
Comments by vegasmoon

  • review comment
    a year ago
    Eye candy wherever you look
    If I remember correctly, she was Je**** or Je***** from Venezuela. Enhanced but everything felt nice. Big smile on her as well.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Locals vibe but still a good time
    $20 lap dances. Drinks were the usual for SC (I tend toward mixed drinks so about $14+ per drink) but they were heavy/generous pours.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Vegas trip
    Agree with ranukam. See my review on some tips for out of towners. Those two clubs are pricey but will have the best dancers. Number of dancers start to increase around this time due to convention season in Vegas. My new fav is now Rhino. i think they learned a thing or two from Sapphire and improved their spectrum of ladies. Something for everyone. https://www.tuscl.net/rev.php?M=U&RID=183308
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Taking your wife to a non smoking strip club in Vegas
    In Vegas, even though the clubs allow smoking, Sapphire's has such high ceilings the smoke smell factor is very low. Also, I think they are more couples friendly than Spearmint Rhino but this is just my observation from seeing how dancers interact with couples. The Rhino has great air ventilation so the smoke factor is definitely tolerable however with low ceilings, some parts of the club can get "smokey" when there's a table full of smokers next to you. In general, though, I find there are few smokers in the clubs nowadays. In terms of times to go, depends...you want greater variety, go closer to the weekend (Thurs-Sat) but get there early. The Rhino especially gets super crowded during peek evenings. If you are patient and willing to hang out for a longer period of time before dancers approach you, go earlier in the week (Tues-Wed) and go after 9pm, when you'll see most of the dancers for the evening coming in. By around 11pm it'll be busy enough to soak in the whole scene.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Negotiable Lap Dance Prices?
    I've noticed this a couple of times in Vegas, and it seems to be related to how good a relationship the dancer has with the bouncer of the VIP rooms. So instead of 3 dances for $X, I might get 5 dances for $X+ which ends up being significantly less than the price for 6 dances. The bouncer never comes over to check on us, and if it's good, we do another round.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Why So Few Asians?
    Ditto what tikDo said. There are plenty of Asian dancers in Vegas, especially at the Rhino. Not sure why but where you'd expect to see a better proportion, LA and OC...you don't. On tusclfix's point, I have found dancers, like us, have their prejudices as well. One of dancers I favor when in Vegas told me she sat with me the first time because she thought I was one particular ethnic group and probably wouldn't have if she knew I was what I am. I told her I only let her sit because she was the ethnic group I prefer...great ass and good boobs. Touche.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here is another way to piss off your money in Vegas.
    I spoke to a dancer at Sapphire's about this concept..according to her, it's also a venue to have their dancers be present, to attract customers for the club later in the evening. I too don't think it'll last. Who wants to drive out to another location for a pool party? That's not my scene but it doesn't make business sense to me. Unless they're trying to attract the water park crowd from Circus Circus.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dance Type: Nasty or Sensual
    Sensuality definitely means something different to everyone but in general, I think you nailed it as GFE--something that feels like she's in to you and wants to please you. Different than nasty, which feels like she wants to get you off. Depends on my mood but I tend to go for the former because sensual usually means variety in the dance, which is my preferred type of dance/experience.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Vegas During CES
    TxVegas...another good point. I was thinking the exact same thing. Strippers said the same thing about rodeo attendees. They come to look but seem too conservative to actually get dances. I'll go looking for some of my favs and will give a review of wherever I end up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Vegas During CES
    Good point, inno. Could be a good time to visit some of the ones I don't frequent as much. Plus I doubt I'd be able to find some of my favs at the more busy clubs. Then again, I'm thinking if I can put up with the crowdedness, might be a great time to see new-to-me talent.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I won't do VIP with anyones without at least 2 lap dances on the floor. That's my interview. Then I do chat her up a bit to get a sense of whether I think she will be fun. I don't think I have a set of questions I ask, just a general vibe. For example, someone hints at a bunch but can't be specific...probably bluffing. Someone who talks to me as if I've known her for some time, tells me at a minimum, they're good at reading me and will at least try to make me feel great in the VIP. Couple that with a lap dance that shows me what she'll allow (if you like ass, she better let you touch it), so far has not left me disappointed. I might not think the final experience was worth coming back to but rarely do I think it was so bad I was had.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    My REAL name is...
    Hilarious commentary. I'm with most of y'all on this one. I think the "real" name thing is a gimmick, especially when three dancers in a row do it in one night. And yes, I only keep track of names of those I want to see/find later during my visit. Why remember everyone's name when you're only interested in one or two? The whole real name thing, though, for me is also followed by a "let's hang out, here's my number, txt me when you're back in town…". Maybe it's because I've been to one club several time, maybe the wait staff tips off the dancers that I buy dances, VIPs, drinks? Doesn't matter because I did remember this last dancer's name, whether it's real or not.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    I worked here for years. I...
    Nice to hear from a dancer's point of view.
  • review comment
    11 years ago
    Was here again last weekend. ...
    Thanks for the heads up on the possible changes at the club.
  • article comment
    12 years ago
    Black Belts
    I met one of those black belts at Sapphire's in Vegas. Totally made me come back and once again, I left with an empty wallet. So smooth, so patient. Will talk to me for an hour, about everything but what we're both there for, and then when we get started, she's (appears to be) totally into what she's doing, smiling, having fun, keeping me the center of her attention, even ignoring when dudes next to me are complimenting her or staring. Total expert at her game.