
Comments by zipman68 (page 33)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The top 10. does cheap equall top value?
    @steve229 -- that's right. LMN didn't care about the imaginary tax benefits of donating his imaginary money to charities. Maybe if we had pointed out some good imaginary charities -- perhaps "The Society for Ultra-rich Drug and Hooker Fanatics". I bet he'd have donated to an organization fighting for his rights!
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    10 years ago
    wearing condom before dance
    @jinlee1980 -- you've answered your own question. If a rubber helps you LDK and you want to LDK, wear the rubber. Just excuse yourself to use the bathroom before the dance and pop it on. Wait...is it still a LDK if you jizz in a rubber in your pants? Or do you have to let the jizz ooze around in your trousers?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    A Tribute to Alucard
    ^^^ What Slick said.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The top 10. does cheap equall top value?
    Joking aside, no -- cheap does not equal value. I'd rather have better service and pay more that get a $5 crap dance.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The top 10. does cheap equall top value?
    ^^^ @steve229 dude, to be fair, LMN only donated that money for the tax benefits. LMN PMed me saying that if it wasn't for "the damn socialist tax code" he wouldn't have donated anything. In fact, he told me that he'd have gone down to the orphanage, bitch slapped the cutest orphan, repossessed their gruel, and used the profit he made from that Snidely Whiplash move to buy another hooker. LMN was a cold mofo.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Get in line guys.
    ^^^ That is some twisted stuff GMD.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why did you say that?
    Thanks for the answer MrDeuce. I was just curious about the issue. I mostly read and post here for some laughs, but it is interesting to hear why people post specific things. I actually enjoyed the digression. Having lived in a variety of places I feel there is good and bad and high class and low class everywhere. Often the stereotypes (both good and bad) have a little basis in truth. But often I find the ways that people conform to those sterotypes a bit charming. I sometimes wished that I travelled more. Not fly to place X and do things, either for work or pleasure, but really travelled. Take time to drive some of the old roads (pre-interstate highway system) and just met folks and ate in little diners and stuff (and checked out the strip clubs, of course).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "The Dirty Sanchez"
    Despite enjoying the lowbrow humor of Jackass, I've never seen the Dirty Sanchez show. However, hearing that a UK show is advertised as making Jackass look like kindergarten makes me remember a Jerry Springer interview I heard on the BBC when I was traveling. It stuck with me because it was so fucking funny -- the host asked Springer if he thought he could do the same show he does in the US in the UK. Through the RP you could just hear the subtext of "of course Springer couldn't do his show here -- we're so much more sophisticated than the trailer trash in the states..." Springer's reply was something like "well, we might have to adjust a bit but, yes, the same basic rock 'em sock 'em show would work in Britain..." The interviewer just sort or harrumphed and moved on.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Get in line guys.
    Somewhat OT, but if you do a search for Zoe Zebra you get: http://wafflesatnoon.com/golden-zebra-real-or-hoax/ Pretty coo-el!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why did you say that?
    And where did we get Gatorade from? Talk about innovation...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Ever been to a swinger's club?
    Never been to one. My understanding is that, as jerikson said, most swingers are people you wouldn't want to swing with. I'll stick with hot stripper, thank you very much.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why did you say that?
    ^^^ Fair enough Clubber. I actually love Florida, especially North Florida, which is the South. I've never been further south than Sarasota though. But I've heard that the further south you go in Florida, the further North you actually go.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I am - You are?
    Clubber, dude... You're a sensible guy. Why buy into the aspect of conservative thought that says strip clubs (or commercial sex more generally) is a bad thing? There are a lot of areas where liberals and conservatives should be making common cause. Like the militarization of the local police, driven in large part by the drug war. Now I don't do drugs. I don't live in a state with legal marijuana and harder drugs are just plain a bad idea. However, the point is that we are spending a LOT of money to capture and jail people for stuff they are doing to themselves. I would think that a conservative would say "stop spending my tax dollars to arrest and jail otherwise law abiding citizens for behavior that is self-destructive but doesn't affect me". Maybe it affects you indirectly, but a lot of that is easy to deal with. I.e., if you're an employer you fire folks if they let drinking (currently legal, of course) or drugging interfer with the job. But it isn't your business beyond that. If somebody loses their job because they're stoned at work, you get rid of them. A liberal should say "we're ruining lives by sending non-violent drug users to prison, destroying their future job prospects, and training them to be real criminals" (I firmly believe that prison is like a trade school for criminals). And when the cops make a mistake -- and they do -- they harass law abiding citizens, shoot their dogs, and otherwise behave like real fascists. Commercial sex is the same deal. Involuntary pimping should be a crime. Being a public nuisance like walking the streets should be a crime. Knowingly spreading STDs through commercial sex should be a crime. But some girl (OVER 18!!!) that willingly sells sexual services. Why is that a crime?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    A bit OT...I love the phrase "not a value judgement" My favorite record review sticks with me after MANY years. It was for Lou Reed's "Metal Machine Music" "Four album sides of unlistenable noise. A description, not a value judgement." That deserves a WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ^^^ Rick dude. That was a serious burn. I mean really...you just tossed some hot oil from the KFC deep fryer straight at the Juiceman. That was going from zero to SUPERTROLL in like 5 seconds! I'm just making an observation, not a value judgement.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why did you say that?
