Comments by stripper_friend (page 4)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    A Fair Friday Afternoon
    Thanks for the review TMQ, good info as always! As for the other comments - I honestly don't know what naming is right. LDA used to be "VIP area", maybe still is. They didn't use to have private booths/rooms/whatever they are. I do tend to think of the private rooms as VIP now, and that's what they call them on their IG. I guess it could be thought of as "VIP area" and "VIP rooms" rather than LDA and VIP, so quite possibly I fucked it up in my review I just posted. I think we all figured out what TMQ meant though, so I personally don't care that much. His info is always spot on.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Quick visit with Pandora's Energizer Bunny
    @DC - haha, something spell check doesn't catch :)
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The Dynamic Duo, Olfactory Assault Weapon, and Momo-nomo.
    Thanks for the review. Will have to check out that place.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Kitten's at noon today
    Thanks for the review, great stuff (to quote the Scrub :) ). I personally thought it's vague enough not to get anyone in trouble yet clear enough for us all to know it was good service. I don't think I'd change anything here, but that's just me. My personal preference is giving names of ladies providing good, mediocre, or bad service. I do try to be vague about the exact dances without going into specifics (e.g. not mentioning FIV if it were to ever happen etc.), and I thought the poster did a good job.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Dead during the day, but managed to have a good time with one of the twins
    @chiefwiggum - thanks for the info, much appreciated. Yeah, the twins didn't even offer a single dance option until I asked about it. It's probably easier to get mileage when there is a bit of a competition. I timed one song only but they all seemed awfully short - maybe some did go to 3 minutes? I'll have to check :) Doubt I'll ever be there around 1am though. Any intel on which clubs are busier during the day now? This one used to be hopping in the afternoon (years ago).
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Dead during the day, but managed to have a good time with one of the twins
    @Pussylicker - $20 dances were "no touching" while touching was fine in VIP, so there is a big difference. You got much better dances so extra $20 for 6 dances with touching is a good deal (plus you are laying down on a bed while a hot chick is sitting on you). Typically it would be $30 dance vs $20 dance. I agree about not paying in advance things, but I felt better about it having test-driven the dancer for $20 (and I was willing to risk the $20). I didn't have all day to spend to drive around looking for other clubs. @RockAllNight - I try to be a bit respectful unless I know the dancer. I didn't get "anything goes" vibe from this one and didn't want to ruin the experience. I was happy with what I got.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Bad Friday day-shift visit
    Thanks for the review. I've had similar experiences in that club. I think I know which chick you are talking about. She acts like she owns the club or she's the club manager, especially with "why are you here if you are not buying dances from anyone?" shit. None of her fucking business. I have a bit thicker skin and don't normally let it bother me that much, but that one chick is very annoying. To the point where I want to go full Karen on her. StripClubPerv is a loser. He shit on pretty much everyone's review so far. "Ignore" is a good function of this site and he's on my ignore list now.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Tuesday tickles
    Thanks, good review. The "honest pretty girl" sounds like Blair. He's hot as hell and always seemed like an honest chick to me. She's recently back after MIA post-COVID according to another review. She's used to be my ATF, time to head back to Kittens. StripClubPerv is on my ignore list after shitting on pretty much everyone's review. The loser needs to get a life.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Not as advertised (in a good way)
    Thanks, good review. Was Blair a white (possibly Latina) brunette with an amazing body? She used to be my ATF pre-COVID, and yes, she doesn't (normally) do extras, so it sounds like her. She used to be the hottest chick in that place pre-COVID but I haven't seen her post-COVID. If she's back, that's awesome news. Sounds like you had a good visit, and I agree, not everyone is looking for the same thing. I go to the club mostly for high mileage dances, and that's all I normally get. In good ol' Phoenix AZ where Scrub is from you can still get it for $10/dance instead of $40/dance, so you have to excuse Scrub :) (How you doing buddy? :) ).
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Monday post covid restrictions.
