
Comments by Anna (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    All is can say is redundant...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Don't act like a jerk...for one...don't haggle over money...I think someone you dance for is just like going on a date...you are not likely to get a good night kiss if the date doesn't go well. I'm really not sure what you mean by "stroking" so I am going to leave that one alone but as far as the shirt thing...if you move her hands to do it she probably will. If a dancer sees this is what you like and you reward her by getting more dances she will likely do it for you everytime...it is really comfortable when you already know what someone likes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you could bone any PLAYMATE? -any era
    Marilyn Monroe [duh I am blond]
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    They do run a background check here in Houston before you get your license...no drug, prostitution or felony charge or they simply deny you. It appears there are more smart people online tonight than I had previously thought.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Was I being lied to??? you be the judge...
    wow that's crazy...must be smaller clubs...that is one area I am not familiar with...II wonder if they got "fined" so they could ask you to pay the "fine" for them....but most clubs do have a shut out time like....you can't sign in after 10 pm
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    LOL!!!!! I like what superdude said...and I am laughing right now so at least i am amused since I can't sleep good job
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    oh, and I did dance for him, just not anything crazy...I don't think we would have ended up dating if he thought I was like that ya know.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Not really I would say fifty fifty...but I would also say the ones that look nice...probably have a bf, fuckbuddy or sugardaddy or all of the above. A lot of them and I have also been in this position, date guys without jobs just to have someone keep the same hours as them...or have someone that can get drunk, stay out late etc and not have to worry about going to work the next day...I would hate to try and say "most" have this or that. Everyone is different.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Spent an hour upstairs means just that. It's just 500 an hour for the dancer and a bottle to go up there...no way did we do anything but make out and talk... I do not offer extras. This is not to say I have never done anything naughty, I am not saying I am an angel. However when I am into someone it's different.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    To get in a girl's head...scary. LOl I'm kidding(kinda) be yourself...cause if you do things out of character and be someone you aren't she will be looking for that person later and all she will find is the real you.[if she doesn't like you the way you are what's the point right?] Hm...I think strippers lie about wanting to go to school A LOT. I guess it would depend on how long you have known this one. Assuming she finished high school and all and wants to stop dancing. Everyone needs help at times and it can be overwhelming to stop dancing but I want to say my advice would be to not "carry" her through the process...have her show some initiative. I have a four year degree...I graduated a while back and STILL haven't applied to Law school even though I took the LSAT's and everything because...I am not ready to make the commitment to full time studying and whatnot...make sure she is ready for that... Also, would you still be comfortable for her to dance while in school...stuff like that
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Yep...one of the first nights I worked at Platinum Plus in Memphis...I had 1400 dollars stolen from me while it was in a bag ONSTAGE with me...cameras later showed the thief to be a customer sitting at the stage...but girls steal from each other a lot, I couldn't however, knowing how I felt going home that night with 40 instead of 1400 ....not a good feeling at all. I can't tell you how many iPhones I have lost from girls or even hair straighteners in the back...LOL one time I set my shoes in front of my locker to set my bag on the counter and turned around and they were gone...10 seconds...fun driving home barefoot...but learned my lesson.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    I have seen girls give customers GHB before just to pick pocket them...we are the same age how about that? LOL If the girl shares money with management in some cases...good luck getting her "black-listed"...that's the sad part.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    Ok fair enough...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    LOL!!! I love it...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Was I being lied to??? you be the judge...
    I have worked in almost 19 states...and I have NEVER seen a schedule...now there are shifts...like morning, mid, and night...but you still walk in whenever you choose, the fee just goes up or down.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If a dancer you rejected refuses to leave and starts getting rude,
    LMAO @ chasman that's funny...I would certainly get up! Casual guy, I answered this for you under "ask a dancer" ...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Are strippers immoral?
