do you "interview" dancer before going to VIP ?? unless she is a repeat, I want to know what I am getting for the money. I never take dancer to VIPS if titty/nipple sucking and ass play isn't offered. try for the finger in the kitty if possible but lack of that isn't a deal killer if she is hot enough. of course, too many times what is promised is not given.
last commentIt is my experience that lack of mileage in the lap dance is a 100% indicator of no extras in VIP. The reverse is not always true.
Many dancers allow pretty high mileage in the lap dance and when you get to VIP you get no further. Some intentionally give good mileage in the lap dance in hopes you will assume higher mileage in the VIP.
Yes, I always talk and negotiate with a relatively unfamiliar dancer.
NO NEED to do that with an ATF. I ABSOLUTELY know what to expect from my ATF.
They will sometimes lie just to sell a VIP. Better to read the reviews and find out high mileage clubs and send PMs to find intel.
I always assume the mileage will be equal in the VIP to what it was on the floor.
To me it feels a little silly to sit there and ask "well back there can I x and y?".
First I read reviews of a place, if there is a member who can give me additional intel I will PM them. If I'm somewhere and I don't have info on a dancer, I will ask what there rules are. If I don't like the response, I eliminate them from VIP.
I won't do VIP with anyones without at least 2 lap dances on the floor. That's my interview. Then I do chat her up a bit to get a sense of whether I think she will be fun. I don't think I have a set of questions I ask, just a general vibe. For example, someone hints at a bunch but can't be specific...probably bluffing. Someone who talks to me as if I've known her for some time, tells me at a minimum, they're good at reading me and will at least try to make me feel great in the VIP. Couple that with a lap dance that shows me what she'll allow (if you like ass, she better let you touch it), so far has not left me disappointed. I might not think the final experience was worth coming back to but rarely do I think it was so bad I was had.
Depends on the girl. If she seems like the right type I might just flat out ask "will you suck my dick back there"? Sometimes they just come and start the extras talk themselves. Sometimes I just trust my instincts about. Other times, like jestie, I reason that it will still be worth it even if no extras and she just makes me cum br grinding so good enough.
The only rule I have is no VIP without an LD first. Broke that rule a couple of times of my vacation and was burned both times. Never again!
Unless the dancer is sure you are not LE, I've never heard specifics mentioned during the initial conversation. If you are known to the club, than the new dancers will may mention specifics.
Fingering the kitty is always a sign of good things to come in the VIP.
"I always assume the mileage will be equal in the VIP to what it was on the floor."
That assumption may be limiting your opportunities.
I am batting 100% on my VIP trips during the last 2 years. Probably 100 visits with 20-25 different girls. I am spoiled. I require BBBJCIM or CFS. For the first time with any dancer new to me, I always ask what is on the menu and prices. Of course it never gets that far unless there is stick shifting and kitty play during the warm up table/lap dances. If they think that I am a cop or give me bull shit answeres, I just pass.
^What shadow said. I don't have as friendly a club within easy striking distance locally, but I do travel a lot and the only time I am in VIP is when I am being serviced. Otherwise, the bulk of my spending on a girl is done OTC.
I cannot imagine having a conversation where I poll a girl as to whether I can finger her, or suck her nipples, etc. Not only does it feel creepy, but also just pathetic as hell.
I accept a notarized statement of fact from a stripper about what she does in VIP.
I use Wikipedia
Anyone who would go to VIP without sampling the dancer via a couple of regular couch dances (at least) is looking to throw a lot of money away. Generally, I've found that if I have an unexpectedly good time on the couches, VIP will be at least as rewarding. I haven't found that talking about it gets me much. It's awkward, and sometimes the dancers are suddenly uncomfortable, because they are being asked to promise something they probably have been told by management NOT to do. Certainly, I've been disappointed sometimes in VIP, when it was even less exciting that a regular dance. But those are risks we take in this "hobby." One other observation: If a dancer heavily pushes VIP, vaguely suggesting that wonderful things will happen back there...I immediately suspect a hype job. And likely NOTHING will happen in VIP. I put much more stock in what she DOES in a regular dance, vs. what she SAYS she'll do in VIP.
Hmm well that answers my question on the aggro aggresive types. the girls that I really wanted a VIP with were extremely hot, but they always were aggressive with trying to take me to vip. And their dances were very seductive (and touchy one way of course). Now i know to not judge it by the first dance.
well that is interesting to me as well. I judge a person on how they do with a LD. If they are really good with LD, I would consider VIP. Now sometimes a person that is great with LD, will not be wild or giving bull answers. IF they would do that, I would leave that person alone. If I try a person for VIP and they disappoint then I wouldn't try that dancer again. If I am interested in this dancer because she is great in VIP then, I will asked discretly about VIP with the dancer.
First, unless I know the dancer, I always do the LD first. First, some girls look much better in costume than they do out of it. I have many a saggy tit in my days once the bra comes off and there is no fucking way I am spending $130 to have someone that I don't consider moderately attractive give me a CR. Second, if their LD is lackluster, the CR is going to be a total waste of time. Third, your mileage is generally better if you get to know them a bit first, even if that means just a few LD before hand. Forth, this is your chance to test drive the girl before putting some real money down - is there sufficient chemistry there, does she quickly give you a boner, does she appear to be naughty or is she one of the girls who don't do extras. Generally, you can get a good sense from a LD or two. Also, when you try to push the limits, what is her reaction - no verbal reaction, just push your hand away, "I leave that for the VIP", or happily obliges. Generally, this is also why I get two LD dances - if the second is more playful than the first, this is a great indication of good things to come in CR. If she just pushes your hand away, good chance, nothing happening in the LR. The middle response of "only in the VIP" is tricky because you don't know if it hype or promise - assume hype and only do the dance if a no extras dance is good enough OR you have intel from another stripper or patron.
Lastly, if I like the girl in LD, I always ask something like "how naughty do you get in the CR?" If the answer is specific, then I generally feel comfortable I know what I am going to get OR not. If the answer is vague, then I usually pass. 9 times out of 10, if the girl says something that sounds like hype, it is.