Comments by Sparkz40
discussion comment
10 years ago
Interesting perspective. One thing is certain, some models are there for the money, some are there to be popular, and some are there because their friends told them it was great (clueless), and some use it as a temporary loading dock to find new johns. Many believe they have to look fantastic- get boobjobs and wear their makeup perfectly and their pay will reflect that fallacy. Others know they don't have to be perfect, just smart and able to give good mental blowjobs. Some have the Kardashian Syndrome- they should just be given money for showing up, leaving everyone asking- wtf? There are so many ways to classify dancers- there has to be a genre to help with the categories. JamesSD has started with a pretty good thesis...
discussion comment
11 years ago
the speed force!
Agreed- it'seasonal, just like in the clubs. Hunting season, Baseball, Football, and now that summer is over. Everyone is feeling the urgency to get in those last few good weather days. October means Halloween, so there will be another roller coaster ride because of all the parties.
discussion comment
18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Just as DougS does, I have many emails for different applications- my personal one for family and specific trustworthy friends; on estrictly for business; another for when I order something online (so I can retrieve it quickly if needed); and one that I give to all of those that insist on including everyones email address in the header - which you know someone is going to harvest and spam - and one for those friends that sent giant mpegs and pix that could max out an email account limit. I also have one for software and online registrations-because they always send back the passwords and responders, so I set those up with little or no spam filters to be sure I recieve them.
Thanks for the Keepass tip!
discussion comment
18 years ago
Blue Ridge Foothills
"Actually, I do my best lap dances when I have a bad case of crabs- it really feels good by the end of the night after the little buggers have jumped off goin for fresh meat"
"NO-NO!!- I'll pay the goon at the VIP door"
"Anytime you're up for a free booty call here's my number..."
Almost got this one-
"Would you like breakfast in bed before or after 10am?"
"Maybe if I smash your face between my boobs long enough, the hormones might come back to your head and make your hair grow up there again..." (the perfect woman)
"Just a minute- Let me get my foxy big breasted friend to bury your face into her chest while I grind on you - two for the price of one- how about that?" (I can dream, can't I?"
"Would you feel my tits and tell me if they feel okay to you?
(actually happened after I hadn't seen an ATF in a long while and she had a boob job. She was serious!)
"Is this gift for me? You remembered my birthday! If you take me home tonight, we could play some headboard hockey! This is gonna be my best birthday yet!"
"After I get you drunk, I'm gonna give you back all of your money, and then make you snuggle up with me in my bed for the rest of the night"
"Have you ever had three girls dance for you? Well you are now, because you remembered my birthday, and now it's your birthday- paybacks don't have to be a bitch"
"My car isn't working very well- would you follow me, and when we get to my place, drive me home?"
"I love all of the girls I work with- we never have our outfits stolen, there are no drama queens, no one ever complains, and we are all the best of buddies"
"None of the dancers here smoke"
discussion comment
18 years ago
I would suspect the acronimized terms are to throw of the authorities, chandler- don't want the places getting raided because some bonehead inadvertently tipped off the boys in blue... without spelling out the details, they can't tell if we are accurate or fantasizing. Something to think about after reading founder's guidelines for reviews.
discussion comment
18 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Also had another thought before logging off- If you think a club is below potential, why not add a few suggestions that you thik would make it better? That way, if any Bar Manager's were smart enough to honestly check this list review (instead of stopping by to flood it with BS hype about their club!) there might be a chance that your local hole in the wall may get better...
discussion comment
18 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Book Guy's idea of a hot link to review guidelines is a great idea. Way back when this site first opened, I remember writing reviews that had allot of enthusiasm, but not much to go on when it came to being a description of the club. Now I actually go into clubs and think about what you, my fellow "hobbyists" would like to know, while I am there. And after I post, I check out to see what you guys have to say.
I like to see who is the most accurate, and possibly some surprises that I may have overlooked.
review comment
11 years ago
For just plain table dances, which sometimes happens because the couches are full- $15 is too much. One difference is, the girls are reluctant to do a "good " dance until they know you- so you had better plan on a few with the same girl.
article comment
18 years ago
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
Founder- Thanks for the memories! Originally I think I signed up around 1996, because I just got Windows95... I remember you also thought about selling this site too; I remember trying to get up to speed coding because I was considering buying it! This site is by far the best of this kind- and even better since you added the ability to personally ignore specific reviewers! Way Cool!! I have been coming back here more often lately because of this. Keep up the good work!