
Comments by rogergreene

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Anyone been to Fantasy Shots in San Diego?
    Many thanks. Does not really sound like a great place, I guess. For some reason, Tijuana never occurred to me, but the reviews do make it seem like a must-visit. Adelita's looked like the #1 choice. Anyone have thoughts about the safety aspect? Not the street crime - looks like taxis from the border are short and safe. Wondering if anyone brought home something from the girls given how prolific they seem to be. Maybe it's not that difference than the US, but Adelita's seems to basically be a brothel unless I'm missing something. I wonder if you get a nice range of girls there? May have to check it out and see.
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    13 years ago
    Any strippers tell you not to cum on their tits?
    Yes, good memory. Sadly, it is a very rare stripper that would let me shoot onto her face. So I was happily unloading on perky tits last year. After a little hiatus, I was just surprised when the girl in SF said no. I offered a tip, which about half the girls always wanted anyway, but no dice. Oh well, I'll see what happens the next time I'm in Providence. Don't know why, but I do enjoy pumping onto the stripper instead of the floor.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Anyone else wear a cock ring to a strip club?
    I would not recommend putting one of the metal ones on. Those look really scary. A flexible one doesn't hug you too tight, just enough pressure to feel good without cutting off the circulation. I don't use them every time at a club, but I have enjoyed it the few times I've worn one. You can even buy vibrating penis rings (which are different) at CVS now, so it's getting pretty mainstream.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Double feature: Nude beach then strip club
    Sorry guys, I guess I wasn't clear. The girls were taking pictures of themselves - no one else was taking pictures of them. I was the only one close and I certainly didn't have a camera. It's really not uncommon to see people at a nude beach take pictures of their own groups, but you never see someone take photos of someone else. At least, I've never seen that.
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    14 years ago
    Double feature: Nude beach then strip club
    too old, I'm afraid.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How much does a girl charge you to let you cum on her face?
    Getting her makeup messed up has got to be a problem for the girls. Maybe that's the main reason I'm almost always turned down for this. Got to admit it makes sense. The one time I was able to do it without the saran wrap she made me aim low - on the mouth and chin. Probably didn't want any near eye makeup or in her hair. Easier to just wipe off the chin and put on some more lipstick, I guess.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How much does a girl charge you to let you cum on her face?
    One thing that can be good about giving a facial is sometimes a dancer's mouth doesn't look all that inviting - less than pristine if you know what I mean. If I'm worried about catching something from a mouth that's been around the block a few times, I'll opt for a handjob. Mostly that means getting jerked onto the floor or on her tits, but blowing my load on her face makes it hotter, at least to me. I'm looking for a place to try it again, but mostly I strike out when I ask. Nothing wrong with cumming on tits though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is the discussion board becoming more ranchy?
    I'm pretty much a newbie here, but I also think it's probably a combination of two things. There are probably more (and younger) people who are posting now that grew up texting and blogging, and they're probably used to being cruder when writing. But there is definitely more action in the clubs than there used to be. Ten years ago, the only places I knew to reliably get heavy extras were the O'Farrell Theater in SF and some competitors. I'm not saying I've been everywhere, but they seemed like an outlier. Now there are tons of clubs that have private rooms where you can easily get off. Maybe you combine that with a tough economy and you have girls really going past what they would normally do. I don't have history here, but I actually think this board is very civil compared to other discussion groups.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What's the craziest private session you've had?
    This isn't my sort of thing, but I read on stripperweb.com once where a dancer peed into a cup for a customer. Not really into fetishes much myself, but I will put on a cock ring sometimes before a lapdance. Gives an extra snug feeling through the whole dance and keeps me rock hard. The girls often get a kick out of it when they unzip me and play with it a bit, which is always nice.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What's the craziest private session you've had?
    If BBBF also means anal, then that's two posters who report having done that with dancers. I've never heard of that before with a dancer. I don't know. To me, the last thing I want to do after leaving a club is to drive home with my dick stinking because I just pulled it out of some strange strippers ass. I mean, it would take a lot of hand sanitizer to freshen that up.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What's the craziest private session you've had?
    One other time I was getting a HJ in a curtained booth, which wasn't too unusual. Right when I was getting close another dancer and customer pulled back the curtain because they thought it was empty. I was standing up with my back to the curtain and my girl was sitting on the bench in front of me. I turned quickly but she just kept pumping away. The couple at the curtain just stood there for some reason with their mouths open - maybe they were just surprised. I thnk I unintentionally gave them a better view by turning. Anyway, I was too close to stop and I figured to hell with it and just unloaded on her tits. It was one of the best HJ endings I ever had. She was stroking hard with one hand and squeezing my balls with the other. The couple behind me just broke out laughing and clapped a few times, then closed the curtain and went into the next booth. I'm not much of an exhibitionist, but that was pretty memorable. I could still hear them giggling when I passed by them on the way out.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    OK, I see two problems with the concept of asking for forgiveness instead of permission. First, there's the chance the girl gets pissed off, makes a scene, and maybe gets a bouncer involved. Second, I'm trying to enjoy it, so I need the girl to get in position and stay there while I pump out. I've had stray drops go all over a dancer before and they've never minded that. But the one time I got someone to kneel down and let me drop loads on her face, that was something I won't forget. I'm not going to get that treatment again unless I negotiate it properly up front.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    I might head down and hit a Providence club this weekend. If I get enough drinks in me, I might get the nerve to ask another dancer if I can finish off the HJ on her face or in her mouth. I almost always strike out when I ask for this and sometimes the request alone seems to piss her off. The one time she said yes it was AWESOME, though. Any advice on the best way to ask the question or good lines to use? I could use some help.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    Three times in three days is pretty impressive. Nice stamina. Too bad about the pants. That's why I like the boobs. You can extend pretty far over them and stray drops will usually get caught before they fall on your clothes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    Sorry, that's a little too far. Have to say, I never checked out the reviews for Henry the Eighth before since it wasn't close by. Is it really as described, a room full of customers all getting HJs or BJs at the same time? That would certainly be different than the private rooms I know. For now, I'll have to content myself with the fine dancers up here. At least they'll often jerk me off onto their tits. If you're getting frequent CIM, then hats off to you and enjoy it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    Sorry dude, no offense intended. Definitely a rarity where I come from.
