Comments by jablake (page 68)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    CORRECTS TYPO Old saw: Would a dancer be happier earning $5 a dance from customer X or $10 a dance from customer X
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    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    Another point is setting a "bad" example. In the book business, I would get people to try and get me to discount my price or they'd take their business elsewhere. Even if that one transaction made economic sense and often it didn't-----zero dollars would be better than $10 dollars-----the problem is word of mouth. All I needed was every customer to start haggling with me. :( (When I first took over the business that was a huge problem and the prices were dirt cheap to begin with! :( ) Sometimes I'd just give away a book FREE because it avoided the haggling problem and showed--hopefully--to the potential customer that FREE was a better deal for me than the price he was offering. Every once in awhile I'd have a customer ask for free based on what I did for someone else. My response would vary depending on the details; like how hard are you willing to work for FREE? Are you willing to come in before 8 AM? Are you willing to give me a bunch of new books? Are you willing to not come back? To me, often the dancers' decisions even though it doesn't maximize income make a lot of sense. A HOT 9 was fooling around at Angels yesterday. She came and chatted me up for just a little bit---and she is very nice. Then she hung with some dancer buds and then with some customer buds. She didn't make much in all the hours that I was there . . . but, if you watched her you would see that she was a happy person. I could have bought some dances, but it would have been lose/lose ---REALLY. She doesn't want to provide GFEs and that is what I want to buy. Her decision not to push for a dance (she is nice and HOT so I would feel obligated to buy 1 or 2) benefited us both. Maximizing income often seems irrational to me! :) Old saw: Would a dancer be happier earning $5 a dance from customer X or $10 a dance for customer X (customer X is identical for either price, btw). The answer is it depends. Sometimes $5 a dance would make the dancer much happier. Even if the dancer really really thinks the customer is the greatest $10 a dance might make the dancer much happier. If stripclubs have taught me anything, then it is that the one-size-fits-all rule is total filth.
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    16 years ago
    Teenager Wants Dating Advice??? :)
    Hi Book Guy, Excellent points. :) Doing all those social conforming things he would see as being good and right and not a chore in the least. He is generally a follower especially where he sees the end result as good. Giving grandma a birthday card to bring her a smile and let her know you care. Holding doors open for his teachers to show that he respects them. Honoring his father because his father is the main provider and loving parent. Being on time so as to respect other people's time. It is the golden rule of treating other they way you want to be treated. One thing he does complain about is that often he doesn't see reciprocity (sp?). For example, he does all these good things because he wants to and yet his parents still don't trust him. I was told by his parents, I was trying to get him a little more freedom, that he can't be trusted because he isn't as intelligent as other children. (He worked very hard to improve his grades and even that wasn't enough.) The parents say he needs strict control so that he doesn't learn bad things. His mom would like him to just stay home and take care of the family his entire life! Bottom line, I mainly believe in looking at what the successful guys are doing. He doesn't like what the successful guys are doing. :( I understand what he saying, but like I told him there are some successful guys that are actually positive role models. He just starts shaking his head. I said believe it or not I understand, but the fact is even though you have to look at lot harder there are successful "lady's men" who are good guys. Also, (and he didn't want to hear this) it is about finding a woman who will accept you the way you are! :) Yes, he is ready for action NOW and not in some distant future. Life is tough cookies. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Angels . . .
