Comments by Sinz
discussion comment
7 months ago

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
I-9 forms require either just a U.S. passport OR two forms of other government issued credentials - the first is typically an ID or driver's license, and the second form provided by my employee is almost always 100% of the time their Social Security card. We are required to make photocopies of everything and submit the copies of the ID's along with the original paperwork.
I believe strip clubs just have to ensure the independent contractors (aka dancers) they use are at least 18. Since independent contractors are responsible for paying their own taxes and don't receive any benefits from the club nor an hourly wage (they actually pay the club for the privilege of working there) there is no reason for the club to require anything beyond something that states the dancers age.
discussion comment
2 years ago

hard boiled
I don't think they even know what the term "dress code" is. I've seen farmers straight off their tractor, road construction crews still in their safety yellow shirts full of tar, businessmen with ties and everything in between.
discussion comment
4 years ago

In Wisconsin clubs after a dancer finishes her time on stage she will walk up to every patron in the club and you are expected to tip her $1. Not expensive by any means but it is annoying. I was at a busy club that had a large stage with 3 dancers staying up for 2 songs, considering how short they cut the songs $3 in tips for every rotation meant you were tipping out around $30/hr just for sitting at the bar. Years ago, the first time I went to a Chicago area club I didn't realize the dancers didn't do the tip walk down there so the first dancer that approached me had just gotten off the stage and so I assumed she was coming for her money. She just stared at me when I tried to give her what I thought was the customary tip.
discussion comment
12 years ago

Dumped by ATF?
I simply say "No thanks" - it is a business after all and you are simply making a purchasing decision. If you say "maybe later" you are just inviting them to come back later and make you uncomfortable for a second time.
discussion comment
14 years ago

I have met plenty of men who have the same sense of entitlement that you describe so it's not just a female issue. In other words, there are just as many male incompetent hacks who are lawyers, doctors, CPA's etc. as there are female.
discussion comment
14 years ago

- Feels better.
- STD, AIDS, Hep, = medical problems (some of them lifelong) and possibly even death.
- Pregnancy = Do you really want to be paying child support for the next 18 years? Really?
You make the choice....
discussion comment
14 years ago

Thanks for the help, looks like I'm heading to Gary....
discussion comment
14 years ago

I thought IS is known for NOT having extras available?
discussion comment
14 years ago

Check out All-Stars in North Lake, not far from O'Hare.
discussion comment
14 years ago

You answered your own question - "I tend to drop a few bills". She's a salesman and you're a known spender, she's trying to cultivate the relationship and make you one of her clients just like any good salesman would.