
Too good to be true?

Oh geez, what a dilemma. You guys are gonna hate me for this, but I'm gonna point out the elephant in the room regarding several of our new dancer-posters. As a lover of smart, insightful, witty, and sexy young women (who like to get naked), I desperately want to believe that not one, but three such fabulous creatures would find their way to this board, ask questions we can (and want) to answer about our favorite pastime, and respond politely to our ramblings with charm and intelligence. Thus it pains me to theorize that based on their writing/posting style, attitude towards the business, @individual responses, and overall politeness and positive vibes, nastasia_p, smokey3334, and fetish_girl all seem similar enough to be the same person. All three appeared out of nowhere, asked great questions, and charmed the shit out of most of us with their enthusiastic, sincere responses. These threads have been great and I don't want them to stop, but it just seems very unlikely that three different, unrelated, really smart, totally cool, twenty-something dancers would find there way here over such a short period of time and be so similar in the way they relate to the board. It is also interesting that they are not commenting on each others posts, in spite of the similarity in content, and in the case of fetish_girl, who was an instant star for a couple of days, there has been nothing at all recently. If I am wrong, I humbly apologize and thank all three ladies for their excellent contributions. Even if I am right, I certainly hope to see more from the person or persons (damn, I hope its at least a GIRL)who have clearly stimulated and energized the folks on this board. So help me out here; I am seeing this right or just being an over-analytical tool who took a pot-shot at the goose with the golden G-string?


  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    The whole @ thing is a mainstay of the Twitter era, though, so it is becoming more prevalent than it used to be. I dunno. Wouldn't be the first time it's ever happened in a web forum.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Everything here is a work of fiction, including identities.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    detective doctordarby!
  • uscue13
    14 years ago
    Like SuperDude, take everything here with a grain of salt. That said, from the moment the second post with the same topic popped up, I figured it probably wasn't really a dancer but just someone getting on to just get on. Then the third came up and I was surprised people kept responding to the exact same questions phrased differently. To each his own, doesn't bother me either way. Like most here, I respond to posts I find interesting and ignore the others. If something seems fake to me, I just ignore it
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    S/He went to a fair bit of trouble to post reviews of clubs in different parts of North America in order to cover her/his tracks. Not out of the question, of course, but, seems like more trouble than it's worth.
  • arbeeguy
    14 years ago
    Another possibility: the two newer girls might be imitating the first one.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    What a flattering thought, arbeeguy. No, I am not smokey or natashia.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    The only thing I don't get is why go to the trouble of making 3 identities? It seems like it would be more trouble than its worth.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    BTW hooray for dancers taking the extra time to find out what their patrons really want. May there be many hot LDs in the future.
    14 years ago
    Too bad Fetish broke her silence (Mr. Guy misses you by the way!)

    I was going to theorize Founder had hired Boris to create female identites and post to the site from his Ukranian basement for $7/hr.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago

    Does he? I hadn't realized, since our vehement political conversation ended in flames.
    14 years ago
    Fetish, he asked me whether you had been scared off. So you're on his radar.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    No, I hadn't been scared off. :) I moved on from dancing. Just came back to say hi to a few of you.
    14 years ago
    Well, Hi.

    Moved on from dancing?! Now I have to dread your replacement! I do recall our previous conversation though about the shrinking discretionary income pie. I just got my health insurance renewal and it will be almost 50% more than what it was just two years ago. That means less money for clubbing... I mailed out a complaint letter today to my insurer. Anxious to hear their explanation on the increase.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    You can thank Obama for that. I'm looking forward to voting out the incumbents in November; I'm so sick of senators and congressmen/women just sitting on their asses doing absolutely nothing for America.

    As far as taxation goes, while small businesses are thriving now, they won't be later. I wouldn't be surprised if the FED rate skyrockets an entire point, kicking a lot of small businesses to the curb.
    14 years ago
    Well, I don't know who to "thank", but I'm trying to find out...

    A politician sitting on their behind? What did you think of the Goldman testimony yesterday? Political grandstanding? Unfortunately I missed whether anyone questioned them about the $23 billion in bonuses they passed out after bellyflopping onto the government's lap during the crisis?

