3 mos ago•Tigerfan26reviewedHenry the VIII Lounge1715 Middlebelt Rd Inkster, MI 48141Found my ATF at Henry’s!
1 yr ago•Tigerfan26reviewedBogarts Lounge30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141Looking for exceptions…..
2 yrs ago•Tigerfan26reviewedDéjà Vu Lake Station2491 Ripley St Lake Station, IN 46405A good way to get off the road for 45 minutes…..
3 yrs ago•Tigerfan26reviewedBT's Executive Club14417 Michigan Ave Dearborn, MI 48126First visit to BT’s
4 yrs ago•Tigerfan26reviewedHenry the VIII Lounge1715 Middlebelt Rd Inkster, MI 48141Nicole Has a great attitude!
5 yrs ago•Tigerfan26reviewedBogarts Lounge30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141New and improved Hamilton Handshake
5 yrs ago•Tigerfan26reviewedBogarts Lounge30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141A great time with Jennifer
5 yrs ago•Tigerfan26reviewedSilver Criket Gentlemen's Club25231 Michigan Ave Dearborn, MI 48124Scary Saturday night
6 yrs ago•Tigerfan26reviewedSilver Criket Gentlemen's Club25231 Michigan Ave Dearborn, MI 48124New favorite club
6 yrs ago •Tigerfan26commented onAlways a new face on tuesdaysCorrection - Riley was the name of the tall blonde not Ryan.
6 yrs ago •Tigerfan26commented onBest stage show in michiganMy review was Not a self review - just looking for a relaxing time looking at totally nude girls.....and I have never heard of 3 for 20 dances…