
Comments by jerikson40 (page 42)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Your Favorite TV Commercial Hottie?
    "I'm surprised you didn't complain that the cat burglar needed big fake mutant tits." Ahhh, thanks for reminding me !!! The cat burglar really could use some big fake tits. And her skintight suit is so thin and tight that you can see the outline of them big nasty nipples. Awesome.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "I'll suck your dick all day and all night"
    So you're saying that when you cum, you don't? Really? So you feel like you came, but there's nothing squirting out? It all goes back inside you? Dude, that's strange. Never heard of that before. But hey, sounds like it's a net benefit. Good for you. I guess....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "The point where your dumbassery really maxes out is when you think people whose birth country is OK have any fucking reason to emigrate in large numbers" Y'know I don't want to say you're just a dumbshit, but do you actually read what I say? You always misquote me and my intent. COMPLETELY !!! Geezus, are you that much of a fucking blockhead? Or you just want to go apeshit on me cuz you decided at some point you hate me for whatever childish 6 year old reason.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Your Favorite TV Commercial Hottie?
    Yeah, I just saw the Nationwide ad with the cat burglar. Hadn't see it before. She's kinda hot. But why she's not wearing black stiletto boots? And a really shiny outfit? Anyway, these chicks are hotter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EXxYmrfJoY Just do a search for Estudio 2 chicas, and you'll see all kinds of hot chicks that make the Nationwide cat burglar look like your sister.. (no offense to anyone's sister)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Okay, well I'm going to take a wild ass guess that maybe 75% of "young males" (say age 20-35) can nut to scenario A. I may be totally off base on that, but it seems reasonable. And I'll bet that maybe only 20% of "older males" (say age 40-50) can nut in scenario 1, while maybe 5% of "old males" (older than 50) can nut in scenario A. I'm totally guessing on that, and maybe I'm way off. But I'd be really surprised if the "average" strip club customer can't nut to scenario A. And in that case, the 60% figure seems very reasonable.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "You just keep ignoring the obvious point, the modern US and Canada are products of letting lots of people immigrate from seriously fucked up countries" And if you actually READ what I say you'll realize I'm not ignoring it, I'm SUPPORTING it. However your apparently liberal bias prevents you from seeing anything other than thru your "I hate conservatives" glasses. As I said, this nation was built by the hard work and ingenuity of IMMIGRANTS. Mostly from Europe, but not all. That's a good thing. However, the difference between giving a green light to ALL nations and ALL people to immigrate here and what I'm suggesting is that you want people to immigrate who continue that ATTITUDE our forefathers had. And attitude of hard work and honesty and ingenuity, not of dishonesty and corruption and laziness. And you certainly don't open the doors of immigration as Art suggests, with the mere goal of increasing population so he has a market for his oil. I'm saying we need to be SMART about it. And be HONEST about it. And when you see people immigrating from countries that have been shit for generations, you have to pause a bit and be cautious. Doesn't mean all Mexicans are not good candidates for entry, it just means you should consider the very high likelihood that many will be bringing along the attitudes that have kept Mexico as a third world country for so long. Some countries offer retirement/residency visas to stay in their countries permanently, but have a very high bar you need to hurdle to get them. They might require proof of a certain income, etc. However, in the US, many people are just saying to open the borders solely because they feel so sad for the poor immigrants who only want a better life blah blah blah. It's fine to feel bad for them, but don't fuck up your own country in the process, or in the future those poor immigrants won't have your country to come to.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Well, I'm not sure it's as much of "taking offense" as it is frustration with attitudes and misconceptions. We may not be talking apples and oranges, which leads some to classify LDK'ers as little boys with premature ejaculation problems. Now if I said that to somebody here the whole forum would go freaking apeshit, but if it's the other way around then the LDK'ers are "taking offense". Anyway, in an attempt to clarify, let me provide a few scenarios so we're all on common ground in the discussion. Let me know if you can nut in the following situations: A. A very hot dancer is lying on you, facing away, squirming her tight butt on your very rigid bone. You're wearing very soft, commando shorts, and your dick is covered with the fabric, but sliding between her butt cheeks. Your hands are roaming all over her body, and she's doing all she can to make you cum with her squirming and dirty talk. Question: How likely is it that you can nut in this situation, after, say, 3 dances of this? For me, personally, if I'm super horny the answer is yes, though everything has to be right, and she has to be intending to make me nut. B. Same situation, but dancer reaches behind her and slides her hands inside your commando shorts and starts stroking you, using your pre-cum for lube. She's trying very hard to get you to cum, including talking nasty. C. Same as situation B, but dancer then gets down on her knees facing you and does a combination hand job and titty fuck with her very large tits. She also drools some spit on your bone for lubrication. Now, to me these are all examples of fairly standard and common VHM lap dance experiences, though C is to be found only in certain clubs or with certain dancers in many clubs. For reference, all three are fairly common for me to experience with multiple $10 or $15 lap dances in local VHM clubs. Now I don't know if any of that is considered LDK'ing, nor do I give a shit.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    Thank you. I would very much appreciate that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Extras question
