
Comments by PutaTester

  • review #411694
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  • review #411707
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    Ten years and you haven’t developed better negotiating skills? Negotiating is a Mexican tradition. Consider branching out to other clubs.
  • discussion #84940
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    Also there was a famously chesty wench who worked at AB who is now working in BT.
  • discussion #84940
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    La Gloria has some big girls. However, it is a taxi dance club. Rarely are there strippers on stage. All of the girls are available for sex.
  • review #411552
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    Good review. Been there. Fabulous place that every monger should visit.
  • review #411467
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    ?Enjoyed reading your review.
  • review #411472
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    Good review. Would have appreciated a clue regarding the money exchange rate. I will look it up.
  • review #411405
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    Good review. Used to be my go to for decent girls at reasonable prices. Now DV is trying to be a sexless whore house…at whore house prices.
  • review #411380
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    Good review. Good intel. Been here once. It was a slow Tuesday, but it was still a good time. Even the local PLs were friendly and interesting to chat with between dances.
  • review #411381
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    Excellent review. Thanks for including the money conversions. It helped with price comparisons. I am Czech by heritage and have visited the Czech Republic multiple times and plan to again this year. I have had great times at other clubs and I am anxious to try the Market. Good job on the writing.
  • review #411171
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    Good review. Accurate. My favorite Phoenix club.
  • review #411073
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    "Dances and drinks are rather cheap there in comparison with other places." Can you be more specific?
  • review #410838
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    Excellent review. Well written.
  • review #410597
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    You were dancing for 15 minutes? What did that cost you?
  • review #410299
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    RonJax2 not all of the girls have a quota. I know it sounds strange, but I think the "quota" is what girls tell clients to get them to buy drinks. Or management has different rules for different girls. All the girls that I have an "honest" relationship with say there is no quota. Don't know for sure. Don't much care, as it is their issue to deal with.
  • review #410266
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    Good review. I have had some good luck in the smaller clubs and can recommend exploring them. $100 for an hour is a great price for the girl, but that bar fine is a bite. Glad, you were able to hook up later. I enjoy the OTC encounters. Quieter and more relaxed.
  • review #410239
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    Do you remember her name, so she can be avoided? Let her go hungry for five days?
  • review #410179
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    I agree with the OP. Was my go to, but the new prices for 5s and 6s make GCC a better value.
  • #13956
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    Quite the advertisement.
  • review #409578
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    If I had known, I would have checked it out. OTOH, I don’t drink in Mexico. I am there for the putas and I want to remember every minute.
  • review #409486
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    PedWest is open, as I went through there yesterday at 7:00 am. I am told that it is open to the USA in the morning and to Mexico in the afternoon. Line was about 30 minutes if you don’t have Sentri.
  • review #409177
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    WS = With Swallow No spitting. No quitting
  • review #409152
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    Interesting title. Got my attention.
  • review #409121
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    How did you perceive the level of safety in the area for the safety of a single, White, non Spanish speaking, Gringo? Enjoyed reading the review.
  • discussion #84488
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    Good tip. Also, sounds stupid to bring up this tip, but a passport card will not let you pass. I am so used to entering Mexico on foot by using the passport card I can foresee getting to the airport and expecting to get on a flight with my passport card.
  • review #408998
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    Appreciate the review of a club that doesn’t have much information. However, could have used a little more information. Is this a bar? Is it strictly a whore house? Do you speak the language? Can someone who doesn’t speak the language get along?
  • review #408941
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    Been a few times. Tens has been a two every time. Better options in Tucson.
  • review #408814
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    Too bad that you didn’t go through the car wash. I have heard of them being done on the fly, but not as a permanent feature. Did you find out prices?
  • discussion #84488
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    Split up the cash. Keep enough for amusements until the room is ready. At the HK reception desk I have left my bag many times with cash and expensive electronics in it. Never had an issue. And if I connected with a chica, I would wait for the room to be ready. $40/30m is such a rip. Indeed, I have left my bag at HK and gone to CC to make sure that there wasn't anyone there that I couldn't resist.
  • discussion #84522
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    I have already severely reduced my time ($) spent in HK. I understand things such as inflation, but the whole vibe and the clear greed is just a boner killer.
  • discussion #84488
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    You are welcome. Appreciate the follow up on your experience. Good info.
  • review #408483
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    A little short on specifics. Parking? Specific dancers? Annoying toilet troll? Been to this club a number of times myself over the years. One of the best, but priced itself out of my go to list. Deja Vu has stepped up and is a better deal. Even Pure Gold has gotten greedy.
  • discussion #84488
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    You can leave your things at the HK bar reception desk. I have done it multiple times and never had an issue. My bag has had an expensive camera and cash. Untouched. HK security will do a brief inspection. Security theater.
  • article #59684
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    Ticuan is a nice hotel. They even have a Hot tub room. The girls must have ID and check in at the desk, but no grief bringing girls up to the room. The free breakfast is a hot food buffet and decent. I have also stayed once at Hotel Revolution. NEVER again. What a hole.
  • review #408409
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    True regarding prices and selection. However, Mexicali adds an element of adventure and Mexicali is MUCH safer than Tijuana and most other Mexican border towns.
  • discussion #84494
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    Typically, the girls are too shy for pubic displays of affection. And in HK, they are heavily policed regarding such activities, because they want to sell five-minute private lap dances. The smaller clubs have girls willing to allow such activities on the floor,
  • review #408444
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    Sometimes the pasties come off in private areas. I am sure that it depends on the rules of the bar and the rules of the area. As far as the State law goes, alcohol is not allowed in nude bars. Girls can be topless (sans pasties) where alcohol is served. Some girls wear pasties, because they don't want PLs sucking on them. Don't get up that way much anymore and never on the days when the club was open, but I have always been curious about it. I enjoyed reading the review.
