wearing condom before dance

avatar for jinlee1980
does anyone else here put on a condom before the lap dance? i'm uncircumcised and sometimes the dance can be quite painful if it is vigorous. on the other hand if i have a condom on I can pop 100%. also no mess.


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avatar for jerikson40
New York
11 years ago
Tried it, bad idea, IMO.

The logistics are difficult, getting it on, keeping hard while it's on or it falls off, keeping hard after you blow and it falls off and the jizz gets all over anyway, dealing with the used condom afterwards, etc. It's just a huge pain in the ass. Personally, I just let it blow and don't worry about it. Yeah, a few dancers might do the dodge, but thankfully in my experience a majority are trying to make you blow in the first place.

I really don't give a shit if someone sees a stain on my shorts, especially other customers. Who gives a fuck what some dude thinks?

And condoms suck in terms of tactile sensation, as we all know. I hate condoms. So yeah, I've tried them, including novel methods for trying to strap them on so they don't slide off when you get a softy, but it's just not worth it.

Let 'er rip.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
11 years ago
BTW, from your username or whatever it sounds like you're an Asian guy right? Well, I'm guessing you're working with a small dick anyway, so the whole condom thing is a no-brainer. Don't even bother, IMO.

Nothing personal, but we know that stereotype is true, right?
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
jerkison going HAM!!! NEXt thing he might say is all black people like chicken wings and pigs feet
avatar for jinlee1980
11 years ago
lol well played sir...but luckily mine is normal sized and the condom usually doesn't all off if i button the boxers below it. i hate condoms too but it's almost necessary if i'm gonna get a rough lap dance. now if she is gonna give an hj then it usually isn't a problem.
avatar for jerikson40
New York
11 years ago
Actually, for me at least, a rough lap dance is when I want the condom the least. After you blow, a rough dance will slide the condom right off, and it's jizz city all over the place.

If its a pain issue, I'd suggest wearing some very soft and slippery shorts. Never had a pain issue, except when getting an HJ from an unskilled laborer who rubs it raw. OUCH !!!!
avatar for Dougg
11 years ago
My last visit, I excused myself to go to the restroom where I put on the damn condom.

And it worked a heck of a lot better!

Previous visits my penis would inevitably become free of my undershorts and get rubbed sore on my khaki slacks. And now, problem solved. (even though in the bathroom I could only get half erect, even though she was a Hispanic lady in her mid-thirties just my type. I decided, fuck it, I'll put it on anyway, and in zen-like fashion it kind of worked out)
avatar for jerikson40
New York
11 years ago
"...free of my undershorts and get rubbed sore on my khaki slacks."

Aye, there's the rub... :)

Don't wear undershorts. Don't wear khaki slacks. Go commando, and wear very soft pajama shorts or pants, or some very soft and slippery basketball shorts.

Yeah, condoms can work if the stars align. But IMO, the vast majority of the time it's more trouble than it's worth.
avatar for mmdv26
11 years ago
I don't care much for rubbers. As jerikson has outlined, the bad issues outweigh the good ones. When I'm about to blow, I urge the dancer to pull it out and place her "pie hole" over it. Too bad it's just piss since I got my cancerous prostate removed....hahaha.
avatar for jinlee1980
11 years ago
my problem is when it's rough and there's no condom then my foreskin gets pulled back to roughly and it becomes painful. pain = impossible to blow ur wad. excusing myself to the restroom could be a good option. or i guess i could just brazenly ask her if i can put one on right then and there!
avatar for jerikson40
New York
11 years ago
"...i guess i could just brazenly ask her if i can put one on right then and there!"

That became my standard practice, except that I never asked. If it's a mileage club, then no big deal, just pull out the rubber, slide it on, and off to the races.
Oh jeez, the majority of guys on here talk about BBCIMBJ and now we have a guy that WANTS a covered lap dance? TUSCL is indeed some upside down bizarro world
You should either get a blowjob or get a circumcision. Only a complete idiot wears a condom during a lap dance.

avatar for BigTuna1
10 years ago
Mo head lol thst is so so true
@jinlee1980 -- you've answered your own question. If a rubber helps you LDK and you want to LDK, wear the rubber. Just excuse yourself to use the bathroom before the dance and pop it on.

Wait...is it still a LDK if you jizz in a rubber in your pants? Or do you have to let the jizz ooze around in your trousers?
avatar for jinlee1980
10 years ago
aren't u guys worried about catching something if u go BBBJ? i mean that would be amazing and all but still...
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
I ain't afraid of catching diseases. Shit, diseases are afraid of catching me.
Slick - are you The Most Interesting Man in the World?
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^umpires at baseball games he's at ask him what the right call is
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
jinlee: aren't u guys worried about catching something if u go BBBJ? i mean that would be amazing and all but still...
me: Yes, it is amazing and no, I'm not worried

SlickSpic: +1
Don’t wear rough fabric – I wear thin, soft, cotton, black sweatpants that look like regular slacks – I like to go commando so in a commando situation anything w/ a zipper is a no-no IMO.

I either wear thin soft black sweatpants or some soft smooth athletic shorts – a smooth fabric, as silk-like as possible; often helps.

Also – don’t be afraid to ask the dancer to dance more slowly and sensually (at least slower) – many dancers don’t have a f’ing clue what they are doing and some just don’t care – but you are the paying customer and should get the kind of dance you like.

Also – I sometimes reach inside and adjust the torpedo – feel free to do that although some dancers may freak seeing you reach into your manhood b/c they think you are going to take it out – but just explain to them that you just needed to adjust it b/c you were feeling uncomfortable.

Also – you may want to put the torpedo in a position that is more comfortable for grinding and perhaps less prone to having the foreskin pulled back – e.g. you can push the torpedo down to a horizontal position and let her basically be on the top part/shaft of the penis rather than on the sensitive head.
Papi - The dancers that I know reach in and do the adjusting themselves. :)
avatar for BigTuna1
10 years ago
Mo head yes slick is
avatar for jinlee1980
10 years ago
thanks for the suggestions. i think my next milestone is to secure the BJ. would be awesome.
avatar for BigTuna1
10 years ago
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