Comments by Danton (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have any of you considered working in the sex industry?
    PS meaning I doubt that many in the industry r very happy with their jobs, course could be wrong. Wonder what happened to the big stars of yrs past like Raquel Darrian .
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have any of you considered working in the sex industry?
    Don’t think the biz has any significant respectability, u don’t hear of getting into the business as a common ambition. Most seem to fall into it cause they have nothing else going on or need it for survival.For instance a lot of dancers seem to be single moms. Don’t think acting pays much specially with easy access on the internet, maybe a dancer can make a lot in the right situation but it’s time limited ,no long term future.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have any of you considered working in the sex industry?
    From what I can tell those in the industry are an unhappy lot , a lot of suicides and divorces at least for the actors. Dancing short term with a different long term goal seems to work out
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How do I search for a specific club?
    Is there a way to search if you have the name of the club?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Are Your Favorite 80's and 90's Porn Stars Up To
    This sounds like a who's who of sad unfortunate lives with exceptions of course. Fact of the matter is most have few other options, or are single moms. many seem to have unhappy childhoods from what I can tell, could be wrong.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Are Your Favorite 80's and 90's Porn Stars Up To
    Does anyone know bout Zara Whites, Raquel Darrian, or Bonita Saint? I saw candie Evans dancing at a club in the valley but that was a long time ago
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Given the recent epidemic in head and neck cancer and causal association with HPV transmitted in this fashion, I would be extremely careful before doing this.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Yes, if it bothers you, either quit, move on to another club or ignore it. What others do does not affect what is right for you and you don't need the money. There must be plenty of other venues for women who like to dance. Strip club dancing is obviously time- limited, it is certainly not a career. The smart ones IMHO see it as a temporary measure towards another goal (eg college degree, whatever). I feel sorry for older dancers for whom it is the only source of income with no plans for progressing beyond it.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    fetish_dancer The dilemma from a dancers viewpoint it seems to me is that the only way to make money is via tips and in particularly lap dances. The bottom line ultimately must be enough monetary return to make it worth your while (unless you are in it just for dancing), not that you have to make a killing each day but if your colleagues are offering more than you and making significantly more, it must not seem fair. An analogy might be baseball players who cheat by taking steroids who then hit more home runs, become stars and command a bigger salary while the honestlose out. On the other hand, if the monetary return is enough to satisfy you as an individual there is no problem. Most guys do not like to be pushed for dances but I can understand how that happens but it should be ok to say no thanks too. In the detroit area it seems like thestage is a means of personal advertisement for dances, the dancers are like temptresses for private dances. In DC the stage show is all there is and for me is more fun.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    to fetish_dancer My point was that on this site generally the highest rate clubs are those that offer the most extras , but I don't use that criteria. There is no FUN factor, I would rather see gorgeous dancers who dance only for instance Camelot in DC and whom I can talk to rather than dancers who are hustling for dances all the time and won't take no for an answer. Having said that, there are clubs which are between the "hustle" clubs and the "extras" type clubs but is highly variable depending on geographical location.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I have noticed that in general the highest rated clubs are those that offer "extras". The most extreme example are the clubs in Mexico. Personally what I look for are attractive woman and just having fun- The most fun I had was at the old Tropicana in LA- which featured mud wrestling and really gorgeous girls in bikinis. Didn't go for the wrestling but enjoyed the gorgeous bodies and killer smiles. The way most clubs operate these days the only way dancers can make money is to perform dances which are often forced. The inevitable question is "do you want a dance" and girls will often leave in a huff if rejected, no payoff for their 5-10 minutes of preliminary conversation. Many dancers are obviously there just to extract as many dances as possible from the customers "Extras" may be satisfying in a freudian sense but are too clinical,devoid of emotional intimacy and would be for me not fun. It also seems to me that the availability of extras is more liberal now because of the poor economy. If things get better, I am guessing that extras will be less available. Call it old fashioned but IMHO that is best left for wives and girlfriends. Of course I realize that I have a minority view based on the TUSCL top 10 list and that the tropicana closed a long time ago.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Prostitution, Yes or no?
    Is a paid GFE (say dinner and conversation- no physical contact )illegal? From what I can tell "escort" services such as this are also illegal even though they are devoid of a physical component.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I have to agree with chandler about detroit- depends on what you are interested in but none of the clubs which I have been to have an involving stage presence- rather the stage is a prop to sell private dances which are the feature attraction.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    dancers who want to meet outside of the club
    In the course of the chit chat preceeding the inevitable question (do you want a dance) invariably they will ask where you are from, what do you do, are you on business, single or married and often times I was asked about OTC or if I wanted company OTC. Or I asked what they liked to do in their spare time and they interpreted it as an overture to meeting OTC which was not my intention- they interpreted it as a hint.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    dancers who want to meet outside of the club
    I believe that the attraction was because I was traveling by myself and therefore could use some company and that these dancers were willing to provide company in return for payment for their "companionship". I was just surprised at how apparently prevalent this seemed to be during my trip. It seems to be more common in my experience than say 5 years ago- related to bad economic times??
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Which U.S. city is the best overall
    Other places which I have liked are good guys in DC and club erotica just outside of pittsburgh!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Which U.S. city is the best overall
    How about for us who like up-close nude stage dancing, not so much interested in the "extras"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why Do Strippers Do What They Do?
    It bothers me if the dancers are doing something they really don't want to do only for the money. A turn-on in any situation is meeting someone who is having fun with their job. In areas where the social climate is accepting of the profession, you have dancers who are more "normal" and fewer immigrants who are "forced" into it IMHO.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What Is Your Ideal Stripper Like?
    Someone who is personable, doubles as a friendly acquaintance, and likes what they do with no hangups.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Parking lot looked full, but the place seemed dead.
    It’s hard to imagine how this place is going to survive with the stricter rules unless they reinvent themselves, dancers won’t want to work here if they can’t make $
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Nice girls
    That was a input mistake on my part for which I apologize. I would say the dancers were 6 to 8
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Day Two
    I was told the day girls r generally local to TJ while the night girls come to Tijuana just to work for a couple of weeks then go back home. So u r more likely to see familiar faces on days if u r a repeater.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Holy mackerel!
    I didn’t worry bout safety till recently in December - there was actually gunfire on the street in front of the main entrance of Hong Kong - looked out and there was a cab with the driver sitting on the curb his face bloodied. The area was cordoned off for a few hrs for police investigation then reopened. I agree bout the great bodies , but faces not as good. Of course there is a bias for American- European standard of beauty. The girls tell me that Asians like slim, Mexicans a robust behind , americans large breasts.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Would bet that things will eventually change at all Detroit area clubs as the economy improves and local government ‘s attitudes change
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    San Diego, CA
    Hong Kong is Better than Ever!
    I was there in the 2d wk of December and was told it was slow because of the impending holidays. I’m surprised that it was so well staffed maybe it gets busier round Xmas instead.