
Comments by jerikson40 (page 84)

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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Etiquette and Dating Advice
    Damn, you guys are FUNNY !!! No, really, I'm serious. You're just hilarious. And you come up with stuff nobody would expect. I wanna take all you guys for a beer. Chainsaws? Puss leaking sores? DAMN, I really am rolling on the floor laughing.
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    13 years ago
    How not to be a Pathetic Loser
    Mr. Shaggy, First of all, you are in no way a loser. You're a hero, and the definition of a real man. Unfortunately you got involved with someone who isn't fit to shine your shoes. NEVER for a moment consider yourself pathetic or a loser. You merely assumed that others are even a fraction as honorable as you are. Few are. Many of us stand and applaud you for your service, and for everything you represent. Sometimes life sucks that someone like you would suffer through all that, and have to deal with trash like that. But keep standing tall, and we wish you only the very best in your life. Thank you.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    LARRY !!! NO, DON'T GO !!! Awwww, come on. I thought we were bestest buddies. Okay, if you're gonna be that way, then I'll leave you with my best bit of wisdom. Just for you, cuz you're my buddy. Here it is... "What keeps racism alive is when folks see it everywhere, even where it doesn't exist." Pretty good, huh? Now come on, you gotta be impressed with that one. I'm gonna miss you, buddy....
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    Umm, Larry, I'm sure all that makes sense to you somehow, but honestly, between you and me, you're sounding a bit looney. Hey, wait a minute...isn't that??....
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    Larry, baby, no need to get your shorts in a bunch. I think we're getting way off the point of the thread. I merely said that, based on crime statistics, folks shouldn't be surprised if some people are more leery of young black males. You then went into a bit of a rant with what seemed to be excuses WHY black males make up such a large portion of the incarceration statistics, and totally unrelated complaints about Limbaugh and the bankers, and now you're trying to explain why society is so screwed up. If you want to argue the WHY's of it all, go right ahead. It doesn't change things. Facts are facts. People will continue to be leery of young black males, and the facts, to some extent, tend to support it. Doesn't make it right, doesn't mean anyone supports irrational racism. You can get upset at me, you can blame whomever you want, but to the extent you deflect blame for the incarceration rates to anyone but the ones responsible, you're going to get some flack.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    "What does this say, if anything?" Well, if you're implying that just because a bunch of shootings occurred, then it had to have been done by african-americans, I think that the kind of stuff that keeps racism alive. All you have to do is look at the Census numbers for Detroit, and you'll see that the percentage of blacks in the population is only, let's see...um, 81%. Oh. Okay, so maybe all the shootings were done by blacks. But as looneylarry said, it's not their fault. That's just what happens when you're poor. And as he mentioned, they're just unlucky that everyone is focusing on shootings by blacks, when there are probably worse numbers of shootings going on right now in white cities that nobody is paying any attention to. Heck, they really should be sending the Detroit police after Limbaugh and the bankers.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    Larry, those are some excellent points. I think what Larry is saying is that it's not really their fault, and they're not really "criminal" criminals, it's just what happens when you're low income. And I think he's also right that blacks are disproportionally unlucky for getting caught and incarcerated. And if they'd just go after Limbaugh and the bankers the numbers would be more equal. Wow, I never thought of it that way. In any case, to bring this back to some sort of strip club related topic, yesterday I went to a black club in LA. And I was completely ignored by all but one of the black dancers. The least attractive one. But the other dancers were paying attention to the black customers. And I felt for a moment like they were ignoring me because I'm white. Well, until one of the best looking dancers came up to me and sat down and began stroking me in plain sight of the club, and then we went for a lap dance and she gave me a dance that blew my socks off. Okay, bad example. Not sure what my point is. Guess I'm still recovering from the dance. :)
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    uscue, you are taking what I say and making it something I never said, just to prove your bias. My only point is that facts are facts. I didn't make the statistics. I never extrapolated from the statistics and formed any conclusions. Nor did I insinuate anything. I never said anyone should be treated in any way. You ASSUMED I did. READ what I said. I merely said that if the facts show that 1 in 4 black males will be incarcerated, then nobody should be surprised if folks are more suspicious of black males. That's it. What's ignorant, by definition, is when people are ignorant of the facts. And it is ridiculous to say that mentioning factual statistics keeps racism alive. And to imply that anyone thinks that anyone in your family is somehow bad because of that statistic is equally ridiculous. Personally, I think irrational bias against blacks (or anyone else) like what rell encountered is moronic. But not all bias is irrational. FWIW, I'm a white guy, but I tend to prefer black clubs. I also prefer black dancers, and I don't feel uncomfortable in black clubs. But I do understand why folks might feel uncomfortable in those clubs in South Central LA. The crime rate is much higher there than other neighborhoods. That's a fact. Is it racist to say that? Does it keep racism alive?
