
The Stealthy Shimmy: A Guide to Ninja-Level Strip Club Visits

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So, you've decided to embark on a covert mission to the local strip club, but you're not keen on the world finding out about your newfound appreciation for glittery entertainment. Fear not fellow strip club patron for I have concocted a foolproof guide on how to execute the stealthiest shimmy into the world of adult amusement. Welcome to the clandestine art of Ninja-Level Strip Club Visits.

  1. The Disguise Dilemma:
    Invest in a disguise that's so inconspicuous, even the most seasoned spies would be jealous. A fake mustache, a pair of oversized sunglasses, and a fedora should do the trick. Bonus points if you throw in a trench coat for added mystery, but be warned – it might raise more eyebrows than it lowers.

  2. The Uber Ruse:
    To avoid a trail of suspicious transactions, use an alias when calling for your Uber or Lyft. Claim to be someone boring like Bob from Accounting, and instruct the driver to drop you off at the local "Research Library" or "Jazzercise Studio." The key is to make it sound so mundane that no one would question it.

  3. The GPS Shuffle:
    Utilize the 'share your location' feature on your phone, but manually adjust the pin to a plausible location – a laundromat or a petting zoo, perhaps. Just be sure not to overshoot and place the pin directly on the glittering doorway of temptation. Long ago I would have mentioned not printing out "MapQuest" directions but, in today's app driven space make sure that the club is deleted from your "Waze's history".

  4. The Alibi Avalanche:
    Create an airtight alibi that involves a mundane activity, preferably one that will bore anyone who dares to inquire. "Oh, I was at a celery appreciation seminar last night – you wouldn't believe the crunch!" Keep it simple, keep it boring, and watch as the suspicion dissipates. When all else fails, a senile relative is always my goto!

  5. The Strategic Cologne Cloud:
    Employ the art of olfactory deception by strategically dousing yourself in a scent that screams "I just came from a completely innocent place." Think freshly baked cookies, lavender fields, or the subtle aroma of your grandma's house. Nobody will suspect a thing.

  6. The Receipt Relocation:
    Dispose of any incriminating evidence with ninja-like precision. Use the age-old technique of transferring receipts to a distant trash can or, for the truly daring, burn them in a ceremonial fire dedicated to the gods of discretion. It goes without saying that "cash is king". Leave the credit and debit cards at home!

  7. The Social Media Smoke Screen:
    Craft a social media diversion to throw off any potential prying eyes. Flood your profiles with posts about your newfound love for bird watching or interpretive dance. Make it so abundantly clear that your interests lie anywhere but where they actually do.

Remember, the key to a successful covert strip club operation is discretion, distraction, and a dash of the absurd. Keep your wits about you, stay one step ahead, and soon you'll be a master of the Ninja-Level Strip Club Visit. May your excursions be as mysterious as they are entertaining!


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Avatar for stainglass

Good one.

I have been seen a few videos where they invent a good plausible backstory, in line with what you are talking about...
Solo activities / hobbies: Taking nature photographs is one that stands out, as it is easy to take a picture of a rock and explain how great it is - but be sure to post one of these such thrilling stuff on your social media for added points. ;)
Another option was like solo activities like picking up swimming / gym, and it would also explain why you can;t take cell phone into a swimming pool / sauna / .... ;)

Avatar for Jascoi

do you guys think you're cheating? I am so damn glad I got divorced.

Avatar for TMojo

Not sure how you're convincing Uber to accept your fake name. Your Uber account requires a real name and a credit card number.

Avatar for gammanu95

Should have been a discussion, and not a very good one

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