Comments by jablake (page 81)

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    16 years ago
    seroprevalence ---- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . . .
    Looking at the government numbers again and there may be a very sound explanation it shows: 1. White men 14.1 percent and white women 18.7 percent. 2. Black men 37.5 and black women 55.7 percent. The difference between white men and white women seems fairly narrow. The difference between black men and black women seems fairly wide. I don't trust the government's numbers regardless of what the numbers are supposed to represent. Doesn't mean there is a "conspiracy," but a conspiracy wouldn't surprise either. And, it wouldn't surprise if there was some reasonable explanation.
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    16 years ago
    seroprevalence ---- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . . .
    'VERY TROUBLING' | African Americans may be 5 times more likely to lose limb,CST-NWS-amputate27.article Now see, I don't know if there is any "conspiracy" here or not. I don't even now if the news report is true. I tell you one thing I'm not afraid of the word "conspiracy" even an itsy bit! :) Sorry, especially where blacks are concerned (I'm white, btw) it is EASY for me to believe there is some evil "conspiracy" perpetuated usually by whites against blacks. But, hey that is just what I get to see first hand and it may not be representative. And, if it's not representative then that is wonderful news, imo. :) Now going a little further do you think that I should just blindly trust whatever the government message happens to be on a given day? I mean if President Bush says that Iran is building a doomsday device and he has incontrovertable proof, then I should believe him or even a goverment spokesperson? I mean why would they lie??? And, if I don't believe then I must believe there is some massive "conspiracy"???
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    16 years ago
    seroprevalence ---- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . . .
    Why would the inflation numbers be "massaged"? If in fact, that is the case. I guess I could come up with ideas on why, but I'd be more interested if in fact the numbers were "massaged." Yes, I love conspiracy theory . . . first you need to find if there is anything somewhat reasonable to have a conspiracy over. :) Maybe the numbers ARE so high? Maybe the actual infection rate is way less than 55.7 percent? One reason for a "conspiracy" could be to generate fear for either an abstinence campaign or to sell pharmaceuticals to combat the disease or stop the spread. I'm so surprise because 55.7 percent sounds like a huge number especially when compared with white women's alleged rate of 18.7 percent. ---- Of course, could be very different sexual practices between white women and black women on average-----perhaps one way to test that is to see if with other STDs there is a similar HUGE disparity.
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    16 years ago
    More Sex Is Safer Sex . . .
    Correction: Unfortunately, imo, we all don't agree that it is bad to convict the innocent.
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    16 years ago
    More Sex Is Safer Sex . . .
    "But if Oswald is right, then much or the world's unemployment is caused by home ownership-----which puts an interesting gloss on the fact that home ownership is subsidized by governments almost everywhere in the Western world." ID at 143. "Over two centuries ago, a lawyer named William Blackstone declared that it's better for ten guilty persons to escape than for one innocent to suffer. Why ten, as opposed to, say twelve or eight? Because Blackstone said so, that's why. By pulling the number ten out of thin air, Blackstone defiantly refused to think about the trade-offs that go into designing a criminal justice system. But for two centuries, legal scholars have cited Blackstone's *refusal* to think and mistaken it for an example of a *thought*. Of *course* it's a bad thing to convict the innocent. We all know, that, just as we know it's a bad thing to acquit the quilty." ID at page 222. *********************************************************************** Unfortunately, imo, we all don't don't that it is bad to convict the innocent. More importantly "we know it's a bad thing to acquit the quilty"??? Shit, I don't belief for a second that even the author, Mr. Steven E. Landsburg, actually believes it's necessarily a bad thing to acquit the guilty. My guess is, and I could be very wrong, more often than not it is ***better for the guilty NOT to be convicted.*** Anyway, the reason I supplied the snippits, supra, is so that readers could get a little more of a glimpse of what his book is about. Also, I liked it much better than Freaknomics. :) The starter, imo, is "Free to Choose: A Personal Statement," by Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman.
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    16 years ago
    More Sex Is Safer Sex . . .
    Assessing Evidence: You are given an HIV test despite the fact that 99% of the people in your demographic group are uninfected. You think the test is a waste of your hard earned $. You, do, get a hellacious shock when your test results come back: INFECTED!!! Time for self-defensetration? Perhaps. However, the HIV test is wrong 5% of the time and this means that there is roughly a 5% chance that you're okay? WRONG!!! More like an 84% chance you're okay. "Why 84%? In a population of 100,000 people, we've assumed that just 1%----that is, 1,000----are infected. Of the the 1,000 who are infected, 95% [950 people] get accurate (and grim) test results. Of the 99,000 who are healthy, 5%, or 4,950 get inaccurate results that say they're infected. That makes 950 + 4,950 = 5,900 people who got bad [grim] news, and of 5,900, only 950, or 16%, are actually infected. The other 84% are just fine." Footnote on page 91, "More Sex is Safer Sex The Unconventional Wisdom of Economics," by Steven E. Landsburg.