    Hi Dudester, Angels was always a dump; but quiet. :) But, the government "thought police" had a huge negative impact on the stripclub experience in South Florida, imo. The Trap was a very different type of nice club. Regulars who came all the time, imo, were generally real gentlemen. Endless LOVE of America talk even as the clubs along W. Dixie were under government attack. I heard again and again that what the government does along W. Dixie has NOTHING to do with The Trap or our supposed freedoms. The government works for us and wouldn't dare attack The Trap. I'm sure those old timers still LOVE America (if they're still alive that is) and don't see how their indifference to government attacks against the W. Dixie clubs ultimately destroyed their community stripclub. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I'm reading it. :) I don't think how long it takes a person to come is silly in the least. That can make a huge difference in your stripclub expectations and experience. It seems like the customers who feel $20 is a good price for a dance are either very wealthy or come very quick or don't buy dances (go to stripclubs often). Heck, if I came as quick as some customers then I'd think $20 was a definite deal. I need a lot of dances, which is why I place so much value on the $5 clubs. Now, if I was wealthy that is a different story or if I went once every couple months that is a different story.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Oh and anyone who thinks that I'm engaging in "freedom of speech" is truly uninformed and ignorant. They need a visit or visits from the "wonderful" government. Even a nobody who speaks out can end up behinds bar. That was a HUGE SHOCK to me. A nobody is a nobody and thus why would the government give a shit if he yaps----not likely anyone is going to listen to him. His message will be met with don't like it, leave. Or, this is the greatest country on earth. Or, just be grateful you live in a country where you're allowed to speak out---LOL! That last one is too funny. :( Anyway, unless you are screwed firsthand you most likely won't come close to smelling the coffee---and, even if you do get screwed it may not make a difference. To those who believe it was a small thing that I was denied my alleged right to a jury trial (it was a civil case), then I would say the trampling of my supposed right to a jury trial is just as important if not more important than the alleged freedom to speak out against the government. NO, I don't vote---that is a worthless right, imho. Now, a jury trial and freedom of speech those would be very valuable rights and freedoms. Freedoms that would cause me to think very highly of the country.
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    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    Hi FONDL, Although I've met veterans who HATE America, generally I think you're on the money when you say you can guess who is and who is not a veteran. So if you want a police state and citizens with eyes apparently firmly shuttered, then yes a military draft is probably an excellent idea because it seems like their is a huge correlation between LOVE of America and serving in the U.S. military. What surprises me is that it doesn't seem to make any difference whether the service was forced or truly voluntary. Some veterans are what I would consider to be very normal in that they LOVE America until they get royally screwed. Others, it just is difficult for me to understand how a person can get abused savagely mistreated again and again and still keep up with the LOVE America nonsense. Another point FONDL, I believe that you can go to any shit-hole government or dictatorship around the world and veterans will endless praise their government even if totally free to express a different viewpoint. It is sort of like religion---I don't understand it or why anyone would fall for it: Millions do.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    My LOVE America buddy who went thru the ordeal has the blindness to pound his fists on his chest and proclaim he is living proof that the freedom of speech exists in America. He fails to notice that his political movement which was gaining steam effectively died. His friends ran like scared mice for the most part out of fear they'd be jailed and have their properties stolen by the government. Because of this some long time friends became bitter enemies of his---because he didn't buy their excuse of being afraid. Real friends stand by you in your time of need he yapped! I told him that I would have been running like a scared mouse too! He says YES, but you don't believe in the greatness of America and you weren't part of the movement. The whole point is yes, he can get on his tiny soap box and speak of corruption, but his message died when he was arrested by the government. The funny thing is that his message wasn't even that radical, imo, and it was very pro-American, imo. And, he had some wealth and more importantly some of his friends behind the scenes had real wealth---and did help save his ass, imo. So, he is beat and broken and yet he thinks he won and has rights. :( You may recall the free porn access for military photos. Soldiers were sending in gruesome pics that government would prefer that Americans not view. So of course the government brings its full "legal" might against this nobody based on all manner of alleged violations of this filthy law and that filthy law. Selective prosecution to be sure, because his "porn" images were very tame---think Playboy, imo. So is this moron who incorrectly believed he had freedom of speech rotting in a government prison? I don't know and as far as I'm concern just the initial attack by the government was more than enough silence most people. And, that was the point. You want to host "bad" pictures of murder in Iraq?, then be prepared to bankrupted and hounded and maybe even repeatedly gang-raped in America's prison system. Who knows, perhaps this story has a happier ending than I imagine. I wonder if the moron still believes he has freedom of speech in America? He might whether he survived or not.