
Comments by stevestevesteve

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    On my Way to Adalitas
    My friend told me you need the passport but hopefully someone else here can help better answer this for you. Please post and update of how the trip goes. Just be careful and dont act like your better than someone else there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What do you guys make of this?
    Also what are your intentions? Are you planning to fuck her? Do you want to be just friends? It depends what you want to do. If she asks for money for her time understand she is all business, I highly doubt anyone will do it for free. Try it out and see where it goes from there. I have neighbor right now going through a NASTY divorce and he was showing me all the fees his lawyer charges, close to $400 a hour!!!! And hes already $25k in debt in lawyer fees alone!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What do you guys make of this?
    I asked a similar question about this earlier but I got responses that I am a PL. One thing to understand is that every situation is different. A lot of responses are generalizations, since she is a stripper is a whore and all she wants is your money. I suggest try it out and see where it goes, nobody here is going to tell you what will happen. But personally I think if you can pry her out of that club and meet her in real life thats a achievement itself.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    "throw his money away", look whos is talking going to almost 100 clubs, dont you have a real life? Cant you find a real wife or girlfriend to fuck? Oh wait you have PAY them to willingly fuck you. I appreciate your inputs in this site in helping fellow members know more about this game but if your going to say I am the loser you might want to check yourself in the mirror first before saying that. I think thats pretty low class that you have to PAY them to fuck you, and then you glorify that as if its some kind of achievement. Really? Are you that serious?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    Nevermind, thanks for all your responses. Can someone please delete this discussion?
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    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    I guess nobody has done it.
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    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    I am serious.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    I am well aware of the rates of normal girls to fuck and escorts and all that, but thats NOT what I am looking for. I was wanted to see if anyone had any experience on a dinner date with a ATF not for sex. What should be expected and what should I look out for? I understand the prices are above the norm but what do you expect a girl thats 9 material to do, go out with you free? I doubt anyone here has done that for free. Its a business transaction, I understand there point of view. What I am trying to get at is looking at them beyond just a dancer, more about who they are as a human being.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    So are you saying being friends is not even going to happen? Why not think outside the box and dont do the norm what everyone else does and see what happens.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    nengneng, What do you mean? Can you clarify please.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    What if your not looking for sex and you make it clear to her that you are not.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Do's and Dont's when going out with your ATF for OTC date
    Putting the money aspect aside, what are her real intentions? Friendship or just to take me to the cleaners? What happens in the end? Does she still hit you up for money?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Would this work?
    "not allowed to sell anything other than to tell folks to come to the other club to get dances." Good luck with that. All the clubs I went to in that area the girls give you there number and "prices" with ease. If you got the money to do it, I say go for it. I think that will be a good combination.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Why no stage tipping - or even stage watching?
    I guess we are spoiled with all the hot women ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The Wisest Dancer I Have Met
    It depends on their age. Older ladies I have known are more wiser on how they spend their money. But the younger ones that are just out of high school are always short on rent, bills, car payments...you name it.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Psychology of a Dancer
    quicknight, OTC=Outside The Club
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Psychology of a Dancer
    No reason to bash the original poster. "shitty strip club review site for free" if its so shitty why are you here then?