
Comments by Thickasabrick

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Left Happy on a Saturday Afternoon
    Used to be somewhat regular at 390. It's been 3-4 years (at least pre-covid) but 2-4 X per year for 5-6 years before that. During my time there, what the original poster alluded to was far more common than not. Certain dancers were absolutely reliable in the VIP but I did experience 1 ROB.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Asking Floor Manager for the best dancers to take into a private room with a go
    I have never asked the floor mgr or other male employees about the dancers - I suspect that Sharkhunter is right - they have a different motive than you do (including the possiblity that he does not want you to enjoy yourself too much with the dancer of his choice). While patience (using a mix of stage contact, length of time a dancer spends in the booth, and relative quality of "regular" dances)is usually reliable, I have had several good experiences with bar maids/wiatresses steering me in the right direction. if you are going to ask anyone, ask them. PS Juicebox's second sentance is right on the moey!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    That review pisses me off.
    I tend to agree with those usggesting that the "rebuttal" process needs to be understated. We all know YMMV and to tag on to mOOtpoint and say that I have definately had different experiences in the same club depending on what either the dancer or the manager had to drink that night (a tipsy manager can make a huge difference in available services, especially in a small club). On the other hand, some clear guidance would have either spared me money or frustration in my newby days. Definately let someone know if they got shortchanged.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Strip club permissiveness
    First off, if you started going to clubs about 10 years ago, there is probably no disagreement here - until we know your beginning point, its kind of hard to compare. that said, jacklash has an important point, a lot of places in the 80's and early 90's did not have private sections or even offer lap dances. "Mileage" was non-existant and FS would have to be offsite. The other possiblity is that you have just been in the right place at the right time. I have been clubbing about 20 years with a lot of travel involved. I have seen communities go from wild to mild, vice versa, and back again in a matter of months. Again, though, the wild did not really appear until turn of the century in most of the places i went to.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    What The Fuck, Over?
    It sounds like a jeff forworthy set up (you may be a rednick if you daughter babysits....)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A sudden shift in the wind
    The private dance is just getting started and she's bending over to give a close up view when the string from the tampon starts swaying between her legs.....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New Jersey
    Anal sex and an offer of a refund
    Similar concept - a decade ago in Memphis a dancer offered me a "special show" for $100. This was so far below the going rate for extras that I assumed there was going to be some teasing and upsell but she was the only girl at the time that was available and of interest, so I decided WTF. 60 seconds later she is sliding on a condom and mounting up. When completed, I pull out my wallet, find I am light by $30. Told her I let her hold my ID and go for cash (ATMs were not omnipresent then) or use a credit card, whatever it took to pay my debts (I may be a perv but I am an honest perv). She gave me a peck on the cheek (while zipping my pants) and said, "that's ok - I know you would have given it to me if you had it on you."
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta Area?
    Can't speak from recent experience but used to live there. The places where you could get a good lapper 5-6 years ago were the black clubs. The trick is to get there at a time when law enforcement is not on a tear over the clubs. Crazy full contact from great looking girls (remember that Atlanta is not only heavily black but arguably the center of African/American wealth - finding good looking black girls there is like finding great looking latinas in Miami) may go on for months and years to be suddenly replaced by air dances (which is the norm at the big name clubs in the area), plus a couple are usually shut down (to reappear a few months later under new management) If anyone here remembers the Gold Club/NBA player scandal of about 15 years ago, you can get a sense of the police attitude towards contact in clubs - anytime it starts to become public knowledge, they make sure it goes away.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    I more or less feel it should be the opposite attitude, the middle age and older guys being weirded out by young guys in a strip club. When i was in my 20s and 30s I rarely went to a club and then pretty much only for bachelor parties. When you are that age, you should actually be dating hot young girls - or at least trying to. Chances are, if you are 20 something, you can't afford to really enjoy a strip club and you are the ones taking up the girls' time with meagre attempts to get keep their attention for little or no money. On the other hand, there are girls in your own age/socioeconomic class who will spend the entire evening with you for less than the cost of a couple of lappers, if you take em to a movie or out for a couple of drinks. If you aren't a complete ass, more of them are likely to sleep with you than the dancers are. maybe they aren't as slutty hot looking as you might want (although a lot of them are) an enthusiastic semi-cute "civilian" girl is still usually a better treat than the professional attentions of a girl who is ONLY there for the money.