
Poll tricks

Friday, January 27, 2006 12:59 PM
I thought it about time I posted something related to strip clubs. I have to admit something. I actually like a good stage show. Don't get me wrong, I still want to grope anonymous women in a dark corner of a back room, but I like to see a dancer...dance on occasion. Perhaps it's my preference for spinners, I always watched the women's gymnastics competitions on TV when the olympics came around. Whatever the reason, I really like a good stage show, and poll tricks in particular. Opinions?


  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Shadow: I believe "Lil' Bit" is a fairly common nickname in the South for a petite girl. I recall a movie where I think it was Reese Witherspoon who was called that. I've seen it as a stage name in other club reveiws, but I knew we were talking about the same girl when you mentioned her pole tricks.
  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    I like pole tricks. I think they are pretty cool. But it doesn't factor in who I would get a dance from.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Shadow, I met Lil' Bit back in 1997 or '98 on my only day ever in Memphis clubs at Babes on Brooks Road. Shoulder-length brunette hair with a slightly upturned nose, as I recall. A few weeks later, i heard she was dancing at Platinum Plus. I remember she was a real dynamo onstage, but mostly I remember her smokin' lapdances. Great girl!
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Pole tricks are an anachronism in today's strip clubs. They're a throwback to a bygone era, almost like the male comics that shared stage time with strippers at burlesque shows. I believe most customers view them as a distraction from the main attraction. (Hey, maybe somebody should conduct a pole. Not me, though, I'm not Pollish!) I don't see them done much, so they're a bit of a welcome break from the routine. Besides, I look fondly on anachronisms.

    Although you don't see a lot of pole tricks at any of the clubs I go to, when you do, it's usually a stripper who came from a Deja Vu. Apparently, they're real keen on them, so if that's your thing you might try a Deja Vu. (God, I can't believe I actually typed the words, "you might try a Deja Vu".)
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    No, I meant to mis-spell it on the title, not in the body of the post. The juxtoposition of the pun with the... You know, it was Robert Burns night Wednesday, and I had a root cannal, and well today I got home early and ther was this nice 15yo single malt, and...
    19 years ago
    AN, when you do something clever don't ever admit it wasn't on purpose, I thought it was a great juxtaposition, given your location. Anyway if you like pole tricks, you would love Crystal City Restaurant. Some of the girls there are ex-gymnasts who do some truly amazing things on the pole. But if you really prefer poll tricks, you should have no trouble finding them during this election year, just read the Washington Post.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I'm glad someone gets my warped sense of humor on occasion.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    (although I admit I meant to spell it right in my post, but ...) See I was taking a poll about what we thought of pole tricks... nevermind.
  • tropicalH2O
    19 years ago
    At first I thought this was a political site about polls. I get it now, 'pole tricks'. I like to watch dancers who are nimble and graceful. I enjoy the spinning around the pole in creative ways more than climbing the pole. There are dancers who climb the pole, get to the top and swing around the pole upsidedown with their legs in a "v" doing the splits. I like it when they use a lot of muscle control and slowly slide down the pole and land in splits.

    There was one tall former ballerina who used to fly around the pole in the splits with one foot hovering above the floor and the other foot almost touching the ceiling. She would spin so fast that her "cookie" jiggled (like a dog with it's head out the window, having air distort the shape of its mouth).
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