
Comments by nastasia_p

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    What are some things a dancer does during a dance that annoys you?
    the grinding on leg thing is really annoying? :( how about what are the best things ladies can do during a lapdance?? (assuming full contact sans kitty is allowed)
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    14 years ago
    Centretown prostitution sweep nets 14 arrests
    I've seen cops in two clubs as a customer. Which is why I behave myself in lapdances...to a certain degree :)
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    14 years ago
    Anyone have recent intel on the Montreal scene?
    Are you from the states? I know its the norm for you guys to go on the hunt for extras and high contact down there, but here in canada, and let me add ESPECIALLY in montreal, if you want "extras"...you go to an escort. not to mention that they are very affordable and not very hard to find in montreal. Just a tip for your pocketbook ;)
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    14 years ago
    Summer's here, school year ending....
    aha! moi :) I have been told that there is a lot of new girls right now. and seen it...three custys and eight ladies sitting at the bar at 9:30 on a wednesday night...FAIL! But regardless...I have liked it fairly well so far :)
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    14 years ago
    DFK ???
    Do dancers usually mack on custys? Is that like normal...or more "bonus" type activity?
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    14 years ago
    I don't know how I feel about the perfume/cologne thing!! Personally, if a guy has a really nice smelling cologne (I'm a sucker for Diesel) I'll be basically be attached to his neck/shirt/general torso area haha. And if I can still smell it on me after..hey, plus plus plus, keep those good memories rollin' :p I also find when I wear perfume out to regular clubs (Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, very light, feminine), boys don't want to leave you alone afterwards! And sometimes they text you the next day saying how they can still smell you and well...that's just nice for everyone :)
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    O.M.G. That is sooo sick. I kind of want that done if I ever brave up to get the brazilly hehe. But yeah i can see how you guys would find it annoying.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Newbie dancer was a pleasant surprise
    Awww! She sounds absolutely delightful :) Do you guys really usually avoid new dancers? :s If you are new, should you lie and say you're not? I thought it would be the opposite...fresh meat hehe
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    14 years ago
    Smooth or Not - Feedback Says To Shave
    Please groom, its so much nicer for everyone. My face won't be going down there unless everything is all trimmed up. Shaving and waxing down there is painful for women, and we're pretty much expected to put up wit it now, so in exchange I would require any guys I would be fooling around with to do the same. I suppose if you're paying for it that would be different...but I've heard men get turned on by seeing a woman turned on...if you want her to be turned on then you know what you gotta do ;)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    Wow, Mister Guy, thank you so much for that very informative tip! I've checked out the first few sites on your list and will keep going :)Thank you so much!!!
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    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    @lee: good to know :)
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    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    samsung1: I think we would be very good friends in that case :)
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    14 years ago
    Too good to be true?
    GAH! what a stange/pleasant surprise to find when scanning the forums this evening! Doctor Darby, I'm incredibly flattered by your compliments of "charm and intelligence" :) It's funny, I joined tuscl a year ago when I first started going to strip clubs, and didn't even notice the forums unil a couple weeks ago, MAN are they addictive!!! And just fyi, I'm not a dancer, well at least not yet. I am seriously contemplating it, and since I am contemplating it seriously, that involves doing some serious research, I started just googling "being a stripper" "pros and cons of being a stripper" and "how to become a stripper" which all led to some really useful blogs, but all are written by other dancers or ex-dancers, and I wanted some opinions of the actual patrons, and discovered the forums here. Smokey3334, I actually did come accross your post! (via google) I read it all the way through, and found it really interesting, I just didn't comment since...well, I do not have a penis, and therefore felt that the questions weren't really as relevant to a female strip club customer, as most of the time I just go with my friends to have a good time and make some friends:) We usually tip 5s on stage rather than get lap dances. Except this one time my partner in crime and I paid for a lap dance to get a "lesson in lapdancing" instead. Very useful life skill to have!!! And I was curious specifically about what customers were interested in looks-wise, which is why I started my thread. I'm only sligtly less confused about that now, since there's so much variety! fetish_dancer: I'm just stalking your profile now haha, I came accross your extras thread...I really have to agree with you, that's one of my biggest fears in regards to dancing...that those will be almost mandatory. It's been hard to judge what the situation is in canada since most of the people on the forums talk about US clubs. I can't decide if it will be better or worse here since prostitution is technically legal here, just the places where it can take place and where it can be negociated is heavily regulated.
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    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    @georgemicrodong: tell your wife I want to be bffs, she's officially the shit :P @clubber: yep yep yep, nooob all the way haha. Well...not really to the SC scene...but to tuscl-speak lol @bumrubber: thanks for your post! @LeeH: I appreciate your 2 cents, and its never late :) That's interesting that you like so many different kinds of women! When it comes to guys I'm so consistent on my pickings! (assholes) :P And I'd really like to know what colour that Canadian was that danced for you...because me and my friends are all bright purple :p But I know the French-Canadienne variety is usually more green-tinged, and that if you go up north they turn blue! And I hope your careful when you suck on those nipples...don't bite too hard ;)
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    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    @clubber: what does PAS mean? and what does it have to do with "Melon Girl?" and what is a melon girl? I appologize if I sound like a noob/a complete idiot @georgemicrodong: Your wife sounds like a cool lady, I'm happy we agree and that you are already educated on this fact :) And I appreciate your ability to translate my typos. I'd just like to say thank you so much to everyone who answered my questions :)
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    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    Hahaha @georgemicrodong: i find the fact that guys use their dick size to pick up girls hilarious. Because as a 23-year old female, a huge 9-inch dick is going in there OVER MY DEAD BODY. Rather saying you know how to trust like a bunny would get much more brownie points :) And I'll work on that picture. How important are tans to the rest of you? I know all the strippers I see almost always have tans, but I think it makes some of the naturally fairer ones look trampy and fake, what's your opinion? Also: how does class rate as a quality in a dancer? (Like, maybe a classier outfit, appearing more educated, maybe wearing a short dress instead of walking around nearly naked, etc) Or is that completely unimportant, or maybe even a turn-off? @Clubber I'm slightly confused by your comment
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Looks-Whatcha Lookin for in a Dancer?
    WOW. didn't expect so many answers in just a few hours! @Prim0 that's interesting that you compare picking out your favourite dancers to dating, I would have thought it would be the opposite...that since you are essentially paying to have a girating body on top of you, that it better be hot, thanks for the insight! I'm surprised that the majority of you favour b/c cup breasts. The majority of women fall into this bust category, and we always think the bigger the better, which is why so many women get implants! Apparently we shouldn't even be thinking about them :) @georgemicrodong: the thing you said about whales is exactly what confuses me!!! I always always always see at least one fat stripper (by my standards anyway) who seems to be quite popular, and it baffles me to no end. Maybe men have a different perception of what "chunky" means than women? The ones I see usually either have a bit of a gut or a looot of extra junk in the trunk/thighs. That sounds horrible and mean...and believe me I don't have a perfect figure either, me having my "problem area" being a bit extra tummy, I don't know if I'd be comfortable showing it off or ahem, expect to make a lot of money if I was a dancer as long as it remains...perhaps I'm wrong? What constitutes "fat" in the male perspective? And sorry hun, no pics of me unfortunately, but perhaps one day you'll be one of the "horny old pervs" buying me and my friends drinks on the SC scene (Oh, you guys think that its only the dancers that want something from you? ;) @inno123 What exactly do you mean when you say attitude? Like friendly vs snobby or cute vs seductive, or something else?...ahemextrasorientedahem @wallanon Thanks for the tip :) I will now procede to stalk all of your profiles.