
Comments by Stiletto25 (page 36)

  • article comment
    13 years ago
    More Rules from 5 Pros and one Neophyte
    I like rule #7
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @Rell: I would agree with the fact that many strippers don't have a lot of money. And that isn't because a lot of money doesn't pass through their hands, its because cash is "easy come, easy go". It takes a lot of willpower, in general, to convince yourself that you don't really need that new Prada purse, and maybe you should invest it in something you'll get a return on. It took me one year before I finally got smart. I kept a book of my daily earnings and I realized how much money I had been blowing. That craziness quit a few years ago I'm happy to report. Btw, the old boxer comment is very true in some instances.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    This was still up on the homepage and I see there have been more posts in the last couple of days. @Rell: I have two houses and three cars and I live alone. I report taxes, always have, and I have danced for longer than three months. Girls with jobs not of the stripper nature may not have their shit together just like some dancers may not have their shit together. I'm not sure if I'd argue that the dancers on here don't have their shit together or ALL dancers don't have their shit together. It really depends on a lot of aspects. This continues to be a hot thread, though, and I appreciate your post because it gives me something to comment on while my night winds down.
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    Oh Wasted, not ALL strippers are prostitutes. Many of us do it for free
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    I think this is a funny article. It's very entertaining. I do think a lot of the men and women on this site are smart (with the exception of juicebox69 :) :) and know that "lending" money that you can't afford to lose isn't a good idea. Also the "lending" issue doesn't just fall on strippers. Best friends, lovers, etc have severed ties over money. I don't think Ive ever payed my poor parents back for all the money they've "lent" me in my younger years. Sounds like you had a bad experience Wasted, and I'm sorry for that. I'm usually a fair and balanced person on this site so I don't feel too bad about saying "this article is full of bullshit". One line would have done it. Don't lend money!! In general.. Thank you, you've been a great audience. Now I've gotta get back to work.
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    13 years ago
    Stripping My Way through College
    Great article! You are so right about "whatever identity you had before is erased. Now, you are known as Stripper". That's not just college campuses but everyday life with friends. I used to be just me. Now friends, even ones that have known me for awhile, are weirded out. And people that are new in my life, forget it. It doesn't matter who I used to be, that I have a college degree, that I live a fairly normal home life, I am the stripper.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    @gsv- lol. I would agree with the 'game' comment. Before I started dancing, if a guy at a club, who had no intention of a relationship, was honest and told me he wanted to take me out and have sex with no commitment, id be like " I'm a woman and you need to have some respect you asshole". And then I would have been angry for the rest of the night. As a dancer Ive come to understand people a little more, not take things so personal, and realize there's all different kinds of men out there. You wanna bag a dancer for free, just ask. Worst she could say is "no". Yes some are into drugs but some aren't. I don't drink or do drugs. It messes up your work and customers can tell you're on something.
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    13 years ago
    How To Bag a Stripper
    Id say most stripper do not have fucked up lives outside the club. I'd probably give it 50%. But I'd give that statistic to non stripper women also. It's probably just not so apparent because non strippers don't all congregate in one place bitching about their issues. I'm not sure it takes "game" to bag a stripper for free.Maybe just a nice guy who's honest and easy to look at.. " I'm not looking for a relationship and I don't want to pay you but I'd like to take you out, have a good time, and maybe bend ya over" would work just fine.
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    13 years ago
    Is Dating a Stripper a Mistake?
    See skibum's answer
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Tips for Couples
    I really liked this article. Very well written. I love to dance for couples and I think women are great. The "Help" word idea is a nice. I think every couple should have one. Sometimes dances can get steamy and I always have a hard time distinguishing the looks that the woman gets on her face. Sometimes I think she's uncomfortable with what her significant other is doing and too afraid to say anything during the dance.
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    13 years ago
    BBBJ and HJ STD Risks
    I agree with Dougster. This article is filled with misinformation..
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    14 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    I really love older customers!..In general younger men are not as respectful and can be pushy (though not all). All in all, older men are generous and kind and that makes for a much better shift