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    More than a few times I've heard foreign born workers legal and illegal tell me they HATE America and of course I always ask then why are you here?!? MONEY is the number one answer. It is like the 18 year old hottie sleeping with the old nasty disgusting pig---she does it for money; not for love or sympathy or even boredom. Another reason that I hear, but less frequently is family. I had this American complaining how terrible and nasty America is and I'm listening thinking yes I definitely agree with you and I'm listening and finally she pauses. I asked her why are you here? She got real downcast. And, I said it looks like you have money to leave. She says OH, I've been gone for over a decade and loving it in Costa Rica and I thought she might cry. And, then she says she can't get her 2 adult children to leave. They don't want to learn Spanish and they don't want to move their children or sell their homes, etc. She said the worse part is she can't even get them to visit Costa Rica on an all expense paid vacation. Her husband won't even visit America (born and raised here, btw) and says if his children won't visit when all expenses are paid for then he will just have to die without seeing them. :( I strongly believe America is a garbage country that is one government fraud after another. Freedom of speech? Yeah, right, whatever. I'll believe that fraud when I see my jury trial. I have a good buddy that is always LOVE America and he impresses me a lot more than most because he has experienced the open corruption firsthand. His freedom (he was facing significant prison time) and property were under definite government attack. Still he happily yelps about improving and LOVING America. I said to him if you got the 20 or 30 years or more behind bars being gang raped and you lost your properties would still be singing about how wonderful this stinking, vile, nasty country is??? Would you!!!----practically yelling. He says I honestly don't know---he says I'd like to think I'd LOVE America know matter what evil was wrongfully imposed. He says I do know that HATING America is NOT the answer and you need to work your butt off to make it a better country for EVERYONE. I told him if I experienced just half of what he was put thru that I'd never forgive the country until it was made REAL RIGHT: A formal apology and real reform and financial compensation. Who knows perhaps you LOVE America types are real tough guys who could take any abuse still smiling---that is good for you and your families. Happy Fourth of July
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    Being a "good customer" and nothing more is fine as long as I'm getting the fantasy of the GFE. I'm trying to buy a quality product as well as service. One of the best GFE providers that I enjoyed didn't like me, or other dancers, or anyone from best that I could tell. She was skilled and had no problem pretending the GFE role. It was just a job and if a customer fell in love and got hurt so much the better. I had nice dancers trying to "protect" me from her and it was like I've got eyes, but she is special. She can do her job without liking me even a little.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers are MUCH less expensive than escorts and you don't have to fret about looks. I can't imagine hiring an escort based just on a photo even if I've been tempted. This disgusting pig at Angels----a super nice pig, btw-----was seeking compensation on craig's list for $200. She is a $20 max. ho. And, the disturbing thing is that although her photo was true and correct, it somehow presented her in the best possible light. She was trying to "give" herself to me just a few days before I saw her ad on craig's list. When I say "give," it wasn't actually "give" as in FREE. It was like she complaining that there was no money and I say I'm broke so you better check the other customers. She had :( ----thank god she finally caught someone's eye who I believe had a $20 for her proposed services. But, it was difficult to be rid of her. At the end of her shift which was rapidly approaching she wanted to come home with me or we could just stay in the car or I could go to her place and she would do whatever I wanted for *only* $20---I'm sure that was negotiable way DOWN to the cost of driving her home---about 10 miles away. I'm thinking, hell I'd like to give you $5 just to get lost. :( Yes, she was a good nice person, but if you don't like tons of fat that is the bottom line. The blubber loving club was there----the problem was money was in short supply that particular night. Some other night she might get harpooned endlessly and $20 would eagerly be paid as if it was some type of grand theft.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    That is an excellent point, Chandler, and I'm glad you brought it up. Sometimes taking it easy is better than earning a measly $5, $10, or $20---depending on the income expectations of the dancer. I definitely think that many times dances give wear and tear to the dancers. Not all dancers, but some actually prefer a more rested work day----physically and or emotionally. OTOH, a *few* dancers seem like they could do dances non-stop at low prices even if the customer is nasty and even if the pace of dance is hectic.