  • discussion #84485
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    The navigation and breadcrumbs, especially on an iPad are difficult to use or do not seem to exist. Cannot get to the home page for some reason. I like the club review layout.
  • review #408409
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    I agree. However, despite complaints about the prices in TJ, other places in Mexico are more expensive. Two HK putas who are moving to Ensañada are charging $200/20 minutes, because the idiots on the tour boats that dock there will pay it happily.
  • review #408259
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    Good review. I was there before the pandemic and the experience was similar. It isn’t anything like TJ or “strip clubs” as there is no stage performance. The FKK atmosphere is much more relaxed with no fichas or high pressure staff. Everyone is there to fuck. In TJ, I am usually motivated to pop twice a day. The FKKs are so sexually charged that I pop four or five times. Too bad that it is such a loooong flight from the West Coast. When I was there, each half hour was E50. However, the European economy was much stronger then and the exchange rate was about $2/E1.
  • discussion #84416
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    They are accused of money laundering, hiring non Mexican girls and underage girls. They have been careful to avoid hiring underage girls. There were many South Americans in the club, so that might be valid. A local friend who has the inside track said that the authorities found lots of unaccounted for cash, so that is probably the main reason/excuse. And most likely, they didn’t pay the right bribes. Another possibility is that it was a way to eliminate competition, but that is just a guess.
  • review #408059
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    Good review. I have had some good luck in TB. Some FOBs and some who are being punished because they won’t fuck the HK management. Sorry. They are being fucked BY the HK management. I get a little disappointed, because when it is slow, there is no stage show.
  • discussion #84419
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    “Lol @PoundKing, wait until you see the gigantic review I'm about to post of HK. I get carried away writing these things I think.” Don’t apologize for great writing.
  • review #408137
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    Another excellent, well written review. I very much like the way you integrated Spanish into your stories and admire your confidence. I too am using Duolingo to learn some Spanish. However, being much older, my hearing isn’t as good when in the bars with the music blaring, so I’m a little shy about using it. OTOH, when I respond to chica’s in Spanish, they light up. Estoy aprendiendo para respectó para tu pías. Their chests swell with pride 😆😆. They will correct my mistakes and become more relaxed because I have shown them that I am not a Gringo looking for raw meat. Over half a billion people speak Spanish, so it is a great language to learn. One of my amigos is fluent and a charming gentleman. The girls line up to fuck him 😉. A few words in their native language can be panty droppers. Hurry back to TJ RonJax. Even if we cannot meet in person, you stories are great fun to read.
  • review #408115
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    Well written and entertaining. Regarding the bar fines, don’t assume that you have to pay them. If they came looking for a bar fine at the one hour mark it would be $110. And I say “if” because sometimes they don’t. Yes an interruption at one hour is a little annoying, but if she leaves before the second hour, no bar fine. In other words, the first hour is free. I have more information on the bar fines that I will try to post sometime this week.
  • review #408129
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    Outstanding review. You treated the girls well and they showed you their appreciation. OTOH, I would never bought the wine. Instead, I would have suggested a soda or fruit drink. It isn’t about the $30 so much, but it is a BS scam that I cannot support. But, you had a great time and that is what is critical.
  • discussion #84410
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    The Mexican law says that the clubs must hire Mexicans only. However, clubs other than HK and BT have been ignoring the law and have some foreign women in them. Adelitas used to have a lot of foreign women, but we know what happened there. I was in Santiago Chile last year and the town square was lousy with Venezuelan women looking to service men because the Venezuelan economy was so bad at home. Chose a Venezuelan woman with big tits and ass. However, they must have used rocks for her implants. It was so bad that I left the session without finishing. It was like trying to fuck a statue.
  • review #407954
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    Good review. I enjoy reviews that describe clubs in other countries.
  • review #407966
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    I have recently been logging more time in D&G. Although most of the girls are of no interest to me, there have always been a few gems and for me, it only takes one. I too would like to see them get a solid business going. Suffered the hovering mesera issue. She was rather cute, but had zero personality. I think she was nervous about the environment. First female mesera that I have seen there. And they kept the stage show going, even though I was the only monger in the club for a good part of my time on a Wednesday night. I was sitting with a girl and focused on her, but I always tipped the girls on stage a few dollars. I wonder if the girls are getting a stipend for showing up. CC did this for a while to attract some putas.
  • review #407996
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    HK is pretty strict about following the law and hiring Mexicans only. However, I have met a few foreign nationals that were working in the other clubs. Met a Venezuelan working at the Green Door who was quizzing me about Tijuana, as she planned to move there in a few weeks and was told that D&G would hire her. Didn’t get her contact information, as I didn’t have much interest in having a session with her. (She had a cutie friend that I did session with.) So foreign girls are rare, but you are most likely to find them in clubs other than HK.
  • review #407815
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    TB is a good hunting ground. There are some hungry fob cuties there. And D&G is trying to make a go of it, but some nights none of those girls make it past Category Six.
  • review #407869
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    The price increases and limited booth action has put me off HK. Been having some good times in the little clubs in the alley. Also been patronizing CC and D&G. Wednesday night D&G actually had a few hot girls. No 10s, but some nice 8s. One was extremely playful and that was all I needed.
  • review #407871
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    What is a “taxi starter?” Last time I was there (yesterday), there was no change, except that the prices have gone up to $8-$10 for the short trip to the Zona.