    One thing I love about black girls, whether strippers or in porn or real life. They be drooling all kids of spit all over you, they don't care how wet and nasty it is. I love that. Sometimes in porn you wonder if the guy already came there's so much stuff dripping all over. But no, it's just buckets of her saliva just drooling all over. I love black girls. They so nasty and fun. On the other hand, many white girls are so "EWWWW, it's so MESSY !!!" and shit. Who needs that attitude? Grabbing all kinds of towels and condoms and shit so there's no mess. Black girls are all "Boy, you KNOW imo make you cum and shit..you be squirtin' all over the ceiling"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    "i for one have been to Lebanon" Wow, DoctorPhil actually posts a funny one !!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    Lopaw sez: "But I have to ask why you would even be thinking about this type of thing?" And also, Lopaw, to be honest, this whole issue of the lesbian lawsuit against Paradise Showgirls for refusing entry has been on my mind a lot. And I'm trying to figure it out. It really tweaks me. Why? Because I don't think anyone really believes that the management or bouncers at the club ever spent two seconds of their lives deciding that "yeah, we're gonna refuse admittance to lesbians because we're lesbian hating, prejudicial males". They have a reasonable policy (which many other clubs also have) to refuse single women. But now it becomes this fucking ridiculous legal battle about anti-lesbian prejudice. That really tweaks me, because I see that attitude so prevalent with so many minorities. A completely knee-jerk reaction from people seeing prejudice at every corner, instead of a rational reaction. And it reinforces everyone's knee jerk reactions even further the next time. Anyway, you asked why I'm thinking about it? That's one reason. Irrationality and injustice bother me, no matter who does it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    Lopaw sez: "But I have to ask why you would even be thinking about this type of thing?" Well, because when I finally realized that Lopaw was a woman, a lesbian woman, who frequented strip clubs for sex with women, I was amazed. I had never seen or heard of that before. And I had been under the belief that for women, even lesbians, the strip club experience was not something women really enjoyed, especially alone. I'm just trying to figure out if what I thought I knew about women in this regard needed some modification.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    "If things go right, a certain lesbian we all know and love might be the proprietor of Flabbadise Showgirls." HAHAHA !!! Yup, you might be right...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Lesbian Customers
    Lopaw, A word to the wise. Some folks here get REALLY twisted out of shape if you say you're gonna do something, then do something else. I said I would back out of a thread the other day, then decided to jump back in when a new poster came along. I received a lot of crap for that, people saying I was acting like a child and all kinds of shit. Anyway, I do recall you said you'd block me, and now it seems you changed your mind. I appreciate that, but just be warned. Some kids here might come down on you for that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Your Favorite TV Commercial Hottie?
    Nobody can compete with the bikini-clad hotties on Mexican TV here in Southern California. Even the chicks in super tight dresses and stilettos in the Mexican auto dealer commercials are beyond anything you'll see in "American" TV. Yeah, they're not all in commercials, but some are. But they do mostly have huge fake titties, so some of you guys might want to turn the channel cuz you'll think it's "grotesque" or something.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    And the whole "premature ejaculation" thing is more of an ego trip than anything. Yeah, if you're an old guy and it takes you 3 hours to finally work up a nut, then yeah, 15 minutes seems really "premature".
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    And I also think that when your bone is really hard, it's easier to stimulate because all the blood is flowing and all the touch sensors in your dick are working better than if you're semi-limp. For me, Viagra really enhances the experience a LOT.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I have a slightly different take on the Viagra issue. Yes, technically, all it does is make you hard if the mood is right. However, there is a self-reinforcing aspect also, IMO. When you've got a rock solid boner in a strip club, and a hot dancer is doing her skilled handiwork and butt work on you, the fact that you have a Viagra-assisted baseball bat in your pants seems to make the whole experience more erotic and exciting, IMO. So it does, IMO, assist you in getting off. Not directly, but psychologically. Not only does being horny give you a boner, having a boner makes you horny to some degree.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    "Barbarella stripping in zero g" That's EXACTLY what came to my mind. Back when Jane Fonda was someone you wanted to watch on screen, before she became a shrieking, unattractive feminist who thought anyone should care about her political views solely cuz she's Henry Fonda's daughter. Not sure if I actually jacked off to that back in the day, but I recall at the time it was pretty awesome. And damn she looked hot back then.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Familiarity breeds....
    Unfortunately, when it comes to relationships with strippers, the best answer is generally "run away as fast as you can" when you're wanting it to become more than just a fuck buddy. Generally, strippers are not relationship material, especially when you're a PL who visits strip clubs. They have zero respect for you. And as we all know, they often are carrying so many substance abuse, relationship abuse, and emotional abuse issues that there just isn't a healthy relationship in there anywhere.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    And really the only benefit of a sci-fi theme would be costumes. I mean, the sci-fi music isn't what you'd call sexy...Also Sprach Zarathustra from 2001 A Space Odyssey for chicks to dance to? I don't think so.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    Oh, and the whole SCI-FI themed thing? I'm not feeling it. Maybe I just don't have the imagination, but it seems a bit too much like a dorky star wars convention. Now I suppose it could be done well, but I just can't imagine what that would be. I really don't need Wookies walking around the strip club when I'm focused on hot wimmenz....
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Sci fi themed strip club?
    "hot women have graced the screen in sci fi movies (e.g, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia" I have to call foul on this one. Carrie Fisher? Are you serious? On a scale of 1 to HOT I'd give her a 0. I mean, if I saw her on the street would I even look at her? No. To each his own, but she looks like someone's homely sister to me.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "Lots of opinion being labeled as facts. No sources cited." Is your Google Search not working? :) Or you could always ask if you'd like reliable sources. I'm sure everyone can provide them huh? :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Girl Advice
    And by the way, something to keep in mind: Meeting on the internet is fun and easy. It requires nothing from either party. It's like so many things in the internet age, it's instant gratification. Love and real personal relationships are totally different. But nowadays people don't understand that. Reading someone's words tells you nothing about them. But if you love them, you know almost everything about them. You love THEM, not what they portray to you. It's like every female on the planet falling in love with Brad Pitt for the most shallow and baseless of reasons. He's a hunk, and the way he's portrayed on screen makes women cream in their jeans. Is that who Brad Pitt really is? Hell no. Do the women really love him? Hell no. They are infatuated with how he is portrayed. Just be honest with yourself, and respect yourself enough to not fall for BS like this.