Comments by jablake (page 67)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Hi parodyman, But, can you spell argument? ;) When I first looked at that I wonder if it was merely an alternate spelling such as "judgment" and "judgement." Anyway, I'm sure that I make a ton more creative spellings and mistakes than most; just surprised you commented on your obvious typo "bwelieve." Reading shadowcat's posts are generally depressing---I probably shouldn't talk. :) I feel guilty about it, even, but I have a strong dislike for him based on his posts. :( Well, differences make the world interesting at the very least. As far as suicide the problem, imho, is that the act appears like a loop. Yes, that mostly likely sounds strange. It seems like if for example I chose to end my life the result would be to be reborn in almost the exact same life. Perhaps there is a loop regardless of how death occurs or perhaps there isn't a loop at all.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    "Here's the question: Do you take drugs? I ask only because your posts are consistently the most surreal posts by anyone on this board, and so I wonder if you are on drugs when you write them, or if this is just the way your mind operates." Back in school, when I was fairly young. The science teacher made some sweeping comments before the students that those who use drugs have NO intelligence etc. etc. etc. (For a science teacher it was disappointing---a very good man, btw.) What was shocking was that all the children turned around and in unison pointed their fingers at me and loudly exclaimed WHAT ABOUT JOE!? HE IS A DRUGGIE AND HE IS THE BRIGHTEST!!! It was weird that all the children were so in tune with each other and that their words and gestures were so natural. The teacher got all upset claiming that I in fact wasn't a druggie---he didn't know, of course, he just thought I'd be a horrible example to follow, if true. At the time I was ABUSING Vodka & Southern Comfort & Rum, big time (not even a teenager, btw) for a very stupid reason or reasons. My people on my mother's side of the family suffered from mental illness as they got older (40 years and up) and this was independent or seemed independent of alcohol abuse. Anyway, these truely insane people could usually fool regular people---that was only part of the problem and it was a significant problem. I'm watching these lunatics, both highly intelligent as well as dumber than a door-nail, and I notice some of them can't stay away from alcohol. They're addicted like this alcohol is the greatest thing on planet Earth. Well, I'd had plenty of alcohol---not abuse, imo,----just enough for flavor or to socialize or to get a brief buzz. But, there was NO addiction that I could detect even a little bit. It didn't make sense and I wanted to try and feel what my relatives were feeling so that I could hopefully help them or at least understand why this "nothing of a substance, ie alcohol" was important to them to the point they'd risk or destroy everything to drink. I was assured that if I drank enough alcohol, then I would definitely become addicted because alcohol was addictive. Bottom line, I increased my drinking thru the roof. It didn't seem to make any difference as far as my school work or as far my ability or lack of ability to play certain sports. At that time, it didn't seem to do much of anything MUCH. Yes, it felt good to a limited extent . . . but, if I stopped it wasn't missed. It was generally a nothing to me despite heavy consumption. I was trying to equal my mom and never beat her in that contest of volume drinking to her good humor. At other times, different students would demand that I sell them the good drugs and they'd seem very serious. One kid said in all ernstness that no one could be like me unless they were using some really good drugs. It seemed beyond weird that children would want to be like me . . . especially considering the attacks I'd suffered both at the hands of relatives (mother's side) and those by the government. Anyway, to answer your question I never got into the drug scene as far as using drugs except to an iota---too expensive and also I had a problem with the mental illness attacking many members of my mother's side of the family. I didn't need drugs at all----drinking did become more important to destroy memory (my memory WAS perfect), but still NO addiction. I did try and liked marijuana, but I doubt I smoked it more than a very few times and never bought it. Cocaine was pushed on me a few times, but that is a boring drug, imo, and again it was expensive and I never bought it. I did have experience staying or visiting in drug houses, but the drugs weren't why I was there. Generally, I saw too much misery in the drug houses----by too much it is hard to say . . . my standards were ruled by extremely violent people (my mother's people) so I could see a lot and just just keep going without having a "normal" response. (Also, by and large at that time I saw drugs as a HUGE negative for many reasons.) At least one upper level police office had said to me that he had always thought that I was just pretending to be insane, but that unfortunately it wasn't an act at all; that I was insane. He told the other lower officer that he didn't care what the hell the crimes were----just stay away from me and my people. "My people" actually included more than "my people," but that wasn't negative as long as peace prevailed. :) Before the alcohol or anything of that nature-----well intentioned people working for or with the government actually did try and help me----when I was a very young child. I don't and didn't see this government help as negative---I strongly believe it was an honest attempt to do good. It did a lot damage and almost immediately the medicine I was given was stopped because the change was so extreme and so negative----I could see the fear and true concern in the eyes of those who had tried to help me. I suffered a bad reaction that I later learned some small percentage of children suffered. As to the governments attempted help----the problem was that the child, me, wasn't the real problem. Adults too often are quick to blame the child even a very young child-----sometimes just a little digging for information will show the real problem.