
Comments by JayMustang

  • review comment
    a year ago
    A new experience at old reliable in North Phoenix.
    Did they change it recently? Cause every time I have gone there before its cashier immediately to the left, bar to the right, 1 big stage with an elevated VIP, and 1 small stage near bard, a pool table, and the entrance to the 2nd VIP.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Using TUSCL PMs to communicate with dancers.
    I've never had a problem with giving out a regular cell phone number. You guys must find some weird ones lol. Most don't ever use it, and the ones that do only ask me to come in maybe every other week and they certainly don't hound me about it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    spending large amounts of money on one dancer or a bunch of dancers
    I'd say, test them out on the floor and figure which one you want to have fun with the most. I tried just grabbing a few different ones one night in VIP. I had some money to blow and my regular girl wasn't there. All I can say is this, if there is a girl there who knows what you like, and is willing to let you do what you want to her during the dance, stick with her. Some are real dumb. Sorry, but if I am going to drop serious money one night in the club, the last thing I want is a dancer that thinks they are so rich that they can tell me not to get the level of two way contact I want. So if there is one you like go with just her. Unless she has no conversation ability whatsoever.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Obligation to get LD?
    Only when a stripper calls me to come in cause it's a slow night... like last night, so I got 2 after talking a while and left.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    really subjective...
    If you read the full reviews most the guys on here will describe the type of girls working. I know if I want to see a fake good looking blonde that I should head to Bourbon Street Circus in my hometown. I know if I want an ethnic dancer to go to Bandaids. I know if I want a good mix I'll go to centerfolds. Plus I know the ones close to me and what they provide. I honestly don't know how you cannot tell from this website what you're getting. A lot of people on here are incredibly wordy and go into detail about dancers and even tell you how the dance was or whether they were nice or rude. Plus, you walk in and pay the 5 or 10 dollar cover, see nothing you like? Go to the next one. Most SC's are in roughly the same area of town anyways. Next time take a list of 2 or 3 and go to all of them till you find a girl you like. Plus you can always make a discussion question and ask "hey i like this type of girl (long explanation) where should I go?". I have asked city specific questions and gotten plenty of answers I am sure you could too.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancer talk.
    Well, I like to get to know them. I like to hear about their lives because part of the experience for me requires me to be interested in them more than just physical. So I like to talk about our backgrounds to each other and what she did before or while she strips, why she strips, what she wants to do in life. I find that the girls who don't mind talking about those things and like to add some level of intimacy are the ones with personalities that I like. On a side note, a total turn off is trying to make raunchy jokes when asking if I want an LD. I was just minding my own business texting on my phone and this old (lates 30's early 40's) stripper comes up to me, squats down to eye level and says "quit sending me pictures of your dick" along with the line, "my friends were wondering why I was deepthroating my blackberry over there". Look, if I was in my "urban" clothes, I could possibly understand that approach, but I was in a dress shirt and pants, don't come up to me with a total classless approach when I look like million bucks ya know. Gosh she pissed me off so much and after I told her to go away she still came back a couple more times to tell me things, like she didn't get the hint the first time. So annoying.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Question about Times of your SC trips
    Are PHX clubs weird? I have only met one dancer on drugs. But she was still able to do her stage show just fine. I've never seen one drunk. Maybe the few clubs I have been too just keep a tight reign on the place.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Question about Times of your SC trips
    Doing more for less probably works regardless of the time here in PHX. Every single girl tells me it's slow, and I believe it. It's always dead unless it's Fri or Sat night. I have also read on another website that strippers in PHX leave during the summer cause the golfers don't come here. Honestly that is so stupid. I live here and I golf, they don't need to leave when I am here. Still, I can see your points. I might have to try day time out sometime. Maybe when I venture to Centerfolds I will go in the day time. I hear the day time is good there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Phoenix Mileage?
    Woah woah woah. Timeout. I am not looking for FS, I am not looking for a HJ or a BJ extra. I just want mileage. I'm a boob man. I could care less about sneaking in digits, her hand in my pants, or her booty unless it's grinding on me. I just want to know of some good places where I can memorize the top half. Not worry about some bald headed guy catching a peek at my show. I don't mind the illusion of surveilance. But problems for example I am encountering. VIP booths the size of a bathroom for 7 to 8 dancers to share (Candy Store)... VIP areas where the walk way from the door is right there and everyone bouncer, customer, or waitress can see my show (bliss).... Or places where there's no privacy and it's constantly reminded to you (ABCO)... I like intimacy. I know what a gritty club like that stuff that Dave mentioned is for. I have no interest in the Champagne room or Club lace. I just want some mutual contact. I want my hands to play as much as hers but I don't want FS or to sneak a feel of her kitty. That's not what I go to a SC for. On a side note... Supertramp79. How did you get a girl to let you take her to lunch? That would be quite fun if she had any ability to hold a conversation. I don't think it's a waste of money on an OTC activity as long as you enjoyed it. I've even offered to give a girl more money than she usually makes on a Monday to take the day off and still no dice. Getting OTC is beyond me, and I would just be happy with a lunch, it's a step. I find about 1/3 of the strippers I like would actually be really cool to know on a friend level.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I've never tipped. I usually do LD's on the floor to see if I want to go VIP. And if I go VIP I am probably dropping a couple hundred if not more. I am white though, so I guess that screws up the theory. Also, I might be more willing to tip floor dances if I had one that made me think it was worth it. Honestly I never heard about tipping till a girl in VIP told me I should tip for LD's on the floor cause the place was 5 a dance... I was like okay thats a new one to me lol. I had been a regular at another club for a few months and never heard one tell me I should tip girls. Of course I never left that club without dropping 300 or more usually.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Pants for lap dances: What should guys wear for them-- and why?
    I wear Koman sweat suit with t-shirt and boxxors. It's microfiber cotton polly blend, 80/20. It feels good, at least every single girl has told me that danced for me. Almost instantly when they sit down they go "wow this feels soft, what is it". Yea, it's long sleeved, and long pants but it's soft, breathable, and if a girl is cold she likes to snuggle into it for a second. It feels a million times better than jeans and has plenty of room. I think it's simple to understand. Paper thin pants with no boxxors makes the girls feel dirty. Last thing you want is a girl weirded out, the dance won't be as good so get something with some weight to it.