Psychology of a Dancer

avatar for realent2005
As a patron of the game for the last 11 years I have seen a lot of women come and go. I have seen a lot of changes in the profession and amongst clubs and dancers. In getting older, I like to talk to girls more and get into their minds as a way to get OTC as opposed to just throwing money on the stage. In the past I went to clubs A LOT and spent A Lot of money. Now, I go in spurts to a few clubs, build rapport with a few dancers, get OTC action through a relationship. Below you find a few reasons I have noticed that girls decided to dance/sell their bodies and a few reasons why they decide to stop. As any of you have noticed, there is always an influx of new girls in the industry and always girls leaving the game never to be seen again.
Reasons girls become a dancer:
1.Lack of options. Many girls don't necessarily come from money and so at 18-21 they want to make fast money to buy clothes, cars, hit up clubs and get their own places. Many girls only have a high school degree and/or GED so there are not many job options available.
2.Piss off their parents. These are the girls who come from money and/or a good family who would prefer they go to college. They want to do want they want to do and have no patience, so they dance.
3.Attention. Many girls love the attention that their beauty brings. Being on stage, naked and in the awe of men and women throwing money at them is the only way they get satisfaction. This is what makes them happy.
4.Sexual Molestation: This is a sad but true fact, many girls have been sexually molested at one time or another at a young age and this leads them to want to be used and taken advantage of sexually. Once again this is what makes them feel validated and happy. They want men or women to want them sexually.
5.Sex=Money. This leads back to # 4, girls that have been very sexually promiscuous, feel that at least by dancing they will get paid for their sexuality. These are the girls I find who have between 2-5 kids, by 2-5 different guys. They are tired of guys fucking them for free
This game chews people up and spits them out. These are the reasons girls stop dancing/selling their bodies
1.Tired of the BS. Tired of drama with other dancers and club management. Girls get tired of the constant fighting, stealing drug use by other dancers and how it affects their life whether directly or indirectly. In addition, club management which turns a blind eye to these things, but promotes them behind the scenes.
2.Relationships. Many of these girls just want to be loved, so they meet the right guy or girl, sometimes in the club and that person wants them to stop dancing. The other scenario is they meet someone outside the club and do not tell them they are a dancer and as the relationship grows they do not want to reveal this as the person may break up with them, so they quit
3.Get older/Gain Weight. Nobody wants to tip the 35 or 40 old stripper who is not hot. Girls have a child or two and it does irreparable damage to their bodies.
4.Get Saved/Find Religion. Many girls want the structure that religion provides, so they get saved, find god and turn their back on dancing for a better life
5.Get a real job/Go back to school: They dislike the inconsistency of the money that dancing provides, the wear and tear it does to your body and decide to get a real job. They also realize they can't dance forever and decide to go to college or get some training for their future
6.Go deeper into Adult Entertainment. Many girls quickly realize they can make more money and work less by being a full time escort and/or doing adult movies.


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avatar for nengneng
14 years ago
"2.Relationships. Many of these girls just want to be loved, so they meet the right guy or girl, sometimes in the club and that person wants them to stop dancing."

How often this happens? Actually I really wonder, what most (full-time) dancer finally end up being? Do they get married even if they are single mom? What they feed on once they are too old to entertain? Hopefully stories will not be too sad.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Most common reason to become a dancer - they got knocked up young, the father isn't helping out much, and they need some quick, easy, low skill money.

Probably the most common reason for quitting - their regulars just got bored of them when either learned they won't put out, or, if they did put out, their regulars got bored anyway and wanted to fuck new girls or, if they were really good, their regulars all went broke, and now the money isn't what it once was.

A reason quitting that wasn't included - they got so deeply caught up in drugs they couldn't perform their job.

I'd forget about trying to psycho-analyze them as a means for getting them to do OTC. Maybe it inflates your ego to think you are next the Freud or have great manipulative skills, but the reality is that girls either do OTC or they don't. If they do it will be with anyone who can walk through the door and put up the money, they could care less about anything else.
Good article. I agree on all points except a dancer stripping to piss off her parents. I'd imagine she would not want to disclose to her parents she is stripping, plus there are less degrading ways to rebell.
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
Like Dougster, I have found that a large number, if not the majority of dancers got knocked up young and need money quickly. Some also use it as an income supplement. Some were starting their own business and danced to supplement their income until their business kicked off. The most common in Columbus seems to be fitness trainers three of which I know are fitness models who competed several times in the Arnold Classic, and one is now a Karate instructor in the eastern part of the state.