  • review #407871
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    Yes, CC has a shuttle, but you have to phone for it from the border. You can take it back to the border. Take the HK shuttle from the border. There is no verification of what club you are visiting. Usually, mongers visit all of the majors anyway.
  • discussion #84387
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    I usually say, “Drinking with friends.” Since I often TLN that always includes dinner and drinks, it is an accurate response.” Once I was given some serious grief. After the X-ray, two agents said, “You carry a lot of medications.” I replied, When you get to be my age, you young men will be carrying a lot of medications too.” All my medications were less than a 30-day supply. All were in my name and in the original USA prescription containers. They made me wait while they took them and looked them up. After they found out that all of the prescriptions were valid, they proceeded to rifle the rest of the contents of my backpack. I had been in Tijuana for four days, so it was very full. Satisfied, they left everything strewn across the table. Almost missed my flight. Bottom line, if you are not doing anything wrong, don’t sweat it. They might have thought that my answer was a little flip, but I am really old. Also, you know that they have a complete record of you and your travels in front of them, so they know what the answers are before they ask the questions.
  • discussion #84400
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    Are you getting a Sentri card or Global Entry? Also, your post would be more readable if you used paragraphs.
  • discussion #84399
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    Good information. A heads up for you, getting your Sentri card or Global Access card that allows you to use the Sentri line?
  • review #407688
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    Well written, as usual.
  • review #407668
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    That is downright funny 😄. Glad that you included the discussion with the alternative facts girl.
  • review #407672
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    Been here a few times. Think that I got the same waitress. Left my burger sitting out until it was cold. She didn’t bring it because she wasn’t sure that it was mine, despite there being only about seven PLs in the building and I was the only one who ordered food. Then she tried to keep my change ($8). Another waitress, Dorthy, offered to fix it for me, which she did and got my change! I don’t think that the other waitress is dumb; she looked good and has been skating all her life on her looks. Oh Yeah. That’s dumb.
  • review #407594
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    Were your dances on the floor or in the VIP booths? Most of the girls perform “differently” in the slightly more private booths.
  • review #407455
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    Good read.
  • review #407443
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    Her boyfriend must have been in the club.
  • review #407446
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    Decent review. More like Macy’s than Costco, considering the prices. Paragraphs would have been nice.
  • review #407299
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    Dances on the floor are $25? Last I was there, floor dances were $10 and the VIP is $25.
  • review #407275
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  • review #407200
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    Good review. Accurate. Similar to my experiences. They do have food in this club, but it is pretty bad. There is a good restaurant in the casino a short walk away. Had one hot girl in the jacuzzi room for an hour for $150. Not my go to place, but occasionally it is a nice change of pace.
  • review #407090
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    Maybe she just didn't want to do anything for you and that was her way of saying no. You asked, she made an offer that you could easily refuse, and you "stormed out?" I am sure that made an impression. I have had some good times there with...impressive results. Often I get excellent service for the price of the dances, sometimes plus a tip, depending on the girl and how far we go. Typically around $100.
  • review #406165
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    Interesting review.
  • review #407074
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    Had a little cutie order wine. When I turned it down, she walked away in a huff. Caught up to her and was going to ask about it and she refused to talk to me. I was there another two hours and she spent the entire time standing by the main stage. Likely her Golden Pussy didn't see any action. Nobody was even buying her drinks. Figured I dodged a bullet. Redbaron12, I like it. Next time I will be the one to walk away.
  • discussion #84204
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    I understand your anxiety, but to try to track down your antagonists might be a mistake? We have met and I know that you are a bit of a badass, but this doesn’t sound like it will end well. Be safe amigo.
  • review #407074
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    I have to say it, you bought into the $30 wine scam so you wouldn’t appear to be cheap? I have a bridge for sale in Arizona that I am sure that you will be interested in.
  • review #407015
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    Prices are on the high side compared to other locations in Mexico near the US border.
  • review #407016
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    Interesting review.
  • review #406991
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    Did you watch the amateur contest? If so, what was it like. Been a long time since I was there on a Monday night, but when I lived in the area, I would make it a point to go on Mondays. Most “amateurs” were girls from other clubs, auditioning for work here. Occasionally, some brave true amateurs would perform. When they did, it was a lot of fun to watch the unpolished effort. Even got to be a judge once.
  • review #406997
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    Interesting review. Haven’t been there in years because SF prices are so high, but it sounds like a good time.
  • review #406943
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    My guess is that the girls who go to UCSB have enough family money that they don't have to work in a club. Been here a few times myself and always disappointed.
  • discussion #84204
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    Shouldn’t be a problem parking in any of the lots as long as there isn’t anything tempting in view. When driving a rental, I always make sure that it has a trunk. That said, sometimes the line to drive into Mexico is backed up on the city streets. Do not drive into Mexico! That is not what I am suggesting. However, the backed up city streets can take hours to get to the parking lots, such as the one behind Jack in the Box. That is when you might consider parking at a trolley station for your first night and taking the trolley to the border. Come back the next day when the border isn’t crowded and move the car if you are going to stay another night. Also, there is a $10/night lot near the Starbucks. Never used it myself, but it is much cheaper than any other lot in the area.
  • discussion #84190
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    Focus. Remember why you are in Mexico. You can drink and smoke in the US. You cannot legally have sex for money most places in the US. It amazes me that many come south and don’t cum, because they are too drunk to perform.
  • review #406841
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    Tijuana kills your appetite for USA clubs. Good review.
  • review #406849
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    I admire your patience. Clearly it paid off. A lesson for others. Good review.