    I don't think small businesses are exactly thriving now. Many have gone under. And yes, the Fed is due to stop their Treasury purchase program soon. That could make rates jump just as the home-buying tax credit comes to an end.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    Yeah, a testimony from them is like an apology from Tiger woods *rolls eyes*

    I work as a commercial loans broker. They're not doing super-well, but the luckier ones can pull in a revenue of about 150,000 a year. As far as the home-buyer credit goes, I don't think we'll ever have that again, at least not under this admin.
    14 years ago
    Yes, but home prices could be about to resume their drop. Further, B of America is ramping up foreclosures. I believe other banks are doing the same. That stock eventually will hit the open market, adding further supply. I believe Q2 is also the peak for the $700 billion stimulus program Obama passed early in his administration. The second half of this year is not looking too bright...
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    It's all rather bleak, with a few positives tossed in there to keep our spirits up. Unfortunately, those who are financially minded can see where we're headed.

    ttyl, CTQWERTY. Long day.
    14 years ago
    A okay, Fetish. Don't be a stranger!
  • minnow
    14 years ago
    fd- Fed rate is at or near ZERO- so it has nowhere to go but up. Even going up a point, rate would still be at very low historical levels. For savers, interest rates suck big time- many mmf's are at all time low yields- my interest income dropped dramatically in '09- could use a ramp up. Even with rise in interest rates, some "lowered" dividend yield on stocks would still look "good".
  • DickJohnson
    14 years ago
    I heard there is some guy on here who likes to play goofs on everybody, maybe its him...
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Why don't we tie DickJohnson to a stripper pole and let fetish_girl, nastasia_p and Smokey3334 have their way with him'd We'd find out for sure who is real.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I’ll try to interact a little more now"

    Please do.

    Smokey Mountain rain keeps on fallin'
    I keep on callin' her name
    Smokey Mountain rain, I'll keep on searchin'
    Can't go on hurtin' this way
    She's somewhere in the Smokey Mountain rain
    14 years ago
    Minnow, I believe Sweden has taken their rate below 0%, fyi.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    No prob, smokey! You seem like a sweet girl with smarts, too, and don't ever worry about us getting into a catfight just because we don't agree, lol. How long have you been dancing? :)
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    By the way fetish_dancer I think you and smokey are real best of luck in your new field.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    Thanks, vince :)
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    As I've said before, I won't be surprised if all the "guest whores" popping up here lately are just MisterGay trolling around by posing as a stripper. MisterGay has absolutely no life, and just exists to try and stir up a little bit of trouble on TUSCL.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    How nice to see you around, Douchester. Still desperately wagging your tiny penis at MisterGuy, I see. He must have reamed you something awful for you to still be crying like a bitch.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Jesus H. Christ! Have you people never heard of a freakin' spew warning? There goes *another* keyboard...
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    :P <3
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago

    The earliest shift I've ever worked is 5p-1a. That's an excellent shift, imho. When I waitressed, it was usually 6p-12a, depending on how rushed we were. I think nights are the best times to work.

    I actually danced for less than a year, believe it or not :P
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    That is a long fucking shift, Smokey! Kudos, haha.
    Aye, the pole still calls once in a while - I love being on stage - but I don't think I'd enjoy myself half as much dancing if I went back to it ;)
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    OMG, great exercise, indeed! I don't know what you do dancewise, but I went crazy on that pole. I always play the hardest metal and just freak-dance. No cookie-cutter stripper moves for me, lol. The stage is the most enjoyable part of the biz.

    Best of luck to you, Smokey!
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    Hey ya'll! Do I get any credit for fetish_dancer and smokey3334 becoming best buds in this thread? :-) I think I speak for many of us when I say that we look forward to a day where we can see both of you ladies doing your "thing" on a pole somewhere nearby. Glad my theory generated so many fun responses, even if it turned out to be off the mark.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Good job Lt Columbo.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    Lol, doc.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    fetish_dancer: Guess you are just mad at the world because you are so stupid that you can't get a better job than bouncing around on dicks for a living. So sad.
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago

    what a stange/pleasant surprise to find when scanning the forums this evening! Doctor Darby, I'm incredibly flattered by your compliments of "charm and intelligence" :)

    It's funny, I joined tuscl a year ago when I first started going to strip clubs, and didn't even notice the forums unil a couple weeks ago, MAN are they addictive!!! And just fyi, I'm not a dancer, well at least not yet. I am seriously contemplating it, and since I am contemplating it seriously, that involves doing some serious research, I started just googling "being a stripper" "pros and cons of being a stripper" and "how to become a stripper" which all led to some really useful blogs, but all are written by other dancers or ex-dancers, and I wanted some opinions of the actual patrons, and discovered the forums here.

