While i'm on the subject,can you guys please share in few words how non-american clubs that offer american style lap dancing are different? How Australian clubs or customer's mentality are different? or Whats the difference between Australian and New Zealand clubs. What its like in Japan? I've heard of a strip club there, where there are hundreds of girls from all over the world with numbers attached to them,you pick one and a limo inside a massive building takes you to different areas of it,and eventually to the rooms where you get sex with your
dancer.How European clubs are generally different? In which european countries you generally only get a dance (and nothing dodgy going on)? I work in UK and we have a good variety,we have very strict clubs and those where you get it all in a VIP,secretly or openly.We get men who like normal lap dances and company, and are very decent people(the married guys usually),and some pay damn good money just for talking, and those who are looking for a 'release',- and eventually get one.We have clubs with a hidden 'back room' and we have ones where the guy get thrown out for just touching a dancer's leg.We have big clubs where girls hassle the shit out of you and the small clubs where they won't come to you in the whole night,-just sit there all shy and talk with their mates and just giving you 'the eyes',-like its your job to go and ask them.We have fully nude stage dancing in strip pubs in London,but in most of the country its topless on stage-on the second song(2songs maximum on stage),in some clubs though its only one song fully clothed performance.We make ok money (its rare for a girl to do shit all the time),some do well,some even fantastic,it all depends on convincing powers of the girl,and not really that much on 'dirtiness'.The best money being spent is always spent on drinking and chatting crap.Sometimes we get bored,dissatisfied and ambitious and say to each other hey, we should go and dance in Australia or USA, Denmark or Japan! 'Americans tip for stage show or love accents! Australian economy is stable so everybody in club buys dances no problem! Men in Denmark and Japan are filthy rich,if they like you,-they'll cover you in gold lol'…Some girls here wanna do less and earn more,others want to do more and earn crazy money, we just don't know where to go! Then the string or wonderful tales or horror stories follow from the girls who 'heard something' and we just end up being scared to explore out of pure ignorance! So please guys enlighten us! Will much appreciate it! xxx
last commentThe biggest difference, based on my limited observations is the attitude of both customers and dancers.
In the U.S., sex outside of marriage is illegal in some places, and considered immoral in most places. At the very least, frowned upon. Actually paying for sex is outright illegal almost everywhere except certain areas of Nevada. As a result, most strip club goers in America are...somewhat less than completely open about going to strip clubs and what they do there. Outside of a mostly anonymous BBS like TUSCL, getting someone to admit they have sex in strip clubs isn't likely to happen.
Not sure about Australia, but in many places in Europe, sex is viewed much less puritanically than it is here in the U.S., with the attendant change in attitude by both providers and customers.
I know for you guys saying a few words on how the stripping industry in the country is,is too broad of generalisation and you'd rather talk about your state or certain states,but for us in UK american guys tend to act in a certain way, and what works for british guys wont work for them.For example british guys like average looking woman who can talk,but american guys seem to like pretty women who can listen:) British guys tend to care too much about where the girl is from, what her background is like etc,-american guys seem to either 'click' or 'not click' with a dancer,and if they click-they trust her and try to impress her…but thats my generalisation.I could easily spot americans in the club,because they tend to be on average a bit larger and taller than british and look around a lot,check every girl out,-what she look like.British guys never look at girls,and even if they do,-they often get very scared of the obviously vivid and sexy ones,-'she is too good-looking,-she shouldn't even be here!' Other british guys have other attitude problems with pretty women,-they love rejecting them! It feels so good to say no to someone who wouldn't even look at them outside of the club. Thats why i want to go to US :)) by the way thats my pic on here x
In southeast Asia, lap dances as we know them are not available, but everything else it. I have little experience with Chinese strip clubs.
I don't visit strip clubs in Europe. Too expensive. I head straight for the whorehouses. The ones in Germany are amazing.
We're not supposed to play with anyone's boobs or pussies except for our wives. Some wives use that to exercise control over their husbands, and that causes resentment and rebellion among some. So they go out and grope and fuck willing young (and sometime not so young) women in these various places.
However, even in the U.S., there are many, probably a majority, of clubs that aren't so bad. Right here in Louisville, for instance, there are two clubs where you won't find much in the way of groping or sex beyond grinding guys to orgasm in their pants.
Don't let the frequent posters here skew your perception. We are not very representative of strip club customers. Most club goers are clueless sheep who only fantasize about sex with strippers, but for a variety of reasons never actively pursue it.
Anyhow, I see a lot of pimpled assholes in their teens, twenties and whatnot posting. There's a world outside that''s worth exploring. That's all I'm gonna say tonite.