  • review #406721
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    About six years ago prices started soaring. Too much for too little. Back then, it was $40 for the first dance ($20 to the house and $20 for the girl) and $20 for each dance thereafter. They were supposed to be $40 each, but the girls would offer a few extra dances without paying the house. A $10 tip to include two-way tip for contact. A $100 tip for contact? One song? And you paid it? Please have your friends take you out and beat the stupid out of you. I used to go here to wait out the commute traffic. I ‘d watch the stage shows, tipping generously, but rarely getting private dances. Haven’t been since Covid-19. Clearly, this is a place in need of competition.
  • discussion #84134
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    Likely, part of the reason for the low staffing at the border is to demonstrate to the public how badly they need to increase their resources and budgets. Even us with Global Access notice the huge lines. Not to mention the rest of the voting public noticing through the news media. Politicians are then pressured by the public to increase staffing. When the agency needs a news story, they announce the opening of Ped West. When they need to ask politicians for more money, they close Ped West and reduce staffing at Ped East. Same with the slow downs in the auto lines.
  • discussion #84134
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    Good to know, but it appears that staffing it is a low priority.
  • review #406487
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    Used to be my regular stop when I would go to Tahoe from the SF Bay Area pre COVID. Had two regulars that treated me the way you want to be treated. I would promise a set amount and they would perform to my satisfaction; ignoring the time and song count. Both hot blonds. One that I also saw,OTC, eventually got a job as a special education teacher and couldn’t continue with her “side hustle.” The other, I saw her name mentioned in a review a few months back, but she was looking to migrate into real estate and was rarely in the club, because she was having some success and started to age out. A few others were very “liberal,” but they haven’t been in the club since COVID. I don’t stop in there much anymore. There are a few “old timers” working there, but they have never gone the extra mile for me. And pre COVID, dances were a reasonable $20-$25 and 3-5 minutes each. Cover was$10-$20, depending on the time of day. I was well known enough that occasionally the day shift cashier would let me in for free. Between the price increases and lack of my regulars, I have been spending more time in Reno. It is the only club in central CA that serves decent food, and occasionally I would stop in to check the rotation and get a little bar food. But it isn’t worth it anymore since the cover went to $30+. I now have several regulars in Tijuana that I have cultivated over the years, and between the flight and hotel, spend just a little more money there in one full day and night than I used to spend in SF or Sac for an afternoon.
  • review #404924
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    Good review. Sounds expensive. No extras, but the mention of no cameras in the VIP might be a clue or just a sales pitch. What is your impression? Do you think that she was offering extras?
  • review #405871
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    One nit to pick is that GCC is a converted warehouse and much bigger than DV. Otherwise, a very good review. Great dancer intel. I’d go for the dwarf for the unique experience.
  • review #406462
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    Good review. (Consider better paragraph breaks to make it a little more readable.) Good information on the dancers.
  • review #405087
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    Follow Up Seeking Fantasy Dancer in La Gloria Back to La Gloria, looking for my fantasy girl. (Spoiler Alert: Turns out my ATF talked her into working at the same club as my ATF, so this one will have to remain a fantasy.) However, I found another gem. It was a Tuesday, so of course things were slow and my expectations matched the environment. There were about 12 “dancers,” but as described previously, rarely is there any stripper stage dancing. There were zero stripper performances in the two hours I was there. Did a lap looking for my fantasy girl. No joy, but there was an attractive working woman in a red dress sitting at the bar. She was Plan B. Ordered a drink, and soon after, Rosarita dropped into the seat at my table and asked me to buy her a drink. I had not noticed her on my pass around the room. She was about five-foot, natural small Cs, trim, cute, and with braces. I accepted her request originally just to kill some time and enjoy a little slap-and-tickle, since there was nothing to see on stage. She looks to be 20, but said that she is 26 and had been working in La Gloria for about two months. The smooth skin and braces threw me off. No English, but we had a decent conversation via Google Translate. I started to enjoy her company while keeping a weather eye out for my fantasy girl. There was some light kissing, and she was just a little shy when I probed below her waist, but she had a very positive vibe that started to grow on me. About 40 minutes (and three beers for her) in, I suggested a more private venue and we repaired to one of the VIP rooms with a sliding door. The cost for the room was $50 for a bucket of six beers. I tipped the mesero $5 and asked for 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes and he agreed. (I think he cut me off at 40, but that was OK, as I was satisfied. Beer delivered, door closed, and Rosarita turned into a wild animal. Sloppy DFK while stripping down. Soon she was delivering one of the best CBJs I have ever had. I am actually glad that she didn’t provide a BBBJ, because I would not have lasted five minutes. That woman has SKILLS. She climbed aboard, facing me, and started doing all the work. (Not a lot of room in those little booths.) Some RCG and an easy transition to doggie. The view of her cute little ass put me over the top. During the course of this, she managed to drink all of the beers. I barely noticed her drinking. I don’t drink alcohol, so it wasn’t an issue, but that is a lot of beer to put into a 90-pound body. We went back to the table and she asked me if I wanted her number. Well…yeah! One more beer for her and I left the club. Checked out some of the other clubs, but at this point I was spent, as she took all of my mojo.
  • #13582
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    The party of freedom?
  • review #406178
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    Good review of the ladies.