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    The problem, imo, is that in the South those that didn't submit could easily face conviction for any non-crime. And, in fact, I believe (I could be wrong) that some history on this was presented/established. The law is a fearsome weapon. OK, so you can't be used as a slave unless convicted of a crime. Gee, how difficult it must have been to get convictions against blacks that dared to be too "uppity" in the old South. Killing citizens isn't illegal for either the government or in many cases for private individuals. Generally, the government has much greater "legal" rights in killing citizens, however. Furthermore, there was/is a jurisdictional issue that you addressed---- The SC court made certain a interpretation regarding the 14th Amendment etc. etc. etc.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Well, the James Bond posts were colorful metaphors essentially saying you couldn't be for real because you too damn good! :) What's the old saying: If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Yes, it was an attack to discredit you. The problem is if someone says something that doesn't sound logical or right, then it doesn't take much for that negative presumption to be cast in stone. I told about an upscale cocaine distribution in a certain high end club. Well, some logical people believe that can't be true because too many people would talk. What can I say? If a person actually believes that, then little will change their mind unless there is a government bust or they see it first hand. The funny or sad thing is that if there is government bust, then people who yapped too many people would talk conveniently forget that operation could have been minting profits year after year. In fact, sometimes the government will confirm to some extent its operational history. There were a few bad areas in Miami where drug sales seemed to be allowed by the government. This went on for years and then boom!!! mass arrests and the game changed quick.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Well, the 13th Amendment didn't abolish slavery.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    I remember calling up IBM to get a replacement floppy drive---$400!!! :( Bought a clone floppy drive for I think it was like $18. So many people think it is government that creates wealth when in fact getting government out of the way is what often creates real wealth. An example was Chile and the Chicago Boys---free market economists---who chopped and chopped some of this idiotic government control and that good government control and it was just chopping city for the government. :) The main predictions at the time seemed, imo, to be that Chile would collapse without its wonderful government protecting and controlling everyone. The exact opposite happened and Chile exploded with prosperity. But, the experiment could be repeated again and again and people would still be in total LOVE for more government. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Thank goodness IBM's "intellectual property" wasn't protected when it came to the PC in the court battle with the first PC clones. We'd probably still be sputtering with the loud weak PC XTs if thru force of government IBM was allowed a monopoly to screw consumers. Fortunately, market forces were permitted to go essentially wild with little government regulation or controls.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Hi David9999, I thought the James Bond reference had to do with your seemingly being too good to be true: High income, educated, tall & fit, handsome, generous, etc. Also, I thought what you saying centered more on overall Alpha male behaviour and how evolution molded some women to desire certain traits that may no longer be considered desirable. The "player" successfully spreading seed might be passing genes on to females that command a certain amount of attraction/desire for the "player." It is a key point, imo. A player winning the procreation game, can possibly create females who desire that type nature? It is a possible double-whammy. First, the "player" babies get spread better. Second, maybe the "player" babies male or female are more likely to either emulate "player" behaviour if the baby is male or be receptive to "player" behaviour if the baby is female.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    "Uhm, there is that little letter thingy by his name...Ever think of clicking on it?" Yeah, perhaps founder was speaking of a PM (private message) and not an email message.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    "David9999 needs desperately for the regulars here to bwelieve he is the man." Could be a simple issue of honor----stories have been shared and to be told they're a pack of lies might bring outrage even if one's identity was protected. A person goes through all the work of relating and sharing his experiences and then he gets branded a liar for his trouble. :( Or, perhaps it is about protecting the integrity of a subject that he seems to care deeply about----evolutionary pyschology.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The issue of truth