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    16 years ago
    seroprevalence ---- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . . .
    The Wall Street Journal way back had an interesting article on how the government "massaged" inflation figures to fool the public. Reading the genital Herpes stats, I wondered if similar "massaging" was taking place to fool the public. Doesn't seem to matter how absurd the numbers or how much dishonesty was recently uncovered the majority it seems greets the official information with a presumption of correctness that is very difficult to disturb.
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    16 years ago
    seroprevalence ---- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . . .
    Further, imo, interesting tid-bits found when researching seroprevalence: "Elsewhere in the world, a similar chronological association between HIV and AIDS has been noted. . . . Serologic data have suggested the presence of HIV infection as early as 1959 in Zaire (Nahmias et al., 1986). Other investigators have found evidence of HIV proviral DNA in tissues of a sailor who died in Manchester, England, in 1959 (Corbitt et al., 1990). In the latter case, this finding may have represented a contamination with a virus isolated at a much later date (Zhu and Ho, 1995)."
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the most unusual feature of a strip club that you have seen?
    A boxing ring. Second, would be viewing windows into the strippers' dressing room. Third, would be fresh water acquariums as well as salt water acquariums. Still waiting for: terrariums; as well as ecospheres.
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Hi casualguy, I'm relating the following story based on memory of an article or articles in The Miami Herald: Over at Coco's a (a few blocks east of the RolLexx on NW 119th Street) an older woman (40+-) was being insulted that she was too OLD to be working as a stripper/ho/whatever. The young customers doing the insulting wouldn't back off and I believe club security even intervened (probably tossing the old stripper, but I don't know). Turns out the older woman (40+-) was a mommie and her male children were the real deal. Mother needs some killing done, then there is nothing like keeping it in the family so mom calls one of her sons and tells him to get the gang and administer some justice. So her sons and some friends show and I don't know whether the customers were beaten first or whether they just died in a hail or slight shower of bullets. Anyway, some or all of the offending customers were killed dead to pay for repeatedly insulting remarks that she was too OLD to work as a stripper/ho/whatever. Mom and her gang of miscreants will be doing life behind bars. The moral of the story? Well, one moral for me is before complaining to management realize that that could set the issue ablaze. DJ gets fired and his mommie may greet you with crippling or deadly gunfire or perhaps *just* a knife attack. Or, *you* could be arrested. Some clubs do pay protection money to leo so think contrary possibilities. Anyway, to me the issue was really about customers willingness to ignore ALL the positives due to mistreatment by a minority i.e. the minority gets you to take your business elsewhere. Similarly this ignore ALL the positives seems to be the normal thinking in boyfriend or girlfriend relationships. Girlfriend just doesn't respect boyfriend's time and suddenly it is "kick her to the curb" without really giving heft to all her positives i.e. she is supremely stunning.
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Well, defending yourself might be worthwile depending on your values even if the price is exorbitant (death, severe bodily injury, incarceration, etc.). And, by defending yourself that could include not only direct confrontation, but seeking the assistance of others such as the manager. Ignoring it could pretty much have the same costs as defending yourself. The cowards way out seems like the most cost effective strategy as far as protecting your person. :) AND, if there are a bunch of clubs like old days along W. Dixie Hwy, then, imo, it doesn't seem like the coward (peace lover) is losing even a little bit. A bad culture at Angels? Heck, just go across the street to Cherry's Lounge, which had a totally different culture. Cherry's ain't your cup of tea? Well maybe Candy Stripers is the place to be? Heck, it was just fun testing out a new club to see what the deal was. Of all the clubs---I can only remember those 3, but there was no shortage of clubs on Dixie with their own cultures.
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Hi Dudester, Yes, I can definitely see where a HUGE Hell's Angel past or present would be very intimidating. :) It is very difficult for me to imagine an 80 year older whupping anyone. Sounds like I needed him. :) Things could have turned out a whole lot worse. I don't know if it was in The Miami Herald or not, but around the end of December there was a stabbing incident over at Angels (old feud) and there was a shooting at Tootsies, which was in paper, so these incidents can get bad. Sometimes just a little breathing room is all that is needed for things to work out. Or, I can have my gambling stripper's cousin pay a visit to the DJ. ;) Her cousin is for real (with an extensive rap sheet to prove it) and yet he seems like such a sweet person--he doesn't look sweet, btw. It, imo, is more than a little absurd to be fighting over visiting a strip club. Like a police officer told me decades ago: Even if you're 100% in the right sometimes the smartest choice is to walk away----and he was talking about pursuing justice through the courts. I didn't understand him at all at the time---not going to court seemed crazy! The officer was right more than I ever could have believed.
