
Comments by redxxxRose

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Unusual rituals in Mexican strip clubs
    the puppies are mine and are for 'look but not touch' obsessing about,yep they are that good lol
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Meals in USA and Canada's strip clubs
    oh in case some of you don't know what Stringfellows in London is,-placed right in central London,its the countries largest,poshest and most famous strip club where all celebrities go, with 150 girls on a busy night,and their own permanent dance wear shop, hair and make up stylist etc.So they are the only ones that serve food on premises and its said to be excellent..by american reviewers on here x
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    11 years ago
    Meals in USA and Canada's strip clubs
    wow,how weird that food in strip club is pretty much a norm in US.What about Canada,is it similar for Canada? In UK theres never food in the strip club, but there are a few kebab and chip shops in each street with night clubs,so you drink in one place,but then there's 3 minutes walk to where you can eat, but cant buy alcohol there,and you'll most likely eat standing,or sitting on the pavement,because there's not enough space for sitting down in the kebab shop on a saturday night…not sure what men normally buy,probably burgers and pizzas,but all my colleagues unanimously buy chips and cheese with chilli sauce…don't know why..they say this is what they want,and go ecstatic eating that…while frowning upon my doner meat and salad on top of chips.I guess i'm just different LOL.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Unusual rituals in Mexican strip clubs
    thank you for your comments,please keep them coming,i like the one with Mexican radio.but like pabloantonio noted i'm such a nerd,i'm probably 16, and can't even imagine what mexican girls 'do better' with a mexican radio…is it a small,average or large radio? how long is the antenna? so what exactly do they do with it LOL.in Britain we don't even know these immoral things exist:)))
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    dating a stripper.....help?!
    hey the best thing to do in your situation is to send some guy to her club to buy a dance from her and see what she does,also how she talks,what she says,and what she offers to do or agrees to for various amounts of money.If you're okay with the intel your snitch collects for you on her,then calm down and enjoy your strong,kind,friendly,loving,and sexy girlfriend,who deserves a freaking break,and all the support,trust and warm and real cuddle you can give! I agree its not the best job for a partner in the relationship to have,but trust me,i danced on and off for 5 years,in and out of 'good' day jobs,-the worst whores are those 'good' girls who studied their ass off in all sorts of schools and then suffer through their boring office jobs(that their parents chose for them) so bad,that they go to 'normal' bars and fuck all the wrong guys who don't give a shit about them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I guess stripping in a boom town isn't as good as the media reports. LOL.
    so a hooker would make a fortune in boom town but not a stripper?! really???? and women there are in such short supply that men hit on anything with the pulse...guys hello please why are you so naive,-the first thing i would do after traveling all the way there,finding a place to stay and having my first easy and lucrative night,-i would wake up in the morning,and before i had my breakfast(!) i would go straight to this website and post a hysterical and terrible review,so that no more women come there and eat my pie! :]
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What's the general difference between American,Canadian and Mexican customer and
    oh 'farmerart' thank you so much you're the best,i've seen you circulating on here,so its an honour to get an advice from you! You know i didn't even like the americans i met from your 'no go' cities for me,i felt they were not my people…they acted reserved and seemed like they trying to learn 'their game' in my club or smth. my favourite ones are of irish descent,Bostoners...because we have so much chemistry its unreal,it always feels like we've already met before! Although german descend guys way easily impressed by me too...I have a good friend in NY where i can stay when i get there,-oh i cant wait to get in there and kick some ass,then get married and stay,live happily ever after:))
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What's the general difference between American,Canadian and Mexican customer and
    yes JackKash i get it,US is massive and diverse,but i just like generalisations,-however vague! it 'glues' all the bits and pieces of info in my head.For example, i googled 'How americans and canadians are different' (because i've met quite a few of americans,who i seemed to get on much better than with the british(!) but not even one canadian,so have no idea what its like) and i got some similar results from different websites.Some people said that theres no difference at all,some said there so many differences where to begin,both claim the other one's fatter,some said americans are friendlier but canadians are more polite etc,-i see that people have different opinions,and i see what opinions are more common,and what opinions cause strong debates,-now thats something.Without visiting Canada i can at least begin to speculate what its like and whether i should visit it! I don't have all the time in the world to visit everywhere,and if i decide to go somewhere abroad,i need to be at least initially positively opinionated about some things about that country.x
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How non-american lap dancing clubs are different?