    Nice review, thanks. Glad to hear it's picking up again. Last few times I tried this place it was completely dead.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Very good review and I find it generally accurate. I'm not sure I agree about Ariel (see my review from a couple of months ago). I don't believe she does extras, but the dances were quite decent contact. I definitely wouldn't say she "wants as little contact as possible", though I'm sure she would be happy if guys gave her money for just looking at her :) Unless her dances changed drastically, which could've happened. She was just starting to dance when we had fun. I think part of it also day vs night. I think night was always a bit more of a "typical strip club" thing with a lot less mileage but more attractive dancers.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sunday night lights
    I'm with Scrub on this one. Sounds like BS shill review. This club is empty almost every single time I'm here. Too much praise with not much detail. Hard to believe there were that many hot women there on a Sunday night.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Low Energy Thursday Night
    Fair review. Thanks for the details. I keep hearing good things about Diana, hope I'll meet her one day. Yeah, your experience is pretty typical. I'd recommend a couple of things that might help you have better experience: 1. If you are shy and interested in a girl, tip her while she's on stage. If you are really interested, tip her $5. Normally the place is so dead, a dollar or two will do the trick. 2. In addition to tipping, just ask a girl for a dance while tipping her. In over 20 years of strip clubbing, I never had a girl say "no". Sometimes they disappear in the back and don't come out, or might have someone else waiting, but in general it works 9 times out of 10. 3. If all else fails, I'd try to get the courage to come up to the girl and ask her. Again, I'm not the most outgoing guy, but I never had a girl shut me down in a strip club. Not once. I've been to strip clubs many, many, many times and never had a dancer say "no" when I asked her for a dance. It does put you in a worse negotiating position as far as the dance prices go, but it's better than not having an option to get a dance at all. In general, some dancers there will do just the dances, and the experience you had with Diana is all you can hope for with them (or much worse - less interaction for more money, haha). Others will give you more options. I think this club might be better for locals with established regulars I guess. I'm not sure what you are looking for - just for dances or for more. If for more, ask if it's offered and how much. I don't think anyone in that club would be offended. Diana's VIP prices do sound through the roof, and probably won't get you much more than what you already got in the back (i.e. just the dances), but I don't know her. There are definitely girls that will do a lot more for a lot less (or so I hear, not having first hand experience in something like that of course).
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Scammed by Simone
    Thank for sharing this. While it's not uncommon for a stripper to start dancing before the next song, I personally do consider it a scam as well. I never repeat with those that do, and I appreciate the info. I agree with DC about asking the stripper to wait for the next song if they start in the middle. I wouldn't assume they would treat you fairly. There are many stories on this site about much worse rip offs that took place, especially in Kittens, so you definitely should be careful.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Return to the 70’s Muse
    Thanks DC, always enjoy your reviews, very entertaining :), though I would've appreciated dancer names in the reviews (unless extracurricular activities are mentioned of course). Sounds like I should check out Thursday night minus your muse as I get off on twigs (to quote you I believe?, haha).
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    A good trip which was surprising given the travel talent.
    Thanks for the review. Danced with that dancer before. She's a hottie. She stopped doing floor dances for me after 2 dances though when she saw I wasn't heading for the VIP, which was too bad. Sounds like you had a good VIP experience with her, so maybe something to try after all. She was a 10 for me, exactly what I like.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Monse Madness
    Thank for the review. As far as wanting a girl to sit down with you before asking for a dance... I guess different strokes here. I actually don't want a dancer to sit down with me unless I specifically ask her for a dance. Usually I'm short on time, and when a girl I'm not interested in sits down next to me (or even on my lap) and starts a conversation, she cock blocks me from getting interest from or dances from a more attractive dancer. So I am personally perfectly fine with drive bys. Or at least I strongly prefer that a girl asks me if I want some company/can she sit down with me instead of just jumping on my lap and starting an unbearably boring conversation I don't want to have. Most of the time it would be a dancer I would never look at twice. The more attractive dancers don't normally have time to waste like that, and neither do I.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I’m the Fool Today
    Sorry to hear that man, been there done that with the same exact scammer. Much cheaper education for me at only $100. She really took you bad. Thank you for sharing with everyone. Hope you have a better experience next time an honest dancer/provider.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Better During Dayshift
    Thank for the review. Holly crap I saw Tiffany during my last visit, you are certainly correct about her being nearly flawless. Unfortunately was getting a dance from someone else but will be back to get dances from Tiffany. Hopefully she sticks around.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    With Apologies to England Dan & John Ford Coley, Nights Are Forever Here Because the Laps Suck Ass
    Great review, thanks! I guess I'm lucky I'm there only during the day.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Why Is Everybody Always Picking on Me??