  • review #406106
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    $20 lap dances in SF? Moooo
  • review #404914
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    Follow Up with Pink Arranged a TLN with Pink about two weeks in advance. She was excited about our meeting. She showed up at Hotel Tuscan almost exactly on time, carrying a small bag of personal items that made it clear she intended to spend the night. We dropped her things in the room and went to have dinner at Lionfish with Greenbeans and the girl of his choice. (She had to show ID at the hotel desk, but this was expected, and the clerk didn’t give us any grief.) This time Pink wore a white top with a short skirt and bare in the middle. Clearly, she was just out of the shower, said that she wasn’t wearing much makeup, and hoped that I was still pleased with her look. I was. A 7 face, a natural 9 body, and a youthful look. Had a great dinner, except that I was the only one who did not speak fluent Spanish and neither of the girls speak English. Occasionally Greenbeans would tell me what they were talking about and I could follow a little bit of the conversation, but overall I was the fourth wheel. Pink and I also swapped a few notes by using Google Translate, so I wasn’t totally out of the loop. Everyone, including the girls, got along well. After a fine dinner, Greenbeans invited us to continue drinking at another venue and we went to La Cueva del Peludo for a few hours. I was a little surprised that Pink continued to drink beer. Most girls off shift don’t drink alcohol, but Pink did not appear to be affected and beer for non-working girls was $3 as I recall, so hanging out was very inexpensive. From there, we parted company and Pink and I went back to the hotel. I rented a room with a hot tub/spa and started filling it upon our return. We got naked and started getting busy while the tub filled. Pink didn’t put in the bubble bath or turn on the jets. I am guessing that she wasn’t familiar with the unit, but was pleased to enjoy the hot water. I considered adding the bubble bath and turning on the jets myself, but I got focused on Pink and didn’t care that much. We got out of the tub and got deeper into our session. She gave me an excellent CBJ. I would have preferred a BBBJ, but I always let it be the lady’s choice. After all, this would be just our second time together, so I wasn’t going to push for anything. We had a great CFS session and passed out together. The next morning, we had another good session. Pink asked several times if I was pleased and if I was planning to see her again. I said yes, but it would probably be a while before I returned to TJ to see her, which wasn’t exactly true. At that moment, I had two ATFs who I have been seeing for years that I also wanted to spend time with TLN. I would repeat with Pink, but at the time, she was third in line. The change came the next week when I had TLNs scheduled with the two ATFs. One of those ATFs really stepped up her game at our TLN (that we had a few days after my TLN with Pink) and has moved from my number two slot to my number one. Z has an eight face, a nine+ gym rat body, speaks fluent English, and is whip smart. I can talk to her about anything from current events to politics to sex. And our sessions are always amazing and filled with passion. The only issue is that she doesn’t spend a lot of time in TJ; she just comes to TJ, makes bank, and returns home, so I have to schedule around her schedule. The ATF that has held the number one slot for years has recently had some kind of change. We scheduled our TLN over a week in advance and the day we were supposed to meet, she started giving me a bunch of grief like she never did before. Her Facebook page recently changed her status to “engaged” to her long-time, abusive boyfriend, so that might have become her big issue. Anyway, she jerked me around (not in a good way) enough to make me angry with her and she might lose her ATF status entirely. Pink has the potential to take over the number two slot if she can relax her rules a little. I asked for pictures, but she flat refused (and I am not an asshat, so I don’t take pictures or videos without permission). Next time I will ask for a BBBJ.
  • review #406038
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    Good review of the girls.
  • discussion #84050
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    The cartels care about the clubs, because that is how money gets laundered. It is part of what caused Adelitas grief.
  • discussion #84060
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    You are comparing Motel 6 CC/Jalos) to the Hyatt.
  • review #405640
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    Kelmassy thanks for the insight. I know that not all clubs are set this way, but the Poodle and the local Deja Vu are way past expensive and this explains a lot.
  • review #405619
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    Interesting review. Thanks.
  • review #405547
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    Very interesting and informative.
  • review #405511
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    They were closed off-and-on for the past few years. The unreliable hours probably contributed to the low turnout. And a $200 tip for a PG performance? Yikes! She made bank! Thanks for the review. I have been here a few times and it is the lowest pressure club in Reno.
  • discussion #83975
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    I will be there 12/5 and 12/6 showing a newbie around. PM me for information if you are interested.
  • review #405335
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    Good review and good res flag.
  • review #405218
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    The girls are Russian. I speak a little Russian which is how I confirmed their origin. I also had a similar experience with one of them. Accurate review.
  • article #59431
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    Excellent Excellent Excellent! I use Duolingo a few minutes a day. It takes a while, but it is worthwhile. The reaction I typically get is, “You speak Spanish?” I reply, “un poco.” A little. “Aprendo a mostrar respeto por tu país.” I learn to show respect for your country. (Talk about a panty wetter. Mexicanas are proud and proud of their country. This small, inexpensive show of respect always gets them twitterpated.) This also gets a positive response from Latinas in USA clubs. Your guide is great. Well done. I know many of these phrases, but I am going add this list to my study routine. Google translate is a good tool, but to have a natural, basic conversation brings out good vibes.
  • article #59423
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    Enjoyed the article. Refused to do any of them raw, save one. She and I shared our personal lives, which made her very comfortable with me and me comfortable doing her raw. She had kids, an ex, and no other partners. She loves sex, but because of her kids, ex, studying for a straight job and stripping in a no extras club, she enjoyed the attention.
  • review #405139
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    Excellent review. In most places, I can do two sessions a day. In Sharks, I have done five. So many sexy girls!
  • review #405060
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    Decent review, but you should have someone proofread your review before publication or write them sober.
  • review #405053
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    Decent review. Would have been better with drink prices and dance prices. And Electronman said what I was thinking.
  • review #404925
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    Good,review. We’re the lady drinks the same price as regular drinks or are they higher?