    i never touch a dick:) i think thats why my guys spend on me so much,cos i seem to be so posh,:D
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What's the general difference between American,Canadian and Mexican customer and
    thank you ilbbaicnl for your feedback,see folks this is what i mean,just tell me what's specific to the industry in one of the above mentioned countries! For example it already sounds like dancing in Canada would not be for me. I don't like being nude on stage and some cheapskates to stare.I hate the idea of a coin toss.I don't speak french etc.so people please keep your extreme generalisations coming.'gatorfan' that is a very curious fact that canadians don't pee standing up! i totally didn't know that,now please tell me more about how canadians differ from other humans,thank you xxx
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What's the general difference between American,Canadian and Mexican customer and
    i see what you mean sclvr5005,it looks like i'm trying to generalise what the lap dancing is by continent..which is too general,-but what i'm trying to do is to get as broader picture as possible where possible.I like to think big lol. And to answer your question-of cause the industry is not the same across Europe.But i bet nowhere in Europe it is like in USA or Canada! I'd have to spend at least a month reading reviews on this website to give a more correct and informative answer,-but from what i heard,-its worth trying to 'just dance' in Ireland and UK,maybe a few of places in Spain and Germany with a good research…but most other countries in Europe tend to be more about 'extras'…i maybe wrong,but at least i have some idea,and i'm open to corrections! :)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    How non-american lap dancing clubs are different?
    thank you georgmicrodong for your comment that sex outside marriage is considered immoral in most places in USA,i needed to hear that.maybe a bunch of guys on here like to create works of fiction,but after reading a ton of reviews on this website for a few different countries i felt extremely low…i love to travel, and stripping and traveling is great way to fund the adventures, as well as meeting the locals and getting some idea about the customs and culture etc,so i was very discouraged because all i read is just total sleaze…its like who cares about the actual dancing,-its all about where you can stick your body parts or what can you constantly grope! I have a strong vision of how the exotic dancing should be and for me its all to do with emotional connection,companionship and a bit of naughty teasing. I know for you guys saying a few words on how the stripping industry in the country is,is too broad of generalisation and you'd rather talk about your state or certain states,but for us in UK american guys tend to act in a certain way, and what works for british guys wont work for them.For example british guys like average looking woman who can talk,but american guys seem to like pretty women who can listen:) British guys tend to care too much about where the girl is from, what her background is like etc,-american guys seem to either 'click' or 'not click' with a dancer,and if they click-they trust her and try to impress her…but thats my generalisation.I could easily spot americans in the club,because they tend to be on average a bit larger and taller than british and look around a lot,check every girl out,-what she look like.British guys never look at girls,and even if they do,-they often get very scared of the obviously vivid and sexy ones,-'she is too good-looking,-she shouldn't even be here!' Other british guys have other attitude problems with pretty women,-they love rejecting them! It feels so good to say no to someone who wouldn't even look at them outside of the club. Thats why i want to go to US :)) by the way thats my pic on here x
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What's the general difference between American,Canadian and Mexican customer and
    Yes 'sclvr5005' i am looking for broad stereotypes,-as i live an ocean away,i need to get at least a general idea on how things commonly are…i spent crazy amount of time reading reviews for clubs all over North America (USA,Canada,Mexico) and know whats going on,but i just really need to hear some generalisations.You know,it takes weeks of reading reviews for clubs and going through discussion topics just to get some broader picture on how the industry is in one country.and even more time to see how two neighbouring countries compare.My eyes hurt now:( oh and i can paragraph 'minnow', i just got carried away writing and didn't realise how much i wrote:) I only speak English,so would work in an english speaking country only. Some of you might think,-how can she even compare mexican lap dancing scene with american and canadian..well a couple of years ago i met a girl who said she worked in Mexico as a lap dancer for a few years and she looked and sounded like a normal lap dancer and was making good money in my club near London,just stripping,a lot of guys seemed to like her,and she said stripping in Mexico is the same business as here in UK and people just buy dances and its good…hmmm…how come nobody ever say that on this website lol..
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    Estafador, guys who want a lot of different girls but not me, i call 'not my guy' and have no problem with them,cos 'my guys' most of the time wont even look at anyone else once they spotted me:) it can be very upsetting when 'its not my night' and a lot of 'guys are not my guy', i feel a bit ugly…but then when it is my night and i see how numerous guys keep staring at me, ignoring other girls efforts or rubbing into them that i'm the best and most beautiful, i do realise that 'what's one man's trash is another one's treasure'!
