Comments by jablake (page 75)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer sues Strip Club.
    Strippers and guns, what could be more pleasant conversation. ;) Actually, I think that would be make a nice theme for a stripclub and the old quick draw could be returned to its place of prominence. Joking aside that was interesting about the dram cases. Don't like it, but I'm sure many people if not most people agree with the courts' position that that bar or gun dealer be held liable under certain conditions. As far as gun dealers currently receiving some protection from the courts, well the tobacco companies had a court-teflon coating for decades. People's opinion change. I'd always thought sexual harassment lawsuits would be an excellent way for churches and other anti-stripclub agents to go about putting small strip clubs out of business. Even if the club was ultimately to win on the merits, the legal fees could drain the club dry.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How Lucrative is Owning a Strip Club?
    Yes, *if* real competition is allowed. In my area try and open a small club----the government doesn't allow it. Plus you have to make some fairly hefty payoffs to stay in business. The latest news is that Angels, which was easily making more than a half million is close to being shut down. All the other clubs were shut so this wouldn't come as a surprise except that I would think the payoffs should keep them in business. The Trap, a tiny tiny tiny club, was according to the owner was making over a half million and he rejected an offer of $1.5 million for the club. Try and open a competing----small----club and let's see how far you will get. Hard to believe people think you have the freedom to just open a club, but perhaps the rules are different elsewhere.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money? I'm not sure if the price of gas has even gone up despite all the government BS that should make it much more expensive in real terms. Perhaps non-stop printing of money is the real reason for the seemingly high price of gas. Pricing gas in other physical commodities should give a better idea if the currency is the problem or whether there are true shortages. If you were using silver as money or probably most other commodities, then the price most likely hasn't gone up. With paper money, well even if it was a $200 a gallon that doesn't necessarily mean there is any scarcity of oil. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    Hi Bobbyl, You think his post was humorous?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    Didn't parodyman develop his extreme dislike for you after meeting you? The way it was written it sure seemed like you were saying all strippers are stupid. For the record, I've met highly intelligent strippers, and those with average intelligence, and those that are slow. I've fun with strippers with varying levels of intelligence and education, but when I go to a stripclub I'm looking for hot and sweet primarily. Are all Republicans stupid? That question, imo, strongly implies that all or nearly all Republicans are stupid.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are all strtippers stupid?
    Most of the stripclub customers that I know are not very nice with the dancers or they dislike them. Seems like either they think sex is dirty or selling sex is dirty. Worse dancers tell me that when they do OTC with a "nice" customer more often than not the "nice" customer turns out to be a totally different person OTC---too often to point of being afraid for their safety. I'm surprised dancers are as nice as they are given their working conditions.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    *Supposedly* it is a myth that premium is better. A Toyota I owned did indeed require premium and I learned an expensive lesson going cheap.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    Except for the tat she sounds yummy. :) Hope you both have a fantastic trip.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    Hi casualguy, I think Mister Guy and a whole lot people don't even think you have a Constitutional right to gun. And, DEFINITELY not for use against the government. The U.S. Supreme Court will hopefully make it clear if there is a right to bear arms. It is such a sleazy court that I'd be surprised if an actual decision was made and if it is made then deciding that there is no right to bear arms shouldn't come as too much of a surprise.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    Hi clubber, Zero? No, I don't think 100% of the people are government cattle. Maybe 80 to 90 percent, which still means the government can get a lot done by passing one law after another along with "appropriate" penalties. Even if only 20% of the cattle or those fearful of government punishment obeyed that, imo, is still changing human behaviour to a significant extent. When I was growing up, I always heard the olds state that government "can't legislate love, etc." which wasn't the issue . . . the issue was can the government change the playing field and rules of the game so crops of new people will think differently.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Non strip club topic - how much are you spending on gas money?
