Ohio Strip Club Law - Read It

avatar for harrydave
New Jersey
You can read the strip club law enacted in Ohio here:

The original law as proposed contained the "6 foot bubble" provision. The law as enacted did not, but does restrict various forms of touching.


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avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
The applicable text is:

(C)(1) No patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family shall knowingly touch any employee while that employee is nude or seminude or touch the clothing of any employee while that employee is nude or seminude.

(2) No employee who regularly appears nude or seminude on the premises of a sexually oriented business, while on the premises of that sexually oriented business and while nude or seminude, shall knowingly touch a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or the clothing of a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or allow a patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family or another employee who is not a member of the employee's immediate family to touch the employee or the clothing of the employee.

(D) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of illegally operating a sexually oriented business, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

(E) Whoever violates division (C) of this section is guilty of illegal sexually oriented activity in a sexually oriented business. If the offender touches a specified anatomical area of the patron or employee, or the clothing covering a specified anatomical area, a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the offender does not touch a specified anatomical area of the patron or employee, or the clothing covering a specified anatomical area, a violation of division (C) of this section is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
avatar for harrydave
14 years ago
And for those interested in the fine points of what constitutes nude and semi nude:

(10) "Nudity," "nude," or "state of nudity" means the showing of the human male or female genitals, pubic area, vulva, anus, anal cleft, or cleavage with less than a fully opaque covering; or the showing of the female breasts with less than a fully opaque covering of any part of the nipple.
(12) "Seminude" or "state of seminudity" means a state of dress in which opaque clothing covers not more than the genitals, pubic region, and nipple of the female breast, as well as portions of the body covered by supporting straps or devices.

So if the girl is dressed in more than a thong and pasties, she is neither nude, nor semi-nude, and the no-touch provision do not apply. This explains why girls in some Ohio clubs are dressed in sexy, but covering clothes.

Also, not that both patrons and employees can be found guilty of inappropriate touching.

Oh, the horror!
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
They have signs posted in bathrooms of many of the clubs telling us it is now illegal to touch but of course YMMV depending what club it is. Dreamgirls and Columubs gold still have two way contact but only in the VIP not the couch dances.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
lets all boycott this stupid law and take our money to Indiana or Michigan!!!
avatar for racejeff
14 years ago
samsung come to Indy for a visit. We welcome you. Indianapolis now has 3 clubs in the top 33 and hip hugggers in Kokomo makes a 4th. I've enjoyed the occasional Ohio dancers the law has sent our way.
avatar for gk
14 years ago
Maybe we can help balance Ohio's budget by encouraging de-funding the enforcement of this stupid law when real crimes are ignored or given less attention.

Gov-Elect Kasich, we've found you something to cut that won't hurt anyone. Doubt that he would be reading this, but I bet a staffer might.

Anyone know of how much state money is being funneled to undercover state and local police on this folly?
avatar for troop
14 years ago
harry, regardless of what exactly the state law says, different cities have their own laws or enforce the laws the way they see fit and paranoid clubs have their own rules too. bottom line, if they want to get you for something they will. and even if you fought and won it would cost you time and money. of course ymmv but there's alot of truth to the old saying that you can't beat city hall.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"No patron who is not a member of the employee's immediate family shall knowingly touch any employee while that employee is nude or seminude"

Some kind of incest clause?
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
About the only time the law is a problem is three months before an election and the first three months after a change in power. Outside of those times things haven't changed.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I haven't noticed much of a change in my experiences in CBus clubs since the law was enacted...of course YMMV.

Right now the biggest disincentive to getting LDs for me is the stupidly high prices they're charging!
avatar for MisterGuy
14 years ago
How about just saying to LE when they catch you touching a dancer in OH that you just adopted her? ;)
avatar for MilkMan2484
12 years ago
Hey gent's i can't confirm this,but there is rumor on another forum that the Hush showgirls club in Toledo just recently got hit with a 25,000 fine for violating the ordinance. Not sure whether or not it is true but that is what is being said(rumored) on the other site.
avatar for MilkMan2484
12 years ago
GRRR hate premature posting. But it is being stated with no supporting evidence.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
OMG Ohio sucks. Why do strip clubs exist if you have to stand 2 meters away and not even get a good air dance. Is that even a club? Is that just not a stage show from the 40s?
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
It is call ENFORCING your way of living on others. If it is true it will pass. Unfortunately things in the Glass City often don't rebound as fast as in the Motor City.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
I think a lot of localities probably have a similar law – it often comes down to how vigorously they enforce it IMO.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
tittyfag: "[Quoting alutard] 'It is call ENFORCING your way of living on others.'

Like what you want to do regarding 'law abiding' gun owners? YES! "

Good one. Too bad alutard's "mind" is completely impervious to logic so there is zero chance he will ever see what a hypocrite he is.
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