    Smokey3334, I actually did come accross your post! (via google) I read it all the way through, and found it really interesting, I just didn't comment since...well, I do not have a penis, and therefore felt that the questions weren't really as relevant to a female strip club customer, as most of the time I just go with my friends to have a good time and make some friends:) We usually tip 5s on stage rather than get lap dances. Except this one time my partner in crime and I paid for a lap dance to get a "lesson in lapdancing" instead. Very useful life skill to have!!! And I was curious specifically about what customers were interested in looks-wise, which is why I started my thread. I'm only sligtly less confused about that now, since there's so much variety!

    fetish_dancer: I'm just stalking your profile now haha, I came accross your extras thread...I really have to agree with you, that's one of my biggest fears in regards to dancing...that those will be almost mandatory. It's been hard to judge what the situation is in canada since most of the people on the forums talk about US clubs. I can't decide if it will be better or worse here since prostitution is technically legal here, just the places where it can take place and where it can be negociated is heavily regulated.

  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Too good to be true? Thankfully no - at least in fetish_dancers case. From the first few posts I read from f_d, I knew that she wasn't your average dancer or dancer- wanna-be that will post a few times here then get scared off and disappear.

    Although you've moved on, I hope you'll continue to post here from time to time, f_d.
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    - Douchester

    I'm so very sorry you can't get MisterGuy to fuck you. I know it must be disheartening to be totally overlooked when you're bending over spreading your asscheeks. BTW, I'm not dancing anymore, but you'll always be an asshole. :)

    - natasia

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions :) With the economy the way it is, extras will probably be more expected than usual.

    - Iopaw

    I would absolutely love to meet you. :P

  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    "Thus it pains me to theorize that based on their writing/posting style, attitude towards the business, @individual responses, and overall politeness and positive vibes, nastasia_p, smokey3334, and fetish_girl all seem similar enough to be the same person."

    There have been actual dancers or female customers with decent enough attitudes that have shown up on here before. I don't see anywhere near enough similarities yet to be suspicious.

    "damn, I hope its at least a GIRL"


    "Does he?"

    Not really...I was just wondering where the heck you went is all (just like some others on here).

    "fd- Fed rate is at or near ZERO- so it has nowhere to go but up. Even going up a point, rate would still be at very low historical levels."

    Exactly. :)


    "I believe Sweden has taken their rate below 0%"

    In July 2009, Sweden's Riksbank was the first central bank to use negative interest rates, lowering its deposit rate to −0.25%. This negative interest rate is only possible because Swedish banks, as regulated companies, must hold these reserves with the central bank... they do not have the option of holding cash like are Fed does. This action is basically a penalty on commercial banks for depositing capital at the Riksbank overnight. The lending rate (the interest commercial banks have to pay for lending money overnight) is positive 0.75%.

    I dunno that you'd want that to happen here anyways, as it's basically a tax on holding money.


    "He must have reamed you something awful for you to still be crying like a bitch."

    LOL...figuratively speaking of course...just ignore the Internet Troll.


    "I really have to agree with you, that's one of my biggest fears in regards to dancing...that those will be almost mandatory. It's been hard to judge what the situation is in canada since most of the people on the forums talk about US clubs. I can't decide if it will be better or worse here since prostitution is technically legal here"

    There are plenty of strip clubs in Canada where "extra" fun really can't be had at all, like in many, if not all, of the downtown Montreal strip clubs. I agree though that the Canadian reviews on here are usually too scarce to judge that very well. You could try checking out:











    for more info...good luck...
  • nastasia_p
    14 years ago
    Wow, Mister Guy, thank you so much for that very informative tip! I've checked out the first few sites on your list and will keep going :)Thank you so much!!!
  • RoyBatty
    14 years ago
    nastasia, that's a great name
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    This topic turned out exactly as I hoped it would. We got all three of our female newbees on the same thread where they could share girl-stuff, got lots of regulars to chime in on a variety of subjects, and showed that in spite of our lecherous tendencies, most of us like women who have a sense of humor and can hold their own in a conversation. Cheers all around!!
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    "Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    That's all great and good, DD, but I'm just trying to figure out a way to meet f_d! :)
  • fetish_dancer
    14 years ago
    lol, Iopaw <3
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    Wallanon--So, I'm guessing you won't be joining us in saving the whales and the singin' of Kume-bi-ya anytime soon? :-)

    I'm wit ya on that lopaw!!!
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