    Sounded nutty, but perhaps someone can verify or debunk it. This relatively young man was working for one of the Big 3 auto manufacturers---not that many years ago. He claimed to have earned over $100,000 parking cars thanks to his Union connections. America is so corrupt it is easy for me to believe, but on the other hand perhaps employee wage information of this type is public information . . . just need the right person to dig out the facts. Oh, the relatively young man thought he was grossly underpaid and that his employer was stealing his time. :) At least he had the right attitude-----he LOVED Walmart and America-----I asked what about buying American made? He laughed and said on his small salary?! Over $100,000 to park cars and that is a small salary----like I said he has the right attitude. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    A strong need to share at least a little and perhaps much more importantly converse with those who enjoy the same hobby?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    "If you are so damned concerned about your identity, why post at all?" A strong need share at least a little and perhaps much more importantly converse with those who enjoy the same hobby? As far as reviews that truly seems like a dead giveaway for some guys depending on the club and how they act and or spend. Even a simple simon would be able to figure out my real identity, if they wanted to hang out Angels or perhaps even just ask a few intellingent questions. Yes, the intelligent questions part probably eliminates 90% of any potential threats from persons who don't frequent the club. Not only that, but people AT THE CLUB are far more likely to read reviews of THEIR CLUB. I'm sure some dancers have read my reviews and if it is THEIR CLUB a review or review of THEIR CLUB could easily give me away. Worse once they realize I'm posting reviews they might get curious and look in the main discussion forum and learn that I'm actually a billion dollar attorney in addition to being tall and handsome and having a vibe that drives young sexy dancers to orgasm on sight alone. Suddenly young hottie has me by more than the balls. My family could be destroyed and loss of job may follow and who knows prison time? This is America land of endless prisons.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    Most of the dancers that I meet at the black clubs won't do eye contact. It is a real treat when have a hottie that will make good eye contact. White dancers, ime, overwhelmingly didn't mind lots of eye contact with me----a HUGE plus in my eyes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Teenager Wants Dating Advice??? :)
    Oh, this teenager was significantly slower than his peers as a youngster. And, it seemed like he really listened when I explain to him that despite being a slow learner he could become successful in school. It would take lots of time and real hard work and NO quitting. He says were you a "slow learner"? :) I think he is with just a little luck, going to be successful all around. :) When he was a little boy, I wouldn't have given that as a snowball in hell---hopefully my second take is on the mark.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    old posts?
    Yes, I believe shadowcat was complaining about that. I'm using the latest Windows browser and can see older posts. Most people it seems strongly prefer Firefox and my computer doesn't seem to care for that browser. Well, for me, even Firefox allowed viewing of older posts---made a mess of google, however. Sounds like some technical issue with TUSCL that should be fixable.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Note to Founder
    Posting reviews is or should be so easy to fake. Thus, I don't see what it would prove. Also, it seems like a phony would be tempted to post reviews just as a fake veteran would be tempted to invent heroic war stories. Even a real veteran with real accomplishments might be tempted to add to his glories. It wasn't that long ago that a highly decorated military man blew his brains out because he was caught with a few extra medals that he didn't earn. It was very sad because the medals didn't even seem like that big a deal compared to his real accomplishments. :( I don't know all the real facts about this highly decorated military man, but it surely seemed like he was a REAL AMERICAN HERO despite his puffery/fraud over a few medals.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The issue of truth
    Hi David9999, Well, imo, you have made an ernst effort going so far as to post a new thread to Founder's attention. And, Founder as such might actually help you out. He seems extremely easy going. Good luck, but regardless I hope you continue posting interesting subjects. Even this has, imo, become interesting; normally I wouldn't care about the veracity of a poster because people do have privacy concerns. Heck, I'm fairly bottom rung on the social scale and I have anonymity concerns and those concerns may not seem rational to others, but those others might be singing a very different tune if they had my experiences. Freedom of speech---for example? don't make me laugh. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    old posts?
    Hmmm . . . I thought you just needed to click "next 25."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    "Oh, and one other thing, don't question Zerzan's patriotism." Of all things close friends and others have accused me of patriotism! Not as wacked-out as it seemed at first blush.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Secrets strip club . . . the darkside of Angels . . .