  • review #404914
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    It is odd. Because Pink used to work at HK, Hotel Cascadas wants a $300 bar fine to have current or former staff in your room. They started this about a year ago. I found out the hard way. An ATF that I had been seeing every few months for almost six years was scheduled to spend the night in my Hotel Cascadas room on her day off. On her way up, she was intercepted by security (the guys with full uniforms and tactical gear, not the T-shirt staff with "Security" on the back and a bad attitude). They escorted her to my room and said if she was going to spend the night, I had to pay a $300 bar fine. I refused to pay. The logic they used is that they didn't want the girls to blow off a shift to spend the night with a customer. I don't get the logic of how this applies to former staff, but I now book a hotel room downtown when I want to spend the night with a bar girl. Security escorted my ATF out of the building. We swapped messages, met downstairs, went to dinner, and another hotel that was $80 for the room. Hated paying for two rooms, but I wanted her and didn't want to feed the dragon $300. I still see her and others from HK and BT, but I always rent a room downtown. That same ATF and I used to hang out together in Chicago Club, where some of the HK staff also partied. About six months ago, Chicago Club wanted to bar fine her $300 just to go into the club, because about three years ago she worked there for two nights. She hated the Chicago Club and quit. However, they still enforce the bar fine BS. Because she is currently working at Tropical Bar, she cannot go in there or in Hong Kong without a bar fine. Uggghhh! So we go into La Gloria, Dulce Gabbana, or other small bars. Now, HK and that line not only do not get my $300. They don't get my regular room payments and these days I go into their clubs to recruit, like I recruited Pink. And I spend much less in the mainstream clubs than I did. Before this BS, some day shift HK girls were hot enough in our first session that I invited them to spend the night in my Cascadas room after their shift. Had a lot of success for years until this bar fine BS popped up. Been working out for me as I now have five girls on speed dial who will spend a few hours or the night with me depending on my needs at the downtown hotels at a heavily discounted rate. I could go with escorts, but I have vetted these girls with short=term sessions. I can get along with anybody for 30 minutes, but to spend hours with them, they have to give me good vibes in addition to their hot bodies. I have taken street girls to my Cascadas room for a few hours at a time without any form of bar fine, but it has been a while and rumor has it that Cascadas and Rizo are going to start charging for the privilege. Greedy bastards.
  • discussion #83871
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    Apparently I didn't make it clear. My previous comment was regarding crossing into the USA from Mexico has been from 2-4 hours on a consistent basis during peak hours. Off-peak hours are in the window when the trolley is not running (12:00 midnight to 4:30 am).
  • review #404723
    Invalid date
    Good review. I was there last week and your report lines up with my experience. One exception, I don’t think that it is heavily favored by the locals. Most locals go to La Gloria or Gold Palice. You are spot on about HK prices. One example is that they have raised room prices…again.
  • discussion #83871
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    Lately, what time isn’t the line to the at least a few hours long? Getting worse. Crossed at 11:00 am yesterday (Saturday) and it was four hours long. As the holidays get closer, it will be worse. Going into Mexico, getting parked on the USA side is getting difficult, because the traffic is backing up past the mall, blocking lot access. The authorities don’t seem to want to do anything to fix these issues.
  • discussion #83845
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    Dulce Gabana also hires foreign nationals. Indeed, that club will hire almost anyone born female. My understanding is that foreign nationals cannot be hired in Mexico, but they get around that somehow. Might be the stay in Mexico policies they are trying to use to stem the tide of migrants.
  • discussion #83871
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    I went back-and-forth the past four days. Oplliin96 is exactly correct regarding Ped West. Ped West is closer to where I typically park and it has been closed for months. The OP is also correct about the line into Mexico. I was supposed to meet my ATF at 6:30. It was over 30 minutes in line. I have seen long lines here before, but never like this. It was difficult to find the end. And there was a large number of line cutter asshats. Behind me was a mother and her three little daughters that she was trying not to loose waiting (not) patiently in the line. People at the turnstile tried to call them out, but some people are OKAY with being rude.
  • review #404579
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    Things are slow and the girls are hungry. Yesterday, I was offered three holes for an hour for $150. She chose that number, because her rent was due. Another said she went all night and only managed to sell five drinks. During the week, seems all of the clubs are girl heavy; lots of competition. Easy to negotiate.
  • review #404326
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    Good review. Stopped going myself because it is one of the few places left on the planet that is totally air dances at prices that you cannot afford.
  • review #404132
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    Interesting review. Edging close to being too explicit, but I enjoyed reading it. I used to come here often and managed some OTC action. My favorites aged out of the business and the prices are on the high side. OTOH, the day shift girls always treated me well. Night Shift tended to be too much for too little, and the girls were aggressive to the point of being annoying.
  • review #404073
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    Blindsided by extra fees for things like a $12 bottle of champagne for $250 is not an attractive business model. Good review. The only clubs in Vegas that is not a total rip are Chicas and Talk.
  • review #404038
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    Last month I was there and one of the taxi services had their prices posted in dollars on a board. It was $8 to HK. Hopefully, you will make a return trip soon a little wiser from this experience. Lately, the HK shuttle has not been in the dirt lot. There is a little sheltered waiting area just past the taxi stands on the right. There is no place for the shuttle to park, so you show up at the office/stand and it is called for you. Usually, it starts operations from the border about 2:00 pm.
  • article #59387
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    Interesting article. Wish I could afford the expense/experience of a porn star. OTOH, I have had some who delivered a porn star level experience. I am a little surprised that you went from strip clubs to porn stars. I would have guessed that brothels would have been in the mix.