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    11 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    what the hell people lol.some of you really reading your own stuff between my lines!! lol jestrite50, when did i say my business was so bad? my business is great, i just outlined the sort of guy n their configurations that i find repulsive,to write you people a nice informative article,and this is how you thank me lol.i am a professional,i spend maximum a minute of my time with social leeches until i identify them,then watch other girls giving them 30min therapist sessions for free! Leonard313 calm down already with how we dancers all prostitutes,having crossed that holy red line you drew for us!! i'm an awfully playful girl,and this is how i make my good money,- charging them more and letting them do stuff to me has never really crossed my mind,because i am NOT comfortable with some random people seriously touching me, also for money, which is like giving away that control that makes the whole thing fun, and not some pathetic grouping session.I find they spend less if they can do to you more, because then you become a 'body', and they need to do it all! teasing is doing more! as in 'less is more'! but you wont understand it of cos Leo,your cock is thinking differently for you lol:))))x big_d_2011 i see your point,sorry to hear good guys get neglected when they hang out at strip clubs. i am one of those fiery temperamental girls too,who wont go to a guy unless it feels right,but if they giving me strong eye contact,i'm game, can enjoy myself a lot and be very chatty and open too,i just need to know he means business first,otherwise i get quite fickle n run off lol.good job my body attracts me serious people,when i was less curvy, working a room was a nightmare,-every guy is a freaking mystery you have to invest yourself emotionally with first! P.S. ready or not,here i come,-i'm going to US this year to 'educate' the masses about life's true values lol
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    11 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    hmm..Leonard313…thank you for assuming i might be telling the truth and i might be great and gorgeous…but i'm assuming you're my type one from the list of worst customers-the Evil one! lol. What you say may be a reality,but its Leonard's reality, people he attract and get on with. oh God knows,the hand of that girl must be tired to make LOT of money through 25dollar handjobs lol.i would believe you that US is so harsh but i cant,-my easiest money ever came from well traveled well informed american customers! these guys like me to silly,every other one wants to marry me,i donno what you talking about, seriously.but the nasty ones like you are so self-righteous,-they tell me 'hey girl you can't make serious money unless you meet me after work..bla bla..'n i go:'oh me so horny lol…', but they always tease me with their money and give an easy equivalent of 100 dollars which is like 15min dancing,-i have few of their friends or collegues and i'm done for the night,-no need to fuck or wank anyone lol :p
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    11 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    Leonard313,ermm…none of what you've said is a valid point for me,i'm sorry…i worked in over 50clubs in UK and sex in a strip club is a rare thing,definitely not a commodity.Now,about my sense of value and self respect…I have plenty of those! i like my job and my customers,i don't dance for a guy if he has about your attitude! lol. Please note that i'm a stripper,not you,so its for me to tell you what i don't like in my job,don't put words in my mouth lol. i dont mind guys with $40 budget,i appreciate any business big or small, and nobody ever threw money at me in disrespectful way in 5years..all rules cannot be void if i'm naked cos i'll press the panic button or shout for security n run away…oh n i love 'losers' who fall in love with me,cos i can make 400-500pounds in few hours while just chilling in a comfy chair with a drink, talking sweet nothings…yeah and about the things we say to customers,-why are we suppose to bare our hearts to you,-of cause we have to wear our stripper persona,-what do you mean we have to be honest? really?! would you go to cinema to watch documentary about real people? No,people go to watch a 'story',thats what they pay for.Its not 'lies',its our artistic improvisations! :))))
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    ilbbaichl i get it,if you was a dancer,it would be a piece of cake for you,-nothing to discuss,worry about or be annoyed with…absolute perfection.nice.wish we silly cows had your talents! :)))) why don't you write us a useful article on how to just sail through every social situation at work, and have our real personality and weaknesses wrapped tightly under a super strong energy protection field, as in the 'World of Warcraft' lol
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    11 years ago
    The Worst Kind of Strip Club Customers
    Thank you guys for your involvement,i love hearing your opinions, whatever they are. You can agree with me or tell me that i'm wrong,-i am here to see my points from your angles, as it does help. JayJaydancer you got me just right,and i'm glad you saying american guys can also be two faced, cos the ones i met here in UK, have been very honest and manageable for me,-another reason i'm so fed up with the british crowd..Papi_Chulo i agree men are men, and its a game like situation,where things reverse from how they are outside of the club…of cos i understand that..Allucard, as JayJay explained,i am only against hyperbolically friendly blokes…because its like wtf lol…'i'm not your long-lost sister,i'm just offering to see me naked,so you get a hard on,you can play with later, and fantasise about us together'..ok Papi,i'll be so kind n upload more pics:)
  • article comment
    11 years ago
    Top Ten Things I hate in SCs....
    thank you for your input,i can see you're very sensitive guy JScrib325,its nice that you care,but it would also be nice for you to grow a bit of thick skin,its a funny world we live in,theres always something annoying or evil happening around…anyway,on your subject,the worst thing for me in a strip club is a stuck up guy assuming something extreme about the whole business of lap dancing,-whether too good or too bad!