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    Oh, I wanted to see her at Club Honeys because I explained that I was really a $5 customer. She is shaking her head NO NO NO!!! I say other customers get $5 dances from you so what is the problem with me getting $5 dances? She laughs and says the $5 is fine and she would even give me some free dances, but there is NO WAY that she ever wants to see me going to Club Honeys. She says there is good reason that club is ringed by police and she can't imagine that I'd ever go there for any reason. She said she didn't mean any disrespect, but the dancers and customers were extremely tough and it wasn't a safe environment for a nice guy----uh, oh the dreaded nice guy label! I protested and say I sure as hell ain't a nice guy even a little bit. Now she bends over laughing so hard and finally says it is OK that she doesn't have any problem with nice guys and can even be attracted to them. :) What a super lady. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    With Felicity, I think it was a combination of excellent luck----I was the right person at the right time. The club was dead at first and became packed MUCH later. I was tipping her on stage and she appreciated that because usually there was only tipping after the club filled with customers. Poorly dressed, I think also helped along with the very real sense that I was low budget----so there was NO getting her hopes raised for making good $$$, iows. She wanted to TALK TALK TALK and I liked to listen and besides we had a very strong common interest in books and had crossed paths without ever meeting. She was also very sharp, which seemed to create a sense of closeness. Not wanting to come at the end also really got her interested or so it seemed. The free dances? Even without all the free dances, I felt like I was getting a steal at twice my normal cost of $5 per dance. She was just getting so hot and if she could fake that then I needed a lot more. Wealthier buddies who often enjoy stripclubs will sneer at my getting free dances and etc. because they don't get the same treatment. And, it could be very real that a dancer may actually think they're heaven on earth, but it doesn't translate into discounts or free which is how these gentlemen define being liked. It is so absurd, if they would just think about it for a few moments. Here they come in and money has a low value because they have money----dancer recognizes this and doesn't even think of showing her interest or appreciation with discounts because SUCCESS is screaming from every stitch of their being. In fact, the dancer is inexpensive in their opinion. So a customer views you as inexpensive and has a ton of money and discounting yourself is a good strategy? Fact is lower income customers get treated differently---sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Independence Day and TUSCL.COM
    I was talking just a few days ago with a Cuban who had left the island a few years ago. He was telling me that he LOVES America and that he was working hard. I told him that I wanted to hear about Cuba. Surprisingly, he started with all the positives----which didn't make any sense at all. Here he says he LOVES America and yet somehow he makes the island sound too good to leave assuming you love a caring government. I stop him and say you aren't making too much sense. I understand that you LOVE America, but what is all this praise for Cuba? He explained that *all* those that left with him wanted to return to Cuba and were very unhappy in America. That was a shocker and moreso when he complained that all they were using their freedom of speech for was to denounce America. He was stunned that I gave the thumbs up sign. So he repeats that their freedom of speech is to bad mouth America. I nod that I understand. He says that if he ever wins the lottery he will give those from his village $$$ so that they can return to Cuba as they're so desperate to do. I said you would pay for their return? He says the people are from the same village as him and he cares very much for them and wishes the Cuban government would allow them to return without trouble. He says they're wrong about America, but it is wrong that the Cuban government won't let them apologize and return. He says they're basically very good people that made a mistake. As much as he LOVES America they HATE America. Cuba even with all his praise didn't sound too inviting and I assume the main reason those that fled with him wanted to return to Cuba was because the culture shock and loss of friends and family was simply too much.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Teenager Wants Dating Advice??? :)
    Hi Book Guy, I think he does make people happy and since he was little he always tried to make people happy. His problem is with girls. They tend to see him as a buddy and are interested in guys that aren't buddy material. I remember when he was little he was complaining that EVERYONE including me liked his sister better than him. I explained of course that was the case because he is just a male and she is female. He said that didn't make any sense because he was MUCH NICER than his sister, which was 100% true, and that the nicer person should be liked better. What does he do? He tries to become even nicer so that he might at least get equal billing with his sister. Of course, it didn't work. His parents still preferred his sister, I still preferred his sister, his relatives still preferred his sister, and his additional niceness didn't do diddly; it just wasn't appreciated by anyone; including me. And, the history still seems to repeat and he hasn't learned because he thinks everyone should want to be nice. :(
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pleasing the Stripper
