Comments by Mistoff
discussion comment
11 years ago
Papi, I didn't realize it was a one man. is it the type of thing that I should send a paypal or equivalent to?
discussion comment
11 years ago
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
I have all those traits. I don't pay for pussy. The value of paying would be having it go away quietly after, but I don't partake anyhow.
The club isn't for sex. It's for titillation. For winding down. No relationship to go bad, no 'other' to try to cash in on my success, no legal risks. A different excitement.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Yeah. I'm with gawker. iPhone and iPad weren't connecting. Galaxy was slow. BlackBerry couldn't do squat, but it never can. Acer laptop was laggy. Fortunately the HP desktop was okay, but to read reviews I had to use my Kindle with my Droid as a 4G hotspot. Finally I booted up the VT102 terminal, wired it through the Amiga and dialed up CompuServe with my Hayes 2400. After 20 minutes I could view a nipple. In ASCII.
TUSCL gets slow regularly, goes down a lot. Probably network backup scripts and maintenance.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Mistoff not retarded, umissedaspot. You are. Mistoff knows what you don't.
He was charged with murder. That requires intent and premeditation. He committed homicide. But wasn't charged with it. Can't be convicted for what he didn't do, and can't be convicted for what he wasn't charged with. Prosecute screwed up.
You and shadow are quick to jump on a hyperbolic bandwagon. Slow down and learn to read.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Summary is wrong. He was acquitted of murder. Wasn't charged with homicide. Acquittal is correct, prosecutor over-reached and lost.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Shadow, did I just understand you to say that you "don't make the news"... you just repeat lies?
Apparently the vet did neuter you. Grow a pair. With fur on.
After that, after getting your balls back... learn to read.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Doc, who does deserve to die? She did steal, at least $100 by time.
You must be some "doc" considering she wasn't hit by a bullet, but by a fragment, to call BS on the shooting at a tire. I am in honor of your skills. Or arrogance. Let's go with arrogance. It sounds better than stupidity.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Club_Goer mentioned Seattle. 10 years ago we had rocking clubs. Ricks, Honeys, Sugars. Back then, more fun. More contact. Dances were 3.5 minutes not 2. More white chicks, less tattood chicks. And not so many fat chicks.
We pay for fantasy. The clubs changed. Not us.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I don't chime in often. But today shadowcat is acting like a clueless msnbc-following brain-dead leftist loser, parroting the left-wing anti-male websites as he looks under the bed for his lost vagina. Dear shadowcat, what happened to your testicles? Were you suddenly taken to the vet for a little snip?
The acquittal doesn't say it's okay to kill a dash-and-cash. What shadowcat omits is that Frago didn't do anything she contracted to do. Didn't strip. Attempted cash-and-dash less than 1/3 into the contracted time to "give the money to her driver" Gilbert fired from a distance into the moving car. Got her in the neck. Could't have been intended, nobody is that good. She lived on life support another seven months. He spent four years in mental hospitals. Clearly a bit nuts.
Not an open and shut case.
Acquittal does not equal Texas supporting killing prostitute dash-and-cash. Not, to quote Seinfeld, that there's anything wrong with that.
discussion comment
12 years ago
Don't negotiate the lap dances. Negotiate the tips. Up front. Always. You can get any thing you want at Alice's restaurant... including Alice if your tip offer is accepted.
review comment
7 years ago
In the VIP
Interesting that you visited it long after it shut down.
review comment
11 years ago
He obviously didn't go to Deja Vu 1st but instead compiled this from other reviews... there's no parking. It's on Pike and 1st, nowhere near anything resembling an attached lot.
review comment
11 years ago
He's lying, there's no VIP room. All lapdances are in booths, no special ones.
review comment
11 years ago
It was written by a dancer at the club
review comment
11 years ago
Doesn't even know the layout of the club/VIP.
review comment
11 years ago
He's lying about the layout. Everyone can see everyone in the VIP area.
review comment
12 years ago
And not accurate. Never 20-25 girls and no shower.
review comment
12 years ago
Meets the accuracy and details pegs.
review comment
13 years ago
The Bro Code advice paid off
article comment
11 years ago
SkiBum, you must be on the east coast. A suit on the west coast often means does NOT make serious money. People working in hotels, car dealerships, restaurants, customer support - they wear suits. People writing loans. Sure, some lawyers. But most lawyers, doctors, software guys dress neat but casual. Okay, software often slobby but casual, but still gobs of money. Walk around Manhattan or Boston at noon, tons of suits. Walk around Hollywood, San Francisco or Seattle at noon, hardly any.
I've heard dancers in COI talking as a pair of suited guys came in, that they looked like posers because of the suits.
article comment
11 years ago
Entrance fee reduce traffic - number of guys in the door. But not necessarily revenue - guys who buy dances. Mandatory drink is stupid, but entrance fee keeps deadwood out. Keeps bums just wanting a warm seat and a view out. And free entrance often available if you print coupon (also not something a bum would do) or if guy handing out coupons in some cities thinks you look like money.
I've gotten entrance fee refunds when there haven't been enough dancers and I asked for it. Never been refused.
Dancers aren't necessarily brainiacs. And don't dance long enough to learn great selling technique. When I see a gal I'd like a dance from, even if she just got there, I go ask her. Got some incredible experiences that way. They like being wanted too.
article comment
11 years ago
Be nice to be able to edit. Before Club-Goer corrects me. From Sodo, 10 minute walk north to stadiums. One spotty club and several great breweries. 10 minutes walk north from there to Pike. One more okay brewery in the Market, great market, flying fish and one Classy not fun club. 10 minute east walk to another Classy club. Another 10 minutes walking is Capital Hill. Alternative, but has another decent brewery. Just make sure that girl really is a girl.