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    "It is, at best, bad business to play into ANY racial stereotype; and at worst, it's dead wrong" Absolute nonsense. Good business is to do what the customers want, 'cuz that's what makes money. If most black guys like girls with big butts, you hire girls with big butts. If the stereotype is generally true, you don't dismiss it just because you don't like it. For some reason many people assume stereotyping is always bad. Usually that's just ignorance. As I said before, the statistics show that 1 out of every 4 black males will be incarcerated in their lifetimes, and 1 out of 20 white males. Pick any stereotype, either positive or negative, and chances are you'll find there's some truth behind it.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    Here's the problem that nobody is willing to admit. Most stereotypes have a grain of truth. A large portion of whites ARE racist towards blacks and other groups. Just like a large portion of blacks are racist against whites. And if you look at the crime data, for example, white males have about a 5% chance of being incarcerated over their lifetimes, compared to 25-30% for black males. The facts are that young black males are far more likely to be criminals than white males. Check the stats (search "crimes statistics", and you'll find lots of data). So if whites (including white cops) are leery of young black males, there's a reason. You may not like the reason, but there's a grain of data behind it. Unfortunately, many white folks take that WAY too far, and assume bad things about all black folks. That's just stupid.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    And thank YOU Daisy for YOUR open mind and positivity, and having something nice... Oh, wait... Never mind.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    By the way, if I could go a little off topic here, there's something that needs to be said: Seriously, some of you guys need to grow a pair. If your noses were any further up these girls' butts you'd see daylight. I'm sure you're just trying to be respectful and crap, but first spend some time respecting yourself. It's just embarassing. I'm not gonna mention names (like superdude, scubadude, govikings...) but I'm sure you know who you are. Man up, guys.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    Honestly, I think I may have been a little harsh. And I want to step back a bit and re-consider. I do feel for the dancers out there. If you have an insecurity about your vagina, I fully understand, and don't want to, in any way, make you feel uncomfortable. If you have personal limits in your dancing, I understand. I'm sure it's difficult to give yourself to someone you don't know. And if something I say might upset you a bit, I certainly want to know about it. So here's my suggestion: Why don't all the dancers write down a list of do's and dont's. Say this, don't say that, I only do this, not that, I'm insecure about this and that, and so on. And all of you give your lists to the bouncer at the front door, and he can hand out copies to each patron. We'll then study the lists for all the girls so we get familiar. Then, when you sit down to talk to us and tell us your name, we'll have a good idea of what and what not to do for you. Forgive us if we need to cheat a bit and look at the list occasionally, since it might be tough to remember 38 lists of 54 items each. But if it bugs you for us to be looking at your list while you're trying to talk, please be sure to include that as the #1 item on your list. Thanks.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    No offense taken. I do come off as a jerk cuz I don't put up with nonsense. The point is that this nonsense about "treat me right first before I can treat you right" is messed up. I have to not only pay you, but cater to your emotional needs and make you feel wonderful before you can muster up the energy to do the same for me? Does that make sense to anyone? That's ridiculous. Guys, we're becoming wusses. It's disgusting. They've got us believing this crap about "I can't be nice until you're nice first". Nonsense. I'm paying you. It's the other way around. Deal with it.