
Comments by feelmore

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    19 years ago
    Ever Offended a Stripper By Asking for Extras/Private Shows/Dates?
    This is slightly off-subject, but picking up on the comments about STD's, I've noticed that after getting a lap dance or two I'll often develop a slight itchy sensation around my belt line about 4 to 6 days later. Can't see anything, but I notice this slight itchy sensation. After a few more days it goes away. Really strange. At first I thought I'd caught a case of the crabs, but have never heard of anyone catching anything like that at a strip club especially since my clothes never came off even though the dancer only had on a g-string. Anybody else ever experienced this, or heard of anyone who has?
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    18 years ago
    Stripper with the most unusual skill or attributes
    I have to agree with Doverman. A club in Pittsburgh featured a dancer who would lay on a table and shoot ping pong balls out of her pussy. She had amazing distance and accuracy. That must have been in the early 90's. Haven't seen anything like it since.
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    12 years ago
    Why do men love strip clubs so much?
    Strip clubs are efficient. Most men can get an attractive woman to get naked with them given enough time and effort. But look at what one has to go through in order to seduce an attractive woman; dates, drinks, dinner, shows, etc. Normally, you have to lay out a whole lot of time and money before she's naked. And if you are married, it gets even more complicated and expensive. The SC provides the environment and the women at a time that is convenient for you. A few bucks later and you've got a hot, naked, young thing grinding in your lap. When you've had enough, it's back to the real world. Who could ask for more than that.
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    13 years ago
    Cincinnati Strip Clubs, over the River to Kentucky, and Shanghai Mama's
    Great post. I lived in Cincy in the late 70s. Back then the clubs in Covington were much better and more "open." The clubs also featured top name strippers (aka porn stars) who used the dance circuit to promote their XXX movies. It was kinda cool to be able to see the big name porn queens perform on stage and then meet them after the performance. Most would pose with you for a Polaroid for $20. That's all nostalgia now.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Changes...and maybe changes in me too
    Many of your comments and observations ring true with me, too, Luckyone. I've visited strip clubs all over the USA for over 35 years. In my younger days, when the dancers were about my age, I held out some hope (fantasy) that I might strike up a relationship with one of them for some OTC action. What could be better than to have a hot stripper girlfriend for some extra-curricular activities? I soon learned, however, that getting involved with a stripper is a mistake. You just can't have a genuine relationship with a girl who works in the sexual fantasy industry. With rare exceptions, they see you as a customer and source of income; nothing more. It's that simple. Now that I'm older, the dancers are much younger than me. I no longer hold out any expectation that they will view me as a BF candidate. The most I can expect is perhaps Sugar Daddy status. But, you know, that's OK with me. I go to strip clubs to get away from the real world for a while and enjoy a sexual fantasy with a young gal who has a smokin' hot body. I'm too old to have a GFE with a 20 or 30 something girl in the real world. Those days are behind me now. But, for a few bucks, I can relive some of the days gone by. I often hit the strip clubs in the late afternoon. Looking around the club I notice that many of the men are older, middle aged men just like me. The young, good looking studs get all the action they want for free (or at least they think it's free. Remember guys, nobody rides for free.) The older guys may have lost their youthful good looks, but they've got something the younger guys often lack...$$$CASH. So now, I accept that I have to pay to get a hot 20 yo to give me a lap dance instead of getting some for "free" at the end of a date. Strip clubs are a fast, efficient way to get a little action and still be home by 9 pm. Long gone are the days of chasing tail until the bars close and then getting up bright and early the next morning to go to work. I'll leave that territory to you young guys. Maybe the dancers haven't changed that much, Luckyone. Maybe it's we who have changed....and perhaps our age and experience make us more realistic about the whole SCE. At least that's the way I see it. I could be wrong....
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    15 years ago
    To tell or not to tell, thats is the question!
    I've been married for just shy of 40 years and have been going to SCs during my entire marriage.&nbsp; Do I tell my wife that I go to SCs?&nbsp; Not on your life....<br /> <br /> I agree with the author that as long as it doesn't become an addiction or cause money problems, it's a harmless activity.&nbsp; But my experience is that it just pushes the wrong buttons on most women to be told that you like to go to SCs.&nbsp; Perhaps its a form of jealousy, but my gut instinct is that it causes fear and insecurity in the woman's mind&nbsp;that the strippers will tempt you to go&nbsp;for the extras&nbsp;and before long you'll lose interest in having sex with your wife.<br /> <br /> Don't ask...don't tell is a good motto for the average PL.&nbsp; But if your wife says it's OK and, in fact, she likes to go along, so much the better.&nbsp; But for me, I can only imagine the whole SCE to be very uncomfortable if my wife was along.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip Club Melancholia
    <span style="font-family: Tahoma"><span style="font-size: x-small">I've had a few gals who were depressing.&nbsp; Normally, though, I think they do an excellent job of promoting the fantasy.&nbsp; I know they don't fall in love with every customer, but some of the more skillful ones are experts at making you feel like you are the only one for them.&nbsp; One has to keep their wits about them to avoid falling into the GFE trap.&nbsp; Always remember that you are just a walking, talking ATM machine to them.&nbsp; That said, I traded email addresses with one stripper and she promptly sent me an email saying that her house just burned down and she was homeless and in desparate need of money.&nbsp; Yeah, right.</span></span>
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    15 years ago
    Why we go Gentleman's Clubs or Are Strip Clubs another form of just looking?
    Good article.&nbsp; The reasons we go to strip clubs vary depending on the situation.&nbsp; I agree with you that in many cases the wife is great in many, many way, but she's just not into sex.&nbsp; Rather than divorce an otherwise wonderful woman, it's easier and cheaper to get a little &quot;strange&quot; at the strip club.<br /> <br /> I wonder how many men are open and honest with their wives about their adventures at the SC.&nbsp; My guess is that few men admit to going to SC.&nbsp; I read about men who take their wives with them to the club, but my bet is that is a rare marriage indeed.<br /> <br />
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    15 years ago
    The proverbial scale of 10
    Excellent system.&nbsp; When I see a rating from 1 to 10 I'm never exactly certain what that means.<br /> <br /> Here's a suggestion....how about a 3 digit number like 3-2-2.&nbsp; Nah, too confusing.