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Hi Dudester, In my youth, I might have been crazy enough to attempt to throw him out of his DJ booth or worse. :) Of course, in my youth there wasn't even a paunch. Definitely, wouldn't have spoken to the manager. Brings to mind this young stripper at my home. She answers her cell phone and suddenly she extends her arm out away from her ear. The sound of a young man was quite loud and raging mad. She is just loving every minute of it. After she hangs up she asks do you have a gun? I say yes and she gives me the thumbs up. She was fairly sure he was going to end up dead or be spending most of his life behind bars. I said don't you care? She shakes her head NO---she ain't the one who is going to be killing him or putting him behind bars so it's not her problem. Besides she loved watching him get so heated up about nothing. I said damn if you were my girl and I was young, then more likely than not I'd be acting even worse. She laughed. :)
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Hi chitownlawyer, The harsh comments may be the equivalent of "Danger, Will Robinson!" The denizens of the strip club like the aliens from outerspace probably don't care about substantive or procedural law as they prepare to carve you like a rib roast or zap you like a bug!!! Of course, one way or another Mr. Robinson always prevailed. :)
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    A FAT ASS? No, but do I score points for a paunch? :)
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Interesting opinions. :) (Yes, I happen to like aquariums; especially upper tier.)
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    The dirty aquariums make me feel like calling PETA. :( I love the analogy with the newly waxed car. :)
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    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    What actually happened is in the thread titled "RolLexx and the Obnoxious DJ . . . " I was surprised by posters who, imo, seemed to essentially be saying a few bad apples should cause me not to return to a club that I like. In the short term, I will stay away just so as not to be looking for trouble on the chance passions may still be simmering. IMO, it is like a dancer rips me off or two dancers rip me off and that means I dump the club? If I liked the club, then I'd *probably* try and take the least confrontational approach assuming 1) it wasn't a large amount involved and 2) I hadn't gotten too angry. With anger I'm apt to be more emotional thinking in terms only of what "I'm certain is right." Other people may actually be certain that they're right especially if emotions are running in high gear. Anyway, in one of my construction jobs I would have the assignment to deal with unhappy customers and I was considered good at that because the customers could become so abusive. I didn't consider what I was doing as anything special--the customer had no power over me so I could take endless abuse without getting upset and I stayed focused on trying to find an "acceptable" solution. With the club situation, it isn't the same deal at all because situations can get out of hand quickly and there is real risk; I do get angry sometimes overly so. Maybe that is the answer i.e. I'm just use to accepting a high level of abuse so therefore I didn't see what happened at the club as being so bad to cut future business permanently unless forced to do so by the club. Also, in my mind it just didn't add up (leaving permanently) because there are so many positives. It seemed like the other posters just dismissed the positives completely--close friends also seem throw away positives even those who are optimists.
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    16 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    MisterGuy, I timidly recommend for you to read or read more Chinese Fables. I'm currently picking and pecking thru "A Treasure House of Chinese Fables," by Chi Him Chiu.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you have $$$, then I think you'll like it a bunch or if you just like to watch then I think you'll probably love it. :) I don't care for Tootsies AT ALL, but that imo is an extreme minority view.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RolLexx and the Obnoxious DJ . . .
    The reality is that there is at least a 1 drink minimum for white customers unless you know the bartender and a 0 drink minimum for black customers. To be more accurate I've never seen any black customers forced to buy a drink ever at that club. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but my understanding from different dancers is that the drinks only become an issue and very rarely at that when a customer is NOT spending money on dancers. As the dancers pointed out that clearly isn't the situation with you because you buy dances (some get upset I only buy $5 dances) and you tip ($1 for the stage show and that is appreciated by most dancers). I had just had a dance stolen from me knowingly by the DJ (and I don't believe he would have done that with a black customer *only* after hearing the bartender bringing up my whiteness which caught me by surprise big time). I wasn't in the mood to be giving the club money in the form of drinks especially after the episode with the DJ and when I know it isn't a requirement for black customers. But, regardless if a DJ steals a dance from me then I'm not going to be buying a drink alcoholic or not (it makes no real difference to me, but usually I'll just get a water). It is only 3 people as far as I know. The DJ according to the dancer doesn't normally behave like that--I've *never* seen it before at the club (and it was a loud disagreement). And, the bartender wasn't acting right either. Who knows what happened earlier (if anything). Some blacks hate whites just like some whites hate blacks. I was treated very well by everyone else except for the 3 who have some real problem--either just with me or with my skin color or both. I haven't seen the DJ mistreat other white customers, btw. I don't know how management feels they might be sick of whites "dirtying" their club. I don't know, which is one reason I wanted to escalate the situation. Remember the real security, which there is NO shortage of did absolutely nothing. What does that mean if anything? It means something is wrong somewhere, imo, because that club security doesn't