
Delta vs Omega

Any place that interests me.
I'm (as)(pre) suming that a sizeable segment of TUSCL readership are familiar with "National Lampoon Animal House", and thus recall the contrast between Omega House(Well kept up, preppie, but sterile and given to formality) vs Delta House( rundown, but wild & loose energy, informal). To what degree do you consider your tastes in SC's, Delta or Omega, or somewhere in between? 2nd ? Which clubs that you've been to truly epitomize the extremes?


  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Book Guy,

    Not at all offended or bothered by your posts. It was just an observation on my part.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Chandler has a point. The smooth-talking guy (got the girl by acting like his girlfriend had just died) was an Omega type of dude, but he was hanging out with the Delta gys. He was preppy, at least. Maybe you need to LOOK Omega but ACT Delta? :)
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Clubber: You hit the nail on the head, about how I got my name. :) Sorry to usurp the boards or the bandwidth, if you feel that way -- long ago I realized anyone who isn't interested in unusually long posts, can simply ignore or delete them (depending on setup of the software). I was posting some time in the 1990s -- about 94? -- and people started saying I wrote a "book" every time. So, the nick stuck. It was on either TUSCL or CanBest where this happened, if I remember correctly.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I much prefer the Delta-type clubs, because formality just bugs me in most social contexts. My favorite club is indisputably Delta and can get really wild at times. But Omega-type clubs aren't all bad. The local club I visit is mostly Omega, because everything seems planned out. But they got better looking girls.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Without a doubt, Delta. I generally do not like anything formal. The perfect club? Still looking, but won't give up! Did we give up when the Germans bombed Peral Harbor? NO!

    After reading Book Guy's post, I know why he is uses "Book Guy".
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Delta is more my style, but I seem to remember the Omega guys having hotter girlfriends. The Delta guys' girlfriends were more like the indie chicks of their day. Actually, whatever the sorority was where the smooth talking Delta guy conned the luscious girl to join him in sorrow over her dead friend - their club is where I'd wanna go.
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    Omega in the club.
    Delta in the PD/VIP.


  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I don't have a percentage. But I usually read the boards and know what to expect. If I'm in Hilton Head and going to Thee Dollhouse I know it's going to be Omega and that's fine - great looking club, clean, nice bar, great girls but keep away from them. However if I'm going down to Tampa to Mons it's Delta, run down shack, wild guys, still get the quality girls though. I guess that with some clubs you have a mix of the two. If you look at most of the Platinum clubs you have a mix - nice looking clubs, good service, hot women but it can get pretty wild. The club in Lawrence, KS - the Outhouse is as Delta as I've ever seen lol
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago

    Great question. Delta or Omega? Hmm, I'll take a Kappa Chino Frappa Halfa Decaf please.

    I'd have to go with Delta (the informal one) because you can get extras there and really "interact" with the girls interpersonally. Now, if Omega-level "ambience" were available at a place where you could also visit the VIP and for the same price as in Delta you could still ... well, you know ... then I'd probably prefer Omega. But Omega's prices are generally higher and rules are always more restrictive.

    I think a lot of the Omega clubs ("classy" gentlemen's clubs which try to cater to high rollers and generally increase prices instead of volume) are fading out. For a while strip clubs had a definite dichotomy. Thee Doll House in Tampa is an example. Part of the Omega nature of the place is in their many services -- cigar bar, steak buffet, quiet atmosphere -- but part is simply in the fact that they serve liquor, and therefore are disallowed from showing nudity.

    But as strip clubs become "mainstreamized" (every kid and his girlfriend just dropping in for a beer; people from work; etc.) the effectiveness of Omega marketing dwindles. You'd think the niche would actually grow (more McDonald's clubs with more disappointed high-roller customers would mean greater demand for Chix-Chix-Froux-Froux) but it seems to be working the other way.

    Often I find, as an experienced strip-club goer, that a given Omega club in a city tries to position itself as "the one" classy joint and suggests, in its advertising and its style and even among the dancers' conversation, that the other clubs are "seedy" fronts for prostitution. Contrary to this advertising position, instead I find that the likelihood of prostitution and drug dealing is just as high (or low) at a given city's Omega as at its Delta, though the prices will follow the club's general level of expense.

    I also find that the clientele at an Omega is usually less aware of strip club etiquette. More men actually break the rules (whichever ones there are) there, than at a hoot-n-holler Delta club. That's because Omega clubs aren't attracting the high-roller clients they seek, but rather are attracting people who almost never go to a strip club but are doing so just this once. In their desire to both maximize experience and personal safety (on the mistaken understanding that the "other" clubs, the Deltas, are seedy and dangerous) they end up at the perceived "classy" clubs.

    For this reason, I think a LOT of the general public has a misperception that girls at "high class" low-volume strip clubs are higher class people than the girls at higher-volume joints. That's false. They're often better looking and probably earning slightly more money. But they're generally just as trampy, or as classy, and they often shift among the different clubs, Delta and Omega, with little discrimination.

    Also, the citizenry tends to perceive a "high class" joint as less of a threat to the community at large. That's idiotic. If the mafia or the Korean drug kings are involved in any kind of human trafficking or other organized crime at a club in a given city, it's going to be at the places where they don't attract attention, where they can do deals, where the hottest women are attracted, and where an undercover cop will stick out like a sore thumb. In other words, at the high-class clubs.

    For all these reasons, the Omega clubs all kind of scare me. City by city, they seem to be really smarmy, and much more dangerous than just a typical "down home strip club." New York and Houston, for exmaple, have clubs that are low service, "high class," boring, attracting inexperienced customers, and probably fronts for all sorts of weirdness. Those same metro areas also have plenty of Delta locations where great fun can be had in much less threatening circumstances.

    If I ever get rolled or beat up in a strip club, it's likely going to be either in a low-low-low-end Delta (some ghetto place where I knew the risks when I chose to go there) or in a high-high-high-end Omega (some place where I accidentally offend Dmitri the Goon because he has a crush on Vanna whose sister Ivanka told him at the cigar bar that I wouldn't accept a blowjob from her for $1000).
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    For me the quality of the women is secondary to the environment of the club. I've had a good time in some real hell-holes and in some borderline snooty GC's, it all depends on the ladies.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    I'd take Delta, it's much more interesting, and Otter's room would make a great VIP.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    OK, I'll answer my own post- I would say that I'm about 80% Delta, and 20% Omega(can vary). I like wild, informal atmospheres, yet appreciate some "fine" touches now & then. As to 2nd?, I really don't have a perfect example, but throwing out some ideas- In Vegas(haven't been there in over 5 yrs) Paridise Club would be Omega, and Cheetahs or Crazy Horse Too(later may be less so now) Delta. I'd have to go to biker bar during bike wk for perfect Delta, or an upscale NYC club requiring coat&tie for perfect Omega.
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