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    Actually it works quite well for me. Just because I don't give a rats ass whether I'm spending my time worrying if the dancer is happy, doesn't mean I don't treat them well. I do. I generally like dancers, generally (not always, though) respect them, and tip very well. But I'm freakin' tired of everyone expecting everything from me, but giving nothing themselves. There are far too many dancers who don't like their job, make me wait for hours until they get their asses out of the dressing room or away from their cellphones, have a crappy attitude, expect me to tip them when they don't do shit, expect me to sit at the stage all night and cheer them on, and on and on. And then we're supposed to worry about whether we say "meaty" when we're supposed to say "pretty"? Are you freakin' kidding me? Everyone has to deal with difficult people every day. So deal with it, and put on a happy face, and be the best you can be.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    There is no question that many guys, especially younger guys, are complete jerks. We all know that. Nuff said. However, the more important point is this: does anyone really care what dances do or don't want to hear? I sure don't. I pay them to be pretty and nice, and do really good lap dances. If one doesn't, I move to the next. And I certainly don't pay them to make them feel happy and comfortable and have a wonderful shift. And they'll probably get a better tip if, instead of being pissed because that last guy they were with told them they have a meaty pussy, they care how I feel, and try to make me feel really good. Ladies, FWIW, it's not all about you.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Etiquette, Thoughts and Observations
    Mr. Buford, I was gonna quibble slightly with a couple of your points, but then I saw you're retired from the US Army. Instead I want to say, sincerely, thank you for your service. And after re-reading your post, I'm guessing you could teach some of us (including me) a thing or two about how to treat people. If I ever see you in a club I'll buy you a beer. :)
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    13 years ago
    Stripping My Way through College
    "If I had a dollar for every dancer I have talked to over the past 35 years who was dancing her way through college and yet was still dancing ten years later without a college degree I'd be retired now" EXACTLY !!! I'm reminded of a black dancer who is dancing at a club in the hood that I frequent, and she's always there on dayshift. And she somehow has also been taking classes towards her degree to become some kind of physician (or is it a nurse). Not sure what kind cuz as soon as she starts talking about that I tune out, assuming it's some standard stripper nonsense. And for the last couple of years she's "just about to graduate". I suppose I could ask for an invite to her graduation, but I don't want to embarass her...
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    14 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    Wow. Old guys also get real defensive... Guess I'd better not say how pathetic it is that, as "jackoff" says, there are an "overwhelming" number of guys on here wanting to date the dancers. Okay, well I'll just slowly back out of here and let you guys congratulate each other on being awesome-er than anyone else.
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    14 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    Clamheart, relax. No need to get upset and defensive. When I talked about giving other dancers a chance there was nothing arrogant about it. It's a fact that dancers are there to make money, and the more dances they get the more money they make. They LIKE IT when you buy dances from more than just one dancer. Economics 101. And I see old guys, usually regulars, lock down the hottest dancers all the time. Like the original post stated, old guys often have time to spend all afternoon at a club, and go there on a regular basis. And I'm constantly seeing regulars who are ALWAYS there. And they come there on a regular basis to spend time with who they think are their girlfriends. You're dreaming if you think that's not the case. Guys who are trying to re-live their younger days. And many dancers LOVE having reliable regulars. Especially during dayshifts, when business is slow. Again, Economics 101.
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    14 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    All this may be true, but what I really object to is the older guys who often seem to fall in love with the hot young strippers, and inevitably lock down the hot girls for hours, talking and acting like they're 20 again and on a date. That's fine, but it sucks for the other guys waiting for a dance from her. Guys, we're not there to meet girls and find a date. We're there to watch lots of hot girls, and in my case get some great lap dances from some hot girls. I have no interest in talking to them, or wooing them, trying to be their boyfriend. I want them to give me some lap dances and then move on so the next hot dancer can have a chance.