
Comments by motorhead

  • discussion comment
    4 hours ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    Smash or Pass - pool edition
    I don’t understand why someone so gorgeous would mutilate their body with those bowling ball tits. Even if she was on the smaller size A or B she would be an absolute stunner.
  • discussion comment
    9 hours ago
    Meta-Political Discussions
    I’ve been trying to avoid the political discussions. I finally came to the conclusion that no matter what I say, I’m not changing anyone’s mind on a strip club board. Having said that, I think other boards are more toxic than this group. Hell, I had a guy DM a death threat to me in a Sports Talk group just because I said “Field of Dreams” was not on my top 5 list of sports movies. I never had that happen here… oh wait. SJG
  • discussion comment
    15 hours ago
    All Time Venues
    If you like college basketball, you gotta see a game at Hinkle Fieldhouse in Indianapolis. The Cathedral of college basketball. Built some time in the 20’s.
  • discussion comment
    15 days ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    You oughta be on TV with that accent
    Was I complaining ? I thought it was a funny comparison.
  • discussion comment
    18 days ago
    Your life is on the line
    For pitchers, most everyone has mentioned starting pitchers to win a big game. But if it came down to reliever for a final inning or final batter, I’m picking Bruce Sutter early in his career. I know a lot will say Mariano Rivera, but Sutter threw the split fingered fastball, something no one had really seen before, he was nearly unhittable early in his career
  • discussion comment
    19 days ago
    Your life is on the line
    Peyton Manning Bob Gibson Ted Williams
  • discussion comment
    20 days ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Kamala's Big-girl Interview
    What’s up with her nasally voice? Is that typical Northern Californian speech? California is such a melting pot, I never thought they had a distinct dialect. But I remember when Barry Bonds played for the San Francisco Giants he was criticized for sounding aloof. And one linguist said - no, not really, that just typical of the Northern California dialect.
  • discussion comment
    20 days ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Listeria Outbreak
    “Short answer: no, I don't eat that shit in the first place.“ — I hear you man. A few years ago I went strict keto and really restricted my carbs and avoided all processed meats for over 2 years. I dropped over 200 pounds. When I was doing it, it wasn’t that hard. But eventually it was like “I really want a Reuben”
  • discussion comment
    20 days ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Kamala's Big-girl Interview
    Didn’t watch. You know damn well it was scripted. She was given the questions ahead of time and likely heavily edited. Be presidential and sit down in a live interview with cold questions from an unbiased interviewer
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    How do Strip Clubs stay relevant in the Modern Age
    It just seems they are getting too expensive. When I read reviews of $40 and $50 single dances - that’s just too high. Add in people’s discretionary income is down, as noted above, it just makes it tough times for the casual patron not necessarily seeking OTC
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Pass. Face is like a negative 1
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Damn it, now I have to go to a strip club
    I moved 3 years ago but kept my same bank. The ATM’s I was used to only dispensed twenties but this bank has newer ATM’s where I now live and they give you the option of denominations including 100’s and 50’s. I think it defaults to $50 if you don’t choose a mix. I normally use a CC at gas stations but it pisses be off they won’t accept large bills. Especially at the price of gas. Several years ago I hit a gas station specifically to get gas AND break a big bill before going to the club and they wouldn’t accept it.
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    Good/Memorable album covers
    Sorry. Dumb me. I didn’t see it in the OP
  • discussion comment
    21 days ago
    Good/Memorable album covers
    I’m surprised no one has mentioned The Dark Side of the Moon. Has to be one of the most recognizable iconic covers of all-time. Simple but elegantly complex.
  • discussion comment
    22 days ago
    Clothing recommendation (not specifically for clubs, just for life in general)
    Ever notice the trend that business casual has taken over corporate dress. Even at the highest level. Who wears suits anymore? Maybe lawyers? Wall Street investment bankers? Even news people often are ditching ties for open collared shirt and jackets.
  • discussion comment
    23 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Can’t be real. That must be fake AI. More my type. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/n9BpifKs7spn9C8m/?mibextid=UalRPS
  • discussion comment
    23 days ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them.
    It’s ironic you many times refer to the “MAGA Cultists” Are you paying attention to how the Kennedy Klan is spewing vitriolic hate against RFK Jr. ? Liberals are the epitome of cultists. Nothing more than sheep blindly following their leader. And if you ever have an opinion of your own or don’t tow the party line - look what happens. This is Clarence Thomas 2.0. I would not want to be part of a group that treats a family member that way they do just because he might have a different idea how things are done.
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    This is not a satire novel, this is our world in 2024
    “Well look at that, @motorhead talking about honesty, but unwilling to admit his Taco Bell story was dishonest.” — Asked and answered. Inflation is a complex issue. Not one person is responsible. But supply chain issues and too much macroeconomic stimulus did happen under Biden’s watch. Is it entirely his fault? No, of course not. But as a fellow Democrat said “the buck stops here”
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    shirt color
    The uniform of pharmaceutical sales people
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    shirt color
    Some clubs in Michigan tried this at least 15 years ago. You honestly don’t know the answer?
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    Rate this lapdance 😁
    “When Christian conservatives fuck things up for everyone” — You just make up stuff. Show me that’s the reason he was suspended. A simple Google search revealed Merced Couhty leans liberal and voted heavily Democratic in the last election. It’s more than 50% Hispanic. (And I’m sure all here legally). Doesn’t really sound like a place where Christian conservatives have much of a political voice
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    This is not a satire novel, this is our world in 2024
    The real problem with liberals is they are hypocrites. They practice NIMBYism. More than 60 years ago, folk singer Phil Ochs at least was honest enough to call out his fellow libs. “I love Puerto Ricans and Negros, as long as they don't move next door. So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal”
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    This is not a satire novel, this is our world in 2024
    I certainly do. Inflation is a complex issue influenced by many factors. However, when Biden fulfilled a campaign to forgive student loans - this action alone was responsible for about a 1.5% increase in inflation. This is verifiable from independent research by The Federal Reserve, university research and various think tanks
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    This is not a satire novel, this is our world in 2024
    “Free speech is alive and well” — Well, not always. Remember when the University of Florida withdrew its scholarship offer from four-star (white) quarterback Marcus Stokes after video emerged of him singing song lyrics that contained the N-word. Yet, I can show you at least a dozen videos of WNBA Angel Reese doing the exact same thing and not a word
  • discussion comment
    25 days ago
    Do you believe Kamala Harris will have the Obama effect ?
    ^^ I hope you’re right. But I’m far less confident than a lot of conservatives. I think she’s going to ride the honeymoon wave all the way until November. And having this inept person as president scares the fuck out of me