    FELICITY!!! :) @ Club Diamonds ----Golden Glades Exchange I had a fantastic time with her it seemed like she just wanted to talk about books and more books. She had even been a customer of my former store. When I finally got her in the VIP it was just dance after dance at $10 per dance. She also worked at the $5 hardcore Club Honeys and was stunned that I was a customer there, but we'd never met. I had problems with Club Honeys because it always seemed to be ringed by an army of police at ALL TIMES. I just didn't like crossing the police line because the reality is you can be arrested for having untied shoe laces or the wrong brand of cologne. After 20 dances, I say you know I only have $200 and that is a lot of money to me. She is like you want to quit already?!?! I said does it feel like I want to quit? She could feel my hardness (with some women I'm soft or semi-hard---with her I was rock hard craving more) and laughs I didn't think so! She say you only have two more dances cause were at 18. I say that my count is 20 and she laughs and says let's call it 18. So now she is trying to get me off and I stop her and she is confused. She says you don't want to come? I say HELL NO!!! I want to have fun! Now, she seems even more into it now that she knows that I don't want to come. The two free dances are over now and I thank her for the free dances. She says you're not leaving just because of money are you? I say unfortunately that I never spend even a $100, but that she was just wonderful. She says well maybe we can keep going . . . so she does a signal to the DJ to bypass her (she gets fined for this I later learned). She gives me another 10 free dances at and my heart is racing and so is hers and it is just a perfect evening. I still haven't come, which ain't a problem at all. She apologizes and says she really has to get back to work. I save my money and see her again and again she is into talking more than asking for dances, but I'm more eager to get dances and I tell her so. But, I'm on a $100 budget and just want to get 10 because she has already given me too many free dances and has been way too kind. She says that it has to be 11 dances just cause she wants to throw in at least one freebie. I'm having a fantastic time with her and she is wonderful, but it is a performance. A performance worth paying for DEFINITELY, but I want if possible that raw heat back. Afterwards, I tell her she was fantastic----but, that she was acting. She says those were damn good dances and you could tell!?!? I say they were FANTASTIC, and I'm thrilled but I really want the dances she gave the first time. She says oh NO. :( She says her boyfriend was mistreating her and she felt free to let herself go that night. I say break up with the damn boyfriend or get mad with him! She laughs and says sorry those were really special dances that she can't sell when her boyfriend is treating her right. I'm dejected. She says I'll let you know in the future if I can sell the type dance you want. I say that would be EXCELLENT! :) And, we left on good terms. I keep going to the club and it is always NO, NO, NO, NO or much more likely she just ignores me. Finally, out of nowhere she approaches me and says that good dances are available if I'm still interested. I'm THRILLED, but then complain I only have a $100 and would like get at least 20 dances. She laughs and says that I really want 20 dances?! I say I want a hell of a lot more than that, but usually I pay $5 at Angels. She says you think I'm only worth $5!? I say HELL NO, but I need at least 20 dances and only have $100. I didn't know you'd be available because either you say NO or just avoid me. She says $5 per dance in the VIP room will be just fine. :) She ended up doing something like 30 dances or more for $100 and again made my evening. It was just heaven. :) She reminds me that she can't sell the special dances unless she is having boyfriend problems. I say kill the damn boyfriend if necessary!!! She just laughs and shakes her head. She also said she'd like to give me her phone number, but it wouldn't be right as long as she still has a boyfriend. She says if he and I breakup, I hope you will take the opportunity. It was so sweet. I go back and of course it is NO, NO, NO, or she just ignores me. Anyway, TOO LATE I learn that for the VIP ALL the dances are counted and the dancers are charged $5 per song! :( Felicity has been taking a financial beating with me and I didn't even know it. The manager who I was very friendly with says to me that Felicity doesn't need my money even a little bit. That the high rollers come in for her especially and that she is just a class act. He says if Felicity really wanted money from you, you know it. And, that Felicity can take care of Felicity. I say that I want to pay her the money back and he just laughs and says she is too nice a person for that. He says that she is just one in million. I never saw Felicity again. :( I wanted to make things financially right between us. I still would love to settle the debt that I owe her-----so if she is reading this and is in Miami!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A friend of mine who is extremely unattractive, old and fat, gets a huge thumbs UP by many regular middle age women (ugly to average women, btw). Talking to these different women, he is just the world's greatest stud. He gets the thumbs DOWN outside the bedroom. I've heard him described as a machine, as non-stop, all man, didn't know what an orgasm was until I met him, a porn star, etc. etc. etc. These women really seemed to be missing a lot in the bedroom until Mr. He-Man Stud came to the rescue. He doesn't eat pussy at all, btw. I talked to him about his success and he is like that is NO big deal, you just keep pounding away until they come. Apparently, he lasts for a lot longer than 5 minutes, but the quality is so poor (ugly to average) I'm amazed he can get it up at all let alone come. Also, he isn't that interested in sex (for a man)--the women go to him.