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    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    That description is probably a little too deep for me. I just like the sight of my jizz on a woman. It makes me happy. Maybe I've watched too much porn. As for the ATF who always lets you finish in her mouth, I'd love to meet her. Problem is, I'm guessing she only lives in your dreams. Good dreams, though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    Baby wipes seem to do the job as far as I can tell. I've seen dancers pull them out pretty often too. I'm glad to hear that you don't mind it on the breasts from a dancer's perspective. Is that something you usually charge extra for or only do for a regular?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    I've never had a dancer intentionally wipe her hand on my pants. That would really piss me off. Only had one experience when she agreed to take it on the face, and that was before the Rhode Island laws changed and she was very careful not to have me make too much of a mess. The tits are usually the best bet. Among other things, they form a nice shelf to keep it away from my pants and shoes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Where does a dancer let you finish off a HJ?
    The breasts are definitely a great place to finish. Also seems to help a little in angling it away from your own pants. Nothing worse than walking out of a club with a leftover on the front of your pants.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is it legal to jerk off in front of (or on) a stripper in RI?
    What's with the insults? I'm not talking about molesting schoolgirls. I'm talking about negotiate for high mileage services with a willing stripper who is probably servicing a dozen men a night. My guess is that plenty of girls would rather have the customer jerk off than give a HJ, especially since the HJ is now illegal. And I'm sure at least some girls would rather wipe some cum off their face than give a stranger a BJ or FS.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Trip to Providence - no facial this time but maybe extras still available
    I've actually never made it down to Cheaters - always seemed a little too dirty and dangerous from the reports. What are the seedier clubs next to Cheaters you mention? I thought Cheaters was the bottom of the barrel. I agree that it's probably unlikely to get arrested at a strip club, but you never know. More important, if the dancers are afraid of being raided, they're going to cut back on anything obviously illegal.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Trip to Providence - no facial this time but maybe extras still available
    Trust me, I'd rather be paying for something more, but no way am I going to risk getting arrested. Plus most of the girls are probably going to be less willing to go very far, at least for a while. So I'm going to need a little time to pass to see if enforcement of the strip clubs really does pick up as a result of the new law. In the meantime, I'm trying to find some ways to enjoy myself. I'm pretty sure that the dancers will start being creative in what they can legally offer, now that they won't be pulling in high mileage dances like they used to.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Facials at Strip Clubs
    I wasn't really being serious about facials being a loophole in the new RI law. New law or old law, there will probably always be some dancers willing to go farther than you would expect. Previously in Providence, I've had strippers offer BJs and sex regularly, and willing to take a cum shot on tits, ass, or pussy. So I thought I'd see if I could talk one into taking a shot on the face and I got lucky after a few tries. i didn't think the price was out of line considering how rare it probably is. For the record, this is the beginning text of the actual new law in Rhode Island, where it defines prohibited acts. Note that it is pretty specific in what it includes and doesn't seem to cover lap dances, no matter how much mileage you get, as long as no one is using their hands on anothers genitals. It's human nature to try and find loopholes in any restriction, and you can bet that dancers will try to be creative in how they can service you without violating the law. I mean, that's why pasties exist in some states - just to comply with the letter of the law. COMMERCIAL SEXUAL ACTIVITY 11-34.1-1. Definitions. -- The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings: (1) "Sexual conduct" means sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal intercourse, and digital intrusion or intrusion by any object into the genital opening or anal opening of another person's body, or the stimulation by hand of another's genitals for the purposes of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of either person. (2) “Commercial sexual activity” means any sexual conduct which is performed or promised in return for a fee. (3) “Fee” means any thing of monetary value, including but not limited to money, given as consideration for sexual conduct. 11-34.1-2. Prostitution. -- (a) A person is guilty of prostitution when such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. Any person found guilty under this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or to a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Facials at Strip Clubs
    I think you're probably right. I'm not sure the clubs will be totally clean, but it won't be anything goes anymore. I'm not sure many of the dancers at the more extreme spots will be able to cut it if they only offer dances. Until now, these were the kind of girls that would introduce themselves and shake your hand, and ten minutes later would be naked and giving you a BJ or bent over for FS. Problem is, the girls that were willing to do that tended to not be nearly as hot as the ones that really danced for a living. I don't agree about the escorts, though. Walking into a strip club and taking your pick of a dozen women all spreading their legs on stage is a hell of a lot easier than arranging for an escort and hotel room (and safer, from a not being set up standpoint). That's why people do it.