    And Juice dude... You know you make us laugh here on TUSCL and we love you like a brother for that. Well, some of us do. Others think you're a first class asshole. That hate you enough that they won't even jokingly say "asswhole". But dude, you hurt this poor girl enough that she is telling us about your jizz rag. How much do you have to hurt somebody for them to publicly share your masturbatory habits? I'm serious about this. My advice, for what it is worth, is to reach out to her and apologize and try to give her and her son a little closure. You don't want somebody you loved to hate you, do you? That is bad for the soul. #dotherightthingjuice
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why did you say that?
    @motorhead -- I'm sure you're just making fun of South because...well, because it is funny to do so. And easy. However, don't forget that the Raleigh-Durham area is an innovation hub. Probably one of the biggest concentrations of STEM PhDs in the world. And old Savannah has a beautiful historic district. And Flannery O'Connor was no inbred moron. And don't forget that Thomas Jefferson was a Virginian. And he was no dummy...as JFK said at a state dinner honoring American Nobel Laureates... "I think that this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House, with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." Of course, there is also Mississippi, and that place is just fucked up. And what to say about FloriDUH? Joking aside, like everywhere, the South has a lot of coo-el stuff and great people. Even ol' Juice's neck of the woods (assuming the reports of his location are true) has a vibrant arts scene. And there is this wonderful BBQ joint on the north edge of town. Only BBQ place I've been where the waiter was a hippy. And the Tupelo Honey Cafe downtown..,any place called THC is alright by me! Seriously though, Asheville has great food and great art -- especially if you are into wonderful folk art.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why did you say that?
    ^^^ Shorter version of the above. "WEEE-YAWWW!!!!" makes me laugh. The idea that it sounded a bit like a cartoon donkey or mule did occur to me though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why did you say that?
    Good question Steve229 my man... Why do I say "WEEE-YAWWW!!!"? Well, all good TV heroes have a catch phrase. Robin in the old school Batman show had "Holy XXXX, Batman". "Bones" McCoy had "damnit Jim" an "I'm a Doctor, not a XXXX". Hannibal Smith had "I love it when a plan comes together". The teenage mutant ninja turtles had "Cowabunga" (as did Bart Simpson). And, finally, there is the least believable character of all...Steve Urkel. Yep, ol' Mr. "did I do that?" himself had a catchphrase. So, I wanted something that expressed glee. I also figured that "YEE-HAW!!!" would be trite. But mules probably heard cowboys and cowgirls say "YEE-HAW!!!" all of the time. I also reasoned that mules might dig getting blowjobs and asked myself "what sound would a mule getting a good BJ from a HAWT cowgirl make?" "WEEE-YAWWW!!!" came to mind.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    las Vegas suggestions
    ^^^ Not that there is anything wrong writhe getting a Latin rent boy if you swing that way. Jus' sayin' that most of us don't swing that way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    las Vegas suggestions
    shailynn dude...I hope you meant "smokin' hot Latina"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    @jayzex -- realize that it would be completely within Juice's personality to fuck with us by making up an ex that posts shit like you're posting. Hell, the Vaseline and jizz-rag comment is pure Juice. But think about this. Is there anything the dude can say that will help? You're going to get asked questions like "so, did Juice ever ask if he could put a drumstick of the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay up your asswhole?" (Your ex's favored spelling of asshole) Do you want that? I should probably sit back and pull out the popcorn so I can enjoy the show. But I suspect you're real and feel sorry for you. Trust me, you aren't going to get satisfaction.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    ^^^ True dat bvino Somehow I would have thought Juice's ex starting to post here would have been...well...funnier. But I feel sorry for jayzex (assuming she's real) and sort of feel like Juice is playing with some bad juju if he is actually posting as his pissed-off ex.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    The "L" word
    I think steve229 has it right. We need a groovy hash tag! #dotherightthingjuice