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    16 years ago
    As far as DATY, doing it OTC is preferred by most if the customer has skill-----but, then a certain trust has to have been established (by reference perhaps); easy or difficult depending on the dancer. Supposedly, if you're good and visit often word spreads FAST. :)
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    16 years ago
    The kissing is usually a huge NO.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    It seems like the strippers that I know, and perhaps I know the wrong strippers, generally don't care about dick at all. The reason I hear again and again is that either the man is too quick or it just doesn't hit the right spot. Tongue does seem to be in demand IF and it is a big IF the man takes the time and knows what he is doing. According to Gambling dancer the woman should totally lose control. :) That is saying a lot coming from her because usually she is just doing a very fine job. She, imo, is very high skill---that performance is, unless she is getting tongue, a performance. That doesn't mean, btw, that she can't enjoy giving a performance---if the customer gets hot enough for long enough her feelings will kick-in---still it isn't sexual excitement. More like a warm glow from doing a good job.
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    16 years ago
    I've been offered FREE by super hot dancers---imo, it's not a good deal. But, I'm speaking based on Gambling dancer's experience (she is 100% up for FREE tongue) as well as 2 others dancers who I haven't seen or spoken with in about year. Employees and non-paying customers have joked that they should be charging the dancers. :) Let me clarify---I've been offered FREE without going down on dancers---I'm too scared about disease or I would like to see how my skills or lack thereof match up. As of late, I haven't been going to Angels because my health is getting worse and when I do go out I've been going to RolLexx because the dancers are petite and smoking hot more often than not. I believe, but don't know, that the RolLexx has the same deal. Good tongue brings FREE hot dancers. The key is good. Gambling dancer is talking about getting munched on for a good half an hour and that there is skill involved. I didn't want to eat her out even though I've known her for many years--she is a hooker and that seems like a much higher risk of STDs. :(
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    16 years ago
    "if it's only strippers you are paying it really doesn't matter and you should not care." If you want FREE, then yes it does matter. Good tongue at Angels will get you more hot stripper than you can handle. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Teenager Wants Dating Advice??? :)
    It is sad and amusing the bias friends show. The frail old man, me, needs to be protected from the BAD young woman. The sad reality is the young woman actually could use their help and concern. It doesn't make much sense, imo, to fuss over an old man whose time is pretty much up and yet condemn a young woman who should have many years left.
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    16 years ago
    Teenager Wants Dating Advice??? :)
    Yep, his parents know. And, have told him to pray for me. :) Their religion is all about loving the sinner so I'm like a favorite at their home. They also know about and have met Gambling dancer and apparently loving the sinner doesn't extend to BAD, HOT as HELL women. :) Their daughter told me that she was going to demand that the family move, if I allowed Gambling dancer to stay or had anymore whores coming over. She says that she is afraid not only of Gambling dancer, but her men folk who must be even worse. I asked the daughter about loving Gambling dancer because after all she is a sinner------she said GET REAL. :( The funny thing is Gambling dancer actually shares their religious beliefs, but says she needs the $$$ and that God understands.