Four types of dancers

I've noticed I can roughly divide dancer hustle styles into four broad categories.
Professional Hustlers. These girls are at the club to work. They want to extract every dollar they can from any available customer. They provide good customer service to earn those dollars. Not everything may be on the menu, but she gives good service when she gives LDs. My favorite type.
Whale hunters. These dancers approach most guys, but are mostly fishing for VIPs. If you say no to them one visit they may not approach the next. Not enthusiastic about LDs.
Big Whale Hunters. Like whale hunters, but they only approach guys who look like they have money to spend. Often focus on regulars. Tough to be without being a ROB or extras girl. More likely to be texting her regulars to come in rather than trying to hustle new clients.
Easily confused with...
- lazy strippers. She dances because it pays more than working at Walmart or McDonald's. Plus she can be high or drunk the whole time. She rarely approaches unless the guy shows clear interest. Often goes home early or hides in the dressing room once she's made "enough".
Lazy strippers can actually be fun if you hit it off with them. But they also can be frustrating when they show little interest in actually earning money. It's fun when the pretty girl wastes her time chatting with You for an hour without getting paid, but it's frustrating when she's wasting time sitting with some other PL and you want to buy dances from her.
last commentthis is a very accurate analogy and every stripper that i've ever met fits into one of these categories
Pretty true
Yes it's true though there might be some overlapping and evolution from one category to another
I have another choice. The "party girl". This type is usually happy go lucky. Likes to drink, smoke pot and even do other drugs. Dances are usually high mileage but VIP can sometimes be a let down because they have had too much fun.
I'll vouch for sc on this one. Seen many like that.
I thought the four types of dancers were blonde, brunette, redhead, and what were you smoking to pick out THAT color.
Ok a few times I've run into a 5th type that can be a lot of fun.
The Lifer. This girl is in her late 30's to mid 40's and has been doing this most of her adult life. She's probably been at least 2 of the other types at some point and now she's settled in to this being her job in life. She probably has kids and maybe even a husband, is past the drug/drunk stage and just wants to make a living.
When you meet one of these rare women it's basically like finding a cute girl at a bar that you can have a regular conversation with about life and she will be very willing to provide a fun VIP experience.
Lifers tend to be dependable. One other category- Newbie, for those who like roulette, cause you can either hit your number or 00.
I agree with occurious. If you find a lifer they seem eager to please and more dependable than the average stripper. At my most local club theres 2 number 1's and the rest are number 4's. I can't imagine they make even 30k a year.
I'd lump party girls in with Lazy Strippers personally, although I can see some nuance.
I think lifers fit into one of my four classifications, although less likely to be Lazy Strippers. A lot are probably Pros.
System Targets
JamesSD every the two times I've had success with going back to a strippers place they have been the "lazy" type. I actually hunt them out now. Just sit in the corner and agree how much life sucks and they think we're soul mates. I love lazy strippers
Pretty spot on.
Great list... I usually classify them into 6 categories based on the type of interactions I have with them.
Very Important Princess - The kind of dancer that is well worth the price of admission to the VIP room. Good looking, good personality, and hopefully "extra" friendly.
Couch Candies - The type of girl that combines booth looks and personality to create a sensual performance on the lapdance couch but not quite enough to go to the vip room. Usually provides significant 1 way to moderate 2 way contact.
Mona Lisas - A rare breed of beauty where you can look but can't touch. Women so sexy that you're willing to pay for multiple lap dances even though no touching is allowed.
Stage Queens - Good looking girls that give a high energy show. Definitely worthy of a few stage tips for each set, but just not my type and therefore not worth a LD.
Pitiful Players - The type of girl that has either the body or personality to be a stripper but not both. The type of girl that isn't worth spending money on but also not bad enough to actively avoid.
Typhoid Marys- The kind of girl that you hate when she latches on to you. Will kill your mood and soften you erection either based on her looks, or more often based on her attitude. To be avoided like the bubonic plague.
I'd say my ATF is a lifer. She didn't start dancing until she was 35. Gorgeous, sexy and open to talk intelligently about pretty much anything. One of the crown jewels in my estimation.
Interesting perspective. One thing is certain, some models are there for the money, some are there to be popular, and some are there because their friends told them it was great (clueless), and some use it as a temporary loading dock to find new johns. Many believe they have to look fantastic- get boobjobs and wear their makeup perfectly and their pay will reflect that fallacy. Others know they don't have to be perfect, just smart and able to give good mental blowjobs. Some have the Kardashian Syndrome- they should just be given money for showing up, leaving everyone asking- wtf? There are so many ways to classify dancers- there has to be a genre to help with the categories. JamesSD has started with a pretty good thesis...