    Thanks for sharing, much appreciated. Yeah, I feel like there are more ROBs in this club than other Seattle clubs. I was robbed bi Niomi/Winter as well - see Sharing on here is all we can do to help out other PLs. Good to know she goes by Winter now (not sure why you didn't include her name to begin with, but thanks for adding it later). I always include names - good or bad (I never post anything that would get girls in trouble with cops or management, but if they ROB me - fuck them, their name is in my review). You can certainly have some shitty experiences here, but you can also have some good ones. As you well know yourself, never pay in advance. Niomi/Winter was the one that taught me the lesson. Next time some chick there asked me for the payment in advance I said no. She said "we agreed on X, right?", which was completely wrong. I told her "no, we agreed on Y" and walked out. Any time any stripper in any club asks for your money in advance - run. You can have really good time in this club for very reasonable $$, you just have to find the right dancer. Sometimes you can do it right in the lap dance area without getting VIP, saving you even more. I agree, Pandora seems to be more honest on average. Unfortunately I've been able to find better looking dancers at Kittens more often. I have three rules and they help some. Sounds like you know them already, but I'll repeat anyway: 1. Never go with a Vulture(s) waiting by the front door ( It's practically TUSCL textbook. 2. Never pay in advance in a strip club. Not even with your ATF. Once in a while your ATF turns into ROB. If they insist, walk away. I know it can be really hard sometimes. 3. Never dance with a girl that doesn't dance on stage. They normally have to pay club extra to skip stages (Stage Fee -, meaning they need to make it up - which is coming out of your pocket. Also they typically have GPS and will more likely be ROBs. I also know I'll probably get tricked by an ROB again, and I'll just share the info and roll with the punches. That's the nature of strip-clubbing (and other adult entertainment). Guys think with their dicks when they are in the strip clubs, and strippers are more often more ethically challenged than women in other professions. So you kind of have to expect that. That's my attitude now anyway. I certainly do get pissed, and outing them for being ROB is the best thing we can do. Also, FWIW, I had shitty experiences in Pandora as well. Not quite on the Niomi/Winter level, but close. E.g. see That's why it's important to post the names.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Snowy day ain't keepin' no Karen away
    Thanks, good to know who to stay away from. Curious, you still spent $300-$500 on just Lilith? Or was it spread around on other dancers as well?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Hit or miss, but still decent
    @Meat72 - yeah, it was bleak back in June but much better now. At least there are many more choices. I kind of enjoy the excitement of the hunt. I think you are right about the license thing. I know Summer (my ATF) has a civilian job and only dances twice a week (haven't seen her recently). Madelyn (from this review) is a surgical nurse somewhere. So yeah, some of these ladies are only part-time dancers, which to me is actually kinda hot. I.e. you literally have a hot nurse giving you a lap dance. And yeah, as far as VIP goes - if everybody starts getting VIP, $10 dances will be gone as they have been in Bourbon Street for many years now (were they ever a thing there?). So I'm doing my part to preserve and protect $10 floor dances, lol. Phoenix is the only city I get to take my time and play with a variety of dancers without it costing an arm an a leg. And I do spend the same amount, just takes me a bit longer. The dancers that don't get that - well, that's their loss. Like you said, the time they spend making the rounds and getting shut down could be spent so much better giving repeated floor dances. I don't think we have any brain surgeons or rocket scientists dancing there. I should add most day shift girls said they work Tuesday-Friday only. Jackie told me Saturday is dead empty and doesn't get busy till 10pm so it doesn't make sense for her to come in during the day. So if you do day shift, go Tue-Fri, not Sat-Mon. Also Sunday they don't even open till 4pm.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Early xmas present
    Thanks @Joeno. I guess it makes me curious enough to at least stop by and take a look :)
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Early xmas present
    Thanks for the review. Is Morgan in her pre-COVID shape? She used to be the best looking dancer there (day time anyway, or any time I guess...) IHMO. Saw her post-COVID and was so disappointed. That was a few months ago. I kept hoping to hear she's back and she's back in shape again.