
Comments by OCCruzer

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Ball bustin' dancer
    After posting I realized I was a little vague on what happened. I think she was trying to be witty and "smart" in her humor but it just fell flat. She asked me about my ethnicity since I look very Scandinavian and after telling her I'm Swedish Danish she responded very dryly with "did you leave your accent at home?" I gave her a slightly confused look and said I was born here and then she said in a very condescending tone "that was a joke..." She then alternated between asking me really random questions such as "have you ever had a turtle as a pet?" to insulting ones such as "not everyone can pull off that bloated face look you have"....She was obviously trying to piss me off and there was no way I was going to give her the satisfaction. After she moved along I was greeted by a smokin' hot black spinner who I took the VIP for FS. So needless to say I quickly got over it!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How Aggressive Should A PL Be In A Club?
    In my experience if there's a dancer I'm really interested in and don't want to chance her not coming by I'll wait for her to finish her stage set and when she's doing the tip walk I'll either directly hand her a few dollars or drop them in front of her where she can see...I'll smile and ask her to come see me when she's done. That seems to work pretty well.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Tia Ling
    If you have free passes, what the hell, give it a go. It will probably bee too crowded to get anything but even so, you're not out much. If I were in your shoes I'd give it a shot...I LOVE me some Tia Ling!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    When did strippers become prostitues?
    @txtittyfan LMAO...I remember that day well!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    I love reading stripperweb for the entertainment of it. It's so amusing to read the dancers' self-righteous rants. It seems like the moment they log into that site they become bastions of moral authority and purity! LOL What a load of crap....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    EXTRAS ???
    I would agree with that, but I'm quickly becoming jaded and expecting the "extras" you list to be the norm...you guys are a bad influence on me! :-)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Portland: Best Club For A Little Mileage?
    I used to live in the PDX area years ago and would frequent Jiggles as a SC noob. The mileage there was the best by far but nothing compared to being spoiled by having Anaheim and The Flamingo 30 mins from where Iive...but I digress. Back in my days at Jiggles (2002-2003) the dancer contact on me was very good (crotch rubs, hands up my shirt etc.) and I even was able to get in some nice ass grabs and thigh rubs on my part...I wasn't brave enough to go for the breast fondle though and none of the dancers led me there. :(
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My first ITC today
    Good advice @CTQWERTY. @shadowcat, it was FS. I'll tip the additional $20 from now on and give her a little extra to make up for today if I see her next time.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Is it so wrong...
    HULK, I was in a similar situation as you. My wife and I were married for over 7 years and she was just never into sex. I went through the whole rationalizing bit (sex isn't everything, we have a good marriage otherwise, I'm selfish, etc.) until last year I finally had enough. We ended up going to a marriage counselor who shockingly told me "it's okay to want regular sex from your wife...you deserve a COMPLETE relationship." After realizing that simple but profound statement, I was done. We're in the process of divorcing now and it was the best decision I made. I'm now free to pursue my "activities" with no guilt or shame. :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Determining her limits
    Thanks everyone for the good (and humorous) advice. It sounds like I'm on the right track with my current approach and just need to pick up the pace a little bit. I'm hoping to make another visit this week or next and will report back my findings. One thing I definitely learned is how addicting this hobby can be.