    Well well....I really have to say Bobbyl that I am not personally hurt by your likening strippers to "just above female inmates"...however it is an ignorant statement. I grew up in a family of lawyers...my dad, uncle, grandpa...all lawyers...I was a Legal Assistant and I have to say after hanging out with that crowd, when I started dancing I really didn't see anything I hadn't already been around...major difference...strippers are more open with what they do...I have had a customer hand me 2 grand in cash and fall asleep in a booth because they were up on coke too long. In your small minded opinion, I would rip him off, correct? However I sat there with him until he woke up because I didn't want the OTHER girls to rip him off...free will governs what EVERYONE does...if someone doesn't have morals...they don't have morals. It doesn't matter if they are a stripper or a priest. I really don't think it is fair to generalize a group of people like that. And if that really is how you think of strippers it seems like you would stay away from them...and surely not be posting on a site dedicated to strip clubs...perhaps you need to visit some more upscale clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if you called a stripper by her real name?
    I accidentally do that all the time cause most of my girlfriends have a stage name but outside the club (ie in front of their mom) I call them by their real name...I have to say I have gotten the meanest faces for using their real name in the club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Evilcyn: Hi! I can't figure out if you are asking me if someone could bust a nut why wouldn't they? or if that is a rhetorical question...just didn't want you to think I was ignoring it if you were.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    My stage name used to be Frankie...that is pretty obviously not my real name so I usually gave out the real one anyways...I dance by Anna now...but every regular I know calls me by my real name and has my real number and e mail and myspace and such... Honestly, most dancers have a hard enough time remembering stage and real name...especially when we are drunk. I really don't see them adding to the confusion with a fake real name...I have only come across that once the whole time I have been dancing ...so I just doubt that would be the case.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Zorro: I get an OTC offer every night I work. I see it as nothing to be offended over. I have never offered OTC to anyone because I assume if that's what they want and they are serious about it, they will bring it up. I have customers that pay me to go out, but I have known them for years and we actually like each other and have fun. I am not so sure I would even talk to someone I just met about that kinda thing cause (1)they may be a cop and (2) I am not interested in being dead in a dumpster somewhere. LOL
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Casualguy: I do not use this aggressive approach...it's not that I am too good...only that I despise rejection...it would ruin my whole night and self confidence if someone told me no. Lucky for me, I work at a busy club and I generally get approached first or start up a conversation with someone at the bar who ends up making my night. However I can still provide you with advice based on my guy friends and ex boyfriends that have come in the club trying to just hang out and gotten harassed by pushy dancers. Don't lie about not having cash cause when you do go back with another girl she will see that and create drama...I would tell her that she is wasting her time to sit with you because you aren't going to dance with her no matter how much she bugs you. Then if she does decide to waste time she could be making money in...that's just weird I don't know. I tell my guy friends to tell dancers their girlfriend works there...girls usually don't want to waste time with another dancers boyfriend and consider it a courtesy to let them know you are such. However, if it is a small town type club where everybody knows everybody's business and significant other that won't work either. If all else fails I would go to a Manager and let them know you will spend money but not on her and she has an attitude...believe it or not, managers will say something to dancers about their attitude in most clubs although either way is going to cause drama. On a lighter note, one of my regulars gives this older lady 20 bucks every night to leave him alone...and claims it is totally worth it. LOL
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Dain: If we didn't have some prior agreement about that I would get up and walk off...that would be just rude....If I knew you or something and knew you liked to do that it may be a different story...maybe.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask a dancer...
    Whoa...I get to play catch up.... Arbeeguy: My insight on what you posted is this...either they tell you what you want to hear to get a dance OR if they are like me, I never know what kind of chemistry I am going to have with a customer...I have done things with one customer that I would not do with the next...quite simply I do not do anything I don't feel comfortable doing. I would guess the dancer you were talking about that became one of your favorites was into you sexually and you guys probably have a good time now...that is always good to find.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    he spent an hour upstairs with me ....500 dollars we exchanged numbers and texted a lot and when he came back we both agreed it was silly to see each other in the club cause we obviously liked each other and went on a date the next night