Similarly to supplementing income, you will find many dancers who dance to pay for college. In college towns, such as Columbus, Ohio with Ohio State, many clubs will see an uptick in dancers when classes start and a drop right around when classes end. But a lot more dancers will say they are in college than truly are. The most common fake students all seem to be nursing students.

Another not mentioned are escorts who start dancing to gain clientelle. Most last about 3 months before they are fired for propositioning too many customers. Over the years I have seen many who do this, and most I would never consider doing any OTC action with.

One of the most common reason I have found that dancers who have danced at least two years leave is because they no longer have the looks to make good money. The common is that try it and don't like it.
avatar for Alpine
14 years ago
Dancers do leave for all the reasons mentioned and many others. One example is family relocation often due to divorce of the dancer's parents. Also, keep in mind that dancers may leave the business in one location only to pop up elsewhere due to financial or other problems. I have seen a couple of dancers pop up in Florida after being in the Northeast...
avatar for spandexman
14 years ago
There was an article in 2008 that pointed to a spike in woman working as strippers, right after the economy tanked. A lot of secretaries, houswives and retail workers went into the trade for extra money and to recoup their losses from cut pay and office hours.
avatar for picksydusst82
14 years ago
I chose to dance for:

1. Self-employed and my business is absolutely suffering in this economy as it is advertising based in a way... No businesses, no advertising.

2. My doggie who is super old for a dog had emergency surgery and I chose to save her and deplete what $ I had saved.

3. I, Apparently, am doing well but I will quit when the savings account gets refilled...

avatar for picksydusst82
14 years ago
I chose to dance for:

1. Self-employed and my business is absolutely suffering in this economy as it is advertising based in a way... No businesses, no advertising.

2. My doggie who is super old for a dog had emergency surgery and I chose to save her and deplete what $ I had saved.

3. I, Apparently, am doing well from what my employers and fellow dancers have said, but I will quit when the savings account gets refilled...

avatar for picksydusst82
14 years ago
I chose to dance for:

1. Self-employed and my business is absolutely suffering in this economy as it is advertising based in a way... No businesses, no advertising.

2. My doggie who is super old for a dog had emergency surgery and I chose to save her and deplete what $ I had saved.

3. I, Apparently, am doing well from what my employers and fellow dancers have said, but I will quit when the savings account gets refilled...

avatar for quicknight
14 years ago
i am guessing otc is outside the club?
avatar for quicknight
14 years ago
i am guessing otc is outside the club?
avatar for leanbowline11211
14 years ago
Gimme a small break, where did you get these reasons from? Did you take the time from your wretched life to make this up? I think you all try to phsycho analyze dancers to distract you form the fact that these women are exploiting you and that you're weak. Most women in clubs that I have gone to are gorgeous, have great conversation are are incredibly sexy. Admitting your weaknesses is the first step to understanding yourself, rather than write a pathetic article to gain access to a shitty strip club review site for free. Enough drivel and write something that makes sense, if you have the capacity. No wonder some girls at clubs are edgy, there are so many losers out there.
avatar for stevestevesteve
14 years ago
No reason to bash the original poster. "shitty strip club review site for free" if its so shitty why are you here then?
avatar for stevestevesteve
14 years ago
quicknight, OTC=Outside The Club
You know, it is hard to pigeon hole dancers. I've met girls of all stripes in this business and some fit the stereotypes above and others do not.

I would agree with others that stated that single parenthood is a big reason why many of the girls that I know dance. Not only is the money better than whatever else they could do, but the schedule works better too as they are often working while their children are sleeping. I also see a fair number of other people, like picksy, who have something else going on during the day and use this as an after hours income boost.

In a nutshell, I find the reasons above to be overly simplistic and far from universally accurate. This reads more like someone's stereotypical theories about what drives a girl to strip rather than an article based upon a lot "in the field" research.
avatar for HottieHeidi
14 years ago
I agree with leanbowline and rickdugan! You totally oversimplified it. While I can't talk for other strippers I can tell you why I started stripping (and have been doing so for the past 7 years now). My second year in college I met and became good friends with a girl in my class (who I later found out was a dancer). I was envious of her success. While I was working my tireless waitress job 5 days a week and barely paying my rent, food, books, tuition, she had designer clothes and her own studio apartment. O n top of that she only worked 3 days a week and had plenty of time for school as well as fun. I wanted in... and that's why 7 years, 2 degrees, and many designer shoes later, I"m still dancing. Also, most dancers I know don't do ANYTHING x-rated inside or outside the club and I believe that's where true longevity and success lies.
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