
avatar for potheadpl
When I visit the club, I make sure I'm as prepared as if I was going on a date.Not just a date, but a first date with a hot girl. So I make sure I'm clean, and what needs to be shaved is. I brush and floss and make myself smell good. I put on a nice shirt and a pair of jeans.

I'll give you guys a tip---and it's weird. Young dancers LOVE Chuck Taylor All-Star high tops. Black ones are best. It's shocking how many dancers will come up and compliment me on a pair of $44 dollar shoes.

I don't understand the guys who come to the club dirty, smelly, or dressed sloppily. For one thing, you're going to be in close contact with another human being. Being clean and neat is just common sense.

The second thing? STRIPPERS LIKE MONEY. If you look like you're poor or you're dirty/smelly the girls will probably avoid you. Sure, you'll get them to come over if you tip at the rail, but my way is cheaper.


last comment
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Dude, wtf are doing in strip clubs if you can get 18 y/o's to make out with you, and know how to dress and are young and good looking. Set your sights higher and pull girls out of regular night clubs.
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago

There are alot of guys that want to look at naked girls cheap, so dressing sloppy and not shaving helps repell the sharks.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
Dude, SCs are fun. Real girls aren't as much fun as strippers. Plus, I like the sleaziness of the whole scene. It's so much more fun than dating. And I've pulled plenty of ass at the SC. Best possible situation for me.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
Ok, if you like strippers sounds like you are set.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I'm a different guy in the SC. I'm more confident and it seems that strippers dig my sense of humor, where it doesn't go over well with most women. But I do like strippers. They're exciting, and I don't tend to like the druggies so I avoid a lot of drama. It's nice to have a peek into a lifestyle totally different than mine.
avatar for Notsosly
15 years ago
Yeah. I pretty much do the same. And since I'm normally hitting a SC in a blue-collar area, I tend to have my pick of girls. I usually get a lot of compliments regarding it too. Funny how surprised they seem at the simple fact that I shaved and put on some cologne. I never wear jeans if I can help it though. They are too thick and you can't feel shit (neither can she). Better off with some slacks or dockers or something.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
@notsosly---Yeah, I've been thinking about trying something other than jeans. It's just that they're kind of part of my identity. I always wear Levi's 501s and have for 25 years. But maybe I'll change things up.
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
I always shave, shower, brush, axe deoderant, before I leave the house and once I get to the club then I spray cologne just for extra smell good. I have been complimented many times for cleaning up before going to the clubs. I have started wearing khakis to the club though might switch to a nice pair of denim pants. Might wear a nice button down shirt just for the fun of having a dancer unbutton me.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
axe??? um, we have some bad news for you...
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Yes I'd say wearing the same pair of Levis 501s for 25 years is a long time.
avatar for dustyshoes
15 years ago
@bigdude012 Spray cologne?
Just a question. Do the girls equate the cologne on the guys the same as the guys equate perfume on the girls? Lots of guys don't want to take the smell home with them.
Now I don't have anything against a hot chick smelling good, but carrying the residual smell going forward could be awkward

avatar for Notsosly
15 years ago
Cologne should always go on skin, not the clothes. They are made to interact with our sweat as well as be absorbed by the skin. I've also heard that once it's absorbed by the skin it will travel through the bloodstream throughout the body, to be sweated out at a slow rate over time. My usual ritual is 4 squirts... 1 on each side of the neck, one on the chest, one on the lower abdomen. Very rarely will I do more than 4, and I always do it after my shower, about an hour before I go out, so that the overpowering scent you first get when you spray it is long gone. Bottom line is that you shouldn't ever douse or bathe yourself in it, and it's never a substitute for a shower.

Unfortunately, a number of dancers I've met could really make use of this advice, too. But I think a lot of them will "freshen up" the perfume after each dance on stage, or after a set of multiple lapdances. It doesn't need it. And personally, I'm not even a fan of perfume on a woman. I would much rather have her just use a little bit of scent lotion. It's much less overpowering.
avatar for Otto22
15 years ago
I never wear jeans to a club. Dancers uniformly tell me that denim is uncomfortable for them. I usually wear microfiber slacks and always receive positive comments on how smooth the fabric feels to the dancer.
avatar for how
15 years ago
Dougster said, "axe??? um, we have some bad news for you..."

What's the bad news? I have used that brand before; nothing particularly remarkable about it, one way or another...
Are they discontinuing that line?
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I prefer wearing shorts instead of jeans for lap dances but to each their own.
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
This topic is more about personal pride and the way you care for yourself in general. Why would anyone go out anywhere and not care for and groom themselves prior to leaving the house?

not sure about this one.......
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
how, you wore Axe body spray and were able to survive the stampede of super hot girls who came a running after you? (or is the advertisement not true?)

on the topic of pheromones, where would someone obtain them and do you think they work?
avatar for how
15 years ago
gatorfan, that stampede is just the burden I must bear... ;)

No, I doubt pheromones work, at least so far as making the unattractive attractive...
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
I usually don't use cologne, because my wife doesn't really care for most scents. Once in a while she gets me some, and I wear it until she gets sick of it, then stop until she buys me some more. As a consequence, I don't wear it to clubs much either.

I'm ugly enough that good grooming is essential. I generally shower, shave, deodorant, brush my teeth and mouthwash before I go out. I know they'll probably take my money even if I don't do all of those things at the same time, but they'll be more likely to do it with a smile if I'm not Mr. Stinky. And I have met more than one girl who has absolutely refused to dance for other customers they described as not clean enough, so that was hint enough for me.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
You'd think that posting about the need for good grooming should not be needed - it should be such a "duh" no-brainer. I'll think of this the next time I get a whiff of some assclown's BO that's bad enough to bring tears to my eyes and have me running out the door for some fresh air. It's happened more times than I can remember.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I think the idea is "the more effort you put into grooming, the more it shows you care about being there"

This is true for customers as well as dancers. If a dancer has bad grooming or smells like she needs a shower I prefer to avoid them. They not only smell bad but they usually don't care enough about their job to put much effort into dancing. The last dancer I took back that had bad BO gave me an air dance. Of course, dancers may assume if you spend time grooming before going into a strip club you are going to try to score an OTC date rather than just spend money ITC on them.
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
When a skanky smelling dancer comes around, whether she gives a good dance or not is the last thing on my mind.
avatar for LeeH
15 years ago
Wore some microfiber slacks to one club one night. Particular dancer liked the feel and kept rubbing my leg. Simultaneously relaxing and arousing. She told me I wasn't allowed back in that club wearing any other pants. ;-)
avatar for nastasia_p
15 years ago
I don't know how I feel about the perfume/cologne thing!! Personally, if a guy has a really nice smelling cologne (I'm a sucker for Diesel) I'll be basically be attached to his neck/shirt/general torso area haha. And if I can still smell it on me after..hey, plus plus plus, keep those good memories rollin' :p I also find when I wear perfume out to regular clubs (Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, very light, feminine), boys don't want to leave you alone afterwards! And sometimes they text you the next day saying how they can still smell you and well...that's just nice for everyone :)
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