If a dancer has actually curled up on you and gone to sleep, does that fit the lazy type? Bingo, it fits. She has said I'm very warm and that makes her drowsy.
When it really gets down to basics there are only 2 categories. Those that do extras and those that don't.
.I put them in 4 buckets too. But based on how much fun you can have with em.
Shadowcats party girl is my CAT-4 girl (possibly Whodey's couch queen)
Occurious' lifer is my CAT-2
JamesSD's whalehunters are my CAT-2
Some of these girls have regular day jobs or even model part time. A customer can usually have a surreal experience if he/she can get the dancer's mojo on. But even otherwise - it can be memorable.
A customer's poor looks don't turn them off - but hygene and cleanliness may.
A customers dirty talk or hands flying around her beautiful body is tolerated - but exerting force against her wishes can turn her off immediately.
Once such a girl is turned on by a customer - they can get into a sexual trance - that can sweep a customer off his/her feet. All rules are broken - even if for a few moments.
Agree with Rick33 that Newbie hunting is a rush. Went at lunch to a popular club that is hit or miss on extras. Waitress introduced me to an 18 year old that had just started. I was her first PL ever. Did two LD with insane 2-way contact ("Naw this is OK it is what all the girls do").
ME: Can I be your first VIP room?
NEWBIE: How does that work?
ME: I give you $100 and basically we go back there and fuck. ($100 is less than going rate at that club)
NEWBIE: (after about 10 seconds of a look of total confusion on her face) OK,sounds fun.
Was I wrong to book the room for an hour instead of the usual 30 minutes? We needed that long for 3 rounds LOL!
Never saw her there again :-(
Hmmm, none of you have identified a category that I've seen in 90% of the clubs I've been in... the Volume Vulture. She grabs guys as soon as they walk in, but in between stage dancers she might work her way down the front row at the stage. Her hustle is, she is incredibly good at getting a guy who has just walked in to spend money on her immediately (and the sooner they've walked in the door, the better for her, since they don't have time to observe her in action), and often lots of it. She's heading to the back a LOT, more than most other girls, but post-dance the guys walking back out often do not look happy. The Volume Vulture rarely delivers, and she few if any regulars.
Do you guys not see this? With the exception of the long slow hustle club I go to now, I think I've seen that kind of girl at about every club I've been to.
The opposite end of the spectrum to #1 in the OP; i.e. the Professional ROB.
The OP describes the Professional Hustler as “… they want to extract every dollar they can from any available customer. They provide good customer service to earn those dollars to earn those dollars …” – it appears to me there are some Professional ROBs that want to extract every dollar they can but often times by ROBing instead of earning it via “providing good customer service”
w.r.t. the party dancers – it often seems as if these types are more interested in partying than making $$$ and seem to interact more with other party-girl dancers and the non-spenders; rather than with spending customers.
Shadowcat for the win.
sc, is correct about only two categories. He just has them wrong. Those I wish to be with and those I don't. Extras is jut that, extras. Not always necessary.
I have a hard time agreeing or disagreeing with any of these categories. I do think most of them do, at times, resort to being lazy strippers. It's hard to be into it every day. Some of them can sometimes be party girls. Then again, those may be just the girls I like.
In the end, I don't think most stay in the same category day after day. Even my favorite ex-volleyball playing stripper, who is the living definition of the lazy stripper, does some hustling once in a while.
I think, ironically, we as customers are often Lazy in lumping girls in the Lazy Stripper category. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of strippers who are lazy, party girls, have poor judgement, unmotivated -- that's part of why those particular girls became strippers in the first place. That said, we as customers never really know for sure how a stripper is getting compensated. I went to the strip club last weekend with a buddy, and if you were there also, you might have seen two of the hottest girls sitting at our table for 2 hours without a single dance or dollar being exchanged. If you were there for 3 hours, you would have seen that ONE of the girls got taken for one VIP dance. The girls did end up compensated for their time, you just wouldn't have seen any indication of it unless you were there for the last 90 minutes of our trip, And this is pretty much my modus operandi for every strip club trip I make -- every single trip could end up fodder for a tuscl "I went to the club and the girl I came to see just sat around drinking with some guys, who never even paid her!". When, in fact, the poster just never has any idea when or how she's being compensated, nor why it is economically much smarter for her to just stay at the table.
So, I agree there are Lazy Strippers; I just think only a small fraction of the girls many of us put in that category, are actually lazy.
How could you not agree with my two?
I try to stick to Cougars, who fall into a category of knowing what they are doing, and deliver value for your dollars.