  • review #403652
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    Always wanted to try this place. Even had an ATF suggest that we go together. Going to need some other encouragement before I put my money down. Thanks for the review and the heads up.
  • review #403785
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    Good review. Been to this club many times, but never thought to get a lap dance. Decent price and a good way to test the girls. I will give it a try next time.
  • discussion #79373
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    Interesting write up. Enjoyed reading your comparisons to TJ.
  • review #403619
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    Been there a few times and had a similar experience. Pulled the trigger once and had a disappointing session. I am a little confused however. Did you stay overnight in the club hotel or someplace nearby? And I am curious about the details of your police encounter. You seem pretty casual about loosing that money.
  • review #403221
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    If I have a good feeling about her, I tell her that I will pay after, but I don’t push back hard. If she insists, I pay. If I see any red flag and she asks, I will cancel the session, which has happened rarely. When I threaten to end the session, usually she will back off. OTOH, pay up front or after,, it doesn’t seem to affect the quality of the service. Likely, because I spend a lot of time vetting the girls and making sure that we have chemistry. Part of the reason this has become an issue is because some have been too quick to jump or have ignored red flags and the session would be weak no matter when he paid. And, from her prospective, even if she has to call security, because some asshat had decided to renegotiate after the session, it becomes a pain and a time waster.
  • discussion #83676
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    Ticuan requires that the girls provide ID that the hotel makes a copy of. No grief. Just the ID. No problem checking in. Indeed, I have checked in as early as 1:00 without issues. Reservations made through both their website and through online reservation systems. Haven’t been to Las Pulgas. It is too loud and I am too old.
  • discussion #83676
    Invalid date
    Multiple agencies for escorts. Just Google Escorts Tijuana and read other forums for details. Don’t know much about escorts, as I prefer choosing prospects from the herd, and conducting test sessions before I make a selection.
  • review #403374
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    "At this point I'm starting to realize San Jose just sucks for strip clubs. " There was a time a decade ago when the Poodle was a lot of fun. Even Deja Vu was decent, but nothing in the area is a good value.
  • review #403387
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    Those prices are insane. Stopped going there for lap dances years ago. Now I sit at the stage and tip when waiting out the traffic. You can get laid in TJ for that kind of money and pay for the airfare!
  • review #403398
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    Fun to read.
  • review #403380
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    Last I was there, it was all air dances. Very pricy.
  • review #403395
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    Good review with a bit of humor.
  • discussion #83696
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    A little more notice next time.
  • discussion #83676
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    Welllll Hotel Caesar is about $85/night. Hotel Ticuan is about $100/night and includes a good hot breakfast. Hotel Revolution is $40/night, but it is a lousy hotel. Attractive front desk. Rooms suck. Prices of the girls…just ask them. Escorts start at around $400/night. Bar girls charge me $200 to $700 to come to the downtown hotel off shift. I see older guys (like me) bringing in P4P girls into the hotels frequently.
  • review #403221
    Invalid date
    You won’t stop paying $150? You like being fucked…not in a good way 😉? I have been getting hot HK girls for $100. Rarely am I turned down. If they are good, a $20 tip makes them very happy. Consider saving a little for your retirement.
  • discussion #83676
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    First I must disclose that both ATFs and I have long term relationships. I treat them very well when we are together, such as fine meals and fun gifts in the $20 range. So in seven years their prices have not changed. It doesn’t hurt that one of them thinks she is in love. The base price is in the $400 range. I join them in the nicer hotels, such as Ticuan with a jacuzzi. (Used to be that I could take them to Cascades or Rizo on Monday and Tuesday nights for cheap, before they started their bar fine BS.) The first time I negotiated prices, I used the eight-hour escort pricing for a guide. However, they almost always stay at least 11 hours or more. And I have had TLNs from $0 to $700. In one case, the girl asked me for TLN on the way up the elevator for our first session. She was exactly my type and a 3-hole girl, so I accepted. After her shift was over, she came knocking on the door. Another actually took me out to Ensenada TLN. She paid for everything except the hotel. She was very popular in the club, so she decided to spend your money on me. I was younger then 😁🤣😁
  • discussion #83676
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    "at least puta tester you're going much more often than I am now. I've cut way back because of the hk rules and the costs and they're just aren't that many pretty girls that I like at Chicago." Well, I now have two ATFs that I TLN with almost every visit, so I am in the clubs primarily to visit friends. And I am going to have to cut back myself as I am job hunting and until I get a better income, this discretionary spending must be reduced.
  • review #403110
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    First time I have heard of a “dancer owned club.” Does the club happened to be owned by a single dancer or is there some kind of sharing agreement? Do you think that makes a difference? Been here a few times. Enjoyed myself. Relaxed and low key.
  • review #403133
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    Not that new. Just not well known. Was there a few years ago. Once was enough. The girls were pleasant but average looking. Nice people overall. Better value at FG. Good review.
  • review #402960
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    Good review. Was my go to club, but those prices are just too much.
  • review #402915
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    Fun, you have a fair point. However, I wasn't going to lodge my complaints unless approached, which I was. Also, it was a busy Friday night on a main street. Giving me physical grief would have been bad for business. Lately the area has had military police 24/7 and a large local police presence. (Not that they would do anything to protect me, but the locals are not as anxious to start anything physical in their presence.)
  • review #402936
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    Been there and enjoyed it in the past but prices have gotten STEEP. For that money, I will go to GCC. The tax is either very new or BS. Last I knew, GCC the girls kept 100 percent of their lap dance profits and tipped out to the DJ, Security, etc. DV collected a percentage on a sliding scale, depending on how many days the girls worked. 50 percent for two days. 30 percent for three or four days. 20 percent for five or more days. Good review. Well organized.
