To tell or not to tell, thats is the question!

avatar for zooyork
It's a well known fact that many men enjoy going o the strip clubs, I don't have to tell any of you that.&nbsp; Women, on the other hand, are often not as understanding of that fact.&nbsp; Many of us have girlfriends, wives, or significant others who we care about.&nbsp; As a result of that, we must walk a delicate line in order to assess whether or not we should tell our significant others of whether or not we are going to a strip club or not.<br />
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First, I'm gonna come out and say that I believe (just my opinion) that what she doesn't know won't hurt her.&nbsp; I don't think that your significant other needs to be told you are going to the strip club to do whatever it is you choose to do there.&nbsp; Provided this is not an addiction or anything of that nature, and you're not spending money that you don't have, or that was supposed to be for something else. <br />
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Reasons not to tell:&nbsp; From what I've seen, women can be extremely insecure about the most minute things.&nbsp; Imagine the thoughts that may run through their minds when they find out you'd rather go to the strip club and oogle naked women instead of them.&nbsp; While you may have justifiable and legitimate reasoning, she won't want to hear it.&nbsp; Women I have dealt with become extremely defensive, sometimes angry, and sometimes embarassed of me and of themselves.<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;You are not cheating (provided you're not going for extras or anyhting).&nbsp; Everyone needs a change of pace once in-a-while, especially those of us who have been in relationships for long periods of time.&nbsp; You may need to blow off some steam after work, kill time on a business trip,&nbsp; have some fun with the boys, have some extra dough to burn, or you simply want to see beautiful women, naked.&nbsp; I'm being simplistic here but I believe that you don't need to tell your significant other regardless of whether shes trustworthy and you telll her everything, I don't feel it's being deceptive to not do so.&nbsp; It just brings up more conflict when they find out as opposed to you simply going a few times a month or year discretely and on your own time.<br />
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Sure, I can see the argument for keeping the relationship honest and open, and there are probably just as many women who do not mind their husbands or boyfriends going to the strip club.&nbsp; But from what I've experienced, it;s been a big no-no for me.<br />
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Hope you all don't hate this article, and it may be boring and pointless, but its just my opinion.<br />
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So what do you guys think?<br />
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Tell, or not to tell?


last comment
don't tell, it opens up the floodgates, far too often.
I'm more lucky than I deserve.&nbsp; I tell, and sometimes she comes along.&nbsp; Then it gets interesting.<br />
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In general, however, I tend to agree with the author about it not being a good idea most of the time.&nbsp; It would be nice if everyone could do what I do, but I recognize that it's probably not possible.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
<p>First of all, I am a very serious Strip Clubber seeing gals otc and taking itc extras all the time.&nbsp; I really enjoy my hobby.....and am a LT VIP member of a couple of Houston area clubs.&nbsp; Even if I were happily married, I would do this.&nbsp; Heck, I like variety and have rotated multiple girls (It will drive u nuts LOL!).&nbsp; Houston is a SC mecca, dozens of clubs, high mileage 2 way contact, and lots of girls who work ouside the club.&nbsp; At one club where I am VIP extras are&nbsp;very available&nbsp;in CR and VIP.&nbsp; As a matter of fact, non extras girls will not survive in the club very long.<br />
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As far as discussing with anyone else, I keep it need to know only.&nbsp; Strippers and other Strip Clubbers - yes.&nbsp; Others - no.&nbsp; I would not discuss with a woman I was dating in the traditional sense and certainly not with a significant other.&nbsp; Women resent strippers (many of them know they are no competetion for them).&nbsp; You certainly don't want to disclose this to co-workers or anyone who could affect your career.&nbsp; Telling a woman your are going to a strip club enjoying much younger, prettier, uninhibited women is definitely a no no.&nbsp; I understand the need to discuss the hobby.&nbsp; I have a close friend, a longtime business assoiciate, who like me sees strippers.&nbsp; We discuss hobby issues all the time and have even shared girls at his house.&nbsp; About two years ago he invited me over to his house to meet a stripper I had seen at the club - Jessica 21.&nbsp; When I arrived she was in a bikini&nbsp;in his driveway talking with him, sunning.&nbsp; About half an hour later I took Jessica inside and fucked her in one of the bedrooms for $150.&nbsp; I&nbsp;went on to do her 27 times over the course of several months (she lowered the price to $100), rotating her with a couple of other girls.&nbsp; She introduced to her friend Maggie who also stripped a couple of weeks later and I did her a couple&nbsp;dozen times during the same period.&nbsp; My point is, having a good friend to discuss your strip club hobby is good as both of you can vent about the issues, share info / insights, and fix up each other with different&nbsp;girls.&nbsp;&nbsp;But discussing the hobby&nbsp;with &quot;civilians&quot; I would not advise.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
avatar for zooyork
15 years ago
Glad to see some comments and that I'm not the only one, I can tell you that two weeks ago, my friend who has been known to drop quite a bit of $$ at the SC, decided to come with me.&nbsp; He made the mistake of coming with me and telling girlfriend, she was NOT happy.&nbsp; Also, he made the mistake of telling the dancers that he had a girlfriend who was not&nbsp; he was was pretty funny because they called him a little bitch, and told him he was a pussy for doing so I got a laugh out of that.