    Last time I filled up it was a little over $4 a gallon.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    Well to some, not me, it is pocket change. I see men handing out $20s like they were $1s and it is impressive. A dancer is making her rounds to collect the customary $1 for her stage show and then gets $100 or more in $20s from just a couple customers. What is even more impressive is how some dancers are able to keep their heads and understand that other customers are low income.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    Most of the dancers that I know aren't drug addicts from what I can see. They may love doing drugs, but it could be compared to loving chocolate cake. Another comparison: a good number of people love drinking, but the number of people addicted seems to be very low. End the governments' Drug Wars and I believe the price of most drug highs will drop to pennies. (Cocaine probably would be selling for around the price of coffee or tea.) And, the number of dancers may even increase as strange or crazy as that might seem at first glance! It is EASY to spend a lot of money and drugs don't need to be an excuse.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    "The nation's alcohol-related traffic death rate has dropped by more than half during the past 20 years, a government study shows." ----- ----- I would tend to see this a proof that government can regulate human behaviour. More draconian drinking laws combined with fewer freedoms e.g. check points, pee in a cup, etc. and a healthy dose of government propaganda and boom people are changing their behaviours out of fear or genuine belief. Think how much more the government could regulate human behaviour if police were authorized to execute drunk drivers on the spot and DID. That would surely help regulate most human behaviour against drinking and driving.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    Hi clubber, I wouldn't have learned that lesson. Seems like the government overall does a pretty impressive job of regulating human behavior. Remember the opposition to giving children Social Security numbers? First make it voluntary if they wish to receive a tax break. Once the vast majority is voluntarily complying, then make it mandatory. Another example is marriage. Give an economic benefit to get rid of hubby and poof he is GONE. I'm thinking about at the lower end of the economic scale where a low wage male isn't worth the benefits that government can provide. The governments' anti-smoking crusade seems like it is very successful also, btw. Yes, there will be those who fight back----a minority. It just seems like generally, imo, human behaviour is like puddy in the hands of government.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    If she enjoys his company, then she might consider it like being paid $300 a day plus expenses to go on a vacation. If his tongue action is half decent, then it is easy to imagine some dancers would be willing to spend time with him for free. To those caught in the self-imposed mind-trap that it is always *all* about the money, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for *them*. Who knows this young lady may be disgusted by the mere thought of him, but is so desperate that she'd jump at $100. Or, she may like him so much that the *horrors* of *free* might be gladly offered. As far as spending a whole week or more with a dancer, well that sounds like a hell of a lot of fun. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    I did go to the link you supplied. That is a tiny community of only 13,000 people. Tallahassee, FL with more than 10 times the population had a murder rate of something like 12 people compared to 1 person for the tiny community.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    "The United States leads the world's richest nations in gun deaths -- murders, suicides, and accidental deaths due to guns - according to a study published April 17, 1998 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the International Journal of Epidemiology. The U.S. was first at 14.24 gun deaths per 100,000 people. . . . England and Wales 0.41." ---- ----- For some people a potential huge reduction in deaths is good enough reason for the government to ban guns. I say if the gun deaths in America could be reduced to 0.41 guns deaths per 100,000 people, then is it desirable to ban guns? To many people the answer is an obvious YES!!! Alcohol-Attributable Deaths for 2001 in the United States was estimated to be over 75,000 people. ----- ---- Look at the idiocy that took place under the excuse of 911 with just under 3,000 people killed. Saving 75,000 people per year sounds like a definitely excellent reason for some people to regret the government ending Prohibition. I'm glad Prohibition is dead even though it means thousands of innocent people may, and probably do, die as a result. Other people would wish to create a whole government War on Alcohol modeled right along the lines of the government's War on Drugs. This is why in my opinion it can be so difficult to "learn from history" because people have different values. *If* banning guns would save 75,000 people per year, then would support a government gun ban? Some people would support it if it saved just under 3,000 people per year. It get down to values, imo, more than learning.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why don't more clubs have a website?
    Some clubs might prefer to fly a little below the radar. IOWs, it maybe more important to avoid the wrong type attention than it is to get the right type of attention. Also, some clubs may prefer to remain more of a "neighborhood" club than dealing with a bunch of newbies to the club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do tongue rings imply girls are into oral sex?
    Hi clubber, My point is the lesson learned can depend on one's viewpoint and values. What are the lessons of Prohibition? If the government banned private gun ownership and gun homocide dropped 95% percent, then the lesson is??? For some people the lesson would be how wonderful the government was for banning private gun ownership. For other people the lesson would be that they have to live in fear. Etc. Etc. Etc. In effect, people may have learned from the history: It just isn't the lesson that would seem obvious.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper With Smelly Vaginas
    The worst smell that I've been subjected to is the unwiped ass smell. If I was going to buy a bunch of dances, then that pretty much ends it. BTW, it is either rare (that I get a nasty smell) or my sniffer is broke.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    So You Really Want to Impregnate Her? ;) Story about about a pill for increasing a women's libido and decreasing their appetite. For strippers if might plausibly have the effect of INCREASING income: For customers emptier pockets and BIGGER smiles.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    There is also the huge consideration, to some dancers, that your a repeat client--assuming you're a repeat client she doesn't feel negatively towards. Volume + Familiarity + Safety = Equal Huge Savings Per Purchase, imo.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    More on Att'y Maag and the Granite City IL CraigsList sting...
    I wish the article was a little clearer. Paying for a GFE is now the same as paying for sex? Well it is all wonderful because the government was efficient in approving my Social Security benefits and let me pay a traffic ticket via credit card. And, the flag is of a very attractive design; the one with the rattler that is. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What is a fair price for a travel companion?
    Sounds very fair, but I wonder if you asked her what she would say.