying on or bent over. If i did ever venture to a place like that i'd have more than a few party hats in my pockets for sure. Or like others have stated be the first thru the door when they open up.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Warning lights
    I'm sure some do have things like prearranged signals. Just the other nite i was in a club well known for extras and it was a very festive evening with lots of Hustling on the ladies part. Lots of flirting and lap grinding in the chairs etc. When all the sudden it became very much the opposite. All the ladies jumped out of guys laps and onto the chairs next to them. the ladies standing and grinding the guys at the bars all moved away from them. I never did get a lady over after so i could ask her. But i'm pretty sure that is what happened.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Club Reviews: Discretion vs Usefulness
    Some and only some of the clubs I've been to i would say no, it would not get the ladies in trouble. I say this simply because after a slow night at a couple of the these clubs I've walked by a few ladies talking to either DJ'S and or bouncers complaining about how cheap the guy's were trying to be that particular and that she could go out on the street in front of the club and make more for sex than she was getting offered inside. And both the D J and the bouncer laughing and telling her she just needs to up her hustle some. But the over all Majority of them i would say yes it may get them in trouble especially some of the Ohio clubs that I've been to . Not so much that that they are doing it, but that it is being put out there for all to see. As for the authorities i would say it would give good info on where to start a investigation. But without actual proof other than hear say tales from a forum they can't do a thing. So that is why i also try not to mention a ladies name and any extra activities we may or may not have in the open forum
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Strip Club Raid in Detroit
    Say's on the Channel 4 website dozens arrested and vehicles and large sums of money was found and counted. Stated that they have been investigating for months due to complaints about the club.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Raid on Detroit Strip Club
    seems to a going thing with the new chief of police up there. So far I've heard of raids at the Toy Chest,Penthouse,Coliseum and Players also. I Thought the Flight Club was in Inkster and of the DPD's jurisdiction.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ohio Strip Club Law - Read It
    GRRR hate premature posting. But it is being stated with no supporting evidence.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    Ohio Strip Club Law - Read It
    Hey gent's i can't confirm this,but there is rumor on another forum that the Hush showgirls club in Toledo just recently got hit with a 25,000 fine for violating the ordinance. Not sure whether or not it is true but that is what is being said(rumored) on the other site.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Between the legs between work?
    Have never done over the lunch hour. But have done when i get done early and i know there not a chance of anything else coming up for that day slipped out and enjoyed a few hrs of bump n grind action. Then went back and clocked out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Multiple Clubs Same Night
    Seeing as i don't get out to the clubs often. I always try to go out with a back up plan in hand. With the back up club being one known for fun and action. It is always fun to venture out to different clubs, but i find if i do hit the same club to frequently that you become somehow know as a certain ladies regular customer and others rarely bother to come by and chat up and try for any dances. So finding new fun clubs and ladies gives you more options on where you might want to go depending on your mood and what you may be looking for on that evening. If I'm going to be out of town i try to research the area as much as possible using this and other forums dedicated to strips clubs. So i have a general ideas of where i want to got that evening.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Same As Usual
    yea unfortunately that sound like like the service I've gotten from her also. but for a hell of a lot less. Sorry to hear it hasn't gotten any better there.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Disappointing Near-ROB
    pretty much sums up my visit after the holidays. And from the description it sounds like it was with the same lady so i feel your pain and disappointment.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    A surprisingly good time
    or it could have been Carmella also but like Purpleheart said not sure from your description.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Another Good Time
    nice report. has been a while since i've been there. Have heard they've a new fee of 10 dollars to sit at the tables now. And that the only free seating on Friday and Saturday nights is at the bar. Is that true? if so that may delay My coming back to this club for a bit longer. Getting real tired of all the nickle and diming they have going on there now.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Do it. Trust me.
    upon my recent visit based on the ladies there. If there are still the same that lady you sat with tatted petite rocker chick would be Jamie. a little thicker but cute blonde there was Jade. That being said with the usual turnover these could be different ladies using the same names that others have had in the past,
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    wow 20 for cover charge?? when did they raise there price it used to be 10 last time i was there.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Best stage show in michigan
    Definitely sounds like a self review to me.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Tuesday value
    have you been in there since this review? Have the dances gotten any better with less restrictions? Hate the damn Ohio laws with all the dance killing regulations. With Deja Vu now closed for a bit would like to find another good club to hit if i happen to get done with work early some nights, when that does happen.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Tuesday value
    have you been in there since this review? Have the dances gotten any better with less restrictions? Hate the damn Ohio laws with all the dance killing regulations. With Deja Vu now closed for a bit would like to find another good club to hit if i happen to get done with work early some nights, when that does happen.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    What a waste of time! I...
    Lol sorry your visit was worse then mine was. At least the night I was in they had at least 3/4 ladies worth getting dances from. That is if they would have circulated some and worked the room. Those type of experiences are why I usually will go to Toledo or Detroit for my club time. Might have to try Cleveland area sometime. Although with the fun had north of the border, it's difficult to skip going up there when I can get away.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A waste of time, part 2....
    Sorry to here it was even worse than what I saw last time I was there. Sometime the get s diamond in the ruff there. And yes it is now a pain in Tha as to get to since they rerouted the state route that used to run right past it after the rr tracks.