  • review #402738
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    I am right in line with you. HKs pricing and attitude (greed) has put me off. I am guessing that the owners’ body guards have raised their prices since two of them were killed during assassin attacks recently. No, that cannot be it, because they were jacking prices and making up new rules before those events. They are just taking lessons from the former US businessman/president. (Sorry about the last dig, but you started it 😁.) I am now renting hotel rooms at downtown instead of Rizo or Cascadas and having girls that are on my speed dial list meet with me there.
  • review #402743
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    I understand your point about the meseros. And he should have respected your requests. However, it might help to know that in most clubs, the meseros pay to work there. In HK it is $40/shift and they must sell three meals a shift or be fined the price of a meal. I don’t know if Chicago has the same arrangement, but you can understand why the clubs are motivated to staff with as many meseros as the clientele will tolerate. Also why the meseros fight for every dollar in tips. Your mesero was actually alienating you instead of building a good customer relationship. This doesn’t excuse him, but you cannot be too hard on the guy for listening to his short-term survival instincts.
  • review #402742
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    And I can offer your contact information to my local friend if someone wants a guide. (It has to be his decision if he wants to be your guide, as it is not a regular thing for him.) He never asks for anything for his time but I always give him about $20/hr and buy him a few drinks because he is waiting for a government job to come through and has a young family to feed. PM me for his information and I will ask him if he is interested in the contact. This is not something he does typically. I have known him for about five years. When he worked the clubs, he picked the 9s for me, told the girls a few lies about me, and the girls gave me great sessions. He did the same for me at Deja Vu, even though he doesn’t work there any more.
  • review #402742
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    I do like that the music isn’t oppressively loud like in most other clubs. And the lighting was excellent. You can see clearly what is happening on the stage. Good review. Good details.
  • review #399038
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    I just know it as La Perla, on the corner across the street from TB. My ATF likes the camerones de La deabla.
  • review #402497
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    Good review. Good information. Never been, but it is now on my bucket list.
  • review #402419
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    I was there on the Thursday before you and the review is accurate. Been dropping in on this club a few times a year since before it was Deja Vu. A few decent girls, which is up from a few times when it was totally cow town. However, it is still poorly run. Hope they someday will offer some competition to the others.
  • review #402431
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    Garfield and LilBuddy are on target. I now spend the majority of my time and dollars in other clubs, especially CC. They still have a long way to go, but D&G is upping their game. And I always stay in downtown hotels. I vet the girls with a 30-minute session, get contact information, then see them outside the club. HK policies are costing them the veteran monger business. They don’t care now, but eventually they will have a problem.
  • review #402241
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    Good review. Good detail. The prices are high enough that I am not encouraged to visit PR. Enjoyed the read.
  • discussion #83481
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    I am with you. I had a long conversation with a CC ATF. She said she would be doing good if she earned her income in pesos, but she earns dollars, “and the exchange is KILLING me.” I have known her for about four years. She treats me VERY well. (It might be a great act, but I have seen her drinking with other mongers and she isn’t nearly as “accommodating” with others. In her case, I have been a TML. I have been tipping her big, because I know her personal story and I like her a lot as a person. I just had a twisted thought and shared it, never dreaming it would get this much traction.
  • review #401903
    Invalid date
    The NZ dollar is 0.59US. That makes the hot tub offer $325US. A reasonable price if she “performs.” However, if she really wants to sell it, her advertisement was lacking. I would have passed too. Curious, are you local, on business, a tourist? What are the P4P laws in NZ? Did you “waggle your dags” to any other clubs? Thanks for the review.
  • discussion #83481
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    In defense of capitalism? Almost nothing but complaints about the large jump in prices for months. Not only here but on other boards. I make light of it and have a little fun with something that is totally out of my/our control and the comments are justifying and defending the inflation? And booji, you, nor anyone else on this forum can be counted can be included in the TML cult because you are on this forum learning and doing your research. You would be immediately kicked out of both the TML cult and the He Man Woman Haters Club. Breathe brothers breathe. LOL
  • discussion #83481
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    No. It is the guy who doesn't know the prices or the prices that we are trying to hold to because he doesn't do any research and thinks $150-$200 for a 30-minute wham bam is a bargain.
  • review #401888
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    The girls are very attractive, but the rules here suck.
  • review #401920
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    Good review. I always refuse the wine scam. Had a girl walk away, because I wouldn’t buy her wine. I am sure that I dodged a great Latina shark and she spent most of the night sitting alone.
  • discussion #83451
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    I forgot to mention that Ped West is open for crossing on foot to the USA, but it closes at 1:00 or 2:00 pm depending on the direction of the wind or which agent in charge decides s/he is bored.
  • discussion #83451
    Invalid date
    The time it takes to cross back to the USA is never consistent. So much depends how many agents are manning the booths. I have seen lines 20 minutes and three hours. Holidays it can be four hours and more. Border crossing apps are basically useless. Weekends the line will be longer, obviously. You should budget two hours weekdays and three hours minimum weekends in the timeframe you suggested. And make sure that you have your passport or you could suffer extra hours of grief. Finally, don’t fall for the official looking vampires who offer you shorter access. They are simply professional line cutters. Best case you will piss some people off. Worst case you will be sent to the end of the line after being given your proper ration of shit for being stupid after having been warned here. Used to be those in line put up with the few rude line cutters. Now you will wait in line for 30-60 minutes depending upon where the line cutter’s placeholder is, and at the gate, people who followed the rules and waited in line will turn you into the agents at the gate, who will send you to the back of the line.