    Years ago Angels changed it name very briefly to The Glass House. A major renovation, VERY EXPENSIVE, took place and the ownership didn't want all expensive improvements to be sullied by Angels reputation as a DUMP. :) I complained, of course, that the customers liked Angels as a DUMP and the improvements were a huge negative. Save the glitz and trimmings and like junk for the gentlemen's clubs. About 2 months later the huge expensive signs for "The Glass House" were torn down and fittingly put in dumpsters. I was told that customer after customer complained that they didn't want Angels to be anything other than a first class DUMP. :) So, I guess a name is important to some people. :) Anyway, Secrets has at times been used as punishment for dancers at Angels. Secrets has at times been used as reward for dancers at Angels. My last visit to Secrets, different dancers were telling me that their "sentence" at Secrets was almost over and they'd be allowed to work at Angels. It is funny how it has flip flopped back and forth between being a punishment to being a reward.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The issue of truth
    Actually, I hate to say it but *I* do care----now. The reason I care is that one poster made logical point after logical point AND it is very tempting to play connect the dots to arrive at a logical conclusion. This is where conspiracy theorists, and most people for that matter, can easily get lead astray, imo. A maxim?: just because it seems logical doesn't make it true; just because it seems illogical doesn't make it false.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    The issue of truth
    I doubt founder will do it and worse someone of high intelligence might count on that----hope that I'm wrong, btw. I would love to see you vindicated. :) BTW, I like your posts regardless of verisimilitude and in fact lack thereof in certain respects makes them all the more provoking. Best wishes, :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    RolLexx and Royalty's Sister?
    Gambling dancer isn't her stage name nor a label she is even aware of. I wanted to highlight the Gambling part and minimize the dancer part. Make sense? :) The money that I now believe she earned in Cutler Ridge should have made her a wealthy woman to a large degree and yet she is basically penniless. She didn't have a drug problem . . . and it would have been difficult to spend that much money . . . she wasn't being pimped in any real way either (giving tiny sums to her pathetic boyfriend (pathetic in that he is inept, but he does try very hard) every once in awhile doesn't count, imo). I don't know the territory too well at RolLexx. There was that very unpleasant issue with the DJ and bartender. Even Angels has politics, but normally since I was such a well known regular forever I was pretty much free to do anything. I figured in time information would be forthcoming; and I was also concerned that I may NOT like the answers AND correction could very well be near impossible. :( Anyway, when and if the information is forthcoming, I may not like its content or form. :( I guess basically, I'm trying to avoid the problem. And, yes it does seem like there is a real issue here. Also, Royalty was a real genuine goofball; lovable from head to toe. This Royalty older-twin seems like anything but a goofball.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    "On November 15, 2004, a report on briefly described a clash in the Iraqi city of Baquba, including an insurgent attack with rocket-propelled grenades on members of the First Infantry Division, in which four American soldiers were wounded. CNN did not post any images of the battle, and the incident wasn't given much attention in other media. But visitors to the amateur porn website were given a much closer view of the action: 'today in baquba we got into the shit again and got some of it on vid.....this is me and my wingman fuckin some shit up when these fucks shot 3 rpg's at us so we took down the whole spot.....look for yourself...the fight lasted like 85 mins total and they are still counting up the bodies.'" Freedom speech in America? :) Well, I think this is the amateur porn site owner that learned an expensive lesson about what freedom of speech really means in America. I *assume* at the minimum he was bankrupted by the government's "legal" attack. Gang-raped in a government prison? Could be. A youngster, I think he was 18, got raped and murdered in a government prison here in Miami-Dade County. His big whoop dee doo crime? Allegedly he bought alcohol---I think it was a six-pack of Bud Light ;). Of course, many may applaud this result because it saves lives by sending a message! His devout Christian parents wanted him to learn to obey the law so when the police urged them to come and take the boy home because the jail was too dangerous the advice was ignored. Well, at least natural selection is working. Post information the "wonderful" government doesn't like and don't be surprise if there is a side attack---did you forget to water your lawn?----did you rob a bank? (don't worry, evidence will be manufactured if necessary)----are your licenses in order? (well, maybe you *need* some administrative hearings----most people regardless of innocence are highly vulnerable to a side attack. And, if "vindicated" so what? Then you can beat on your chest claiming you have the right to freedom of speech. LOL! Meanwhile, others know to keep their mouth shut about damning facts or damning photos or harsh consequences may come raining down----sorta like playing russian roulette. :(