
Comments by clubman2 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats next? Condoms? Vasectomys?
    The reality is that poppy production is way up, in fact at it's highest levels ever. This is a function of not only being the most profitable crop the populace at large can produce but because it is at the same time a very large portion of the funding for the 'rebels' with the largest buyer being the cartels. Of course if we take that to it's logical conclusion it could be argued that e, the US, is funding the 'rebels' as we are the largst consuming nation of the narcotics produced. The issue of quickly doing away with these crops is not one of the image of the coalition, it s a matter of inability and the real effect that it would cause even if we could. First, by doing away with the crops we create the abject poverty for these people that is in fact the fertile breeding ground for the spread of the Islamic fundamentalist movement which is being experienced in many of the states of the middle east. Second, while we can destroy existing fields we can only touch a very small percentage, our efforts in this area are more for internal propoganda to make people think we are doing something. The fields can be quickly replanted. The only workable means are 1) to have the Imams make it a religous issue as before but that is unlikly in this environment or 2) to geneticly alter the crop and thus the seed. Estimate, if massive resource are employed is 4 -6 years for any noticable impact. And even that approach is under serious debate and has other possible consequences. Do I have an answer, no, this is all just one piece of the larger drug problem.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Some more bad news if the economy doesn't improve
    Well there is some logic there.. Let's see, skirts go up, we go up so big brain thinks less hence less stress, less stress makes for happier guys, happier/hornier guys spend more time at the clubs and spend more money which goes to the ladies, the ladies then spend more money on tangible items and thus the economy gets better and as a result the stocks go up. Okay, works for me. Up with the skirts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Can a teenager join TUSCL?
    Damn njscfan. I guess I have to run out this weekend to a new club and write a review. Oh well, what we do for the cause.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    Hey,wish me luck with Carla, hell I'll have two days. lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I know its a pipe dream but if you could
    Actress - Cathrine Zeta-Jones Politico - Carla Bruni Top choice - Wondergrl5
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    The issue is not that some people are "wrapped around her little finger" but rather that some posters here try to see others as people and not worn out sterotypes and therefore try to treat them with the respect they themselves expect and desreve. imho some others on this board are unable to give that respect as they don't respect themselve, and with good reason.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I did it now hit me
    I have to agree,in large measure with njscfan. Relationships, in any venue are difficult. I have experienced what you are feeling now and it's difficult. I don't know that I agree with sticking to pay-for-play however although I've not gone that route myself. I think, ime, that the biggest problem is not moving from paying customer to relationship partner but rather in the ability of the lady to give of herself. In truth, the ability in the relationship to separate her from her the dancer can, in and of itself be difficult and will require some degree of strenth and understanding on your part. There are some seriously fine ladies out there who if you met under different circumstances you would never guess were strippers. The most common problem I find is their inability to let themselves go completely and accept what you have to give. In some cases this is a result fears or hangups from prior relationships which can be further complicated by their experinces in the clubs which cause, no matter how supressed, a jaded view of men. At some point this combination surfaces and creates doubts, probably not expressed but there anyway. The only thing you can do, imho, is to gird yourself for the possible if not probable eventuality that they will at some point bolt. This, in some case is a real shame as the potential they may have within them as a partner can be tremendous. If you find someone that you feel is worth the risk go for it but never forget the likelyhood that it will end unexpectedly.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Wondergrl As FONDL said in another thread 'customers need to preserve the illussion that they are smarter than you.' I think that may apply to some posters as well. There seems to be an attempt to bring you down to their level and then they will feel they have won this argument. This isn't a debate over anything factual but rather an attempt to demean through unfounded rhetoric. It's of no value to continue to argue other than to feed their need to get your goat.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Wondergrl, remember the story of the little boy and girl doing show and tell behind the barn. When she took her pants down he laughed and said, see I am better because I have a pennis which he proudly displayed and she responed ' that's nothing, my mommy said that with this I can have all of those I want" I think you have the upper hand.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    Come on, be honest, just tell her you stutter in full thoughts
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    lol I think she's back.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    just be you. anybody that doesn't like it can just hit ignore. Their loss.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    guess im not welcome
    but I like the "hee hee and lol". They add a bit if lightness or levity to what are sometimes heavy and/or sanctimonious crap.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Late 60s when I was in college, not sure of the age. We would skip some classes and go to the old Troc Burlesque Theater in Philly. Great show and the comedians were funny as hell.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    njscfan I agree completely with the majority of your comments. And for clarity, I never said that this was a normal all the time occurance. And personnaly I'm not interested in someone who is giving it out with regularity to multiple guys. There are a think two notaable exceptions to the comment on exclusivity. One, there are ladies that are in another relationship that for some reason isn't solid or is troubled in some way and therefore are not in a position to ask for exclusivity for you and are not ready to give up on the other yet, and two, those ladies that want someone they can trust, have fun with and feel comfortable with but don't want a committed relationship for whatever reason, maybe not just right at the time. Granted neither of these want or would tolerate someone that is hitting on everybody but total exclusivity is not an issue. Rare, yes. Established over an extended period of time , yes. But they do occssionaly happen and once in a while you can get very fortunate. Hell, I even almost married one that developed this way a few years ago. But, for the most part you are right.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    an experiment
    lol morning
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    #3 US Club, Hot Lap Dance Club busted for prostitution. 19 arrested.
    I imagine this will not be the last high profile bust. It is an election year and high profile busts make for good campaign rhetoric and ads.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    an experiment
    Satire??? Oh, no, sorry, wrong thread.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    I think we're back to the correlation. I repeat in different terms, I think you've been exposed to a very narrow spectrum of clubs. In my travels around the country I find that your stereo typical idea of strip clubs is the exception and not the rule. Try it, you may be pleasantly surprised.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    You'd be amazed at what some intelect and kindness can achieve when the majority of patrons are either imbeciles or groping fools trying to BUY a cheap quickie
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    Obviously! Just because you have had reasonble success doesn't mean you can't improve. Don't forget my MBA, knowledge and the french cuisine.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    Oh my God, you mean I'm supposed to be paying them? Man when that bill comes I'm gonna be up a creek.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    Damn, how did you know?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    an experiment
    Wondergrl2.. btw I'll PM any info I get and thus allow you to put that info out at your discretion if you end up at one of them If that's ok
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    This help validate the inverse correlation model I mentioned. lol