I am a lifelong strip club fan and have been for almost 35 years.&nbsp; Been married for 20 and I tell my wife everything.&nbsp; If she had issues I wouldn't go, but since she doesn't and I work my ass off I go a lot.&nbsp; She has one rule: no extras, although she did relax her rules to let me attend and enjoy a stag party in Tijuana, in exchange for her ability to do something equally awful.&nbsp; I do not tell my friends about my hobby simply because I am tired of explaining to them why drinking in a bar with naked women is better than drinking in a bar without naked women.&nbsp; The same assholes who'll spend $1,000 per seat for the theater, think a 2/20 lap dance is a bad deal.
avatar for mreef
15 years ago
My wife does not know, nor do I have any desire to tell her.&nbsp; I've been happily married for 15 years.&nbsp; I don't want her to come with me.&nbsp; I like to get full contact LDs, but I draw the line at extras.&nbsp; First I am cheap and second it would cross the line of cheating IMHO.&nbsp; It allows me to have some contact but not sex with hot, young and most importantly DIFFERENT women.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for feelmore
15 years ago
I've been married for just shy of 40 years and have been going to SCs during my entire marriage.&nbsp; Do I tell my wife that I go to SCs?&nbsp; Not on your life....<br />
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I agree with the author that as long as it doesn't become an addiction or cause money problems, it's a harmless activity.&nbsp; But my experience is that it just pushes the wrong buttons on most women to be told that you like to go to SCs.&nbsp; Perhaps its a form of jealousy, but my gut instinct is that it causes fear and insecurity in the woman's mind&nbsp;that the strippers will tempt you to go&nbsp;for the extras&nbsp;and before long you'll lose interest in having sex with your wife.<br />
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Don't ask...don't tell is a good motto for the average PL.&nbsp; But if your wife says it's OK and, in fact, she likes to go along, so much the better.&nbsp; But for me, I can only imagine the whole SCE to be very uncomfortable if my wife was along.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
I have never understood telling a wife or GF about strippers.&nbsp; Thats a bad choice in my view admitting your spending money on other women let alone seeing them.&nbsp; Its worse to tell co-workers bc that could get back to a boss who might become biased against you and then fire you.&nbsp; Of course the company would write you up on how its all performance related.<br />
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If I were a young man and married I would definitely want to enjoy my SC hobby but would not breathe a word of it to a wife or GF.<br />
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Need to know is the key.
I can't think of anything good that could come from telling your SO.&nbsp; Only bad things can happen.&nbsp; If all is well at first, be assured it will come back to haunt you at some point in the future.&nbsp; There's no value in telling your SO or anyone else for that matter.&nbsp; I don't even necessarily tell other dances that I go to other clubs and hang out with other ladies...they too want to feel like they are the only ones getting your attention.&nbsp; Just my opinion, take it or leave. <br type="_moz" />
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