seem shy or weak. Maybe management doesn't want to get its hands openly dirty. I do plan on staying away for awhile just to let things cool way down. It doesn't matter if the majority is treating me very good because the minority can be fairly distruptive if this is *currently* an important issue for them. At the old racist Trap, timing could be everything. A potential black customer shows up one day maybe treated much differently a month later--it depended not only on who was in the club, but the current mood. And, it wouldn't make a difference if the majority of white customers disagreed with an aggressive minority. And, it might surprise some that it didn't take much of a minority. You ask around and the answer overwhelmingly may be leave him the hell alone unless he is acting like an asshole. What a potential black customer may feel probably seemed a lot different e.g. that club is just one angry hateful mob or damn I didn't even get to buy a drink! I don't really understand your last sentence in that it was only 3 people and I should hold the whole club accountable for 3 people??? The reason that I didn't feel that I could go directly to management is that, imo, regardless of race the culture in that club expects you to be a man. It is just like some of the dancers who want men to act like men. Angels has the same be a man culture, but it is different when I was close to management because it was like hey you want me to take care of this problem? I'm just giving you the heads up because you might want to keep things cool. The response could be light the club up if necessary because there isn't a police problem or heck, thanks for the info we don't need no problems now or shit that ain't no way to treat a customer want the bitch fired? or etc. It is difficult to imagine not wanting to go back when there are super hotties and high mileage at cheap prices. :) Of course, if managment wants to "clean" the club, then I would definitely comply and anyway I wouldn't have much choice. I just don't see good options at the moment: Angels has real problems as the last surviving club on W. Dixie, Coco's is packed, Tootsies is way too expensive for me, Black Gold only had 2 dancers and 1 customer on a Friday night, Take One Lounge was PACKED to the MAX!!!, VIP (potentially an excellent club) didn't open on a Friday night :(, The Trap has ugly dancers and super high prices, etc. A free market, which is now history, would for me eliminate these problems.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How quickly do you forget dancers that routinely danced for you?
    I don't forget if they were good people or stellar performers. Now, I might have trouble seeing. One of my favorites could radically change her appearance and movements. The only thing that gave her away was the fantastic body once she took off her clothes. Other dancers I forget all the time. In fact, some dancers who I wished to have forgotten or they didn't care for me, will know a lot about me when trying to get a dance. Somewhat surprising the way a dancer doesn't want to sell you dances to working her tail off to get you to buy dances. There is a dancer orginally from Angels who just didn't care for me. Without the makeup and fancy clothes she was just perfect. Once I realized she didn't want to dance, it was like OK . . . next dancer. In fact, if she would ask for whatever reason and I needed to remember to decline or I'd get a bad dance. So now she is at the RolLexx and she asked me for a dance and then said oh, no I don't want any dances from you; you're from Angels. I was glad she remembered because I didn't recognize her at first with all the goop and clothing. Next time I see her, she recognizes me and wants me to buy dances. I say don't you remember we are both happier when you don't give me dances? She said yes she recognized me, but she needed the money and would give good dances. At least she kept her word--really, I'd rather she just avoided me in case I don't immediately recognize her. However, without the goop/wig/fancy habiliments she is a perfect 10.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking You for a lap dance, what techiques are there?
    Could You PLEASE Give Me Just a Quick Massage? Dancer introduces herself and does a little chatting and then asks for help. Just a quick massage of the back of her neck or elsewhere to ease the pain. Ideally this will warm the customer up and after she thanks him and gets up to leave she asks if he might like to get a dance or whether he just wants to watch the shows.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking You for a lap dance, what techiques are there?
    Pool Wager . . . The club needs to have an empty pool table, but dancer asks about a friendly game of pool after she determines that the customer likes to play. Then to make it interesting she offers a free dance if she loses and if she wins it is a paid dance. The dancer normally considers herself to be a winner either way. Usually, I will throw in at least 1 paid dance and probably more is she loses. If I don't like her looks, then I'll be negative about playing in the first place. I love the technique. What is very important to me is if the dancer could determine if I have any interest in her. Too often a dancer will have high esteem because so many customers either love fat or have absolutely NO standards whatsoever.
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    16 years ago
    girl from a local club in miami weve been dating she wants to move in ??????
    It depends on what *YOU* are looking for. The most successful marriage (the guy got relief from every ho available) involved a very nice woman who sounds like your stripper. Just crazy possessive. Her whole world revolves around him. I doubt most men would want any part of such a relationship, but it suits him just fine. Keeping her pregnant helps somewhat, but bottom line she is insane when it comes to him. The marriage is over 20 years and he doesn't a divorce and she'd kill herself or him before allowing or getting a divorce. My experience with strippers OTC is that like most women that I've known they're more than a little wacky which isn't necessarily bad. I never wanted a "real" relationship and always the woman has forced the issue. I've met some very good women, but some other man might have seen the same women as the pits--people have different needs and tastes!!! :) Good luck.